Holding Back
A/N: Orignal Idea by me for you. Enjoy.
Green is not a creative color. At least that's what the undead queen told her when she was but a princess. All those years ago the social media tyrant to be had watched some outlandish video stuffed with puppets and gore. So her impressionable mind did the only natural thing. Internalized this unwarranted hate then projected it by choosing a palette far away from the color while remembering not to let it clash with her eyes. So, when she saw how horrid she looked in red, she settled on pink and purple.
A good choice.
But laying here with the blades against her yellow cheeks. Taking a second to inhale the stale air that's been freshly filtered by the verdant field. Focusing ahead on a single point. And watching as a certain sentient snow cone machine tried his luck by stepping into her sight. Only to be blasted away into a puff of glimmering blue smoke and sticky glass.
"I think green is pretty creative."
Piper took a stiff breath as she stood up. Rather than the golden locks she had grown accustomed to, she was pushing back some black curls that had fallen into her eyes. In fact, her attire had undergone a drastic remodeling for tonight's escapades. Instead of a baby-blue dress, she sported a jet-black design with roses along her toes. The pink sash along her waist kept the clothes tight to her upper body while her legs were allowed to breathe. And her pristine white gloves had been stained with the verdant hues of her previous hiding spot.
She took a moment to relax. These gem-grab matches were always such a bother. If she weren't such a veteran she'd be drowning in her own sweat by now. Instead, she wiped a wayward droplet of liquid from her dyed brows. The wig she wore was thick and itchy. The coarse black curls added an extra pound to her scalp.
She sauntered ahead towards the lonely gem mine. It was illuminated with a delicious shade of purple and soon spat out another bright stone. Though it was supposed to have been extracted fresh from the stones below it shined like a violet petal in the morning dew. And within its reflection, a rather gorgeous yet strange woman looked back. She took a moment to turn to and froe. She needed to get a good look at Emz and Colette's handy work.
The fangirls screeched at the opportunity to do her make-up. But when Piper explained that she needed a disguise, not a wardrobe change, she hoped the girls would go easy. Alas, she got exactly what she expected. A wardrobe change plus a completely new look. Instead of her fair white skin, she had been plastered with vibrant yellow face paint. And her eyes had an array of green and pink flowers lining the edge. But the kicker was the contacts. She didn't know how (or why) Colette had them but she suddenly fabricated a set out of thin air.
Piper looked at her void-like eyes. There were two white dots where her pupils once lie. Giving it a better look she noticed something, "Why do I look like Poco?" After a brief pause she realized, "Emz..."
Her moment of contemplation was interrupted by the shrill sound of screeching in her ears. "EAAH-HEEH!"
Piper recoiled before radioing in, "Yes, Mr. P?"
"EAAGu HAA" he screamed in his outlandish gibberish.
Piper pinched away the rapidly forming headache. "Ruffs, love, can you translate?"
Just as she asked the sound of a thunderous cannon sounded off through the empty arena. A massive screen sitting above the absent crowd's heads showed off a caricature of Colonel Ruffs being eliminated by Leon's cheeky grin. Piper sighed, "...mhmm"
With a click of the tongue she looked behind her. The canine colonel would return soon. But while he was absent, the sneaky tod to her left would surely show his face. That could spell trouble if she got too close. And even if she kept her distance it would prove troublesome to focus on him upon Lou's return.
To her right, Mr. P was throwing briefcases into the shadowy blades ahead. Piper's only guarantee was that while Mr. P lived, he wouldn't push the aggressive. Not as long as Mr. P's porter station sat silently behind their team's barrier. Piper pocketed the gem she had retrieved, "Well since we're on Undermine, I guess I'll under-mind the kid and focus on the bot." She silently patted herself for another clever quip.
A quick radio into her teammates and she shifted to her right. She used the wooden fencing that divided the grass and mine as cover. She took aim at the enemy spawn. She couldn't see anyone arriving yet so once more her mind began to wander. 'How did I get into this mess?'
The Snowtel's snow bot was standing atop his flavor-filled cart with treats in hand. The sun might have been beating down from above but his speech soared through the stars. Below him sat a rather bemused Gale with a livid Mr. P at his side.
The penguin owner yelled at his employee. Lou looked frustrated responding, "I'm tired of turning people down. Little kids come up with only a few cents and I've turned some of them down because of your rule."
Mr. P's eyes went white. Though the sound was muffled by his underdevelopment tonsils it was clear he screamed, "SOME?!" at Lou's accidental admittance of giving away goods.
"And I'll do it AGAIN!" Lou stamped his point by throwing snow cones into the rapidly amassing crowd. Some bystanders were nailed with syrup-slathered ice pellets but they cheered nonetheless in frigid bliss. One member of the celebration, in particular, was a young boy in a think green hoodie layered with deep black fur.
Mr. P's horrendous screams roared over the crowd. He was stomping the ground and smacking snow cones out of the hands of men, women, and children alike. Gale chuckled softly, "Now don't get all worked up Mr. P. He's just having a rebellious bug."
Mr. P screeched into his indifferent handyman's face. Gale readjusted his wooly blue cap before saying, "Why not settle it in a brawl?"
There was a chorus of coos and squeals at the mention of brawls. A challenge of magic and might. Elite members of the gifted race known as Brawlers compete alongside the advanced technologies of the land in objective-based combat. Nothing like that uncivilized slaughtering called a showdown. Where apes sling their poo at one another for the entertainment of Neanderthals.
Lou heard the word brawl surfing through the spectators. While Mr. P was busy talking about this option with Gale, Lou grabbed a trio of surgery treats from within his stomach. The force he threw them with made the world move in reverse. He could see the fraction of space between Mr. P's head and the first snow cone's gooey surface. A few bystanders had yet to react to the motion. Save for a family of three and one bystander to the far west. They tracked the action and were stunned by Lou's brash actions.
But just before the sweets could collide with his boss's scalp, a blistering whirlwind shook the area around them. A snowy mass blasted Mr. P a few feet away. And the wind sent the crowd behind the flightless bird soaring as well. Mr. P was less than damaged by the blast but its cool winds only caused him to heat up still.
He sent back some harsh gibberish Gale's way. The jolly codger just looked to the ground where Mr. P last stood. A triplet of snow cones was smushed against the snowy flooring. He slowly looked back to his mechanical friend. Gale's massive mustache covered his mouth so he'd grown accustomed to showing his emotions with his eyes. To most, it looked like a content grin was gleaming out his lidded iris.
But deep within the cracks of thin flesh, Lou could see it. A dangerous glint of haunting power. Lou did double time by apologizing profusely to his elder. Even atop his snow cart, he knew to bow down to the tired veteran.
But Gale lightened up rather quickly. "Now Lou. You know it's not nice to attack your boss." He giggled out a playful, "Oh you youths..." Mr. P appeared ahead of the janitor/handyman/bellhop with his face redder than Amber's follicles. But Gale's gleeful grin cooled him off, "Now Mr. P, I think you have a team to form." He motioned up to Lou who was back on his verbal offensive.
Mr. P pointed to Gale but the old man just shook his head, "No, no. You can't choose me. I'm not getting between this."
Mr. P made a huffing noise. He'd have to search elsewhere. Though he didn't look far. A hand found itself on his shoulders. The penguin looked back to see a hooded figure. "You have my support."
He wore a deep purple parka that hung down to his short knees. He was just about as short as Mr. P and Gale but his voice was much deeper. Gale chuckled as the hooded figure stepped in front of them. He pointed a gloved finger at Lou. They heard a low growl before he grumbled, "That boy..." He threw off his overcoat to reveal the awards and achievements spread across his uniform. His thick brown jowls and massive floppy ears swayed with a rather convenient breeze. The anthropomorphic bloodhound snarled.
"He's *ruff*-ling my fur."
Distant claps and whooping cheers sounded off as Colonel Ruffs staked his claim in this conflict. Mr. P was a bit shocked that the military veteran would side with a corrupt million-dollar property owner but he wouldn't complain. Mr. P squeaked out his thanks.
Colonel Ruffs grumbled, "The blatant disrespect for his superiors. He should be court-martialed."
Gale laughed as he looked at Lou. The robot was a bit flabbergasted that Mr. P had recruited an ally so quickly. Now he looked ridiculous in front of everyone. He scanned the masses hoping for someone to show their faces much like Ruffs did before. If all else fails he could call some of his robotic friends. Maybe Sprout or 8-bit could spare some metallic hands.
Just when he felt like all was lost a commotion spurred up from within the fleshy sea. There was a small clearing formed as three people made a scene. One was a rather broad man with two objects in hand. One was a ball of maroon mayhem wrapped in a fur coat. The other a slightly taller green stem that dangled helplessly by his hood.
The man in the middle was the supreme chief of brawling, Bo. He had his two wards, Nita and Leon, casually restrained off the ground.
"No." Bo groaned as Nita bit his knuckles. It hurt, but he's had worse.
"Let me go!"
Nita thrashed about recklessly, "Let me GO!"
"No..." Bo looked at Leon. He wasn't even trying to fight back. He knew better than to challenge Bo on this.
"But Snowman is giving ice cream."
"No..." Bo looked at the back of Leon's head. "Tell your sister she's not joining this ridiculous fight."
Leon didn't respond. Nita was vocal enough for both of them. "FREE ICE CREAM!"
Bo rolled his eyes, "Leon." He shook him a bit but the boy was too stubborn. Bo slowly turned him around. As his face came into view Bo saw something awful. Rather than the glistening green spears that Leon hid beneath his hood, he saw two black dots and a stitched-in mouth. Within Bo's hand wasn't the invisible assassin, but a well-placed substitution.
The Leon doll stuck its middle finger out at Bo before disappearing in a puff of smoke. Bo looked around a bit then realized he had lost. So he did the only thing that felt appropriate. He raised his now empty fist to the air and screamed, "LEEEEEOOOOOON!"
Lou looked on from his position above. 'What the heck is going on down there?'
Just as he thought about that he heard a sharp whistle ring out beside him. When he turned back he saw the boy sitting on the cart's edge. "Sounds like he's pissed." Lou jumped back at his sudden arrival. "Relax, I'm on your side Frozone."
Leon stood up with a little bounce. He popped a cherry sucker between his lips. "Hey, Nita! Check me out!" He waved to his sister who merrily returned the gesture from her dangling captor.
Lou was a bit confused but who was he to argue. With a little bit of snow crashing against their cheeks, Lou and Leon stood with proud smirks at their older enemies. The two clashing groups took a moment to stare each other down until Gale stood in between.
"Eh-hem... I said I wouldn't get between this but... you can't play Gem Grab without a third member."
Piper's daydream would have continued but a glimmer of light caught her eye. "Right... snow cones." Piper dropped to a knee. Beneath her black dress (and rosy pattern) her knee propped her elbow up. The newly fitted umbrella morphed with massive metal rods protruding out of the stem. An ACOG scope popped up from within and an extended barrel of a .50 caliber rifle stuck out the front.
She took a deep breath while her finger rested on the trigger. Her scope aimed at nothing in particular but the barrel refused to waiver. She quietly hummed, "One Mississippi."
A briefcase flew past her. She could hear a robotic jolt but she wouldn't budge.
"Two Mississippi."
Piper could hear the distinct sound of respawning behind her. Soon Ruffs would be grumbling in her ear. But until then.
"Three Mississippi."
Mr. P screeched at her. To him, she was just standing still. But just as he began his verbal assault Piper's rifle rang out like a cannon in a tunnel. And as the massive bullet sliced through the air. Lou once again found himself walking chest first into the belle's bullets. A stiff squeal could be heard before Lou quickly hid behind the middle wall once again.
Piper stood back up, blowing a bit of steam off the tip. She turned back to the raging boss, "Four."
Just as Piper turned back to Lou's hiding spot, a voice chimed in. "Nice shot." She whipped to her right only to find the wooden fencing. She refocused on Lou's last location while peering towards her left.
Leon and Ruffs had been fighting all game much like she and Lou. She thought that his bouncing bullets and destructive super would give him the edge. Clearly, Leon knew something they didn't. She thought that the grass was causing Ruffs such turmoil, so she wasted a super early on destroying the fencing that blocked them from her. Unfortunately, that stunt didn't fully remove the grass from her left flank. So Leon was still using it to slip past the dogged fighter.
Lou peaked once more. This time he got a few bullets out but his panicked shots missed their mark. Piper domed him once more, but he just retreated to heal again. Piper's eyes drifted to the left only for that voice to again say, "He's not very good."
Piper didn't get startled this time. She thought it might have been Leon but that couldn't be true. For starters, Leon's voice is far more childish. This speech pattern is artificial much like Lou's sound system. Secondly.
Ruffs roared into the radio, "The little nuisance won't let me join you."
Piper knew that they were busy fighting each other. So if she's holding back Lou and Ruffs is fighting Leon. Then that can only mean. Piper saw in her peripherals one of Mr. P's porters rush into the bushes on her right. But as soon as it entered, it was immediately popped by a barrage of colorful ammunition.
'Yep... that's him.' Piper leaned against the fence. She was able to see Lou's entry point as well as the entirety of the left side of the map. With a gentle twist of her neck and her mouth was able to lovingly coo, "Hello, Rico~"
Say his name and he shall appear. Rico leaned against the same fence that Piper had posted against. The robot wasn't fazed by the oncoming briefcases and power pellets. He seemed more interested in the woman on the other side. "You know my name?"
Piper's focus faltered for a second. She cursed herself for forgetting the whole reason she was here.
She pushed her blonde curls to the side. Suddenly her sweet tea had turned rather bitter. She looked at the hopeless fools beside her. Mr. P and Ruffs had approached her with a fruitless proposition. Join them tonight for a private Gem Grab match against Lou. When she asked why she got a drawl excuse.
"Lou is trying to give away snow cones for free."
Piper was disgusted, "And I should help you why?"
Mr. P squeaked out a frustrated explanation which Ruffs translated, "It's absurd to even suggest the idea of giving away free food. Let alone do it." Ruffs stepped up so Piper could understand him clearly. "But more importantly, the little *rrr*-runt needs to be taught a lesson in respect."
Piper pushed her drink aside. She turned so her snow-white buttons were facing the duo. She was going to say something but she couldn't help but scoff at the absurdity of it all. With a wave of her hand Barley slid a fresh drink into her palm. She waved the boys away while she took the time to enjoy a proper beverage.
Mr. P would have yelled if Ruffs didn't hold him back. The two quietly made their exit while Piper hummed to the show tunes playing on stage. Barley wandered up to her while he poured another glass. "That was fun."
"A blast." She nodded her head along with the music.
The robotic bartender slid the glass down to another customer. He put an arm on the glistening vinyl finish. "I'm surprised you said no." Piper raised an inquisitive eyebrow as she sipped on her tea. "Well, you and Rico have that loving rivalry. I thought you would jump at the chance to face him."
Piper hacked violently as the drink slipped down the wrong pipe. She pushed the drink away before asking, "Rico's on Lou's team?!"
"That's what I've heard. But it could just be rumors..." The robot's eye glowed a teasing shade of orange. "Better go ask them."
Piper hiked up her dress and rushed out the door. Barley couldn't help but snicker to himself a bit.
Piper was still cursing herself silently. The whole point of being here was to fight Rico. Of course, they've trained against each other hundreds of times. She's seen him at his best, he's seen her at her worst, and vice versa. But there's always been one problem gnawing at the back of her head.
Has he been holding back?
She'd like to think that Rico takes her seriously when they spare. They wouldn't be gaining much if one of them held back against the other. But outside of a standard brawling stadium, they are mortal just like everyone else. Sure he could be repaired as long as the damage isn't detrimental, but she's flesh and blood. He knew that all too well. So is it possible that he's been holding back so she doesn't meet a tumultuous end?
'Who are you?' Piper thought to herself, 'What? Who am I? I'm Piper? Why did I think that?'
"Who are you?" Wait that wasn't her mind. She could feel Rico's presence on the other side. He sounded a bit impatient. "You know me?"
Piper panicked a bit. "Ummm... of course I know you. You're Rico. The world-famous Brawler."
Rico could be heard scratching his head. "My files do not show a world-renown status."
"Figure of speech, love."
Rico's tone was more alert. "Love? Piper calls me love."
'Oh stars...' Piper saw the bushes ahead shuffle. While keeping up the conversation she sent a bullet into the brush. Again, she smiled when Lou screamed and ran behind a wall. "Well, love is just a term of endearment. Everyone from my town uses it."
She hoped he didn't notice the nervous smile she was sporting. If Rico found out who she was. All this makeup would be useless.
The sound of an overclocked fan could be heard through the wood. Then came another bevy of bouncing bullets as they crashed against Mr. P's porter. There was a sharp ding which she chuckled a bit when she heard. Rico chimed in, "Logical response provided. Acceptance gained."
Piper checked her pockets once more and smiled at her collection. Eight glistening gemstones all just for her. She remembered that one of those ten she needed was currently held by her mechanical partner currently hidden behind the walls. She pressed a button on her ear and whispered an order.
Rico returned to his position against the wall and spoke to her once more. "Your abilities are remarkable."
"Oh well, aren't you just a doll." She pursed her lips and sent two shots forward. One slammed against Lou's chest once more while the other was used to keep Leon at bay.
"And stolen."
Piper's voice caught in her throat. "Excuse you?"
"I have analyzed your every move. Your battle tactics and artillery are blatant imitations of the designated brawler: Piper."
'Oh, fooey. The jig is up,' she thought with clenched teeth. Her grip on her trigger became a bit looser as Rico continued.
"You were wise to steal from her. She is... searching... searching... searching... no word can be found to describe her outstanding ability." She hoped her yellow makeup didn't show the massive blush along her cheeks. "In all my matches as a Brawler, only against her must I always use 100% of my strength." Mr. P threw a briefcase that just barely missed its mark. The shockwave passed over the two and illuminated their backs. "She is as close to perfect as humanity will ever get."
Her heart must have stopped. The makeup now reflected her cold blood. Then came a soaring heat comparable to an erupting volcano. Piper couldn't help but hold her rifle close to her chest. And she silently whispered, "Thank you," hoping that Rico wouldn't hear.
His eye secretly rotated toward her, though he provided no response. They both looked up as a whistling song came closer to them. A massive care package came crashing toward their spot on the floor. Piper stilled her heart and replaced her wonder with that classic charm. "Well. Maybe you should tell her that sometime." Rico had left their meeting place and hid in the bushes once more. The supply drop didn't destroy any of the bushes or the dividing wall that they conversed with. It did however leave a special treat for her. The badge merged with her clothes and enveloped her with a bright purple aura. She could feel her body grow with it and her blood race.
She rushed forward and grabbed two new gems that had been waiting for her retrieval. Just as she picked them up a cloud of smoke appeared before her. Leon smiled and landed a set of blades deep into her chest. She didn't even bother with firing her rifle. Instead, she took off into the sky and retreated back to her spawn. Mr. P and Ruffs covered her with suppressing fire to stave off their opponents until she could land.
From her aerial position, she could see Lou run out from his cover with a frustrated glint. Rico also came from hiding in the eastern bushes. He had his focus on eliminating Mr. P so he could take her out before the time ran out.
In the few moments she had in the air she thought about what he said once more. How he said she was indescribably amazing. How he praised her abilities and finally expressed his true feelings. With her nearly inaudible perch, she managed one final statement.
"I'm sure she's been waiting to hear you say that."
Word Count: 3,948
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