17. Cute Should Be A Sin
Are people still enjoying this? I feel like people are bored with what I write but maybe that's just my insecurity speaking.
Also thank you so much for over 500 votes! I never thought I would get that much and it makes me so happy to see that people are starting to progressively vote and comment and read this little fic!
Also I'm sorry that it took a little longer to update this, I had to pay attention to a couple of my other fics for awhile but I'm back (: (super short update)
Dallon wakes up to a warm body curled against his chest and a mouthful of fur the next morning. He doesn't remember falling asleep, but he does remember getting Brendon ready for bed after the Hybrid had fallen into little space after going over the rules. It had been entertaining on Brendons behalf, with Dallon trying to wrestle the little into Pyjamas and for the grumpy, sleepy little to refuse until Dallon had gave up, throwing him one of the hoodies that had made a home on the bedroom floor.
He curses himself for falling under the trap of Brendons big brown eyes, because as soon as he had laid down beside the Hybrid in bed, the Daddy had been out like a light with the little curled into his chest. If he's being honest, it was the best dose of sleep that Dallon has had since the Hybrid has been living with him, especially since Brendon has a habit of getting up early in the morning.
Sinatra the giraffe is pressed against Dallons mouth, Brendons hand firmly wrapped around one of its legs in an odd angle that should be classified as uncomfortable, but with the weeks that Brendon has been living with Dallon, the man has realised that Brendon sleeps in the oddest of angles and he shouldn't really question it.
Knowing that now he's awake he won't get back to sleep, Dallon gently peels himself away from Brendons clammy body, glad that he didn't wake the little up from his sleep. He looks so adorable as he sleeps, with Sinatra the giraffe now pulled to his chest and the side of his face pressed against the mattress, his tail laying limp off of the bed.
Dallon is pulling the covers up over Brendons body before he's heading into the bathroom to get a shower, allowing himself to soak under the hot water until his skin is pink and the bathroom mirror is fogged up.
He takes a moment, where there's water still running down his face and a towel loosely wrapped around his waist and looks himself in the bathroom mirror, a frown stretched on his face. He had always known that he's been underweight for his height and age, but it's never came to his attention just how much. His ribs are more scarily prominent than he thought, his hip bones dangerously jotting out in a way that Dallon has never noticed before.
Shaking his head, Dallon concludes that he's just seeing things because he can't be that skinny. He would've noticed it before now, and maybe that's the problem. He hasn't noticed it until now, Ryan and Pete haven't noticed - or maybe they have, in a more subtle way - so it's ridiculous to think that what he's actually seeing in the reflection is him.
Getting dressed, Dallon heads down the hall to work on some music, knowing that he'll have enough time to at least practice until Brendon wakes up.
"Daddy?"Brendon calls an hour later, sitting up on the bed with the blankets pooling at his hips and tiredly rubbing at his eyes. His hair is ruffled from sleep and there's a pout on his plump lips as he looks around the bedroom in search for his Daddy. Sinatra remains clutched in his hands, a comfort to the little.
The Hybrids ears twitch in his hair, picking up the low sound of one of Dallons bass guitars from down the hall, giving Brendon the reassurance that Daddy is still in the house. Sluggishly, Brendon is pulling himself out of bed, Sinatra clutched to his chest as he shuffled across the wooden floor, tiredly rubbing at his eyes in a manner that is deemed adorable.
"Daddy."Brendon whines whenever he reaches Dallons music room, shuffling into the room whenever Dallon stops what he's doing and looks up from where he's practicing a couple of cords on an older Bass Guitar.
"Morning Baby,"Dallon openly coos, a mile wide smile on is face whenever he sees the sleepy little make is way towards him. He's setting the guitar down, opening his arms for the little who shuffles towards him, throwing himself into Dallons lap with an oof. He had his face pressed into Dallons shouder, legs tucked on either side of Dallons lap."Did you have a nice sleep?"
"Uh-huh,"Brendon nods, nuzzling his face into the soft material of Dallons t-shirt with a purr, the man freshly smelling of his body lotion and musky cologne that never fails to make Brendon feel funny inside."Want Cuddles."
"Then I will give you cuddles, Peanut."
"M'Kitty Daddy, not a Peanut."Brendon giggles, shifting on Dallons lap so that he can look at his Daddy.
"Well you're my little peanut."Dallon declares, blowing a raspberry on Brendons check which causes the little to squeal loudly, face scrunched up with laugher.
"Daddy! Stop!"Brendon laughs loudly, trying to squirm away from the ticklish lips on his cheek."Please!"He adds on, giving a heavy sigh of relief whenever Dallon complies and stops with blowing raspberries to the little's cheeks, wakening him up.
"Only because you asked so nicely."The man smiles, chuckling whenever Brendon harshly wipes at the cheek that his daddy had been bowling raspberries on, an adorable scowl on his face the entire time. Brendons stomach growls, causing the Hybrid to jump in surprise, completely knocked out of his small amount of anger.
"Daddy, M'Hungry."
"I can hear that,"Dallon laughs, patting the littles thigh."Up you get so I can make you some breakfast."
"Carry me, Daddy."Brendon immediately lunges forward, wrapping his arms around the man and refusing to let go so that Dallon has no other choice but to lift the Hybrid up and carry him downstairs.
Breakfast goes off without a hitch, with Brendon being allowed to eat his breakfast in the living room as he watches cartoons and Dallon basically being force fed half of the little's cereal. Dallon has enjoyed doing just little things with Brendon, it was slowly getting him back into the ease of being a Daddy again, with just simple things such as watching cartoons in the morning or having a lap full of little.
"What do you want to wear today, Peanut?"Dallon asks as he looks through the drawers in what is slowly starting to be called Formally Brendons bedroom. Brendon sits on the bed, playing with the fur on top of Sinatra the Giraffes head, still cladded in the hoodie he wore to bed and a pair of cotton undies underneath.
"I dunno,"Brendon shrugs, his bottom lip caught between feline sharp teeth, his tail laying beside him on the bed. He's not feeling in the correct mindset to be choosing what he wants to wear, he just wants his Daddy to pick out everything for him.
"Do you want me to choose?"Dallon asks, seeing the familiar glazed over look in Brendons big brown eyes as he plays with his stuffed animal. The little nods his head, letting out a happy sound whenever dallon offers him a nod of the head and turns back to pull out at outfit.
He lays out a pair of soft grey jeans and a lilac jumper, not having much to choose from due to the harsh weather outside. He can't wait until the weather outside gets warmer and Brendon can wear shorts and dungarees and cute little tops with animated animals on them.
"Now before you get dressed, do you need any special little items today?"Dallon asks softly, using their term for Pull ups and Diapers since Brendon got awfully flustered and embarrassed. Brendon shrugs shyly, looking away from Dallon whenever he crouches to get into his level."Brendon, I need to know if we're going out somewhere."
"Pull ups, maybe, but just in case! I don' wanna have an accident!"Brendon tries to cover himself up, only causing Dallon to chuckle lightly and pat the Hybrids knee gently.
"Thank you for telling me."He gets up, getting a pull up from the bottom drawer in Brendons room and laying it down on the clothing that is set out."I'll let you sort that out, I'll be downstairs waiting for you."
"Thank you, Daddy."Brendon blushes, looking over at the man who in return gives him a soft, meaningful smile before exiting the room.
This was so much shorter than the last chapter but I'm going to finally get more into the main plot in the next chapter which is why I wanted to end it here (;
I will be adding more Ryan, Pete etc soon, just right now I need it to be solely these two so that I can get some things out of the way.
Please tell me your opinions!
Do you guys want Brendon to be in Pull ups, diapers, neither or both? (Out of curiosity)
Anyone want flash back chapters for Dallon and Brendon?
Anything you'd like to happen?
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