[ Chapter Nine ]
❝Q. You need to tell me what you're keeping from me.❞
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Cheerio practice with Quinn sucked, though with Quinn off the team, meant so many people looked to her to know what to do as Raven was right under Quinn in the hierarchy. Of course, Santana wasn't pleased with this new development but she couldn't do much about it.
Also, the routines were getting worse by the day. It's like Coach Sylvester just wasn't satisfied.
Raven sighed and ran a hand through her hair after practice was over. Yeah, it was no fun without Quinn. Raven hurried out the door in order to get to her locker before Glee practice.
When she got to Glee practice, everyone but Mr. Schuester was there. Raven's eyes flitted around the room until she saw an empty seat next to Puck which she reluctantly took. She still hadn't spoken to Puck since he had 'dated' Rachel and she didn't want to now but she'd rather sit next to him than interrupt Quinn and Finn's conversation, or sit next to Santana. Rachel tugged on her ponytail wishing she had her hair down to hide her face.
Mr. Schuester walked in holding sheets of music, "Alright guys. We're doing a new number for Sectionals. I know that pop songs have sort of been our signature pieces, but I did a little research on past winners, and it turns out that the judges like songs that are more accessible. Stuff they know. Uh, standards, Broadway."
"Defying Gravity?" Kurt asks gleefully, "I have an iPod shuffle dedicated exclusively to selections from Wicked. This is amazing!"
Raven grins at Kurt, "It's one of my go-to shower songs. I'm so ready!"
"Think you can handle it, Rachel?" Mr. Schuester asks.
Raven's face falls. Of course, he was going to have her sing it. Like every other freaking song in here.
"It's my go-to shower song." Rachel nods, and Raven narrows her eyes at her as that's basically what she just said, "It's also my ringtone."
"Why do we have to go all vanilla on this song? See, what we need is my chocolate thunder." Mercedes grins.
"We don't have time to rearrange a song for you Mercedes. Rachel is singing it." Mr. Schuester answers, "Don't worry, we'll find something for you to dip in chocolate."
Everyone laughs but Raven and Mercedes glare at Rachel.
"On to item two. The school won't pay for the special bus we need to take Artie and his wheelchair with us to Sectionals." Mr. Schuester switches topics, "
"Wh-wh-what?" Tina asks.
"That's completely unfair." Rachel complains.
"So, we're going to have to raise money to pay for it ourselves." Mr. Schuester continues, "See, when I was in Glee club and we needed new silk cumberbunds for Regionals, we held a bake sale."
"You're joking right?" Santana asks, "I mean, bake sales are kind of bougie."
"So, hip people stopped eating delicious sugary treats?" Mr. Schuester asks.
"It's not that. It's most of us don't know how to bake." Brittany offered, "I find recipes...confusing."
"My family is fully committed to takeout." Rachel adds.
"Yeah, Mr. Shue. Kids are busier than when you went here. We've got homework, and football, and teen pregnancy and lunch." Finn offered.
Raven rolled her eyes. She could bake but if everyone was against it, she wasn't going to bring it up cause she didn't want to end up with another slushie in her face.
"Can't Artie's dad just take him?" Mercedes asks.
"I can't believe how insensitive you're all being." Mr. Schuester said, "Are you a team?"
"Of course." Quinn responded, "But Artie understands. Don't you Artie?"
Artie sighed, 'Uh. Of course. It's cool. Anything that takes away our time from rehearsing doesn't serve the team."
Raven looked down at her sneakers sadly. She knew that he didn't like it and to be honest, she didn't either. When the bell rang, instead of running out, she stopped to talk to Mr. Schuester.
"Mr. Shue. I can bake, if you want me to." Raven offered.
Mr. Schuester smiled at her, "Thank you, Raven, but if no one else wants to help, what's the point. I'm not having you do it on your own, okay."
"Okay." Raven nodded, and headed out the door.
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At the next Glee rehearsal, Kurt raised his hand and asked if he could audition for the solo.
Raven then stood up as well, "And so would I."
Mr. Schuester sighed, "Well, I think Rachel's going to be okay for the female lead but I'd be happy to have both of you try out something else. And we'll make sure it has a killer high note."
Raven glares at Mr. Schuester and sits down in her seat next to Quinn this time. Quinn takes her hand, "I'm sorry."
"It's fine. I should have expected it." Raven sighs.
"Anyways. I wanted to say something to you guys. I was a little disappointed in how willing you were to take the bus to Sectionals and make Artie drive by himself with his dad." Mr. Schuester sighed, "We're a team guys. We're in this glee club together."
"Artie doesn't care. His dad drives him everywhere." Mercedes said.
"I do care. It kind of hurt my feelings." Artie sighed.
"We didn't think you would take it personally." Rachel shook her head.
Raven narrowed her eyes, "What kind of idiot is Rachel anyways?" Raven mumbled to Quinn who wasn't really listening.
"Well, you're irritating most of the time, but I don't take that personally." Artie shrugged.
"I don't know if you guys really understand how much harder Artie has to work just to keep up." Mr. Schuester said, "We're riding to Sectionals together or we're not going at all. And to pay for the bus, we're having a bake sale. The nursing home was having a tag sale."
Mr. Schuester goes over to the door where people are pushing in wheelchairs, "My AV club friends here agreed to help out. For the next week, each of you are going to spend three hours a day, in a wheelchair."
Raven smirks at everyone's faces. Fortunately, for her, she had some experience with wheelchairs, when she broke her leg in the sixth grade and refused to use crutches.
"Oh, oh, oh. And we're going to be doing a wheelchair number." Mr. Schuester grinned.
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It turns out that McKinley High wasn't as accommodating as Raven's middle school in terms of wheelchairs. The kids did not care if someone was in a wheelchair as they didn't open doors for you or help you get something off of a high shelf.
Well, except when Raven threatened to have them kicked out and used her powers of head cheerleader. Then, people became instantly nicer to her.
Raven was making her way to the home ec room to help Quinn make cupcakes, when she spotted Puck leaving, looking like a mess.
"Hey, Noah." Raven pulled up in her wheelchair in front of him, "Why do you look like you were in a food fight?"
Puck glared at her, "Now you're talking to me. It's been weeks."
"Shut up and answer my question, Puckerman." Raven shook her head, hiding her smile.
"Cause I was in one. With Quinn." Puck mentioned.
"Oh my god." Raven sighed, "Has she already started?"
"Baking?" Puck asked and when she nodded he answered, "No. But Finn's in there with her."
"I promised I'd help. Considering not very many people in our club know how to bake and Quinn and I are two of the only people who do." Raven mentioned.
"Whatever." Puck pushed past her and headed for the men's locker room.
Raven sighed, "Forgive me?"
Puck turned back, "Not until you forgive me."
Raven groaned and pushed open the door of the home ec room where Finn was standing awkwardly beside Quinn.
"Hey." Raven smiled and got out of her wheelchair, "You staying, Finn?"
"No, I can't. See you later, Raven." Finn responded and left.
"Okay, then." Raven sighed, "Let's make some cupcakes. But first, what happened with Puck?"
"Nothing, he offered to help me but isn't good at baking." Quinn smiled.
"Q. You need to tell me what you're keeping from me." Raven insisted.
"I can't. I'm not ready." Quinn told her.
"Fine. Let's bake and you can tell me some other time." Raven sighed.
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The next day, everyone was sitting in their wheelchairs and Mr. Schuester was talking to them, "Now, I've agreed to let Kurt audition for the part in Defying Gravity." He then looked at Raven, "And Raven, if she still wants it."
Raven nodded enthusiastically, "Yes. Thank you!"
Both Rachel and Kurt glared at her but Kurt seemed less forceful.
"Alright. Now, all of you are going to judge, and in the spirit of full access each of you is going to get a vote. Whatever singer has the most votes, gets the part." Mr. Schuester instructed.
"This isn't going to be about talent, Mr. Schuester. It's going to be a popularity contest." Rachel complained.
"Stop right there. Mr. Schuester, if I may?" Kurt asked and rolled to the front of the room, "Raven."
Raven looked confused but rolled her wheelchair forward as well.
"We all know Raven is now head cheerleader which makes her one of the most popular people in school. And we all know that I'm more popular than Rachel. But I want you all to promise me that you're going to vote for whoever sings the song better. Raise your right hand." Kurt instructs.
"Brittany. Your right hand." Raven instructs.
"Repeat after me." Kurt starts, "I promise to vote for whoever sings the song better."
Everyone does so and the two roll their wheelchairs back into the semi-circle.
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The next day, a couple of the glee kids are monitoring their bake sale table.
"These cupcakes suck. That's why we're not selling any." Finn complains.
"It's not about the cupcakes. It's about us. No one wants to buy from losers. We're in glee club and in wheelchairs." Quinn complains.
Raven sighs, "I hate to say that I agree with that statement, but I definitely agree with you, Q."
"She has a point. Six months ago I could have sold 50 of these things on fear alone." Puck answers.
Raven glares at him and he glares back.
"Can you guys stop that?" Quinn asks.
"No." Both Puck and Raven say at the same time.
"Oh my god! What is she doing?" Quinn asks.
"I actually think they're kind of friends." Finn points at Becky and Brittany walking towards them.
"Brittany's always cheating off her test papers in math class." Puck says.
"See, so many? And look how pretty they are Becky." Brittany says.
"Wow." Becky agrees.
"Brittany, you're supposed to be in your wheelchair." Santana comments.
"I lost it." Brittany answers.
"Are you a cheerleader?" Becky asks, "It's so cool."
"So is buying a cupcake." Brittany agrees.
"But I don't have any money." Becky says.
"That's okay. I have some." Brittany says, and they hand a dollar to Quinn who hands it down to Finn.
"So, how much do we have now?" Brittany asks.
"Well, with this one dollar, we have one dollar." Finn answers.
"This is ridiculous." Quinn sighs, exasperated.
"Well, maybe if we put a jelly bean or something on it we'd sell more." Finn sighs.
"Are you an idiot?" Quinn asks, "How am I supposed to trust you to take care of our baby, when you can't even sell a damn cupcake?"
"Stop attacking me! I'm sick of it." Finn shoots back.
"Guys. Stop!" Raven complains.
"Get a job." Quinn instructs.
"I'm trying." Finn is angry and gets up, pushing his wheelchair over and storming off.
Quinn scoffs and wheels her's away. Raven places her head in her hands and then looks at the others, "I should go check on her."
Puck glares at her, "Yeah, and then we for sure won't sell any."
"What is that supposed to mean?" Raven asks, angry.
"You're head cheerleader. You should be selling the damn cupcakes." Puck yells at her.
"Well you're on the damn football team, so you should figure it out." Raven yells back, "Whatever, I can't deal with anything more today."
Raven wheels herself away from the table, not looking back. Not even when she hears Puck call her name.
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Later, Puck and Finn got into a fight in the hallway. Santana was walking with Raven and Brittany. Raven's eyes widened as she saw Mr. Schuester pull them apart and yell at them. When Puck turns away and walks in the direction of the crowd, Raven runs after him.
"Noah." Raven calls.
"What do you want Sanders?" Puck asked, as he continued walking.
"What hell is going on? First, Quinn. Now, you." Raven asked, "Something is going on, and I need you to tell me."
"There's nothing to tell. I'm just stressed." Puck answered.
"About what? Cause it sure as hell is not the bake sale or schoolwork. I know for a fact that you never do your homework or attend class. I saved you last week when you didn't come in for history for three straight days. So, please." Raven said all in one breath.
Puck sighed and leaned against the wall in a deserted hallway, "I can't tell you, Raven."
"Why not?" Raven asked, crossing her arms over her cheerio uniform.
"I just can't." Puck responded.
Raven shut her eyes and then reopened them, "Fine. But this means I can't forgive you."
"What the hell Raven?" Puck asks, "I'm not going to ask you to make out with me or anything. I want to be friends."
"Yeah, well I don't think you're capable of just being friends with someone like me." Raven sighed, "So, for now, I'm saying no."
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They resumed the bake sale the next day, except this time apparently Puck had made the cupcakes and they were selling like crazy. Raven narrowed her eyes at him as she took money and handed cupcakes to paying customers. Puck just winked at her, not offering any explanation.
"Puck found his Nana's old recipe." Santana was speaking and Raven saw Mr. Schuester, "They're addictive. Do you want one?"
"Oh. No. I don't want to take one away from a paying customer." Mr. Schuester laughed and walked away.
Soon, the last cupcake was gone and Puck started counting the money. Raven leaned forward and whispered to Puck, "What did you put in the cupcakes."
"Santana already said. It was my Nana's old recipe." Puck grinned.
Raven raised an eyebrow but smiled, "Thank you."
Puck looked surprised but smiled back.
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The next day was Thursday. Aka, when Kurt, Rachel and Raven would compete for the solo. Raven was tugging nervously at her hair which she had let down from her ponytail. She stood next to Quinn and Puck who were seated in chairs.
Quinn grinned at Raven, "You can do this Ray."
"Promise you won't vote for me just because we're best friends." Raven told her.
"Promise. But I know you can do this." Quinn smiled.
Puck smiled encouragingly at her, "Yeah. You definitely can sing."
Raven smiled nervously at both of them and walked away.
"Alright. Welcome to the glee club's first official diva-off." Mr. Schuester announced, "Let's get this party started."
Raven took in a deep breath and closed her eyes as Kurt started.
Raven didn't take the immensely high parts but she felt like she did well and she did hit that high F, like she knew she could. Unfortunately, Kurt faltered on it. Even though, Kurt was her competition, Raven was upset because she knew he could do it. Something was bothering him and she felt bad that she couldn't help.
At the end, everyone clapped and Raven looked at Kurt sadly and smiled.
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They met in the auditorium the next day and Puck handed Mr. Schuester the money, "1200 bucks. That's enough for the short bus and two cases of Natty Lite for the ride home."
Mr. Schuester laughed, "Oh. Dream on, buddy."
Puck grinned as everyone cheered. Raven had her feet propped up on the seat in front of her but put them down when Puck looked at her to question if he could sit next to her. Puck took the seat next to her and whispered, "You think you won?"
"No." Raven answered honestly, "Rachel probably did."
"Hey." Puck placed a hand on her arm and Raven didn't shake it off, "You did amazing."
"Thanks Noah." Raven almost blushed.
Mr. Schuester was talking about how proud he was of them and had given the money to Artie.
Artie sighed, "I really appreciate what you guys did for me, but I'm not the only kid in a wheelchair at this school. And I'm sure they'll be others after I graduate. And I know how important it is for all of us to go to Sectionals together, but I think I'd rather just get a ride from my dad and use this for a handicapped ramp in the auditorium."
"Any objections?" Mr. Schuester asked.
"Well, sure beats having to carry him in everyday." Finn laughed.
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"It was a tie." Mr. Schuester told Raven the next day, "So, either you guys work out if you want to share the solo or if you want to redo it. Either way is fine with me."
Raven sighed. She did not expect this. She was sure that Rachel would win and now that it was a tie, she had no idea what to do.
"I'll give you a couple days to figure it out, okay?" Mr. Schuester told her.
"Thanks, Mr. Schue." Raven sighed.
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The glee club performed Proud Mary in their wheelchairs on ramps in the auditorium. Artie, Mercedes and Tina got the main solos in the song but everyone else got good vocals and Raven was happy.
After the meeting was done, Raven stayed back and went to sit in the audience and Puck saw her.
"What are you doing?" Puck asked.
"Thinking." Raven admitted as Puck came and sat next to her. She turned to look at him, "I tied, for the solo."
Puck looked at her, "You did?"
"Yeah." Raven smiled.
"Well, what's going to happen?" Puck asked her.
"I'm not sure. I might relinquish it to Rachel." Raven shrugged.
"Seriously?" Puck groans, "You worked hard and you've wanted this for a long time, Ray. Take it. For once."
Raven sighed and fiddled with her fingers.
"You did really well." Puck smiled at her.
Raven grinned to herself and then pushed the armrest up so she could lean her head on his shoulder, "I forgive you."
"Thank you." Puck whispered.
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Word Count: 3113
Hey guys! It's been awhile since I've updated. This took me over two hours to write which is insane.
What did you guys think? What about Raven trying out for the solo and tying? Also her scenes with Puck?
I love you all and will see you soon with chapter 10!
10. 17. 18
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