13. The Problems with Spaghetti
I'm in the process of starting a Ryan/Dallon/Brendon fanfic, it's going to be Little!Dallon with bottom!Dallon, Top!Ryan and switch!Brendon. I hope people will read it when I upload it (:
Also I changed the cover photo, who likes it?
Thank you so much for all of the comments! Keep it up please!
Trying to think of a name for a stuffed giraffe is hard guys lmao
2500+ words
"Daddy Dal! Look! Look!"Brendon gasps, bouncing into the kitchen for the fourth time since Dallon has started making them dinner. He has yet another outfit on, twirling excitedly with gleeful giggles whenever the skirt he has on flies up, his tail brushing against his bare legs. Brendon has made it his goal to try on every outfit before dinner is ready, and so far, he's a little behind with how much that Dallon bought him - mostly because Dallon doesn't know how to say no when it comes to Brendons pouty lips and big eyes.
"Give me a second, Brendon."Dallon has to hold back a sigh, checking on the spaghetti that's on the boil. Dallon doesn't know how to cook a lot, but what he does know is pretty good if he wasn't tooting his own horn or anything.
As much as it was entertaining to see Brendon has happy and excited about his new clothing, it was becoming a little concerned of just how ill treated the Hybrid was before he landed himself a temporary - Dallon has to keep reminding himself of that - home with Dallon.
"Hurrrrry!"He whines, getting impatient with how long it is taking for Dallon to turn around and look at his pretty outfit. Dallon had put away all of the clothing into a slate wardrobe in what is now being temporarily christened 'Brendons room', with his shoes tucked into the bottom of the wardrobe and underwear and t-shirts of the sort in the small set of drawers.
Of course now, most of the clothing is now piled onto the bed, something Brendon knows Dallon won't be happy about when he sees but that's something to worry about later.
"Okay, I'm looking, I'm looking!"Dallon throws his arms up, turning his attention onto Brendon who twirls in that moment to show off the way his new Pastel purple skirt flows. Brendon giggles, standing directly in front of Dallon, playing with the ends of his new white sweater as he waits for the mans reaction."For the hundredth time, you look very pretty."
"Very Pretty?"Brendon blushes, looking down at his sock covered feet and then to Dallon who smiles warmly at him.
"Very pretty."Dallon repeats, feeling a warmth in his chest whenever Brendon grins happily at the man, kitten ears standing up on show and tail swaying behind him."Now as much as that outfit is wonderful on you, I think you should go change for Dinner."
"Why?"Brendon pouts, looking at Dallon defensively as he wants to stay in his outfit that has been deemed very pretty.
"Because you don't want your new clothing to get ruined, now do you?"Dallon raises his eyebrow at the little who immediately shakes his head because he doesn't want that! He loves all of his new, pretty clothing very much and Daddy Dal spent a lot of money for them!
"Don' want that."
"So and get changed, baby. You can wear one of my jumpers if you want, as long as you give me it back."Dallon bargains, watching the way that Brendon hesitates a nod before scampering out of the kitchen and up the stairs excitedly.
Brendon finds one of Dallons jumpers in the hamper in Dallons bedroom, pulling it out with a joyful sound whenever the material still smells of Dallons musky smelling cologne and coffee, a perfect combination if you ask the Hybrid. He brings it back down to his room, undressing until he remains in the soft cotton underwear that Dallon had bought him during their shopping trip.
"Guess what!"Brendon gasps, grabbing at the stuffed giraffe that has yet to be christened a name yet. He smiles at the stuffed giraffe before continuing to speak."Daddy Dal s-said I look pretty!"He still feels warm and fluffy whenever he admits what he heard the man say, it made him feel so happy.
For Dallon to let Brendon stay in his home, even it is for a little whine, was the first step of happiness for Brendon, no matter how sad that sounds. Buying him clothing was a surprise, something that had shocked Brendon because never had Spencer allowed him to wear clothing nevermind pick out his own and Sarah just didn't have the money.
Getting bought his own little items had made Brendon over the moon with happiness, despite his embarrassment in some departments. Dallon had even bought him a stuffie! And he bought him pretty clothing! And then said that he was pretty! That's never happened before.
"Brendon! Dinner!"Dallon shouts from downstairs, plating the spaghetti Bolognese.
"Coming!"The Hybrid shouts back, throwing on Dallons jumper and regrabbing his stuffie. He makes his way down the stairs quickly, skipping into the kitchen with a grin."Here!"
"Good, now sit down at the table."Dallon directs, bringing a plate of Spaghetti Bolognese and a cup of apple juice over to the table whenever Brendon has decided which seat to sit in. The Hybrid stares confused at the food he has been given.
"What is it?"He asks curiously, hugging his giraffe tighter to his chest as he looks between the food and then to Dallon.
"It's spaghetti bolognese, you'll like it, I'm sure of it."Dallon reassures, offering the Hybrid a smile as he holds a hand out."Can you give me your Giraffe so I can keep them safe?"
"But they're safe here."
"She'll get all messy there, baby. I'm just going to put them on the seat beside you, is that okay?"Dallon uses a voice that he has reserved only for when he's talking to Littles, a bodies he never thought that he would use again. It's soft, reassuring and it causes Brendons tummy to feel all funny.
Brendon pouts but ends of nodding his head, watching Dallon with trustworthy eyes as he takes his giraffe and sets them on the seat beside Brendon, making sure that it's prompt up just like Brendon is.
"Is that the jumper I put in the hamper this morning?"Dallon raises his eyebrow as he takes a seat opposite from Brendon, hugging a mug of coffee despite the time that it is. He watches as Brendon picks up his fork, looking at it confusedly.
"Nu-uh."He shakes his head, not looking at Dallon as blush rises to his cheeks. It smelt so strongly of Dallon, a scent of comfort and protectiveness.
"Here, let me help you."Dallon sighs whenever Brendon makes his third failed attempt of scooping up spaghetti with a fork. He gently takes the fork out of from Brendons fingers, leaning across the table to show the little how it's done. He twirls the fork into the spaghetti, the Hybrid watching in curiosity as it swirls around it, the man holding the fork up to show Brendon."There you go."
"Thank 'ou!"Brendon beams, eating what's on the fork that Dallon continues to hold out. He slurps a piece of spaghetti, something that causes him to giggle and for Dallon to chuckle in fondness as he sits the fork down."Yummy!"
"Thank you,"Dallon smiles in return, feeling proud with himself that he had managed to make at least one person enjoy his cooking.
Nevertheless, Dallon is correct about Brendon making a mess of himself as he experiences Spaghetti Bolognese for the first time, managing - despite Dallons half heartedly help - to have the food dripped down the jumper that he's wearing and smeared across his face and somehow managing to get into his hair much to Dallons dismay.
"How did you manage to get food in your hair?"He sighs, glancing up from where he's reading the through possible new owners on his phone, having been waiting for Brendon to finish his food and not wanting to leave him alone.
"I dunno!"Brendon giggles, clumsily using his fork to scope up the lasting remains, giving Dallon the opportunity to take a sneaky photograph on his phone of the cuteness before him."All done!"
"Are you sure? Because I think you have enough food on your jumper to feed a small village."He chuckles, watching as the Hybrid looks down at his jumper and gasps at the mess he has made."Lets take this jumper off of you, I'll throw it into the wash now."
"Okay!"Brendon agrees, holding his arms up high for Dallon to take the jumper off of him gently, using the material to wipe at Brendons face half heartedly to rid of the food left behind but giving up half way. He guesses a shower is up for debate again."Watch 'toons? Please?"
"Sure, Buddy, just until I finish these dishes."Dallon agrees, watching in fondness whenever the Hybrid nods his head, jumping up from his seat and grabbing his stuffed giraffe.
Dallon pauses in his actions as Brendon turns, his back towards him. Seeing the scars on Brendons thighs where one thing that caused alarm to rise, but now seeing them spread to his back, his hips, the back of his thighs all inflicted with similar scars, deep whip lashes from long ago and from what Dallon can see, very recent ones too.
Dallon now knows why Brendon didn't want to go back to his owner
Brendon is in no state of mind to be talking about things like this, Dallon knows it and nor does he want to approach the Hybrid of this while he still remains in his little space. It's not something Dallon wants to talk about either, the familiarity of it all is suffocating, like being plunged into a pool of darkness that you just keep trying to claw your way out of.
Before this, Dallon wouldn't have cared so much to notice that a Hybrid was being afflicted pain on, it wouldn't have been his concern because he wouldn't have known the Hybrid, it would've been of the owners doing. But now, it makes him sick to know that someone, as twisted and as evil as they possibly come could hurt someone as precious and beautiful as Brendon and he wants to know who, so he can put a stop to it.
"C'mon buddy, lets get you cleaned up."Dallon announces, entering the livingroom after he has washed the dishes and put them up for dry. He'd calmed himself down but the anger still bubbles in his Stomach, especially when he comes into view with the nasty looking scars on Brendons upper back from where he leans against the sofa.
"One more! Please?"
"No Brendon, we need to get you into the shower and get that spaghetti out of your hair."He tries for a laugh but it comes out pained.
"Don' want shower."Brendon whimpers, his ears lowering into his hair whenever he turns his attention to Dallon, clinging to his stuffie. He has the same fearful look on his face as he did that morning when Dallon had saved him from the shower."Scary."
"The shower's scary?"He raises his eyebrow at the Hybrid.
"Water."Brendon confesses, wanting to curl into himself out of embarrassment of his childish fear. It's worse than being afraid of thunderstorms, at least he has knowledge that thunderstorms won't hurt him - Dallon told him so! - but water was a different matter altogether. It has hurt him, in so many different ways.
"You're scared of- water."Dallon says carefully, processing what has been said. It explains a lot really, and maybe Dallon should've pulled the pieces together quicker since he is dealing with someone who is part cat and cats are afraid of water. It explains the night Brendon was trying to get away from the rain during the thunderstorm and the shower incident.
"I-I'm sorry."
"Oh no, Brendon it's okay. That's my fault, don't apologise sweetheart."Dallon is quick to reassuring, kneeling down where Brendon is sat on the carpeted ground, his ears lowered into his hair and clutching his giraffe tightly to his chest."How about a bath? I'll only draw it up to your hips and there won't be any water pelting down onto you."
"D-Daddy Dal be there?"The Hybrid asks timidly, brown eyes wide as he looks up at Dallon who's eyes widen at the request.
"I-I'll just be in the hallway, baby."He reassures, hating the way that Brendons face falls at the rejection. He doesn't want to experience something new without Dallon being there, it'll be scary and he knows it will be.
And fuck, how can Dallon say no to that?
The bath is short lived, mostly because Brendon wants to get out of the bath and away from water as fast as he can - although he can admit it's far better than a shower - and Dallon is feeling pretty uncomfortable as he's practically forced to sit on the closed toilet lid while Brendon cleans himself as best as he can, which is a pretty good attempt if Dallon can have an opinion.
Brendon is glad to get out of the bath because as much as it was far better than a shower, being in the water still brought back scary memories and he found himself glancing at the bathroom door in fear that Spencer would barge in at any moment and make the experience even worse.
"So have you thought up a name for your Giraffe friend yet?"Dallon asks as Brendon sits on the other side of the sofa from him, dressed in one of his new Onesies that Dallon had bought him, coloured a powder blue colour and decorated with animated dinosaurs. Brendons hair and tail are fluffy now that he's had a bath.
"I dunno,"He shrugs his shoulders, starting down at his stuffie. He's been thinking of names all day but he wasn't sure on what they could be."Maybe Sinatra."His feline sharp teeth nibble his bottom lip.
"Like Frank Sinatra?"Dallon raises his eyebrow at the Hybrid who nods."Well I think Sinatra is a wonderful name for your Giraffe."His smile only grows whenever Brendon looks at him a little shocked.
"Yep! It's very nice to meet you Sinatra,"Dallon speaks directly to the stuffed Giraffe, taking on of the legs and shaking it. Brendon watches with wide eyes as Dallon interacts with his stuffie."My name's Dallon, and I hope you'll be a very good friend to Brendon."
I thought it'd be cute to end this chapter here bc if I carry on I'm gonna die of all of the fluffiness in the world because I can't this is too cute. I'm going to time skip after this chapter, maybe a week.
What's your opinion on the name Sinatra for Brendons stuffed Giraffe?
Who wants to meet Spencer, Sarah or Breezy?
A get to know each other chapter?
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