21. Pete Wentz Sucks Dick for Pirated Videos

New goal is to reach 900 comments (;

I'm so glad to see that people that are reading this who normally have certain preferences on who is what in a relationship is taking the time to read this and actually come to say that they enjoy it as a change makes me so happy

I think I dragged on a sector of this on a bit too long but oh well idc

"I-I'm scared,"Brendon whimpers, half of his body hiding behind Ryan as he tries and introduces the little kitten hybrid to Josh who's occupied with nuzzling his face against Tylers thigh. Ryan had mentioned the problem before hand to Tyler about how it would work with having both a kitten hybrid and a puppy hybrid meeting for the first time, especially with the kitten hybrid also being caught in little space which would make the entire situation all the more terrifying for them.

It wasn't as if Josh was anything to fear, because he isn't, the worse the puppy hybrid can do is lick up into hysterics, but Brendon is timid enough around new people never mind with another hybrid. Although, it is calming that he's more comfortable with Ryan now than he was before and not relying on his Daddy to be there, because Ryan had made it clear that if Brendon was to get to know Josh, Dallon can't be there to distract him with more worry.

Ryan knows that the pair will get on like a house on fire, they're both innocent, adorable Hybrids and Josh will hopefully bring Brendon out of the shell, show the hybrid that he's not alone in the world.

"W-what if he eats Sinatra?"Brendon asks worriedly, protectively hugging the quickly loved and cherished stuffed giraffe to his chest, glancing cautiously around Ryan's body at Tyler and Josh.

"He won't eat Sinatra,"Ryan sighs in amusement, being patient with the hybrid.

"How do you know? Are you a doggy?"Brendon raises his eyebrow at Ryan, eyes narrowing at the man because how could he possibly know? Tyler hides a laugh behind his hand, finding the entire scene that's unfolding in front of him hilarious. The Little could come off with some ridiculously adorable stuff that it warmed Tyler's heart.

"How about I ask Josh?"Tyler offers to help, scratching behind one of Josh's floppy black dog ears that the puppy hybrid is obviously enjoying by the wag of his tail. Brendon nods timidly, nervously sucking on one of Sinatra's ears as he watches Tyler interact with the puppy hybrid."Brendon's a little scared that you're gonna eat his stuffed toy-"

"Sinatra isn't a toy! He's a giraffe!"Brendon huffs.

"I misspoke, I'm sorry. Can you tell him that you don't eat Giraffes?"Tyler asks gently, looking between the Kitten and Puppy hybrid, smiling in fondness whenever he sees the way that Brendons kitten ears twitch in curiosity.

"I don't eat Giraffes because Tyler won't let me."Josh deadpans, scratching behind one of his floppy dog ears with his hand, peering at the Little that remains behind Ryan."And he won't let me have chocolate! It's so unfair!"

"No chocolate?"Brendon gasps around Sinatras ear, eyes wide as he looks at the puppy hybrid. Brendon steps a little around Ryan to look at Josh better, watching as Josh frowns at his own statement.

"No chocolate,"Josh mourns, shaking his head sadly."It's even worse that he eats chocolate all of the time!"

"That's so mean!"Brendon gasps, glaring at Tyler.

"He's not allowed chocolate, it'll hurt his tummy."Tyler explains gently to the little kitten hybrid who remains looking sympathetically at the puppy hybrid because what is life without chocolate? Of course, his Daddy doesn't give him chocolate all of the time but at least he has it sometimes!

The puppy hybrid is letting out a surprised yelp whenever the little is rushing over to him, colliding into the puppy hybrid with a massive hug, the stuffed giraffe pressed between their bodies in the awkward position. Josh is wide eyed as he's unsure on what to do.

"It's okay puppy, don't be sad!"Brendon makes a sympathetic sound in the back of his throat, letting at Josh's soft floppy dog ears. His tone is unknowingly loud but Josh makes sure that he doesn't flinch, the least he wants to do is hurt Brendons feelings."Imma be your friend an' help you forget 'bout chocolate, don' worry."

"Thank you, Brendon."Josh grins, allowing the kitten hybrid to nuzzle his face into the crook of his neck, still petting at Josh's ears as his heavy tail wags behind him.

"Do you wanna play cars? My daddy brought 'em!"Brendon tells josh enthusiastically, pulling away from the embrace to grin excitedly at the puppy hybrid, not even noticing how Tyler and Ryan have made their exit to head back into the kitchen and allowing the two Hybrids to get up to whatever in the living room area.

"- look, all I'm saying is that if you keep sucking dick at this rate you're gonna start getting a reputation."Dallon sighs, rubbing at his temples as he looks at Pete who pouts at the other end of the kitchen table.

"I already have a reputation."Pete points out, casually taking a swig of their beer as Ryan and Tyler walk into the kitchen, Tyler going straight for the fridge to grab a beer and Ryan to check on the food.

"A worse one."Ryan chimes with a smirk, hitting Pete up the side of the head as he passes to get to the stove.

"Hey, fuck you."Pete flips him off with a defeated huff, glaring at the back of Ryan's head as Dallon sighs, settling his head into his hands. Sometimes he wonders how he managed it be stuck with friends like Ryan and Pete but then again, he couldn't say that he was the best of people either. They were good people, not perfect, but good.

"Okay so tell me again why you're blowing people."Dallon sighs, leaning the side of his face into his hands as he looks hopelessly at Pete.

"For Videos."

"Like Sex videos? Are you sucking dick for porn?"Tyler questions, uncapping the bottle of beer and sitting down at the kitchen table along with the other two.

"Why suck dick for porn when I can get it for free?"

"Why do you suck dick, Pete? And don't you fucking say because you're good at it, because you're not, too much teeth and not enough tongue."Ryan comments which causes the blood to run to the tip of Petes ears.

"Some people are into that y'know!"They try to defend, basically hiding behind their bottle of beer. Tyler is looking between the pair as if watching a tennis match commencing while Dallon just shakes his head, leaning back in his chair as he pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Okay this really sounds like a young problem,"Dallon motions a hand between Pete and Ryan before he continues,"So can we just skip over the part where you sound out that Pete can't suck dick and find out why they're doing it in the first place?"

"For Pirate films."

"Like Pirates of the Caribbean?"

"What the fuck are you talking about."Everyone turns their heads to look at Tyler.

"Pirate Films, t-that's a pirate film right?"He asks uncertainly, feeling shy now that everyone has turned their attention onto him.

"He means films that haven't been authorised a release you dumb tree."Ryan laughs, throwing himself down into the seat beside Tyler, nudging him in the shoulder as he laughs."Mostly films that have only been released in the cinema or maybe not on DVD yet. It's often cheaper but illegal of course."

"So what films are you sucking dick for?"Tyler asks in all seriousness

"The Batman Lego Movie."Pete shrugs innocently, causing the rest of them to groan."What? It's a good film!"

"You're such a fucking child, Pete."Ryan swears under his breath, shaking his head at the immature and childlike person that he has been roped into being friends.


"Shut your whore mouth, Dallon Weekes."Pete near enough fumes, a tension quickly forming which doesn't go unnoticed by everyone else in the room. In defence, Dallon is holding his hands up to indicate a peace between the two.

The four chat for awhile longer, with Dallon and Tyler getting to know one another a little more since it's their first meeting and Ryan getting up every so often to check on the food. It's comfortable chatter, with Tyler falling into the natural banter that Dallon, Ryan and Pete usually fall into and it's nice, it's a change from Dallon just sitting in the house on his own, or now with Brendon.

Brendon and Josh are dashing into the room whenever Dinner is called, with Brendon excitedly telling his Daddy of the games that he and Josh were playing next door and how he found out that Josh really likes to cuddle just like he does. It brings a smile onto Dallons face to see the kitten hybrid so happy.

Dinner is a chaotic affair, with Brendon making a mess of his clothing - despite Dallon feeding him - and Josh making it his mission to eat what food is dropped onto Brendons clothing or left on his face, all while Pete videoed the entire thing out of entertainment. The Little is giggling in hysterics whenever Josh licks at his cheek, eyes crinkled and kitten tail swaying behind him.

"Dessert!"Brendon declares whenever Dallon has set down the spoon he was using to help feed Brendon since it looked like the little was not going to do it himself. The more comfortable that Brendon got with being with Dallon, the more and more he was giving into his little space.

"If you ask Ryan nicely, maybe he'll let you have dessert."Dallon laughs as he takes a sip of his water, smiling behind his glass whenever Brendon turns to look at Ryan, face still smeared with the remains of what food Josh hasn't lapped up yet.

"RyRy, can I have dessert please?"Be asks nicely, brown eyes wide and an adorable pout on his lips as he looks hopefully at Ryan who was in the middle of clearing up the empty dinner plates. Tyler had excused himself to go to the toilet and Pete was outside for some fresh air.

"Well since you asked so nicely, of course you can."Ryan grins, causing the hybrid to let out a happy sound and clap his hands, already ready for the promised dessert. Josh makes himself known with a low woof from beside Brendon, one that makes Ryan laugh."And you too, Josh."

"What do you say to Ryan?"Dallon prompts whenever there's a bowl of ice cream and caramel sauce set down in front of Brendon, the same for Josh as Ryan hadn't really prepared for a proper dessert as he knew that Pete and Dallon wouldn't have any.

"Thank you Ryan!"Brendon beams, grinning at the man and showing off the feline sharp teeth that Brendon has. Josh is already half way through his bowl by the time Brendon is starting, making just as much as a mess as Brendon is.

"A smile looks good on you, y'know."Ryan chimes, taking a seat beside Dallon once he has cleared up the dishes, leaving them for Pete to wash them later since that was the agreement. Dallon turns his head to look at Ryan, caught with a smile on his face as Brendon eats his ice cream.

"Thanks,"Dallon can't even bring himself to be mad at the way that Ryan has put it. He knows how much of a downer that he can be sometimes, especially after the messy breakup and the shut hand of card he was haven after that."He's really bringing out the old me and I'm finding myself liking it. I've missed having someone to look after."

"You were doing my head in, treating me like a child."Ryan rolls his eyes, leaning back in his chair as he watches Brendon giggle at the ice cream that's smeared over Josh's cheeks and nose."And Brendon needs you just as much as you need him, it's obvious. And that's a good thing."

"I know, I know."Dallon agrees with a heavy sigh, self consciously scratching at his wrists under the kitchen table. Bumping into Breezy in the supermarket today hadn't helped his nerves for this afternoon, and neither of his nerves about talking to Brendon fully about their pasts."How'd your date go with Jon?"

"It didn't happen,"Ryan deadpans, his fingers drawing a pattern on the kitchen table as Pete enters the kitchen through the patio doors."The fucking asshole chickened out."

"I bet he was shit in bed anyway."Pete shrugs their shoulders, taking another sip of their beer.

"Not everything is about sex, Pete."

"You're only saying that because you haven't been laid in like, what, 3 years?"

"It hasn't been 3 years!"Dallon defends himself, face flushed."2 at the most."

"I'm going to get you laid, My friend."Pete grins in mischief, raising their bottle of beer in the air in a toast to themselves before finishing the bottle."A cutie with a great ass, that's your type, right? Of course it is."

And Dallon remains quiet because sometimes it's better just to go along with whatever Pete says

I'm going to have them talk about their pasts fully very soon okay, I have so much more planned for his book so it's no where near finished yet (;

Remember! This is still Brallon, Brallon (out side of Ageplaying) will happen okay, I just want to focus on little Brendon for a little while bc it's fucking adorable.

Please tell me your opinions!

Anyone up for some Jealous Brendon?

On Brendon and Josh's new friendship?

What do you think I should do with Ryan and Pete? (;



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