24. Medicine Problems (Dallon is just as bad as Brendon)

Finding time to write is so difficult, and then when I DO have time to write I'm too exhausted to actually sit down and type without getting distracted by the stupidest of things and giving up.

Anyway, here is more adorable Brallon

This is shorter than normal but I think it's better that it is

It's about like the middle of April in his fic at the moment, meaning that they've been living together for about 4 months?

"Baby, I know how much you want you're morning Sippy but you can't, it'll just make your tummy more poorly."Dallon tries to explain to the overly tired little who is following Dallon around the kitchen, dressed in his soft footise pyjamas and a duvet wrapped around his shoulders, whining at his Daddy for his Sippy of milk that he usually gets every morning but his daddy won't allow him to have.

They've been up since 5 this morning, with Brendon waking up once again to throw up - luckily in the bucket that Dallon had remembered to put beside the bed- and in too much of a state to fall back to sleep after that. So with reluctancy, Dallon had changed the little into a new set of pyjamas since his previous was soaked in sweat, and bundled the little up so that the two them could cuddle on the couch downstairs with their thick warm duvet.

Brendon and Dallon both had managed to get at least another hour of sleep while on the sofa, with Brendon falling asleep with the gentle rhythm of Dallons heart beat and the fingers that comes through his hair, and Dallon asleep to the soft purrs that Brendon had made. Their sleep would've went undisturbed if it wasn't for Brendon waking up with a massive migraine that caused the little into hysterics due to the pain.

It had taken Dallon over an hour to calm Brendon down, rocking him softly on the sofa and even after he had cleared away Brendon's tears and gave him a dose of Little safe pain killers - that he checked was okay along with his sickness medication - Brendon remained clingy and sniffly, even in his sick state he followed Dallon around the house.

"But I want!"Brendon sniffles stubbornly, rubbing his cheek against the soft, nice smelling material of the duvet cover that he has draped over his shoulders.

"Peanut, how about you lay down and watch some Disney in the living room, yeah? You're poorly and you should be all cuddled up, not worrying about what Daddy is doing."Because as much as he adores Brendon and usually finds it adorable to have a little shadow, Brendon is seriously sick and shouldn't be up and about like he is, and it'd calm Dallons nerves as well if he knew that Brendon was relaxing and getting better.

"Wan' sippy and ice cream."The hybrid pouts instead, his ears twitching in his hair as he looks at his Daddy who runs his fingers through his hair, tired himself.

"How about a Sippy of Water and some toast, yeah?"Dallon tries, already reaching to grab one of Brendon's Monster Inc themed sippy cups. He knows that it isn't the most exciting meal in the world to be giving the little but he needs the water to keep hydrated and toast will help his poorly stomach.

"Nooooooo."Brendon whines frustratedly because why won't his Daddy let him have what he wants? He doesn't want water and toast, he doesn't even like toast! Daddy knows that! Brendon just wants his Morning Sippy and ice cream.

"Okay, okay. No need for tears."Dallon is which to soothing, rushing over so that he can engulf the sick little into a large, warm hug that the little immediately melts into, tears soaking through the hoodie that Dallon's wearing. The daddy makes a sound of sympathy in the back of his throat, pressing a kiss to the top of Brendon's head as he rocks them side to side gently.

"Feel icky."Brendon hiccups into Dallons hoodie, rubbing his nose against the soft material and in the process wiping his tears and shot on the hoodie.

"I know you do baby, Daddy is trying his best to do everything he can to make you feel better."The Daddy tells him gently, rubbing a large hand up and down Brendon's back which causes the hybrid to let out a low purr."But in order for Daddy to make you better, you have to do what Daddy says, so when I say you have to lie down and take your medicine."

"No medi'ine."Brendon shakes his head, whimpering at the thought. It had been easier to get the medicine into the little when it had been 3 in the morning and Pete was there to distract the little, but now, Brendon refuses to taste the disgusting liquid that doesn't taste like blackberries at all!

"Yes Medicine. It'll make your poorly tummy better and stop you having icks."Dallon uses his reserved Daddy voice for Brendon, keeping his voice soft and gentle as he speaks. When Brendon just shakes his head and whines, Dallon sighs."How about, if Daddy takes his medicine, Brendon takes his."

"Okay..."Brendon whispers after a couple of moments of silence, looking up at his Daddy with tears in his eyes, a sniffling nose and twitching kitten ears. It hurts Dallons heart to see the little so sick and upset, it makes him want to do everything possible to make him feel better.

Dallon is telling Brendon to head back into the livingroom while he fetches Brendon's medicine from where it has been left in the bedroom from last night. He winces whenever he spots Sinatra The Giraffe from where he's still sitting on the bedside table, smelling and looking worse than last night. It's been astonishing how Brendon has yet to ask for him, and maybe it's because he hasn't noticed or he's been distracted by the blue bird stuffie that Pete had bought him.

Grabbing the soiled Stuffed Giraffe and the medicine, Dallon is heading back down stairs, throwing the stuffed giraffe into the washing machine for a wash. Hopefully Brendon won't notice and will hopefully be okay with Sinatra being washed. He hesitates before grabbing his own mostly forgotten medication from the cabinet, along with a glass of water and Brendon's sippy of water too.

"Daddy?"Brendon asks as he watches his Daddy pour some of the dark purple looking liquid onto the special medicine spoon, hands gripping around his Monster Inc themed sippy cup that rests on his lap.


"Why do you take medicine?"Brendon asks timidly, his tail wrapping around his middle from under the thick duvet cover that is still wrapped around him on the sofa."A-are you sick?"

"It's nothing you need to worry about, sweetpea. I promise."Dallon sighs, rolling the pill between his finger and thumb in a lost concentration as he holds out the spoon for Brendon."I'm the Daddy, I'm the only one that needs to worry. Now Open up."

"You can have it."



"Brendon, you agreed that if Daddy takes his, you'll take yours."

"Yes, but Daddy hasn't had his yet."Brendon points out crossing his arms over his chest and purposely turning his head away whenever his Daddy tries to bring the spoon up to his Mouth. Brendon might be sick but he isn't stupid! He heard what his Daddy had said.

"Just because you're sick, it does not mean you can get away with disobeying the rules."

"Well then Daddy must stick to agreements then."The little replies, sticking his tongue out at his Daddy who grumbles something about how much of a shit that Brendon is, popping the pill into his mouth and managing to keep the medicine still on the spoon as he reaches for his glass of water. He swallows, setting the water down.


"Let me see."

"You sure are bossy when you're sick, aren't you?"Dallon raises his eyebrow at the little before he's sticking his tongue out to show that he has indeed swallowed the pill, causing Brendon to squint suspiciously. Shaking his head, Dallon holds the spoon out towards the little."C'mon, open up."

The little scrunches up his nose whenever he is forced to swallow the disgusting medicine, quickly followed with him taking gulps of his water to try and get rid of the taste. Dallon makes a sound of sympathy, setting the bottle of medicine onto the coffee table as he opens his arms for the kitten hybrid.

Without hesitation, Brendon is crawling his way onto Dallons warm and open lap, burrowing his face into the soft material of his Daddy's hoodie and smelling the sweet scent that is Dallon Weekes, a scent that has quickly grown to be one of Brendon's favourite smells.

"My brave little boy,"Dallon praises, kissing behind Brendon's left kitten ear and causing it to twitch at the affection, a low purr coming out."I know that being sick is terrible, but you're being so good, even if you're gaining a very sassy attitude."

"M'not."Brendon argues, voice muffled from where his face it buried in Dallons hoodie.

"Hmm, as you say. But I'm letting you away with it only because you're a sick little baby."He hums, pressing a couple of kisses to Brendon's head. They sit in one another's company for a moment longer before Dallon speaks up again."Tyler was wondering if when you're feeling better, If you want to go over to his house. Are you up for that?"

"Will Joshy be there?"Brendon gasps excitedly, cheeks tinted a rosy pink and Dallon is glad that there's colour coming back into his face.

"Of course he will be! Tyler says that Josh misses you!"Dallon laughs whenever Brendon is nodding his head enthusiastically. It was great to see Brendon being excited over more stuff than just getting a bath or finding out a new Disney film, especially now that he's excited to being able to see his new friend.

Josh and Brendon's friendship was one that Dallon adored, because it's an adorable mix of a Kitten Hybird and a Puppy hybrid becoming friends, and it was gene better yet when Josh's protective instincts come out when he's around the kitten hybrid. Brendon needs a friend like that, and as much as he has Dallon as his Daddy, he needs a protective friend too.

"You wanna watch a film and try and go for a nap, baby? I know you're sleepy."Dallon suggests, earning a more slow and sleepy nod from the kitten hybrid now that the lack of sleep and sickness was catching up on him. Gently, Dallon is rearranging the pair so that they're laying on the sofa, with the two of them on their side and Brendon's back up against Dallons chest.

"Belle please."Brendon requests, snuggling closer into Dallons chest and stealing the warmth from the older man.

"As you wish."He laughs lowly, making sure that they're both snuggled up under the thick duvet as he puts on the film, pulling Brendon closer into his chest as the Disney film starts to play. And it's times like these that Dallon most treasures.

Hey guys!

I went to see Logan today and the fucking tears were tripping me, man. A 10/10 film.

I'm gradually bringing in the rest of the story plot so don't worry, I'm just filling it in with fluffy chapters like these before it starts to go into full more depth

Please tell me your thoughts!

On sassy Brendon?

What do you think is up with Dallon?

Is there anything anyone wants to happen? For Brendon to get punished sometime in the fic?



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