11. Daddy Dallon to Daddy Dal. Progress!

Thank you for over 200 votes! It makes me so happy to see that this is progressively getting better with votes and comments (:

My goal is to get 500 comments by chapter 15 ^~^

I'm shamelessly writing a bunch of cute Little!Brendon because it's adorable and idc

2730 words

Ryan had stayed far longer than he should have, much to Dallons annoyance but to Brendons enjoyment as he had somebody to talk and interact with that wasn't always so stubborn and stuck up most of the time - because Brendon can admit that sometimes Dallon shows his soft side when Brendon needs it.

As much as Dallon was glad to have Brendon out of his hair for a little while he got changed and did a few bits and bobs around the house that he would normally do daily but hasn't had the time since Brendon appeared, there was a strange feeling in his stomach when he turned and didn't see Brendon Immediately behind him or hear the Hybrids constant Mewls for attention.

Despite his annoyed grumbles and swears of the Hybrid on a daily basis - 4 days, and holy shit, has Brendon been living in the house for 4 days now? - he was starting to get use to having the Hybrid follow him around whenever he went in the house, talking his ear off about subjects that Dallon didn't really care for and genuinely being an annoying cat. It was as annoying as it was entertaining.

It kept him company

By the time that Dallon had finished - dressed in his favourite jeans and a freshly washed hoodie that still managed to linger with his favourite aftershave - Brendon was watching his first Disney movie, wiggled himself as close to the television as he could and his thumb resting in his mouth in amazement as he watched the Blue and Green characters move across the screen.

"Why can't Ry stay?"Brendon whines, his face pressed up against the glass of the living room window, eyes trained on the direction that Ryan walked away in. His ears have lowered into his messy hair, tail swaying behind him in sadness.

"Because he had to go to work, he can't stay and watch films with you forever."Dallon sighs, cringing whenever Brendon starts to make that sad Mewling sound again."Get your face around the window."

"I'm waiting on Ry!"

"Brendon he's at work, he can come back another day."

"But he was my friend!"

"C'mere, don't you want to watch the rest of your film?"Dallon tries to bargain, offering the Hybrid a smile whenever the Hybrids head turns to look at Dallon, eyes lighting up and kitten ears standing up.

"I wanna watch Monsters Inc!"He gasps, jumping off of the sofa and onto the one that Dallon is sitting on, the remote control in his hand. Without a second thought, Brendon is wiggling his way onto Dallons lap, snuggling into Dallons chest with a soft purr.

"Right, um, okay."He clears his throat, pressing play on the remote to start the film from where it last left off before Ryan had left. The little gives a squeal of excitement, one that makes Dallon flinch a little for being so close to the sound, his body remains stiff as Brendon snuggles into his lap.

It's only a while later that his body begins to relax a little, the warm pressure of Brendon sitting on top of him and the rhythm of purring quite satisfying and relaxing as the little watches the film. It's an entertaining sight, watching as Brendon giggles to himself.

Dallon knows that he needs to approach the topic to Brendon, especially now that he's slipped into little space so unexpectedly. It's been so long that Dallon has been in the accompany of a little, before everything that was ever good in his life started crumbling in his hands. But being a care giver came naturally to him, despite every ounce of him that is trying to resist that side of him that he wants to forget.

If Brendon was to stay with him for awhile he'd at least like to know a little more about the Hybrid, especially the little side of Brendon.

"Daddy Dal?"Brendon whispers, tugging at the sleeve of Dallons jumper to try and gain the mans attention. Dallon shakes his head, ridding him of his wondering thoughts as he pays his attention to Brendon who watches him with wide brown eyes.

"What is it, sweetheart?"He asks gently, watching as a slight blush graces Brendons cheeks.

"I needa' pee."

"You know where the bathroom is, I'll pause your movie until you come back."

"Need help, please."He informs, biting his bottom lip in embarrassment and worry."Don' want an accident, Daddy Dal."The least he wants us to have an accident, ruin Dallons clothing and Dallon himself.

"Oh."The man nods his head, blushing himself whenever he comes to the realisation of just how young that Brendon could be when he's in headspace."Lets get you to the bathroom and then we need to have a talk, okay Brendon?"

"Uh-Huh."The Hybrid nods his head, climbing off of Dallons lap with his tail swaying calmly behind him as he waits for the man to get up off of the sofa. Dallon notices how much more open Brendon is when he's in his little headspace, something that can be taken lightly and or a disadvantage.

They make quick work with Brendon going to pee, with Dallon standing patiently outside of the bathroom door and making sure that the little has flushed and washed his hands.

"Done!"Brendon cheers, a grin on his face as he stands in front of Dallon, showing the man his cleaned hands. The front of the pale pink hoodie tucked into the front of his boxers, causing the hoodie to ride up and show off the Hybrids pale and scarred thighs.

"F-Fix your jumper, sweetheart."Dallon swallows thickly, not allowing himself to let his eyes linger as he directs his vision to Brendons facial expression instead. The Hybrid frowns up at the man before he looks down at his stuck hoodie.

"Oops! Sorry, Daddy Dal!"The Hybrid lets out a gasp, giggling to himself as he fixes his stuck piece of clothing, the hoodie falling back over the Hybrids thighs. Dallon doesn't have time to linger on he thoughts before the Hybrid is lifting his arms."Up please?"


"Pwease?"The Little pulls his adorable card, infamous pout in place on his plump lips and his eyes wide with hope. Dallon makes the mistake of looking Brendon in the eyes, instantly melting at the adorable sight.

"Fine, but only this once."He gives a heavy sigh, stiffening a groan as Brendon practically leaps at him, not giving the man a warning as he wraps has legs around Dallons waist and arms around his neck. Dallon tries to not over think what he just saw as he carries Brendon down the stairs back to the living room, it's not his place to ask or get curious and soon enough, it won't even be his problem.

"Movie?"Brendon asks, giving a surprised squeal whenever Dallon sits down with Brendon on his lap.

"We need to talk first,"Dallon informs gently, watching as the Hybrids ears lower into hair immediately and his tail comes to wrap around his middle.

"Brendon leave?"He panics.

"No! No, no, not yet sweetheart."Dallon shushes quickly, causing the Hybrid to tilt his head to the side and give a confused meow."Can you tell me how old you are while you're little?"

"Three, some'imes older or younger."The little shrugs his shoulders, lifting up one of Dallons hands and admiring the size with a giggle."You have big hands."He comments, mind distracted.

"Do you need any special items? Because I need to know."

Brendon gives a shrug, playing with Dallons hands and pressing the palm of his own hand against Dallons and admiring the size difference.

"Brendon, I asked you a question and I expect an answer."Dallon uses a tone of authority that makes Brendon drop his hand from Dallons and look at the man with attention, a sudden jerkiness surrounding the Hybrid."Thank you for paying attention. Now, do you need any special items?"

"Paci's an' sippy cups. Stuff like 'at."He informs, not ideally wanting to go into full details for all of the items that he will need. It was embarrassing to say the least, whether in or out of headspace he didn't like to talk about the items that he needs.

"Do you need, uh, like-"Dallon moves his hands awkwardly in the air as if Brendon will know exactly what he's going to say. He shouldn't be awkward or embarrassed because of this, Dallon has had to deal with Littles of all ages before now."Diapers? Or Pull ups?"


"Brendon, it's okay if you do. I've dealt with stuff like this before, remember, I've been a Daddy before."

"Who to?"Brendons jealously flares, looking up at Dallon with eyes that Dallon swear nearly turn red.

"It doesn't matter who, it was in the past. Now stop dodging the question."He lightens up the atmosphere with poking at Brendons nose, causing the Hybrid to scrunch his nose up cutely."Do you need Diapers or Pull ups?"

"Sometimes...Only when really little."Brendon drags out the really, his face crimson as he tries to look away from Dallon out of embarrassment. His tail as found it's way to Dallons arm, brushing up and down the mans arm.

"You're so bashful, it's adorable."Dallon says before he can stop himself, causing the Hybrid to blush even more so and burry his face in the material of Dallons hoodie out of embarrassment. He clings onto Dallon, whining whenever Dallon just chuckles in amusement."Okay, okay, the conversation is over for now."He reassures.

"Movie?"The Hybrid peeks a look at Dallon, purring whenever Dallon runs a hand over his kitten ears as a peace offering.

"Yes, we can finish your movie."


"I don' like pants!"Brendon whines, tugging at the buttons on the pants that Dallon had bought cheaply for the Hybrid to wear, as well as a pair of shoes, just until they go clothes shopping after what they're currently doing. He trusts behind Dallon, continuously whining and mewling which has already started doing Dallons head in.

"I know you don't but you can't go around naked."

"But I wanna be naked!"

"Keep your pants on or so help me god-"Dallon threatens, pinching the bridge of his nose and counting slowly from 20 in his head. Brendon frowns whenever Dallon doesn't continue, kitten ears up in curiosity as he watches.

"Daddy Dal?"He whispers unsure, dropping his hand from where one tugs at the uncomfortable pants that he was forced to wear. He doesn't see why he can't just wear his hoodie and that's it, it was okay when he went out with Spencer, he encouraged it. Brendon has nothing to be ashamed off but maybe Dallon doesn't like it...

"Just- just please keep your pants on until we go clothes shopping, alright? And then you can pick anything you want to wear, I promise you. Just right now we need to get this sorted out."He drops his hand and gives Brendon a tired look.

"Okay, Sorry Daddy Dal."The little whimpers, grabbing at Dallons fallen hand and holding onto his hand as he's less through the store. He trusts Dallon, following behind him and keeping a grip on his hand as they move through the store.

It's very white, the shelves filled with items that Brendon isn't even sure of as they pass, nothing seems to come to eye until Dallon leads them into a much more colourful section of the store. The shelves are filled with all sorts of Little based items, from a wall of pacifiers to characterised diapers and pull ups that make Brendon gasp.

"Just a quick scoop, okay? Go and pick a pack of Pacifiers while I get your other items."Dallon makes sure to word his sentences carefully, watching how Brendon lets out a happy sound, giving the man a quick hug before he skips over to the wall of pacifiers without hesitation.

Dallon watches Brendon make his way happily to the wall of pacifiers, taking a quick glance around the area before taking cautious steps towards his destination. It's been so long since he has been here, it brought back memories that he really doesn't want to remember that can't forget.

Shaking his head, Dallon take a look at the Sippy cups and kitchen items. He can't help but to coo at some of the adorable designs, with cartoon characters scattered on them or little animated animals on others. There was a wide variety, something for everyone.

Picking up a basket, Dallon puts a couple of Monster Inc themed items into the basket, making sure that the Sippy Cups are suitable for Hybrids sharper teeth and that the cutlery are the correct size. He can't help himself with what he buys, a little over excited that he was getting back into the swing of things even if it was only temporary.

He decides so himself to pick out the pull ups for Brendon just in case, picking out comfy and sizeable pull ups for day time and night time, some decorated with cute little animals and other decorated with random Disney characters that he's sure Brendon will be amazed by despite the item.

"Brendon?"He calls whenever he turns and doesn't see the Hybrid where he was last standing. He frowns, a sort of panic settling as he starts to look around in search for the Hybrid. He moves through the store until he spots the Hybrid by the toy section, staring up at a wall of Stuffies."Brendon! Where did I say you should be?"

"B-By the Paci's,"The Hybrid whimpers, his kitten ears disappearing into his hair whenever he turns to see Dallons expression. He doesn't look angry, just a little panicked. The man takes long strides to the Hybrid, resting a concerned hand on his face.

"Don't wonder away like that,"He scowls gently.

"Sorry, was jus' looking."The Hybrid pouts, holding a couple of sets of Paci's in his hands, as well as a Paci clip.

"Put them in the basket,"Dallon directs, taking a step away from the Hybrid whenever the moment ends.


"Well I wouldn't tell you to pick some out if I wasn't going to buy them."Dallon can't help but to roll his eyes at the Hybrid, watching as Brendon nods his head, still unsure as he places the packets into the basket. He can see Brendons wondering eye on the rest of the items, looking away as quickly as he's caught.

The Littles eyes are caught back on the wall of Stuffies, his hands wringing at his fluffy tail as he looks up at them in want, feline sharp teeth biting onto his bottom lip.

"Go on, pick one."Dallon ends up saying, laughing whenever Brendons turns to look at him in shock."And before you say, yes I mean it. Pick out a Stuffie."

"I-it's up there."Brendon whispers, pointing up at a stuffed Giraffe on a higher shelf. Dallon nods his head, leaning up a little to grab at the stuffed Giraffe and handing it over to Brendon who gasps in awe at how tall Dallon is.

"Here you go,"He smiles, watching as Brendon grins and hugs the stuffed Giraffe to his chest with a happy sounding purr."Do you like it?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! T'ank you Daddy Dal!"Brendon grins, leaping at Dallon for a hug and purring into his chest."You're the best person I've ever met."

Okay this was mush longer than I originally planned for this chapter to be but I just seemed to keep writing and writing and lmao this came out, a bunch of fluff and cuteness

I'm so sad over Carrie Fisher dying, RIP such a wonderful woman 💔

Please tell me your opinions!

Your opinions on Little!Brendon now that you have seen more of him?

What do you think Brendon should name his Giraffe?

Important: Fem!Brendon or not?



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