
A/N: I wasn't sure whether or not to post this, but in the end I decided, eh, why not? 

I've been thinking a lot about this story and how I want to tweak some of the things I'm not quite happy with. I couldn't figure out for a long time what it was that was bugging me, but finally I realized that I had put a LOT more work into the characters than I had the world I'd put them in, and a lot of the major plotholes that are tripping me up are stemming from a lack of proper world-building. 

So, I read through this story and wrote down any questions/notes I had about what needed fixing. (For right now I kept any character-based questions seperate, though I absolutely plan on developing my characters personalities more in the future. After all, that's the fun part! XD)

So, why am I posting this? ...Idk. Maybe just to show that I am still thinking about this story. Maybe to give y'all an idea where my thoughts are in the editing process. And maybe to open myself up to any suggestions you might have (If you have any, don't be shy, even if I end up not using them I'd be glad to have any help I can get lol!).

Also, if there's a question you have about the way the world works in this story, or if something I wrote is confusing or doesn't work logically, or you have a question about one of the characters, go ahead and drop your questions in the comment section! I'm sure there are definitely some things I've overlooked here!

(Change the name of the walled city from Evadam to something different, probably.)

What's the deal with people outside of the wall having different names? And if so little is known about outsiders, why is this fact about them common knowledge? (Tweak some of the outsider character's names and develop rules for what separates an "outside" name from an "inside" one, or else eliminate this detail entirely.)

How do people outside sneak in (and vice-versa)?

What is the purpose of the walled city? The history of it?

What do the people inside the wall believe about those outside? What exactly do they know about them? What, if anything, has the government said to its citizens about them?

What sorts of technology do people have in this future that they don't currently have? What technology has stayed the same?

What part of the world is the walled city in? How big is it? How populous?

Who is "them"? What is "their" goal? What do they hope to accomplish, and what motivates them?

How is technology different outside of the walled city than it is on the inside?

What is magnium? What is its function? How has its discovery changed history? Why is it illegal inside the wall?

What is The Hub planning? Is The Hub the mastermind at all, or are they working for somebody? Or is it a distraction completely unrelated?

What is the purpose of the computers inside the schools? How are they gaurded? (Definitely make it more difficult for Blaise & co. to access them.)

Is there a purpose for Quicksiver Academy being so much more prestigious than other schools? (Do more with the government experiments on the students. Also do more using the detention centers, probably.)

How does Black Lace sector create all entertainment content for the entire walled area? Every cartoon, movie, tv series, book, news alert, etc. comes from Black Lace, how do they operate on such a grand scale? Is there any competition within the sector (eg. Dreamworks vs. Disney)? Do citizens still consume older content that predates the wall? If so, how much? Is it rare or commonplace? How does it affect the economy of Black Lace?

Do old pre-wall brands still exist? (Coke, Pepsi, Apple, Samsung, and Frito-Lay products have all been mentioned before.) If so, how and in what sector do they manufacture their products?

(Maybe work out rough plotlines for Trapped and Prince Power And The Cosmic Bears.)

How exactly do sectors work? Are they like Divergent factions, where people who live in one secter stay cloistered there their whole life? Or are they simply like states/provences in a larger country? Do certain sectors have unique customs? Are all sectors populated (aside from Clear Wood), or are some sectors used for work only? If the latter, where would the employees live, and how would they commute to and from work?

How does transportation work? Are there roads, cars, buses? Is it small enough to walk or bike everywhere?

What sorts of creatures are outside the wall? Realistic ones only, or fantasy ones as well?

What sorts of food do the people eat outside the wall? What sorts of living establishments is considered normal? What do they do for entertainment? For work? What do they think of the walled city and the people who live there? What relationship do different outside areas have with each other? Do areas from different countries/continents ever make contact?

What sort of clothes do people usually wear (both inside and outside of the walls, how are they different?) Where do they get clothes? Are there malls, supermarkets, etc., or do they have local tailors for that sort of thing? Do the people inside the walls go shopping in actual buildings, or do they order stuff online and have it delivered? 

How far does the internet stretch inside the walls? Is it separate from whatever is outside? Is there internet outside?

What is considered conventionally "attractive", both inside and outside, and does it differ in any way? Do different sectors hold different standards of beauty?

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