Bonding with an Animatronic

(A/N)Sorry it took so long; I'm back from Hiatus, and I hope that everyone enjoys this chapter; I won't occupy much time, so have fun! (rereading made me realise the couple hundred mistakes, updated for better reading leisure)

(Y/N's POV)

A new day arrived, and so did I to the Pizzaplex, I had a soft smile on my face as I was looking forward to meeting up with Roxanne, I know I shouldn't form personal feelings towards my patients, but she's too precious to not.

*Knock Knock Knock*

Roxanne: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): I'm here for our daily session!

I heard rapid footsteps approaching the door right before it suddenly opened up, revealing the ever-so-broken Roxy behind it. Her tail was wagging rapidly, she really seemed to have warmed up to me.

Roxanne: Come on in! I've been waiting for you!

I nodded in confusion while she dragged me inside.

Roxanne: Sit down, let's talk I want to have our session.

(Y/N): I appreciate the enthusiasm.

She had a smile on her face, I wish I could see her smile with her eyes too and not just her mouth. 

(Y/N): Since you look ready, let us start. 

She nodded.

(Y/N): Do you wish to take revenge on the kid who did this to you?

She frowned.

Roxanne: More than anything else.

Resentment hm? Interesting, I'll note it down.

(Y/N): I take it you're not the forgiving type?

Roxanne: Not easily, especially not after something like this.

(Y/N): But, did you ever try to look at things from his perspective?

She tilted her head to the side in a confused manner.

Roxanne: What?

(Y/N): Well, he was one little kid, most likely scared, being chased by animatronics in the dark. 

Roxanne seemed to ponder for a moment.

Roxanne: B-But he didn't need to destroy us, we're harmless.

(Y/N): That's not what I heard from Officer Vanessa, she noted that you guys were very aggressive.

Roxanne: I...I was?

(Y/N): Yeah, do you remember why?

Roxanne: No, I don't...

She doesn't remember being aggressive? That's odd, maybe they really were bugged. But what could have caused them to be bugged at the same time?

(Y/N): The kid was just trying to defend himself, yes the manner which he did it in might have been a bit violent, but try to be a bit understanding atleast?

Roxanne: B-But he destroyed my perfect self! I'm just worthless now.

Her shoulders drooped, she was noticeably hurt.

(Y/N): You're still perfect, and no one can tell you otherwise. You're a bit rough on the edges at the moment, but when it comes to both personality and looks, you're absolutely incredible.

Roxy's ears twitch as her tail starts to wag side by side.

Roxanne: You mean it?

I chuckled softly

(Y/N): Absolutely, without a doubt.

Roxy smiled.

Roxanne: Thanks (Y/N), I think I needed to hear that.

I smiled at this as I stared at her shallow eyes, I hope they fix her soon. She deserves at least that much.

(Roxanne's POV)

He makes me so happy all the time, he's been doing his best for me during the time we spent together these last weeks or so even though he is only paid to talk to me. He wasn't the first one tasked with this job. No, I had many before him. Ways the company tried to keep me busy while they fixed their other precious animatronics. However, none of them understood me, none of them saw me for who I am, Roxy, they all just saw me as a damned robot with no emotions, they were only here for a paycheck. (Y/N) is different, he hurt himself for me and shows me affection, treats me like a being and not an object. I just wish I could understand what these feelings I felt towards him were.

I wonder what he looks like, wonder what he would feel like in my arms, I wonder what his lips taste like...ugh I shouldn't think about these, I wasn't programmed to do so, this is just another bug. But...I do hope they fix me soon...

(Y/N's POV)

We spoke together for the upcoming hour or so. She seemed to be enjoying herself, so I didn't ask anything demoralising about the incident for the remaining session, we can go one step at a time. Tomorrow, I'll ask another question.

*Ring ring ring*

I look down at my watch, which rested on top of my scar, and realise the time had gone by very fast.

(Y/N): Oh, I have to leave...

Roxy's ears dropped down, and she tried to "look" around as if searching for a reason to make me stay a bit longer, however, she couldn't come up with anything.

Roxanne: can't you stay more?

(Y/N): I would like to Roxy, trust me, but I have to go, the pizzaplex closes down and the boss would be angry to see me here.

She seemed dejected.

(Y/N): Hmmm, how about this, I'll do one thing you ask for before I leave. I can try fixing another one of your parts or bring you something.

Roxy thought for a second or two.

Roxanne: *mumble*

(Y/N): Hm?

Roxanne: A hug?

I was surprised. Why did she want one? Could she feel human warmth? Did she require any? Is this because of her mental state right now?

(Y/N): Sure, come on in.

She came closer to me. Being the shortest animatronic, I was surprisingly taller than her. (sorry if u are shorter than 5.5)

I opened my arms, she tried touching around slowly to make sure she knew where I was. 

(Y/N): I'm right here.

Hearing my voice helped her find me easier and she opened her arms too. And so we hugged. Her broken chest cavity made contact with my chest, her loose cables coming out through her stomach brushed against my pants, and it most likely wasn't the most comfortable hug, but I felt at ease like all my stress left my body.

(Y/N): Hey, this is actually quite nice.

Hearing this Roxy got excited and suddenly jerked back. This normally would be no problem but one of the sharp edges in her arms cut right through my back, I winced in pain as the newly acquired open wound bled through my clothes.


I really didn't want to make her feel any worse, so I decided to play it off.

(Y/N): I-I'm fine, nothing happened.


Roxy's ears quickly caught up on this sound.

Roxanne: Something it tears? Even worse, blood!? Did I harm you again!?

(Y/N): You didn't, trust me, the hug was really nice and I hope we get to do it again soon!

Her empty sockets stared at me like she knew I was lying.

Roxanne: Turn around.

(Y/N): Now now, no need fo-

Roxanne: Turn. Around.

Shivers ran down my spine and I had no choices left but to comply. I turned my back to her and she placed a hand on my back. Her cold hands grazed my skin till she slowly reached my wound, I winced a bit and she seemed to realise.

Roxanne: I see...I'm...I'm so sorry.

I chuckled a bit in pain.

(Y/N): It's fine, I mean it, I also meant it when I said the hug was nice too. This is not your fault, you didn't choose to hurt me nor did you choose to be broken like this. 

She just nodded, and an awkward silence formed between us.

(Y/N): Well, I should go and get this patched up. I'll see you tomorrow.

She didn't respond, just stood there seemingly deep in thought, so I left, I just hope that she doesn't blame herself too much.


I patched myself and arrived at the Pizzaplex once more, hoping that I leave without getting hurt today. 

I knock on the door and Roxy opens up like always, however, something is different.

Roxanne: I uhmm...I felt bad for yesterday so I kinda, yk, did this.

I stifled a laughter when I saw that she had wrapped herself in bubble wrap.

(Y/N): Where did you even get this many? 

Roxanne: I took them from the storage...

I smiled and gave her a hug. She seemed surprised but soon hugged back. I could hear her rusty tail wagging.

Roxanne: I'm not hurting you am I?

She's such a sweetie, even if she's an animatronic.

(Y/N): No you're not, just enjoy it.

We hugged for a while before she backed away from me, she seemed to not show much emotion on her face, but her tail was wagging like never before, to the point where I was afraid it might just snap off.

(Y/N): You seem happy.

Roxanne tried to refuse but it was too obvious that she indeed was, she was panicking but suddenly came to a stop.

Roxanne: I wish I was able to hug you without these wraps on the way...

I felt bad for her, I truly did, but we both saw what happened when I tried fixing her, I was useless. Plus, if I hurt myself more, I'm sure she would blame herself further.

(Y/N): The day will eventually arrive, so do not worry.

Roxy just nodded, and so we both sat down, ready for another day of speaking. 


Today was sadly uneventful, Roxy seems not to be as focused, she kinda just listened without answering much, I had no idea whatsoever how to fix this, I had to take my leave for now, and I will most likely think about this tomorrow.

(Y/N): I'll be back tomorrow, Roxy.

She just nodded. That's odd. Animatronics are more complex than I thought.

(Roxanne's POV)

I can't focus! Whenever I hear his voice, it reminds me of the hug we shared, and something near my core starts to itch? Sting? Hurt? I don't know what causes this malfunction, but it's eating me from the inside out. I need to do something about this. I can't stop thinking about the recent events that occurred, his head on my lap, our arms wrapped around each other. I need more...I want to see him...

I had enough, I never had the courage to ask for personal things, but today that will change, if they don't want to fix me up, I'll force them to, piece by piece!


I was waiting impatiently for (Y/N) to arrive, I wanted nothing more than to see him, so I asked for them to fix my eyes...a little forceful, but it worked, they are still adjusting, but now I should be able to look at him and memorise his features.

*knock knock*

Thats him!

I quickly got up and tumbled my way over loudly, I was so excited. 

*door opens*

and there he stood, as handsome as I could ever imagine him to be, his defined face, his (E/C) eyes, his (H/C) hair, his lips, I could stare at him for hours.

Oh no, the ache is back...

(Y/N's POV)

Oh! I was incredibly surprised, in front of me stood Roxy but she had her eyes back, had they patched her up? Was she going to start getting fixed, finally? 

(Y/N): Wow uh, your, your eyes?

Roxy seemed to have snapped out of something.

Roxanne: O-Oh yeah! I had them fix it for me since I...I wanted to see you.

Was this the thing that was eating her up? Not being able to see me? That's....oddly cute.

She was eyeing me up and down. Her yellow orbs glistened from the light on the ceiling, she was gorgeous...not that I'd ever accept thinking that.

(Y/N): Hahahaha, you're staring too much Roxy.

She realises and panics for a second before her eyes lock onto something: my wrist.

A soft gasp escapes her mouth, if I had known she was going to be fixed, I would have covered my wrist. 

Roxy: Is that?

(Y/N): It's fine doesn't even hurt anymore, the pain lingered for only a day.

That was a lie; it still hurt, but I couldn't tell her that.

Roxy: Turn around.

Did she want to see the cut now?

(Y/N): There is no need for you to worry about these-

Roxy: Turn around...please.

I sigh and turn around, assuming what she wanted to see I left my shirt revealing the bandages

She remains silent.

Slowly and carefully hugs me.

Roxanne: I am, so so sorry.

I chuckle.

(Y/N): As I said, you don't have to worry. I got these because of my own carelessness, and if it's for you, I'd get more.

Roxanne: But why? This is just a job.

(Y/N): I've come to enjoy your company, that's all. You might be an animatronic, and people might call me a furry, but you're a joy to talk to, and you're very sweet and caring when you want to be. 

(We've seen that side, especially after RUIN, which, yk, I'm ignoring for the sake of the story.)

Roxanne let go of me and spun me around. She stared at me in the eyes and began leaning towards me....was she going for a kiss!? Did she know what a kiss was!?

She softly planted what remained of her mouth on my lips, but it didn't last very long. We separated pretty quickly. I was shocked.

(Y/N): I uhhh you uhhh that was-

Roxanne: Sorry, it felt right to do, I am not aware of what this action meant, was good....really good.

God dammit she doesn't even know what a kiss is! I'm the only one getting worked up over this, but...did she say that she enjoyed it? Hmmm...

Roxanne: Can we do it...again?

I looked at her, shocked.

(Y/N): you have the slightest clue what we just did?

She panicked for a second.

Roxanne: Is it something bad? 

How to explain.

(Y/N): No's something that, people who are really close to each other

She should know what parents are since she was created to entertain kids.

Her face froze up

Roxanne: Oh my god...We're having kids!?

I should've explained better.

Roxy starts panicking.

Roxanne: Oh no! What will we do, Im sure they wouldn't want a mother like me, I'm not good enough I'm not even fixed ye-

(Y/N): Roxy, you got it wrong!

She stopped and tilted her head.

(Y/N): Sorry, I explained it horrendously, what I meant was, people who love each other. That's who parents are, they love each other, decide to spend the rest of their life together, have a kid on the way.

Roxy: O-Oh, and how can you tell if you "Love" someone?


(Y/N): Ig you feel like a certain stinging pain in your chest? Whenever u think about or look at that person.

(Roxanne's POV)

So that's what I've been feeling! Love! it wasn't a bug, it's not about me being broken, it's because I.....I love him!

(Y/N's POV)

(Y/N): Sooooo careful who you, kiss like that.

Roxy stayed silent before nodding in acknowledgement. The rest of the session was uneventful and this wasn't brought up again, we spoke about Gregory a bit before I was on my way back home. The metallic taste of her lips are still there....I didn't hate it at all...

(Roxanne's POV)

Love....I need to do something about this, I must figure out a way for us to also become parents together. I may not be worthy now, but I will become the best one more time, and maybe then he can also love me back.

(No one's POV)

And thus sparks began igniting between the two, something big was going to occur, Roxanne had realised her feelings and (Y/N) wasn't very against the idea. Was it even ok for him to love a patient? And was it all right for him to love an animatronic? He would think about these later as he arrived home, disinfected his wounds and fell asleep.

(A/N): Thanks for reading! Sorry if the romance is going a bit fast, I want to finish this book with around 10-15 chapters, and I want to explore some lover dynamics between the two as time goes. So I'm trying to not rush it, but I'm trying to also not leave out anything In between making the romance move a bit fast. Anyways, any feedback is appreciated and thanks a lot. See you guys!


Word count: 2566


Katakuriu out...

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