10. A Little Problem
A much longer chapter my friends (; I hope you enjoy and shower with as many comments as you can! Finally some Brallon progress with little!Brendon so enjoy (;
Also Happy Holidays!
Dallon doesn't live in a big house, and in some way Brendon is glad because a big hole would take so much longer to explore and probably way much more things to break as well - which Brendon is ver much glad of because sometimes he forgets that his tail is there and had a mind it's own. But, it isn't the smallest either. Sarah had a much smaller home than this, and Spencer's was much larger than that also.
But it's cosy, a right size of home for someone who supposedly lives alone for most of the year unless he has relatives over or a couple of friends. There's photographs on the walls of hallways and little nicknacks sitting on the tables or on shelves that are thankfully too high for Brendons to reach and therefore unable to break.
A small voice inside of his head hopes that Dallon doesn't take too long in the shower, because as much as he knows that Dallon needs his space - and god knows that Brendon is attention seeking and Dallon obviously isn't use to that yet - it doesn't ease Brendons nerves. He doesn't like to be left on his own.
Cradling his mug of warm milk to his chest with his uninjured hand, Brendon allows his eyes to linger on a photograph that hangs on the wall in the living room. Tilting his head to the side, he blinks at the photograph of Dallon with another woman in the picture. He looks so much happier in the photo, with a blazing smile across his face and his arm draped across the woman's shoulder.
"Pretty..."Brendons voice trials off, frowning a little at the photograph. The woman who stands along side Dallon is attractive and really, Brendon shouldn't be surprised because Dallon is extremely attractive and there shouldn't be a problem with him gaining an equally attractive partner, personality aside.
His ears lower into his hair as the realisation settles in that maybe it's because he's a hybrid that Dallon doesn't like it, or even more so, maybe it's because he's not a woman. Brendon nibbles on his bottom lip in sadness, maybe this is his girlfriend, or even possibly his fiancé taken by the ring on her finger. She's probably a little also, although she doesn't look it but Brendon was taught not to judge a book by its cover.
With a sigh, Brendon tears his eyes away from the photograph before he gets even sadder, sitting himself down on carpeted flooring where the tangled mess of yarn lays from the last time he had played with it.
"H-How do I turn it on?"The Hybrid whispers to himself, his empty mug laying on the carpet beside him and his hands fumbling with the Television remote control that remains in his hands. He can vaguely remember Dallon telling him that morning how the remote control worked, but that was for a completely different TV with a completely different remote control - and a matter of fact, Brendon wasn't really listening so there's also that.
Technology is still very new to Brendon and it's only now, that he's been living in Dallons home for a good couple of days now, that he's coming in contact with things such as TV and laptops and smartphones. Even things like the Kettle and the doorbell were a little too much for the Hybrid.
He lets out a happy squeal whenever whatever button that he pressed turns on the television. Brendons ears twitch up in curiosity whenever sound comes off of the Television, bright animated colours on the screen with Loud funny antics for him to enjoy and get lost in.
Which he does, Brendon gets sucked into the world of cartoons pretty quickly after the first episode of Tom and Jerry, followed by another and another, each and every one causing the Hybrid to let our bountiful of giggles of amusement and wonder.
It's already too late to stop himself from slipping into his little headspace, a foreign feeling since it has been so long since he has allowed himself to relax and just be himself. His thumb circles his mouth, enchanted with the new cartoon that's on the tv as he stares up in amazement.
It's such a foreign feeling because it has been so long since Brendon has been little, and it was only ever in the comfort of his own room that he allowed himself to slip into his little headspace. Spencer wasn't a Daddy and Brendon was really glad that he wasn't because he would've been an ever meaner Daddy than he was as a master.
"Dal?"The Hybrid mutters around his thumb, leaning up on his elbow to look around at the sound that had caused him to look away from his cartoons. The little flinches whenever the door bell rings, tail immediately going to wrap around his middle as he sits up on the carpeted flooring.
He scoots a little on his boxer cladded bottom towards where the sofa is, pulling himself up onto the sofa so that he can peer out the window, his tail swaying behind him and thumb remaining in his mouth. The leather of the sofa is cool against his bare thighs but the Hybrid shakes it off due to his curiosity getting the best of him.
"But there's nobody there..."Brendon mutters to himself, his eyebrows thread up in confusion whenever he spots no one outside on the front door step.
"I'm here."
Brendon jumps, startled by the unexpected and unfamiliar voice that sounds close to his ears. His breath quickens whenever his eyes fall upon the new person that stands in the living room, cladded in jeans that are ripped at his knees and a heavy jacket, dusted with what little snow has managed to fall between the run from his home to Dallons.
"Who are you?"Brendon manages to say, eyes wide in fear as he allows himself to look the man up and down quickly. He doesn't look of any threat, his hair a mess with a soft featured face that makes him look totally harmless but that doesn't change the fact that Brendon is scared that the man has made his way into the home.
"I could be asking you the exact same thing."
"I-"Brendon feels a little cornered, fear bubbling in his Stomach as he swallows down the knot formed in his stomach. The strangers look of seriousness washes away whenever he notices how scared the Hybrid before him looks, brown eyes clouded over with another emotion that he's not even sure of.
"Oh shit, I didn't mean to scare you, I'm just asking who you are-"
"D-Dallon!"Brendon shouts, pushing himself off of the sofa with a force that makes the man stumble and grab onto the nearest surface to stop him from falling. The Hybrid runs out of the living room and away from the strange man, not looking back as he starts to run up the stairs in search for Dallon.
Walking out of the bathroom, Dallon is rubbing a towel through his hair, another wrapped around his waist as he stands in the hallway in confusion, rushed out of the shower earlier than planned due to the commotion happening downstairs.
"What the fuck-"He stammers whenever there's a body leaping at him, bare legs wrapping around his waist and arms around his neck, frightened whimpers and mewls coming from the Hybrid that has now clung himself to Dallon. The man has to hold himself up with the bathroom doorframe, unsure of what to do with his hands as he tries to compose himself.
Brendon lets out a frightened sound whenever Dallon goes to pull the Hybrid away so that he can hear the muffled rambles, causing the human to throw his arms up in defeat and instead, allow his hands to rest in a way that was supporting the extra weight he has ended up carrying.
"Buddy, what happened? What's gotten you all shaken up? I just left for 20 minutes!"Dallon exclaims, feeling his face redden whenever he realises that all he is cladded in is a towel that is hanging loosely around his hips."Sweetheart I can't hear what you're saying unless you move your face from my neck."He can't help but to chuckle.
The Hybrid pulls his face away from the crook of Dallons neck but never lets go of his grip on the tall human. Brendons face is twisted in fear, eyes glossed over with scared tears and filled with a childlike innocence that Dallon spots immediately.
"I-I didn' let him in, Daddy Dallon! Swears! I-I was jus' watching 'toons and-"Brendon pauses, looking everywhere but at Dallon as his breathing quickens up."I-I'm sorry!"
"Shhh, babe it's okay, everything is okay."Dallon soothes as quickly as he can, not wanting to deal with any tears that could come. He takes slow steps around the hallway, speaking calmly."Who's in the house?"
"I dunno!"Brendon panics, his kitten ears disappearing into his hair as his eyes land on Dallons face.
"Alright, okay. Lets go see."He's not overly alarmed, because as much as he lives in a dodgy neighbourhood - with crack selling neighbours and what he's pretty sure is a Pimp that lives down the road - his neighbours aren't stupid enough to break into his own home, during the day. Only one other has a key to his home.
"Why are you scaring the poor Hybrid for?"Dallon tuts whenever he spots Ryan walking by the stares, looking a little fearful himself. It wasn't odd for Ryan to pay a visit but most of the time it was scheduled.
"I didn't mean to! I forgot he was here!"
"How did you forget? Having a Hybrid in the house isn't something that can be forgotten."Dallon hisses a little pissed off and maybe that's because Brendon remains clinging to him for dear life and Ryan has just openly admitted forgetting that he was here or maybe it's because Dallon has grown so use to having the Hybrid around.
"Why are you only in a towel?"Ryan raises his eyebrow at the person he calls his best friend, smirking whenever the taller man blushes red all the way to the tips of his ears. Ryan an hear the Hybrid in Dallons arms giggle just a little, his tail swaying behind him and brushing by Ryan's arm.
"Why are you even here?"
"Because we were in the middle of a conversation and then there was a scream and then you just fucked off somewhere. I came to check if you were okay, like a concerned friend."
"That was 2 hours ago, did you crawl here or something?"
"Well I wasn't going to turn up on your doorstep naked, was I? As much as that is probably your sexual fantasy, it isn't mine."Ryan rolls his eyes at the man, flicking him off whenever Dallon pulls a disinterested face."Now are you going to introduce us or..."
"Yes, right, one second."Dallon stammers, clearing his throat as he pays his attention to Brendon who peeks a look at him from where he's attempting to hide his face in Dallons shoulder."Sweetheart, can you let go of me so I can put you down?"
"No."The Hybrid refuses, shaking his head and clinging just a little bit tighter to Dallon.
"Sweetheart, please. I want to introduce you to my friend and I promise you, he won't hurt you. He can't hurt a fly."
"But Imma Kitty not a Fly, Daddy Dallon."
"Well he can't hurt Kitties either, I promise."Dallon has to bite back a laugh of amusement, shooting Ryan a look whenever he sees the man trying his hardest not to laugh as well. Brendon seems to think for a while before he nods his head, releasing his tight grip on Dallon and allowing to be set onto the ground.
Brendon remains close to Dallons chest, tail self consciously brushing against Dallons bare stomach as the Hybrid squints at Ryan who offers a genuine smile on his face.
"Ryan this is Brendon, The Hybrid that I'm homing for awhile. Brendon, this is Ryan my friend."Dallon introduces, waving a hand between the pair from where he stands behind Brendon.
"Nice to meet you,"Ryan flashes a smile, his hand out stretched for Brendon to shake.
"I would say the same but 'ou scared me."The Hybrids eyebrows thread together with a pout, politely shaking Ryan's hand in return.
"I apologise about that, My mouth speaks before my brain thinks sometimes."Ryan awkwardly laughs, looking up at Dallon who backs his way back up the stairs to finish getting changed."I saw you were watching some cartoons before I interrupted, how about we watch some while Dallon gets ready."
"Okay!"Brendon agrees rather enthusiastically as he was enjoying watching cartoons before Ryan came."I get to pick."He declares, already making his way back to the living room with his tail swaying behind him in content.
Okay finally I'm getting into the plot with longer chapters and progress with Little!Brendon and kinda Daddy!Dallon but not totally there yet xD
Your opinion on Little Brendon so far?
How old do you think Brendon should be in headspace?
Opinions on Ryan and Dallons friendship?
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