
Hundreds of screeches roared through the sky. The sound of crumbling mortar and broken bones sickened the serene night. Unholy cries of damnation lapped at the lips of thousands as they ran away from their homes. Their roofs collapsed under the weight of the monster before them.

In a sea of retreats, there were two pursuers. They pushed past the mad mob in pursuit of the beast. A large woman with skin milky smooth like chocolate and a build powerful enough to crack marble. Her six-foot frame stood above most as she acted as a beacon for her smaller companion. A young lady with amber hair and a myriad of freckles. Her purple and yellow suit complimented the purple shorts of her taller counterpart.

Their names were Rosa and Bea respectively and this rampage was something they had to stop. They turned the corner as a car was tipped over. A massive white machine rampaged forward as it crawled down the street. Its massive pink maw was made of plant cells but munched on stone like a tiger's jaw to bones. It resembled the neck of a dragon though its eyeless face scanned for the next victim like a mantis. Then it continued its crawl while picking up any obstacles in its way.

Rosa pointed forward and yelled for Bea to follow. They knew their little friend would never do this. The sentient plant Sprout had changed. But why could he change so suddenly? A question that only they knew the answer.

They continued to give chase. Their smaller legs struggled to keep up with his superior stride. He rolled over a building and was suddenly stopped by a powerful force. The girls watched from below as a robot flew past. They saw a massive green saber ignite as it soared back in for another attack.

Sprout's mouth snapped out but missed him by inches. The robot flew up high and flashed a bright smile as he twirled his shades on his fingers. Even in the dark of night he never allowed his cool persona to falter. Then he came crashing down like a meteor from space.

But Sprout showcased an unnatural agility. It jumped off the multiple legs on its back and swatted him out of the sky with its clubbed fist. Surge's red and yellow body came flying backward. Rosa and Bea screamed as he soared over their heads in free fall. Only to be snatched up by a speedy heroine.

Max sat Surge down gently. His head was crooked with a bit of sparks flying off his legs. His thrusters on his back had been damaged and his sword lost during his fall. Max cursed under her breath before radioing in for help. Rosa and Bea turned back to check on the heroic duo. As they ran backward another triplet of mecha-based heroes soared past. Two mecha suits (one blue and the other orange) soared by firing off small projectiles from wrist launchers. The other lacked flight capacities but its massive body worked as a wall for Sprout to waste time trying to crack.

When Rosa and Bea got to Surge and Max the female hero asked them to watch him while she assisted with the attack. Bea was the first to speak up, "Wait don't kill him. It's Sprout."

Max's voice was an exasperated cough, "WHAT!?" She pointed at the bright peak monstrosity that was housed inside an oddly familiar casing, "That thing is Sprout?"

Another explosion rang out as a car's gas tank leaked into an open fire. The explosion only added to the intimidating aura as the beast's silhouette loomed over them. Max's eyes were wide open as she waited for a response.

Rosa cringed a bit as she stuttered, "It's complicated..."


Rosa was resting in her chair as she studied a strange reaction between a unique class of fauna found within the forests outside of Starr Park and ultraviolet light. An adventure that ended with her running away from an interdimensional being through the cold of night. But her discovery proved rather intriguing as she found that this plant was not only carnivorous but also an active predator. It expelled a lure that attracted small insects for it to devour. However, when exposed to continuous UV lights it mutated into a poisonous beast. Its barbs could potentially kill small varmints and deter large lagomorphs. Then it could devour the corpses of these oversized creatures for a month. At least in theory, it should do just that.

Bea came up from behind with an empty bag of fertilizer. "Rosa..." The botanist kept quiet as she stared deeper into her experiment. Bea tapped her shoulder distracting her for a moment, "Sprout's fertilizer is empty."

The two turned around to see Sprout slowly bumping into a wall. He kept repeating low battery as he tried to navigate the laboratory. Rosa groaned and pointed Bea towards the hallway, "We've got more feed in the closet." Rosa then quickly returned to her experiment, unaware of Bea's lack of knowledge. Bea came back a few moments later with an extra heavy bag of bright purple feed. She poured the contents into Sprout's feeding tray on the back of his body. She kept filling till it overflowed and accidentally spilled some on the ground.

Unaware that the bag had a warning on the label. 'Do not feed more than a gram at a time. Overfeeding could lead to uncontrollable growth.'



Max's anger was palpable as she chewed up the duo for allowing something so reckless to happen. Bea explained that she'd never seen that kind of feed before and usually asks Rosa to handle feeding Sprout. In the distance, they could hear the sound of continued destruction as Sprout was being pushed backward by Bo and Crow's mecha suits. Meg's ACCS ran forward as it fired off a storm of bullets into Sprouts' chest. But its massive metal suit was barely even smudged as the monstrous maw smacked Bo into the concrete.

Max turned back to them with a feverish rage, "Why's his suit bigger if the plant is the only thing that grew?"

Bea gave a nervous chuckle, "Well..."


Rosa finally managed to roll the massive spiked ball that was Spike out the garage door. A door that she had to cut open even wider than it already was. His pink core was now the size of an elephant. And he was just as heavy. It took her a whole day just to roll him outside. And their greenhouse had been ruined during the process.

Bea joined her outside with little pieces of Sprout's robotic body in her hands. He hadn't been killed but seeing their technology ruined did hurt a bit. Rosa stood with her hands on her hips and a confused grimace. Bea turned to her trying to understand what was next.

Rosa played with the idea of researching how to shrink him but then she had a much better idea. She looked down at Bea with a blank stare. Bea had to crane her neck to look up at Rosa. The two smiled like asylum patients as they simultaneously screamed, "Giant Plant Baby!"


Max's stunned twitch was followed by a car flying past their heads. The shrapnel didn't even cause her to flinch. The shockwave from the gas explosion somewhere in the distance only helped her lunge forward to shake the life out of Rosa. She scolded her over and over again as she tried to educate them on why that was a terrible decision.

Bea tried to defend Rosa's choice by adding, "But he wouldn't have rampaged if it wasn't for the infection."

Max paused and let go of Rosa who dropped to her back in a dizzied state. "Infection?"


After finishing the new body Bea and Rosa gave a proud fanfare for the birth of super Sprout. A nearly 50-foot super robot that took them weeks to build. They had to make a ton of new changes to the body in order to sustain this much energy. One of those changes was an internal ultraviolet light source charged by an internal solar battery. His wheels had scoops that would feed fresh dirt in as he rode around. Then it would deposit any soil that had been used for all of its nutrients into the ground below it.

A small oversight as during one of Sprout's walks through the forest he managed to unwittingly run into the fauna patch that Rosa had been researching. All it took were a few nights of constant UV light raining down on it for this bug to fester. They first noticed when Sprout wouldn't come when they called him. The second sign was when he destroyed a small village just a mile away from home in the middle of the night.

But it was already toolate. He was too far gone.


Max looked at Sprout as he threw Meg through the sky. The child screamed as Crow flew by and pulled her from the cockpit before it eventually exploded against a wall.

Max took off her helmet and pulled her hair, "So that's not even him anymore." She threw it to the side as she got into a sprinter's ready stance. She could feel the energy welling through her as she prepared to bolt away. "Sprout would never do something like this."

Rosa hissed under her breath. Max turned around to look at her. "Well... about that."


On the first day of Sprout's body's creation, Bea and Rosa had to work twice as hard to give him a way to communicate. It took three years to understand how to convert a plant's thoughts into speech. But when they finally managed to get it working, they sat in the lab and watched Sprout as he sat on the countertop.

He spun around a bit and made a big show by raising his arms into the sky. Then he screamed, "I like trees!"

Rosa and Bea's eyes lit up at the successful sentence. They had done it. They bridged the gap between the minds themselves. Sentient life and a personality created from a plant. They could solidify themselves as the greatest scientist in the world.

"Destroy all buildings!"

The two's celebration stalled at his unnatural addendum. They turned back to him as his faceless body continued, "Humanity destroys. Plants provide. Must collapse infrastructure." He reached out his claw hands and snapped them rhythmically, "Plants must thrive."

Bea and Rosa turned to each other with a nervous glint. Then converted to pleased grins as they squealed, "He's a naturalist!"


Bea scratched the back of her neck, "After that, we tweaked his settings so that anything anti-humanity was censored with cute little beeps."

Max's body was slack as she stared at the botanists. Rosa and Bea looked mildly apologetic for the events that were transpiring around them. But in the back of their eyes was a bit of joy for how well their creation turned out.

Max couldn't bring her feet to move an inch. Her mind broken by the stupidity of the intelligent. From beside her Surge's body began to shift a bit. His eyes lit up to show he was active as another explosion rang out in the distance.

This time three bodies came flying down from the sky. Crow's helmet had been destroyed with his feathers peaking out from the shattered fragments. Bo's chest panel was completely destroyed, he used the cushion from his pecks to hold onto Meg's small body and cushion the impact of their crash landing.

With the heroes out of commission, Sprout roared as he resumed his destruction of Starr City. Surge sat up and looked at Bea and Rosa. He made one final decree before shutting down indefinitely.

"You two... are dumb."

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