Roxanne the wolf
Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex, to kids this place means joy, fun, and probably nighttime troubles. But after a kid named Gregory somehow managed to stay over the night, reprogramming and destroying most of the bots the Pizzaplex is temporarily closed. The ex-night guard Vannessa who has left her job filed in a short report about every animatronic in the Mega Pizzaplex. Apparently, the animatronics were violent before, but now they have calmed down a lot, which is a good thing, but one certain animatronic has fallen into a depressed state, and I've been hired to make her regain her "confidence" in herself. They gave me one month to help her feel better before they send her to Part's and Service to get fixed and eventually, perform.
From the file left behind by Vanessa, the animatronic I am going to be helping is called "Roxanne" or "Roxy", she apparently hates losing and she lost very badly, the file said that she apparently got smacked in the head with a does that even happen?
Anyways, I approached the described room where Roxanne has locked herself in.
(Y/N): *sigh* Here goes nothing.
I knocked on the door and about 2 seconds later a voice who I assumed to be Roxanne shouted from behind the door.
Roxanne: GO AWAY!!!
I sighed knowing damn too well that today was going to be a long day.
(Y/N): Roxanne? I was hired as a therapist to help you regain your confidence and to help you feel better with yourself.
Roxanne: I'm fine by myself, you can leave!
I softly smiled, she kinda reminded me of a little kid.
(Y/N): I already know everything, about your current physical state and how you feel after losin-
...bad choice of words.
(Y/N): Roxanne, how about you open the door, so you can tell me how you "didn't lose".
I heard heavy steps toward the door and a very broken animatronic opened the door, destroyed hair, no eyes, right arm's outer shell missing, the chest was pretty much gone, I could see her endoskeleton.
I slowly got in the room and sat down on the couch that was in the room. After getting comfortable, I began talking.
(Y/N): They haven't been very kind to you have they? They didn't even give you a new eye. At least you look...functional.
She was slightly annoyed by my comment.
Roxanne: Even I am aware that it's not just my hair that is ruined, but they are prioritizing the more popular animatronics like Chica and Monty.
The wolf gal looked at the ground with her face morphing into a rather sad one.
(Y/N): Don't worry bout it, I'm sure it'll be your turn soon, I've walked around the mall, your face is plastered everywhere, there is no way they'd leave you damaged like this.
Roxanne: Or they'll just replace me...
I had heard the stories about Bonnie, the Animatronic bass player that got replaced by the alligator, Monty I believe his name was.
(Y/N): Trust me, They won't, there aren't many animatronics that oozes the same confidence you have, that's what people love about you. So let's try to get it back.
She smiled a little.
Roxanne: I think it's easier said than done.
(Y/N): Well, that's why I'm here, to help things out.
As a response to her worries I gave her my best smile filled with compassion, this look always helps my clients to feel at least a little better and makes connecting with me easier...
Roxanne: Are you still there?
Oh true she doesn't have eyes.
(Y/N): Yes I am, I was just...thinking about stuff, yeah...
Roxanne tilted her head a little bit most likely confused about my actions.
Roxanne: Whatever you say.
And things got awkward real fast, I don't know if it's because she is an animatronic or for another reason, I just seem to not be able to talk with her as easily as I do with other patients.
(Y/N): Sorry, let's try this whole thing again. My name is (Y/N) and I'm a therapist.
I couldn't tell if Roxanne appreciated hearing my name or if she just didn't like the name my mother had given me.
Roxanne: And you know who I am, I am Roxanne the wolf, the best, the one and only, the broken...
I'm gonna ignore that.
(Y/N): Roxanne! It's a really nice name!
Roxanne: Well, my friends call me Roxy, you can also call me that...(Y/N).
(Y/N): Wait Roxy like that old animatronic Foxy?
I could sense the "-_-" vibe Roxy was giving me right now.
Roxanne: Want me to take back your privilege?
(Y/N): No thanks, I like the name Roxy.
She was startled by the comment I made. I guess no one ever said that to her before.
Roxanne: You like me?
(Y/N): Hmm? Your name? Yeah, I like it, slides off the tongue very nicely.
Roxanne: I see...I'll remember that (Y/N).
(Y/N): I sense a bit of passion in your voice, are you perhaps warming up to me?
Roxanne: *puffs* Don't push your luck.
What was left of her tail was wagging a little causing a couple of sparks to fly around, every now and then it would get stuck for a second or two.
(Y/N): Hey, your tail, doesn't it annoy you?
She sighed.
Roxanne: If I'm honest, it kinda does, it used to move around so smoothly and look so puffy, but now it just brings me pain.
(Y/N): I see, Well, maybe I could try bringing a toolbox tomorrow and see if I can relieve some of that pain.
Roxanne's artificial cheeks became a rose-like color as she blushed.
Roxanne: Y-You're gonna Touch my t-tail?
(Y/N): Well, yes how else am I supposed to help you?
The way she is acting, tails are sensitive when it comes to animals, but she is an animatronic, did they really have to go this far to make her more realistic?
Roxanne: Well, if you know what you're doing...I guess I could let you since you complimented me and stuff...
(Y/N): Well, Actually...I have no idea how to help you, but it can't be that hard now can it?
Roxanne seemed reluctant.
Roxanne: Are you sure you won't Screw up my tail more than it already is?
(Y/N): I'm pretty sure that I can't be worse than a Go-Kart Accident.
Roxanne seemed a little peeved off at my comment, but eventually agreed.
Roxanne: You're right...Fine. Tomorrow it is.
(Y/N): Great! Continuing on, Have you been...oh, our time together for today is up. A real shame. I will be back tomorrow, see you later Roxanne.
Roxanne huffed.
Roxanne: Good, don't forget to bring your toolbox.
I chuckled at her demeanor.
(Y/N): I sure won't, don't worry about it.
I got up from the couch which I was kinda starting to get comfortable in and slowly got out of the room, I could tell that Roxanne was slowly twitching what was left of her ears according to the sound of my footsteps.
(Y/N): I'm taking my leave.
Roxanne: Just go already.
And the door shut itself automatically behind me. Neat.
I now had to drive 2 hours home. I really wanted to watch the new episode of "The Immortal and The Restless" While chewing on some popcorn but I guess it would be better if I learned a little about electronics before I go to work tomorrow. *sigh* The things I do for a paycheck.
(Timeskip-Next day)
*knock* *knock*
And here I am, back at my job with a Toolbox in hand I really should get paid extra for this.
Roxanne: *muffled behind the door* (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Yes, it's me, I'm here for the second session.
Roxanne: *muffled behind the door* Did you bring your toolbox?
(Y/N): How could I forget?
I heard a couple of heavy footsteps and she opened the door.
Roxanne: Come in.
(Y/N): Thanks
I got inside the room just as she asked me to and slowly set down the toolbox on the ground.
(Y/N): Ready?
Roxanne blushed a bit again as her ears stood up tall.
Roxanne: W-We're starting now?
(Y/N): You said it hurt right? Would you rather I wait?
Roxanne: Well...I guess not.
(Y/N): What I thought, sit down on the table please, you know where it is right?
Roxanne: I might be blind, but I know my way around my own room, in fact, around the whole Pizzaplex.
(Y/N): That's a neat little fact to know about.
She just nodded as she sat down on the table with her back towards me. Her tail wasn't showing any emotion.
(Y/N): I'm starting then.
She didn't say anything.
I picked up a screwdriver to remove what was left of her tail and slowly dismantled the outer shell that connected her tail to her waist, all that remained on that area was her endoskeleton and the cables.
(Y/N): I'm not hurting you am I?
Roxanne: N-No, it just...feels weird. Repairs are normally supposed to be done in the Repair Chamber down in parts and service.
(Y/N): But that's already being used for the other two right?
Roxanne: Yes...
I slowly tied some of the cables on the tip of her tail with some electronic tape and saw where the spark was coming from, a few cables and its protective casing was cut by a piece of her Metal frame being crushed creating a sharp edge, I had no idea how I could fix this.
Roxanne: Is it bad?
(Y/N): Nothing TOO bad, I'm sure I ca-OW!!!
I got struck by the electricity while trying to fix it, this was harder than I thought, fuck my hand hurts, I'm a therapist, not a mechanist!
Meanwhile reacting to my Yelp of pain Roxanne quickly turned around and lunged at me.
She was on top of me.
Roxanne: S-Sorry, it's just, your scream it...triggered something.
They really don't make these animatronics safe for kids...maybe that's the point.
(Y/N): Can you get up?
She quickly and loudly got up.
Roxanne: Sorry...
I sighed.
(Y/N): No problem, you didn't hurt me, however, your tail, I don't have the necessary tools to fix it right now, I'll buy them for tomorrow ok? For now, let's just continue the session.
Roxanne just "looked" down at the ground. I couldn't really tell the expression she was making.
Roxanne: Get out...
(Y/N): W-What?
Roxanne: Get out.
(Y/N): B-But we still have more time before the sess-
Roxanne: Get out!!!
And like that I was kicked out of her room, I was confused and had no idea what I did wrong, but I decided to accept defeat and go back home, it's not like I get paid for the hour.
(Timeskip-Next Day)
*knock* *knock*
(Y/N): Roxy! I'm back for the third session!
Weird, she didn't get mad nor open the door this time.
(Y/N): Roxanne?
I heard the heavy footsteps I've been slowly getting more and more used to as the door slowly opened, she wasn't really showing any emotions.
(Y/N): Roxy? Are you fine?
She didn't say anything, she just walked back and sat down on the table just like she did yesterday.
(Y/N): Alright then.
I walked over to her and did the same procedure as yesterday, now was the tricky part. I softly began hitting the frame of her metal hoping to fix the crooked and sharp part so fixing the cables would be easier.
(Y/N): This doesn't hurt, right?
I continued to hit it slowly and in a steady manner, however, I seem to have hit a Robo nerve because Roxy winced in pain causing me to hit the cut-out wires causing yet another shock to go through me, this time, it was much worse...oh would you look at that my consciousness is fading.
(timeskip, 3 hours or so)
I slowly woke up, under my head was something slightly soft, it would've felt nice if it wasn't for the incredible amount of pain I was feeling. My eyes slowly fluttered open and I was met with the face of Roxy.
(Y/N): Roxy?
Roxanne: (Y/N)! I was so worried that I went ahead and killed you!
(Y/N): Haha, I won't go down that easily, and even if I did, it wouldn't be your fault, they would've seen the toolbox and your open tail and notice that it was my dumbass that caused this, so you wouldn't be cast aside don't worry.
Roxanne sighed.
Roxanne: *low tone* That's not why I was worried.
(Y/N): What?
Roxanne: That's not why I was worried, I was worried for you. I actually building a friendship with an animatronic?....this is a story I'll be telling my grandkids.
(Y/N): For me? Why?
Roxanne: Because...well, you complimented me...tried to help me...and overall just said things that I wanted to hear...I see you as....a friend...
(Y/N): I could just be doing this for my job you know?
And a part of your job is to not ask dumb questions like that dumbass, be professional me damn it!
Roxanne: You're a therapist, not a mechanist, you've probably said it yourself, there was no reason for you to try and fix my tail, yet you tried...
True...I never went to this extent for my patients, but, I just wanted to help her feel better, she just damn sad...
(Y/N): Am I laying on your thigh?
Roxanne: What's left of it...sorry there isn't a lot.
(Y/N): No that's the least of my problems, Thanks for the...lap pillow. I'm just surprised at how soft it is.
Roxanne: Well, yeah some of my parts are softer than the rest to create a more natural feeling while performing, and also people won't get hurt if they crash into me.
(Y/N): That's fascinating, they really worked hard on creating every single one of you animatronics.
Roxanne: Yes they did.....(Y/N).....
(Y/N): Yes?
Roxanne: Sorry again...for everything...for hurting you.
(Y/N): Roxy, you gotta stop apologizing, I'm not mad. It was an accident, and it wasn't even your fault.
Roxanne: But yesterday when U lunged at you-
Was that why she was acting weird? She was actually that conscious about it?
Roxanne: I could've crushed you or something worse.
(Y/N): Roxy...I don't care about any of that, I really don't. I only want you to feel better, even if you crush me or shock me. I'll get you back to your confident and beautiful self so you can call yourself the best without a second doubt again!
Roxanne: Because it's your job?
(Y/N): No, you said it before, because you're my friend.
Roxy smiled and her "tail" began wagging again.
Roxanne: Thanks (Y/N)
(Y/N): No problem.
There was a moment of peaceful silence however my pain was getting too much to bear with so i decided to excuse myself.
(Y/N): Sorry to say but once again our time is up...has been for the past 2 hours or 3 but I'll be back tomorrow.
She seemed a bit sad.
Roxanne: I see. See you tomorrow.
(Y/N): I chuckled, no need to be sad, we have lots and lots of more sessions ahead of us.
This seemed to bring her mood up a bit.
Roxanne: You better not be lying.
(Y/N): The contract I signed says that I must always say the truth.
Roxy chuckled.
Roxanne: Does it?
(Y/N): I actually don't know...The contract was too long I didn't really read it.
Roxanne: Don't you think that's a bad idea?
Hmmm...a job that requires me to clean up the mess of a crazy kid trashing animatronics who show dangerous behavior and unstable animatronics...
(Y/N): I'm sure it's fine. I'll be taking my leave.
Roxanne: Bye (Y/N).
And The door automatically closed behind me like always, I raised up my right arm which I was holding the hammer with, and saw the large scar the shock had left behind.
(Y/N): *sigh* This is definitely not going to heal up...I wonder if the contract said anything about health insurance.
(A/N): And that's all from the first chapter of this new Fnaf book and also my first FNAF book, I don't think this will be any longer than 6 or 10 chapters, but I don't even know if I'll be able to get to that point anytime soon. Have a great year ya'll!
Word Count: 2551 words
Katakuriu out!...
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