22. Brendon Likes To Steal Body Heat
And I'm also so close to getting 1K comments which is unbelievable!
Find you someone that looks at you the way that Brendon looks at a Capri-Sun
Annnnnnnnd one of the dreaded chapter my gays
20 comments please?
"No bath, sleep."Brendon whines as he's carried up the stairs by Dallon, his arms lazily hung around the mans neck, with Sinatra hanging from one of Brendon's hands as the sleepy little yawns into Dallons shoulder. The day has been tiring, spending the entire day with his Daddy and Ryan at the park which had been so fun and exciting at the time, but now Brendon is so tired, and sleepy and all he wants to do is go to bed and cuddle with his Daddy.
"Yes Bath,"Dallon chuckles, taking a turn for the bathroom with Brendon still in his arms. He's gotten use if the extra weight that he seems to have to carry on a daily basis, he might not be muscular or have an extra strength but Brendon is reasonably light and Dallon has no problem carrying his little around the place, even if it does cause him back pain sometimes.
"But Daddy."Brendon whines grumpily, his head slumped against Dallons shoulder and his til swaying behind him as they walk into the bathroom.
"Don't But Daddy, Me. You need a bath, and I know that you're sleepy but don't you like it when you feel all nice and clean?"Dallon questions, prying Brendon off of him so he can sit the Little on the closed toilet seat so that he can run the bath. Bath time was getting increasingly better, with Brendon enjoying bath time a lot more than when he first started to have them.
"Then cuddles?"The hybrid pouts with Sinatra hugged to his chest, his kitten ears lowered into his hair as he watches his Daddy start to run his bath.
"Of course,"Dallon agrees with a smile, pressing a kiss to Brendon's cute nose, causing the hybrid to scrunch up his nose adorably before hiding his face behind Sinatra The Giraffe. Dallon chuckles, bending down so that he can begin undressing Brendon for his bath.
It's gotten to the point that Dallon doesn't even feel awkward about seeing Brendon naked anymore, and since the Little has a fondness of being naked, he doesn't understand Brendon's embarrassment of the situation when it comes to bath time or getting dressed. He finds it endearing and adorable the way that Brendon would flush and blush whenever Dallon gets him undressed for bath time but if it was up to Brendon, he'd be naked all of the time.
"You know the rules, Sinatra has to watch from the counter."Dallon sighs, his hand out for the stuffed Giraffe that's currently hugged to Brendon's bare chest. The Hybrids ears lower into his hair, hating the bath time rule that his Daddy had set."He'll be safe on the counter, you don't want him to get wet, do you?"
"No..."Brendon shakes his head hesitantly, looking sadly at his stuffed giraffe before giving a rather large, dramatic sigh. He hands the giraffe over to Dallon who handles the stuffed giraffe delicately, prompting him up on the counter before he turns to help Brendon into the bath, keeping his eyes diverted from the prominent scars that don't seem to bother Brendon as much as Dallon thinks they should.
Skipping the usual coaxing for Brendon to play with some of the bath toys, Dallon moves straight to washing his baby, careful of sensitive spots as he chats mindlessly to the Little who yawns and rubs at his eyes, allowing his Daddy to wash him. As much a Brendon won't admit it but he likes to be pampered by his Daddy.
"M'sleepy, Daddy."Brendon has resorted back to whining tiredly whenever Dallon is washing down the Hybrids thighs and lower stomach.
"I know baby,"Dallon sighs, using the distraction of the conversation to delicately but quickly wash Brendon's privates area."We just need to wash your hair and then you can get into your warm Jammies and we can cuddle. Does that sound good?"
"No washing hair."It's been an aware difficulty during bath time that Brendon doesn't like getting his hair washed, and mostly Dallon thinks it's because of how sensitive his kitten ears are - even though he's extra careful around them when washing - but he thinks that it's more to that than it seems. Whatever it is, washing Brendon's hair always resorts to crying.
"Yes, you're getting your hair washed. I'll be very quick, peanut. I swear."Because the least Dallon wants is to take his time on such a difficult situation.
Brendon scrunches his face up at the prospect and Dallon can sense the forthcoming tears and tantrum as soon as Brendon does so. From the pocket of his hoodie, Dallon is pulling out one of Brendon's paci's out and popping it between Brendon's lips with the skill of only a Daddy who has did done this hundreds of times can have.
Making quick work with washing Brendon's hair, Dallon whispers words of encouragement as he washes and rinses our Brendon's hair, kissing the button of Brendon's Paci once he's finished and whispering how proud he is of him. When he's greeted with the shy grin from Brendon, Dallon is getting up to fetch a towel out of the press which is warm, fluffy and specially soft for Hybrids and their sensitive feline extras and skin.
"Okay, PJ's or-"
"Footie!"Brendon demands around his Paci, sitting on the bed with his towel draped around his shoulders and his kitten ears twitching in his damp hair."Please."He tacks onto the end, smiling sleepily at his Daddy behind his Paci.
"You're lucky you're cute."He teases, sending Brendon a playful look before he's pulling out one of Brendon's Footie pyjamas out of the closet, light blue in colour and decorated with white fluffy clouds. Dallon is never more glad for picking it up, designed with a hole in the back for Brendon's tail to go through.
It doesn't take long for Dallon to dress Brendon, putting on a pull up just for safe measures and somehow getting the little conscious enough to brush his teeth before getting him into bed. Dallon makes quick work with getting himself ready for bed in the bathroom, coming out with Sinatra in his hands.
"Sinatra!"Brendon gasps happily around his Paci, making grabby hands towards the stuffed giraffe that his Daddy is carrying towards the bed, Throwing his dirty clothing into the hamper at the end of the bed.
"I bet if I wasn't even here you wouldn't miss me. But you'd miss that damn giraffe."Dallon rolls his eyes in fondness although his voice holds a grumpy type of sourness that Brendon doesn't catch onto. It's ridiculous of Dallon to get jealous over a stuffed toy but yet, here he is.
"I-I'd miss you too, Daddy."Brendon admits whenever Dallon has passed the giraffe to the Little, circling the bed so that he can get under the covers. It really makes no difference what side of the bed that Dallon chooses to sleep in, Brendon will occupy the space anyway, the kitten hybrid has a thing for stealing warmth.
"Hmm, sure."Dallon hums, pulling the covers back over himself and Brendon, blushing whenever Brendon immediately turns into him and cuddles into his side with a sleepy, relaxed purr. He reaches his hand around to scratch behind one of Brendon's kitten ears, content with the loud purr that Brendon gives out as he nuzzles his face into Dallons side."Goodnight, Brendon."
"N'night, Daddy."Brendon garbles behind his Paci, closing his eyes as his Daddy keeps up with the relaxing touching to his ears and hair, falling into a restful sleep.
Dallon isn't sure when it is that he fell asleep, it mustn't have been long after Brendon had fallen asleep but long enough that it gave him enough time to read his book. His mouth is hung open with soft snores, arms lazily draped over Brendon's hips as they sleep, with Sinatra commonly pressed up against his mouth due to Brendon and the hybrid curled up in his own slumber, stealing all of Dallons body heat like usual.
As well as everything, Dallon has gotten use to platonically sleeping in the bed with someone else. It has been so long before Brendon came along that Dallon had slept in the same bed as him, and after Breezy had left the only other time Dallon did sleep in the bed with someone else had been those rough nights with Ryan. Platonically of course, but it has still been comforting.
Now, Dallon has gotten use to all of the small things that use to be common for him. From sleeping in the bed with someone else, to bathing a little and even to things like making extra food for someone else. It's all things that Dallon use to do on a daily basis, and now, he's doing it all over again. A fresh start.
"Daddy?"Brendon whispers, his tail flicking under the thick covers of the bed as he watches his Daddy sleep. Sinatra is pressed close to his chest, cuddled and warm from Brendon sleeping on the stuffed toy, his Paci lost somewhere under the sheets during sleep."Daddy, are you awake?"
He's met with more soft snores which makes the hybrid pout. He'd woken up in the middle of the unexpectedly, with an odd feeling in his stomach and now he can't get back to sleep. His mind is still cloaked with littleness, not as much as before but enough that he still needs the comfort of his stuffed toy and his Daddys attention.
"Daddy, are you awake?"He mewls louder, known how much that sound annoys his Daddy as he pokes at his Daddy's face with his finger. Dallon grumbles something in his sleep, causing the hybrid to huff, scooting closer. He uses his fingers to try and pry open Dallons eye, sighing dramatically."Dadd-ee. Are you awake yet?"
"Ow. I'm awake now.."Dallons voice is thick with sleep as he bats away Brendon's curious hands as he rubs tiredly at his assaulted eye. Brendon scoots a little away from his Daddy whenever the man sluggishly leans up on his elbow to look at the time on the clock, giving Brendon an annoyed, tired look."I know that you like to get up early but 3am is a little extreme."
"I-I can't sleep."
"But why did you wake me up too?"Dallon slumps his body back down onto the mattress with a grunt, already in the process of closing his eyes because he was having such a nice sleep before Brendon rudely awakened him.
"B-because I couldn't sleep and that means you can't sleep either. I-I don' make the rules."Brendon smiles cheekily at his Daddy, the smile quickly falling into a pout whenever he sees that his Daddy has his eyes closed and on the verge of falling back to sleep."Daddy! Stay awake!"
"Brendon, don't shout at Daddy and lay down and try to go to sleep."
"I don't know, Close your eyes and count sheep."
"Why sheep?"Brendon asks curiously, tilting his head to the side as he nibbles on one of Sinatra's horns.
"Just close your eyes and count something. It'll help you go to sleep."Dallon sighs into his pillow, feeling Brendon shuffle to lay down, staying close to his Daddy.
"Can I count Giraffes?"He asks, watching his Daddy's face carefully.
"Yes, Brendon."Dallon tiredly grumbles, hoping that this will be the end of his Brendon's questions. His prayers seem to be answered for a short while as Brendon falls quiet beside him and it's just when Dallon is about to fall asleep is when Brendon starts to speak again.
"What is it Brendon?"
"I dunno how to count."Brendon admits quietly, ashamed of his own confession as he lays on his back, looking up at the ceiling. He has Sinatra on his chest, his tail wrapped around his thigh as he swallows thickly."Mo-Sarah was supposed to teach me but she didn't have time."
"Who's Sarah?"Dallon is suddenly very interested, opening his eyes to look at Brendon who seems to refuse to look at Dallon. It's obvious that Dallon isn't going to be falling back to sleep any time soon.
"She was my Mommy,"Brendon admits, fingers flexing at the duvet cover that covers them."It seems like such a long time ago. I-I don' 'member my family but I 'member Sarah adopting me from the pet store. Sarah didn't have a lot of money but she said that I-i didn't belong in a cage. S-she was so nice a-and sweet and I thought she really loved me."
"Oh baby..."Dallon makes a sympathetic sound in the back of his throat, more awake than ever as he reaches out to hold one of Brendon's hands. He strokes his thumb over Brendon's hand as the two lay there, with Dallon waiting patiently for the hybrid to continue on the much dreaded subject,
"I was sold. Sarah had said it h-has been because she couldn't give me a good enough life but I don' think that's it. I-I think it was 'cause I was annoying and needed a lot of attention and she couldn't cope with that."Brendon swallows, feeling bigger than he has in a long time. Dallon squeezes his hand.
"I was sold to Spencer. Sarah had told me that he was a business man, I dunno what type of business man but she had said he was very nice and would look after me. And he did, for a while, a-and t-then he wasn't. H-he started calling me really mean names w-when I didn't do something right a-and hurt me a lot for his own pleasure. I didn't do nothing wrong, Daddy. But he hurt me anyway."
Dallons grip on Brendon's hand tightens in his own anger, having to compose himself for the sake of the kitten hybrid that lays beside him, the least he wants is to scare Brendon. So instead, he lessens his grip and kisses Brendon's hair, allowing the hybrid to continue.
"I dunno w-what he used on me b-but it hurt. A-and I'd leave these marks on my skin forever and ever after he had punished me."Brendon sniffles, only aware that he was crying now as he wipes his face with his free hand."H-he use to hold me under the water as a punishment, f-force me to do things that I didn't want to do and I didn't want to do them, Daddy. I really didn't but he made me and he never stopped even if I screamed and cried-"
Brendon starts to panic at the memories that seem to flash in his mind rapidly, reminding him of all the times that Spencer had hurt him, beat him, forced him to do acts that Brendon had screamed and fought against. It hurts, everything hurts and it feels like Brendon is drowning in his own fears and memories because no matter if he thought speaking about it would help, it just brings everything to the surface.
The bedside lamp is being switched on and Dallon is bouncing into Daddy mode immediately, gathering the crying hybrid into his arms with strength of only a Daddy could have in that moment. His heart breaks as Brendon starts to sob into his neck, hands curling into the material of Dallons sleepwear t-shirt as Dallon rocks the pair on the bed as best as he can.
"I've got you, baby. He's not here anymore, you're with me and you are so so brave, you know that? You're so brave and so beautiful and as long as I'm here, nobody will hurt you ever again. I promise you, Brendon."Dallon reassures into Brendon's hair, feeling his own tears build up in his eyes of having Brendon crying his heart out.
"P-pinky Promise?"Brendon hiccups after a while, the tears still streaming down his face and snot coming out of his nose and Dallon can't believe that he still thinks that the face infront of him is beautiful. Dallon gives the little before him his own watery smile, wiping away Brendon's tears with one hand as he links his pinky with Brendon's.
"I Pinky promise that I will always protect you, Brendon."
This was emotional as fuck to write mygod. 2800+ words
Remember! I fucking love Spencer, I just needed someone to fit the bill of bad guy
Please tell me your thoughts!
Your thoughts on Brendon telling his past to Dallon?
What do you think Dallon should do about the entire situation? Do you think that it'll be a set back?
Anything you'd like to happen?
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