18. Panic! At The SuperMarket
I keep getting these new ideas and I kinda want to make a new book but it's P!ATD at Hogwarts idk, I'd love to do something like that because I think I'd have loads of awesome ideas to do towards it.
This starts with so much fluff bc you can never have enough fluff, and my god I mean it's tooth aching and adorable that it makes me gurn.
Also! Thank you for 750 comments! And I apologise again for this update before so late, I feel so ill and tired at the moment that it's just so hard for me to update.
"And can we get ice cream?"
"Yes, we can get ice cream."
"And Waffles?"
"Yes, Brendon."
"And Ice cream?"
"Baby, I already said you can get ice cream."Dallon chuckles, turning into the supermarket carpark with a gentle ease. Brendon is buckled into the passenger seat, kicking his feet in excitement with the prospect of going food shopping with his Daddy, he loves spending time with Daddy and he's never really been in a supermarket before so this is going to be a new experience for the Hybrid.
Brendon has Santra cuddled to his chest, begging his Daddy to allow him to bring the stuffed giraffe and to avoid the temper tantrum that Dallon knew was brewing, allowing the Hybrid as long as Brendon had promised to leave him in the car while they were shopping. Losing Santra would be a nightmare that Dallon doesn't want to deal with.
"But it's a different kind of ice cream this time, Daddy."Brendon declares, his kitten ears twitching in his hair whenever a car honks its horn. He was getting better with loud, unexpected noises. Of course certain noises still made him flinch or whimper but he was getting better, and Dallon couldn't be more proud.
"What makes you think you're getting two tubs of ice cream? Only good boys get two tubs of ice cream."Dallon teases halfheartedly, laughing whenever Brendon whines and pouts.
"But I am a good boy, Daddy! A really really good boy!"
"Okay, Okay. Calm Down, Peanut."Dallon soothes whenever he notices the tone in Brendons voice as he tries to prove how much of a good boy that he is."I know that you are an excellent little boy, and you can have all the ice cream you want."
"Thank you, Daddy."Brendon beams, a soft brush sprinkled over his cheeks as he tries to hide behind his stuffed giraffe. Pulling into a free spot, Dallon shuts off the car and reaches over to unbuckle Brendon from his seat belt, pressing a kiss to Brendons warm cheek whenever he does, something that causes Brendon to blush further.
"Adorable."Dallon breathes with a smile, unbuckling Brendon and sitting back."Now, what are the rules for when we're shopping?"
"To get ice cream?"
"Other than that,"Dallon can't help but to laugh, shaking his head as he does so."Stay beside Daddy, I want you to either be holding onto my hand or onto the cart. I also want you to tell me right away if you go in your pull up or need to go potty."
"Okay, Daddy."Brendon grumbles, face red in a sort of embarrassment that Dallon can't help but to find it adorable."Can we go and get Ice Cream now?"
Getting out of the car, Dallon was forced with the task of getting Brendon to agree with leaving Sinatra in the car.
"Sweetheart, you agreed with me that you'd leave Sinatra in the car."Dallon reminds the huffing Little who has the stuffed giraffe clutched to his chest, tail moving angrily behind him at the thought of leaving his beloved friend all alone and bored in the car.
"But what if he gets bo'ed! Or lonely! O-or someone stole him!"He gasps, tears forming in his eyes at just the thought of Sinatra being taken away from him.
"Nobody is going to take Sinatra, Trust me. He'll be all safe and cozy in the car, and I'll give him a magazine to read while we go shopping, how about that?"
Brendon hesitantly allows Dallon to take Sinatra out of his hands and set him down on the passenger seat, making a show of it and strapping the stuffed giraffe into the seat. He grabs a forgotten magazine out of the glove compartment and opens to a random page, setting the magazine in front of Sinatra and making it look like he's reading.
Deeming it good enough, Dallon locks the car and the pair head towards the supermarket, with Brendon clutching onto Dallons hand tightly and anxiously sucking on his Paci as he notices more and more people nearing the entrance of the supermarket.
"Do you want in the cart?"Dallon asks when he has collected one, motioning to the space available. There's not enough space in the seat flap but Brendon could sit in the main part without a problem if he wanted to.
"Wanna walk."Brendon lisps around the paci, blushing whenever Dallon presses a soft kiss and murmurs of how that's fine.
Nervously, Brendon laces his and Dallons fingers together, keeping himself pressed tightly to the man as they walk into the store, eyes wide in fascination with every little thing that he's sees that interests his mind. It was endearing to watch from Dallons point of view, he adored Brendons innocence to the simple things in life and loved how curious that he was.
"Okay, so we just need a few bits and pieces like Cereal, Bread, Milk, Noodles -
"And Ice Cream!"Brendon interrupts excitedly, bouncing with every step that they take at the prospect of getting ice cream.
"And Ice Cream. We just need to get everything else first and then we will get you ice cream."Dallon explains gently, a kind smile on his face as he holds out the list to Brendon with his free hand."Can you be a good boy and hold the list for me please?"
Nodding enthusiastically, Brendon grabs the list and holds it carefully in his free hand, happy to be given the opportunity of being helpful on this shopping trip.
They get through half way through the shopping trip with ease, with Brendon trying his best to keep up with telling Dallon what it is that they need, and them both having to head back 3 aisles to collect the needed food item. Despite a little exhausting, Dallon was finding the trip enjoyable, especially with having someone to chat with throughout.
"You can pick out two tubs of ice cream, I'm just going to be right here looking for your Dino nuggets, okay sweetheart?"Dallon asks just to make sure, not wanting to do anything that mig make Brendon uncomfortable. He points to the spot where he will be, just a few feet away from where the ice cream section is.
Hesitantly, Brendon looks between the spot and then to Dallon, nodding his head before he turns his attention back to the ice cream, happy to pick out two flavours.
With his tail swaying behind him, Brendon looks on in wonder at the choices that he has before him, so many different flavours to choose from. It makes him feel a little guilty, because he knows that Dallon said it's okay to ask for things, but at the same time he knows that he shouldn't be greedy about it.
Sarah had drilled it into Brendons head about being greedy, he was told not to ask for things because not always could she afford it and she didn't want to let Brendon down because of that, and Spencer had been worse with the situation, taking things like daily water and food as a source of greed whenever Brendon had asked for more.
But Dallon Says it's okay, so it must be.
Brendon is careful with his choices, kitten tail swaying behind him as he reaches for a tub on a higher shelf and collects it into his arms along with the other. He's happy with his choices, he hopes he got a flavour that Dallon likes as well so that the man can have some share.
"Daddy?"He calls whenever he turns to look over his shoulder and doesn't see the man where he said he would be, the cart remaining where it was left. Panic settles into the little stomach when he sees no sign of his Daddy, dropping the tubs of ice cream on the floor as he urgently looks up and down the frozen food aisle for the man, his voice wavering."Daddy?"
Dallon had said he'd be right there! And he wouldn't leave Brendon, would he? No! Of course not! Maybe he just had to find something in a different aisle urgently and thought he could slip in and out without Brendon noticing.
"Hey, Sweetheart are you okay?"An unfamiliar voice asks just to Brendons left, causing the little to flinch and his kitten ears to twitch at the new voice. His paci is still in his mouth, uncaring of how he's in public and how people are judging.
There's a woman standing beside him, a look of concern over her oddly familiar face as she speaks to Brendon, standing at the same height as Brendon but with an air of control around her. Brendon won't deny that she's very pretty, but she does look familiar in a way that Brendon isn't sure why.
"Lost m'daddy."Brendon lisps, tears in his eyes as he looks at the woman who coos sympathetically for the Hybrid Little in front of her. He looks so scared and unsure of his surroundings and she just wants to scoop him up and hug him close.
"You lost your Daddy?"She asks just to make sure, earning her a nod of the head and another pitiful whimper from the Little who looks hopefully at her as if she'll make everything better. There was no doubt that she finds him adorable, with those glossy brown eyes and soft features as he sucks worriedly on the light green paci."I can help you find him if you want. He shouldn't have gone that far."
Hesitantly, Brendon is nodding his head, whispering out a desperate sounding Please.
"D-Daddy says not to go with strangers."Brendon comments a little weary, popping his Paci out of his mouth so that he can talk clearly to the pretty woman.
"That's a very smart rule,"She smiles kindly at the little whose tail is now wrapped around his middle in a form of comfort and protectiveness."My name's Breezy, what's your name?"
"Well we aren't strangers anymore, are we? Lets go and find your Daddy, sweetpea."Without further hesitation, Brendon is slipping his hand into Breezy's, feeling better now that someone is willing to help him find his Daddy. Breezy reminds him a lot of Dallon, with the way that she talks to him gently for reassurance and has a natural caregiver persona about her just the way that Dallon does.
Breezy's hand is soft and warm as they walk through the store in search for his Daddy. Brendon doesn't notice of the strange looks that he is getting as they walk through the store, they seem to fly over his head as they continue to look through the aisles and Breezy talks to Brendon to make sure that he's looking for his Daddy.
"Daddy!"Brendon gasps, letting go of Breezy's hand and running towards his Daddy, leaping onto the man who stumbles to catch him in the busy supermarket but manages to hook his arm under Brendons bum."Thought you left!"The Hybrid whimpers his woes, causing the Paci to drop from his mouth and onto the floor of the supermarket.
"I was just fetching you your waffles, baby. I would never leave you."Dallon reassures, feeling guilty that he thought he'd be able to slip out of the aisle and back before Brendon would notice. Brendon nuzzles into the side of his neck, whimpering."Daddy is so so sorry he left without telling you baby, but I was going to come back."
Dallons heart aches for the sadness of his little boy, pressing a loving kiss to the side of Brendons head in an attempt of a nonverbal apology as he keeps him securely in his arms. He's well aware of the eyes that are watching the pair, but he doesn't care, let them watch and stare.
The moment is ruined when Dallon feels a tap on his shoulder, something that causes Dallon to look in the direction and nearly drop Brendon from where he's holding him in his arms as best as he can. He's well aware of his eyes widening at the person who stands before him, feeling his entire body run cold as he stares back at the face whose smile is slowly fading.
"I believe this belongs to you."She announces with a strained voice, Brendons paci hanging off of her pinky as she holds it out for Dallon to take. Breezy holds an emotion in her eyes that Dallon isn't sure what, but whatever it is it's quick to vanish before the same false emotion of happiness is back.
"Thanks."Dallon takes the small object with a shaking hand, stuffing it into his jacket pocket before Brendon whines to have it, not having a spare to give the little. He isn't sure of what to say next, it's been so long since he's seen Breezy, so long that he wasn't even sure if she was still living in same area, he had thought she would've moved, start a new life in a fresh environment and away from everything that would've reminded her of them.
"Daddy! Daddy, this is Breezy! She helped me find you!"Brendon explains excitedly, wiggling from Dallons hold so that he can be put onto the ground. Immediately, he's clutching onto Dallons hand, but remaining to look happily up at his Daddy and then to Breezy."S-she's really kind and pretty and helped me, Daddy!"
"That's great, peanut."Dallon tries for a smile, squeezing Brendons hand gently. He's pointedly trying his best to not look directly at her because god knows what else will happen if he does."Why don't you thank Breezy for helping you."
"Thank you Breezy! It was nice meeting you!"Brendon grins happily as if the last minutes hasn't even happened. Breezy smiles back at the little, looking at him with kind eyes and a soft smile.
"You're welcome, Brendon. I'm happy that you found your Daddy, you've got yourself a good Daddy."She winks, causing Brendons face to scrunch up in a sort of confusion before he nods his head because she's right! He does have a good Daddy!
"It was nice seeing you again, Dallon. You're looking better."Breezy says, her voice sincere as she speaks to Dallon.
"You too."Is all Dallon can manage, giving her a short nod before he turns to find their cart, Brendon waving goodbye to Breezy as they walk away. He lets out a heavy breath that he didn't know he was holding when they rounded a corner, his shoulders remaining tense and his heart beat slowing down. He hasn't expected that to happen, and he wishes it didn't.
"Daddy? Are you okay?"Brendon asks whenever they stop at the frozen food aisle, the ice cream that Brendon has dropped now being mopped up by a member of staff.
"I'm fine, Baby. Just a little tired."He lies, giving Brendon a reassuring smile.
"Hmmm, coffee sounds good. Lets finish our shopping and then we can go home and have coffee and hot chocolate. Does that sound good?"Dallon suggests, glad that he can Brendon to distant his rushing mind from thoughts and memories that he doesn't want to remember.
It's going to be a long day.
Heyyyy!! I know this was a late chapter but I made up with it with it being over 2700 words long! So you're welcome!
Please tell me your opinions!
Your opinion on Breezy now that you've met her?
What do you think the full story is going to be between Breezy and Dallon?
For later reference in the fanfic: Do you want Smut?
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