12. Dallon Needs To Get a Loan, Brendon Likes To Shop Appearently
A bit of a shorter chapter compared to the previous too but today has been a busy day so this is all I could give out (:
20 comments for this chapter? I'm so close to my goal and it makes me so happy!
Also, incase I'm unable to update before the new year: Happy New Year!
"It's just the radio, it won't hurt you. Stop crying!"
"B-but it's loud a-and it hurt my ears!"
"Well that's what happens when you turn the volume to max, Brendon."
"I didn' know!"
"I told you to keep your hands to yourself but you didn't listen to me, you're not getting any sympathy from me Sweetheart. You went and did something that I told you not to do, this is your own fault."Dallons voice remains gentle as he tells the Hybrid off, giving Brendon a side glance to see the Hybrid rubbing at his sore ears, tears running down his cheeks and dripping off of his chin and onto his hoodie.
Dallon had paid for the items without a peek at the cash register, kind of afraid to see the price but not enough to take everything back and leave the little without an item to spare. It was worth it though, especially with Brendon bouncing on the balls of his feet beside him, arms wrapped around the stuffed Giraffe and what Dallon can say is the brightest smile on his face since he's been in his care.
Introducing Brendon to the car - since they had walked to the store to buy the little items as it was just down the road - was entertaining, Dallon wasn't going to lie about that. Brendon had been frightened of Dallons beat down Ventra, especially when Dallon had buckled him into the seat and left him alone in the vehicle. Starting the car caused the Hybrid to flinch as the car roared to life, clutching onto the giraffe Stuffie with all his might.
Dallons car isn't in the best of conditions, with a broken heater and a dodgy engine, it was a miracle the thing even kicked to life when Dallon had put the keys in. But, it was enough for Dallon and it managed to pass the MOT time after time, and the radio worked which was all good, something Brendon had tested himself.
"I'm sorry, Daddy Dal."Brendon hiccups, one of his arms hugged around his Giraffe Stuffie as he tries to wipe away the tears with the heel of his hand. He hasn't known that the radio would be so loud, he didn't even know that it made sound! He was only messing around with it! But maybe he should've listened to Dal when he was told not to play with it, but he was curious, it's not his fault!
"Listen to me in the future, okay Baby?"Dallon sighs, turning into the one of the shopping centre car parks.
"Uh-Huh,"The Hybrid nods obediently, wiping his nose with the sleeve of his hoodie much to Dallons inner protests.
"There really was no reason to cry, sweetheart."The man shakes his head, chuckling whenever Brendon pouts at him, eyebrows threading in an attempt of a glare which just comes out adorably.
"Brendon, can you listen to me for a second?"Dallon turns in his seat to look at the Hybrid, the car parked and engine turned off. The little looks over at him with watery brown eyes, chewing on the horn of the stuffed giraffe."I need you to stay with me at all times, you got that? No wondering off to look at pretty things or disappearing into stores without me. If you want to go somewhere, tell me and we can."
"Stay with Daddy Dal."Brendon nods his head, voice muffled from where his mouth is occupied.
"And lets keep this out of your mouth,"Dallon hides his grimace, tugging part of Brendons new Stuffed animal out of his mouth, indicating a whine from the little."It wasn't bought for eating. How about one of your new Paci's, hmm?"
Reaching into the back of the car, Dallon is pulling out one of the packs, along with the Paci clip that'll come in use. Opening the packet, Dallon fiddles to attach the clip to Brendons hoodie, the other side attached to the light green Paci. Brendons face scrunches up with a smile whenever the Paci is popped into his mouth.
"Adorable."Dallon can't help but to comment, a smile breaking out on his face.
Brendon is forced to leave his stuffed Giraffe in the car, Dallon in fear that the Hybrid will drop and lose it. He can't help but to roll his eyes in fondness whenever Brendon insists that the Giraffe is to be buckled into the passenger seat much like Brendon had been.
Lucky enough, the Shopping centre isn't as busy as Dallon had feared, still in the hours of where those that are working have already gone back after their lunch breaks and the teenagers from the local high school haven't finished school for the day, leaving the centre to thin in and out of groups.
Although, despite the lack of people, it doesn't stop Brendon to be pressed up against Dallons side as they move throughout the mall, clinging onto Dallons hand in fear. Everything is so different, there's too much noise and too many people for the Hybrid to handle and Dallon doesn't seem to be handling it all that good either but he doesn't say anything of it.
"What clothes do like to wear?"Dallon asks whenever they enter one of the stores, Brendons eyes wide as he looks around at the racks of clothing, sucking anxiously on the Paci in his mouth. Everything was set out, from Feminine to masculine and all specially made for Hybrids unlike the trousers and boxers that Brendon is wearing at the moment, Dallon having to cut a hole in the back of them himself.
"Pretty clothes, some'imes."Brendon lisps around his Paci, eyes lowering to the floor and tail wrapping around his left thigh as he waists for Dallons reaction. He likes pretty clothing like large sweaters and cute skirts, in pretty colours like Pink and Purple. But he likes some of the clothes that he's seen Dallon and Ryan wear too.
"Lets see what they have."Dallon makes his way towards a certain section of the store, grinning whenever he sees the way that Brendons eyes lighten up, mouth falling open a little which causes the Paci to fall and dangle by his hoodie.
"Pretty."He takes note, his eyes trained on the pastel coloured clothing, ranging from sweaters to skirts to shoes. The Hybrid runs his fingers over the soft material of one of the hoodies, giggling to himself."Soft."
"Lets pick you some pretty clothing, yeah? And then we can maybe get you some jeans and a nice jacket."Dallon suggests, picking up a basket from where some rest near the section. Brendon lets out a happy sound, running towards a lilac coloured jeans and holding them out to show Dallon who chuckles at the enthusiasm."Do you like them?"
"Do they have your size?"
"I d-dunno."Brendon frowns, nibbling on his bottom lip as he lowers the jeans and looks back at the pile. He doesn't know what size he is, he's never been allowed to pick his own clothing before, something that Sarah or Spencer have always done for him when they allowed him to wear clothing.
"It's okay! We'll sort it out, don't worry."The man gives the Hybrid a reassuring smile, taking the jeans off of the Hybrid and folding them into the basket, making a self reminder to ask someone for estimated sizes before Brendon is to try anything on.
It's when Brendon is making his way through cute t-shirts and fitting leggings that the Hybrid has near enough tried on in the middle of the store, is when Dallon leans against a wall display to check his messages, fingers typing replies to Ryan and his moms desperate attempts to make contact with him.
His thumb hovers over the Facebook app, bottom lip caught between his teeth whenever a notification pops up at the top of the screen, alerting Dallon of the new comment on his recent post. In a way, Dallon doesn't want to see who it is that is interested in knowing who it is that is interested in Brendon but in another, more Dominating way, he doesn't.
"Daddy Dal! Get please?"Brendon is asking, bouncing excitedly on the balls of his feet as he holds out pastel pink skater skirt, thigh highs in his other hand as he waits for Dallons response. The man looks up from his phone, face breaking out into a smile whenever he sees the contagious smile on the Littles.
"Of course, Baby. But I think that's enough skirts for now,"Dallon comments, watching as Brendon nods in defeat, putting the skirt into the basket that Dallon holds, weighing down with clothes."What about shoes?"
"Please!"Brendon nods, grabbing onto Dallons arm to drag the human towards where he had last saw the shoes, kitten tail swaying happily behind him. Chuckling, Dallon is taking long strides after the Hybrid, stuffing his forgotten phone into his back pocket.
He'll worry about it later.
Please tell me what you thought! I will hopefully be updating on New Years Day sometime before or after the Sherlock season 4 premiere lmao
How cute is Brendon?
Who do you think might be interested in buying Brendon? Have anyone in mind?
Who likes the fact that Dallon is starting to soften up?
Anyone want Dallon backstory or Brendon backstory first?
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