23. Sick babies, Baths and Blue Birds


I'm going to have Dallons past and secrets all come out in a chapter very very soon.

Alllllllso I'm going to have a big Brendon chapter soon but for now it's little, regressed Brendon bc cute

Somebody requested sick!Brendon a while back and so here it is

After their late night talk, Dallon decided that going back to sleep after such a traumatic talk for Brendon wasn't the best ideas, nor was leaving him on his own. So instead, the daddy had carried Brendon downstairs and the two made hot chocolate together before settling back into bed to watch a Disney film that Brendon has started to fall in love with. He was becoming a real Disney fanatic and Dallon has it noted down in his head to take the little to the Disney store sometime this week.

Dallon had phoned in sick the following day, content with spending the day with Brendon curled up on his chest as the two continued their marathon of Disney films and cartoons, because no matter if Dallon has watched them times and times before, he'll always watch whatever Brendon wants to watch, as long as the little is happy and content.

Dallon wouldn't say that things really changed after Brendon's last confessions, and if anything, it brought the two closer with Dallon knowing what's not okay and what is okay to do and Brendon having the reassurance that his Daddy is going to protect him. It was a good feeling, because the last thing that Dallon wants to do is to do something towards Brendon that would trigger a bad memory.

What Dallon does notice is that Brendon seems to fall a little bit deeper into his headspace, not so far that he's completely unable to look after himself but far enough that Dallon has been having to put pull ups on the little just incase, especially since his speech was regressing.

They've fallen into a comfortable routine after their talk, and Dallon thinks that it's for the best that they have because as much as Brendon kicks up a fuss about bath time, it's better that he knows that it's going to happen every other night at a certain time than springing it onto the kitten hybrid unexpectedly.

It works well, especially now that Brendon has gotten use to Dallon heading off to work in the morning and having Pete come look after him until Dallon returns just after 2 in the afternoon. Brendon has taken a shine to Pete and in return, Brendon seems to have given Pete that new lease of happiness that they had seemed to lost a couple of years back after their diagnosis.

"Daddy?"Dallon groans as he feels fingers poking at his face in an attempt to wake him up. Brendon has started to make it a habit to wake Dallon up whenever the little has woken up on his own, and no matter how many times Dallon shows the little how to work the tv to watch cartoons in bed, Brendon wakes Dallon up anyway.

"Baby, Daddy is trying to sleep."His words come out slurred and half jointed together, voice laced with thick sleep and face pushed into the plush pillow. With now having an extra person to feed, Dallon has been working longer and more shifts in order to be able to pay for extra foods and anything else that Brendon requires, resulting in the Daddy being very tired.

"Daddy."Brendon's voice comes out shakier than before, followed by a sniffle that's the tell tale sign of crying. The Little is hugging Sinatra the giraffe close to his chest, tail curled around his middle and hair sticking to his forehead with sweat, cheeks stained with tears and snot.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong."Dallon rubs at his eyes, weakening himself up and catching the heartbreaking sight that Brendon makes as he sits on the bed beside him, tears running down his cheeks and face pale.

The little had been woken up with a sore tummy, stomach churning and cramping so badly that it had caused tears to well up in Brendon's eyes until he had started crying out in pain and sickness. He felt sweaty and uncomfortable, the pain in his tummy wasn't helping either.

"Feel icky, Da-"Is all that Brendon manages to say before he's throwing up onto the duvet covers and himself, earning a confused, sick cry to escape the littles lips whenever he has stopped throwing up. Dallon is kicking into Daddy mode immediately, scrambling to get out of the bed as soon as he hears the sounds of Brendon gagging.

"Fuck."He swears loudly whenever he flicks on the bedside lamp, the light itself causing both himself and Brendon to flinch which only results in the little crying harder, his mind sickly jumbled up and bad taste in his mouth.

"Dadd-ee."Brendon sobs, hands reaching out for his Daddy whose mind is working over time as he tries to figure out the best thing to do in the moment.

"Shit- Baby, it's okay. It's okay, Brendon."Dallon shushes, quickly rounding the bed so that he can skillfully pick Brendon up from the bed, not caring of the Hybrids sick covered pyjamas because Brendon is a first priority, he can always clean himself up later. He makes sure not to apply to much pressure to the Hybrids stomach as he holds Brendon in the middle of their bedroom, pressing kisses to Brendon's sweaty forehead as the little cries.

"My sweet boy, everything is alright. It's just a poorly tummy, Daddy will make it all better."Dallon is quick to try and reduce the tears, one of his hands cupping the back of Brendon's head as he kisses his sweaty forehead, mumbling reassurances onto the clammy skin.

"I-I Sorry."Brendon says through his tears, a dribble left on his chin of spit as he starts to cry into Dallons shoulder, hands curling into the now dirty materiel of his Daddy's sleepwear t-shirt.

"Baby, its not your fault. You just have a tummy ache. You let Daddy worry about the bed, you're my number one priority baby boy."Dallon shushes, gently swaying Brendon as best as he can in a calm manner to calm Brendon's tears.

Grabbing his phone from where it sits on charge, Dallon continues with his soft sways as he carried Brendon into the bathroom, setting the Little onto the closed toilet with much difficulty, having to pry the now calmed down little off of him so that he's able to see Brendon closely.

"Daddy."Brendon makes grabby hands at his Daddy, sniffling loudly as he looks pathetically upset and sick on the toilet seat, big fat tears rolling down his cheeks and kitten ears twitching in his hair."Hold."

"In just a second, peanut. Daddy needs to check your temperature."Dallon explains, quickly rummaging through the medicine cabinet in search for a clean thermometer. On his search, he realises his lack of Little safe medicine and curses the fact, hoping and praying that Pete is awake at this time of night to be able to run out and get him some.

"Keep this in your mouth, okay? It's going to tell Daddy how poorly that you are so that he can make his baby all better."Dallon explains, running his hand through Brendon's sweat soaked hair as he looks at the poorly hybrid in front of him, all red faced and Dinosaur pyjamas sticky with stale vomit that reminds Dallon that he needs to take them off of the Little soon.

As he waits, Dallon is sending a string of messages in an attempt to wake them up from their sleep. He receives a quick reply in return to his string of messages with their own reassurance that they'll drop by the 24/7 pharmacy as their already out getting late night ice cream for their Orange Is The New Black marathon.

"It's not that high but let's get you into a nice bath, yeah? Does that sound like a good idea?"Dallon suggestions, earning a sickly nod from Brendon who in return sticks his thumb into his mouth.

"Let's not do that."Dallon pokes the sick little' nose, whining whenever his Daddy is taking out his thumb and replacing his thumb with one of the Paci's that Dallon seems to keep in every corner of the house now, you never know when one will be needed.

Running Brendon a bath, Dallon makes quick work with stripping the bed from the solid sheets and duvet covers, throwing them as best as he can into the hamper to be washed later after he gets Brendon back to sleep hopefully. He makes an almost frightened sound in the back of his throat whenever he spots Sinatra The Giraffe caught in the middle of the sick sheets, in desperate need of a wash as well.

"Aw Fuck."He swears, staring at the stuffed giraffe because since Dallon had bought the stuffed giraffe for Brendon, it hasn't left the Littles side the entire time and never once did the through of cleaning the stuffed giraffe ever come to Dallons mind. He'll find an alternative, he's a Daddy he can improvise.

"Let's get these icky pyjamas off of you and get you into a nice warm bath."Dallon smiles as best as he can, pushing the thoughts of Brendon's stuffed toy out of his head as he starts to slide the pyjama bottoms down Brendon's legs and throwing them in a corner of the bathroom.

"Daddy in too?"The hybrid sniffles around his Paci, tail flicking against the porcelain toilet as he Dallon starts to unbutton Brendon's pyjama top, sliding it off of the littles shoulders.

"No, Silly. The bath is for you, not for Daddy. Daddy isn't feeling icky."He tells the hybrid gently, a smile tugging at his lips the way that Brendon pouts at him from where he sits naked on the toilet seat."Now what's with the pouty face?"

"Daddy bath too."Brendon declares around his paci, rubbing under his nose with the back of his hand and Dallon as to hide the grimace at the action, even through he was fully expecting it to happen. It's no wonder that Brendon has regressed further now that he's sick, not that Dallon minds.

"Okay, Okay. But only because you're a sick little baby, don't make a habit out of it."Dallon sighs in defeat, helping Brendon into the warm bath. Leaving Brendon with a kiss to his forehead, Dallon is rushing out of the bathroom with way too much energy for someone at 2 in the morning only to return a couple of minutes later in a pair of swimming trunks.

Setting his phone at the side of the tub, Dallon is carefully getting into the other side of the tub, smiling across at the sick little who makes a sluggish attempt to get to his side of the bathtub, making himself comfortable between Dallons legs with his face pressed into Dallons neck.

"How are you feeling now, baby?"Dallon asks cautiously, wrapping is arms around the Little as they sit in the bath together. It's gotten to the point that Dallon doesn't even care that Brendon is naked now, it's usual and of course it shouldn't care, especially if Dallon is looking after him.

"Icky."He mumbles into Dallons neck, back arching into the soft touches as Dallon draws patterns into his back. His tail flicks against Dallons hand.

"I'm sorry, peanut. Daddy will wash you up, get you into nice clean pyjamas and then we can go back to bed."He tells him softly, pressing a kiss the side of Brendon's head which causes the sick hybrid to purr at the show of affection.

It was starting to gain Dallons notice of how he was now self consciously pressing kisses of Brendon's face or hugging the little far more than he did before. Not that Brendon was complaining, because really the Little was moving the extra attention and affection.

It's some time after Dallon has gotten Brendon changed into a soft set of car flowered themed pyjamas after their shared bath is Pete finally arriving with the medicine, walking into the bathroom without a care as they hand over the much needed and anticipated medicine to the Daddy in the room.

"Thanks. I would've went to get it myself but I couldn't leave him here or bring him with me."Dallon finds himself explaining, rubbing a towel quickly through his still dripping wet hair because even though he tried not to get his hair yet, it had happened anyway when Brendon got too handsy in the bath.

"It's no bother, I was out anyway."Pete gives Dallon a sympathetic smile whenever they notice he Brendon has a tight grip on Dallons new pyjama bottom leg, obviously craving more comfort and affection now that he's sick.

"I need to go and grab him a drink, entertain him for like 2 minutes please?"Dallon asks desperately, receiving a grin and nod in return. He kisses Brendon's forehead before forcefully leaving the bedroom so that he can rush and get a drink for Brendon, nearly causing the sick hybrid into more tears.

"Hey, little man. I got you a gift since I heard that you were sick."Pete grabs at Brendon's attention quickly, not wanting the little to result into tears.

"Really?"Brendon nearly gasps, eyes red rimmed from crying but wide as he looks at Pete hopefully.

"Of course! Do you want to see what I got you?"They ask with a grin, causing Brendon to nod his head enthusiastically because of course! Without hesitation, Pete is pulling out an object from another bag that they brought up the stairs with them, causing Brendon to gasp at the bright blue sight of a stuffed bird.


"Yours."Pete declares with a soft smile, handing the soft blue bird over to Brendon who grabs with caution, shyly hugging the blue bird to is chest as he smiles behind his dummy for the first time that night because sore tummy or not, stuffed toys make everything better.


Sorry this is later than expected, I've had a busy weekend and just haven't been able to fit everything in!

Please tell me your opinions!

Should I do a sick part 2?

I know this such a late question but: do you guys want a proper relationship between Big!Brendon and Dallon?

Thoughts on having a glance at littler Brendon?



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