19. Brendon is a fan of The Crystal Gems because who isn't?

Everyone still is okay with Brendon being a little, yeah? Just want to make sure

ALSO any smut in this will NOT have Brendon being a little while doing so. Just making that clear as I think that was a concern to one of the readers that Brendon would be little during it.

Btw, I love Breezy so much guys but it's Fanfiction so oops?? Same goes for Sarah and Spencer

Dallon admits, there's an unmentioned tension in the air as the pair drive home in a silence that is only filled with Brendons rambling to Sinatra The Giraffe about their shopping trip, in the most enthusiastic, little way possible. It melts Dallons heart and as much as there's an unsettled feeling in the pit of his stomach, he can't help but to smile and coo at how adorable Brendon is while he's in his headspace.

Of course, it doesn't mean he isn't any less adorable when he's not in his headspace, but there's always that childlike innocence that just boosts that cute scale and causes Dallons heart to flutter whenever he's around littles of any kind. It was just the little things that Brendon would do when he's in his headspace that he wouldn't do while big, like talking to his stuffed giraffe or the way that he would stick anything into his mouth when he's nervous or embarrassed.

By the time that they've gotten home, Brendon has fallen asleep in the passenger seat and Dallon has the difficult task of unbuckling the Little and carrying him into the house without waking him up. It's easier than it sounds, trying to balance Brendon in his arms and trying to unlock the front door all without dropping the little to the ground.

Pulling a blanket off the back of the sofa, Dallon drapes it over the little, pressing a kiss to his forehead before he heads back out to collect the shopping. It's still early, barely touching on noon but it feels like far more than that by the time he's put the shopping away and thrown himself into the recliner, chewing on his bottom lip in anxiety.

Seeing Breezy again was never something Dallon had thought he would need to worry about, mostly because he didn't think he'd live that long after their break up and the other side of things, he thought she had moved for a better life, something she had always told him what she wanted to do. To see her again, so unexpectedly and in probably the most innocent way, it was brining back al those memories and thoughts that Ryan and Pete had worked hard for Dallon to forget.

Dallon should've listened to Ryan and Pete from the start, it was a doomed relationship but Dallon had been too head over heels in love to care at the time.

It had been a messy break up, filled with a fight that carried on until the early hours of the morning and Breezy packing her bags with the intention of leaving Dallon crying on the doorstep. The break-up was both of their doing but Breezy had been the one to call it quits and that look on her face as she spoke those dreaded words to Dallon that night would forever scar his memory into thinking that he was less than a man that he should've been.

"Daddy?"Brendons sleepy voice is muttering, causing Dallon to snap out of his inner monologue of his past relationships. He looks up, making sure that there are no tears on his face just as Brendon lazily blinks his eyes open, in search for his Daddy, hair sleep ruffled and cheeks tinted a rosy pink.

"Hey sweetheart, have a nice nap?"Dallon asks, a smile making it's way into his lips whenever he watches Brendon fiddle to kick the blanket off of his body before shuffling his way towards Dallon and into his lap with a sleepy huff. The Hybrid is burying his face into Dallons shoulder, nuzzling sleepily."I take that as a yes, hmm?"

"M'hungry."Brendons voice is muffled as he speaks, purring whenever Dallon brings a hand up to scratch behind his kitten ears in a way of affection.

"You're always hungry,"Dallon rolls his eyes in fondness, pressing an affectionate kiss to Brendons sleep ruffled hair, bringing his arms down to hug Brendon that little but closer as they sit in the recliner chair."How about some Sandwiches and juice?"

"Peanut Butter and J?"Brendon asks hopefully, his ears twitching in his hair as he pulls away to look Dallon in the face.

"If you have that for your lunch then you're not getting any ice cream later."

"Why not?"Brendon pouts grumpily at his Daddy.

"Because too much sugar will rot all of your pretty little teeth."Dallon teasingly pokes at Brendons bottom lip."And without teeth, all you can eat is mush."

"Ew! Don' wanna eat mush!"Brendon scrunches up his face, causing Dallon to chuckle at the adorableness of the Little that sits on his lap."Wan' ham and cheese instead please."

"Of course, Baby Boy."He smiles, glad that he has won the small argument. Honestly, Dallon would allow Brendon to eat all the junk food he wanted, but he knew he had to put a limit on things."Do you want to watch me make food or stay in here and watch cartoons?"

"Watch 'toons!"Brendon gasps excitedly, jumping up from his place on Dallons lap and onto the carpeted floor, his tail swishing behind him excitedly as he waits for his Daddy to turn on some cartoons for him to watch. Chuckling, Dallon is flicking on the tv and leaving the Little to his own entertainment, away to make them both a light lunch.

It's when Dallon is pouring juice into one of Brendons sippy cups that his phone buzzes in his pocket, a message from Ryan lighting up onto the screen with an invite for Dinner that night at his house. Dallon bites his bottom lip in thought, it's not as if he doesn't want to introduce Brendon to Pete or Ryan's friends, it's the other way round that he's worried about.

Pete can be over bearing at the best of times, and as much as Dallon is use to his company and loves the man a lot, he's afraid of what Brendons reaction to Pete would be. Introducing Brendon to Tyler and Josh has been longed anticipated by Ryan and as much as they found like good people, Dallon is just as weary around new people just like Brendon.

"Daddy!"Brendon gasps, running into the room and clutching a photo frame in his hands. He has an excited but also a confused look on his face as he runs into the kitchen, his tail swaying behind him and Sinatra The Giraffe tucked under one of his arms.

"What is it, baby?"Dallon asks, setting his phone down just as he has sent Ryan a reply that he'll talk to Brendon about it. He'd rather get Brendons opinion than making it up for him.

"You're friends with Breezy!"There's no doubt of the excitement and happiness in Brendons voice as he shows Dallon the photograph that he had found in the living room, the same photograph that he had spotted those weeks ago when he was snooping around Dallons house.

Dallon can feel his stomach dropping as he's shown the photograph that is captured inside of the frame. It's an old photo, taken during the time of their relationship where Dallon could actually classify as it being so and not the stressful, emotional mess that it eventually turned out to be.

"We use to be, yeah."Dallon says awfully quietly, the only sign that Brendon as heard what he has said coming from the twitch of the Hybrids ears. Brendon frowns a little at Dallons tone of voice, his smile fading a little as he lowers the picture frame in his hands.

"What happened?"He asks curiously with those big brown eyes looking at Dallon sadly. It hurt to know that Breezy has left such an impression on Brendon in such a short amount of time, she has always had that way and with that, it kind of angered Dallon. It usually took so long for people to find comfort in Dallon and maybe that was because he was kind of always liked mad and was over 6 feet tall, but everyone had adored Breezy.

"We fell out."Dallon answers in monotone, forcing his eyes away from the photo and turning his attention have to where he's pouring juice.

"Oh."Brendon frowns, his ears lowering into his hair at the confession."I-I thought she was nice."

"Everyone does."Dallon replies, tightening the lid on the sippy cup and picking it up as well as Brendons plate that is solely known as Brendons lunch time plate."It doesn't last long, eventually everyone sees her true colours."He tries not to let his annoyance seep into his voice, something he knows that he has failed at when he sees the sadness on Brendons face.

"Thank 'oh for lunch, Daddy."The little quickly swaps the photograph with the food and juice that Dallon holds out for him. Before he leaves, Brendon presses a quick kiss to Dallons chest here's he's rushing out of the room, going back to his cartoons.

Dallon frowns at the quickness of it all, his hands tightening around the photo frame in us hands but not daring to look at it. It's not Brendons fault that Breezy had been the one to find and help him in the supermarket, she has always had an eye out for lost Littles it seemed, and it wasn't his fault either that Brendon only knew good things about her either.

Opening the kitchen junk drawer, Dallon is placing the photograph into the drawer before closing it shut. He should've gotten rid of the photo years ago but couldn't bring himself to do, and maybe that was because he had always thought he was still in love with her and wanted that one reminder of his first love, but now he knows that isn't the truth.

"Can I watch cartoons with you?"Dallon asks as he walks into the livingroom, grabbing the attention of Brendon who immediately looks over at the man.

"Yeah!"Brendon nods with a grin, shuffling over a little on the sofa for his Daddy to sit next to him. Without hesitation, Dallon is settling into the sofa, a warmth spreading around his body whenever Brendon is scrambling to get settled onto Dallon lap, juice and plate of sandwiches as well.

"Comfy?"The daddy laughs whenever Brendon is purposely shuffling his bum on the mans lap to get comfy, leaning into Dallons chest with his tail wrapped around his middle.


"So what is it that we're watching?"


"Well I know that, but what type?"

"Steven Universe, Daddy."Brendon informs, mouth full of sandwich as he speaks. His eyes are focused on the television, mind taken by the colourful animation before him as Dallon struggles to see around the Hybrid who keeps moving in his lap.

"What's it about?"

"Daddy, shhhhhhh!"Brendon ends up whisper-yelling, trying to block out his talking with pressing his piece of sandwich up to Dallons lips, eyes still trained on the television. With a muffled chuckle, Dallon gets the hint and instead relaxes into the sofa, content with watching Steven Universe for awhile as long as Brendon is happy.

God I love Brallon so much, I love writing this with all my heart.

Please tell me your opinions! Lmao I'm writing this instead of studying, oh well.

Who's looking forward to meeting Pete, Josh and Tyler?

What do you think will happen at the dinner?

What kind of Hybrid should Josh be?



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