Chapter 3: Rhino Melancholy
A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter to this story. now if you have any questions revolving around this story please let me know and let the chapter begin.
3rd pov
in Shirou's office with two items in front of him one being Michiru's student ID while the other item was a f/c scarf that belongs to Y/n. Shirou then sniffs the card getting some images of Michiru's past along with her travels with Y/n heading to Anima City, but one image showed a damaged bike and an orange haired girl on the ground from MIchiru's perspective. the scene change to a indoor basketball court with Michiru throwing the ball into a hoop with a slightly younger Y/n sitting with the same orange haired girl, then the scene changed again with the orange haired girl in front of MIchiru.
A/n: if your curious the reader was sick and knew nothing about Nazuna turning into a Beastman and kept it a secret not sure if the reader hated Beastman or not.
orange haired girl: I passed the audition!
Michiru: that's great! we knew you could do it, Nazuna! keep it up!
then suddenly the girl known was Nazuna started to shake making Michiru worried for her friend, then Nazuna's hair turned pink and ears came up from her head shocking Michiru. the scene changed again to a group of men in suits wearing sunglasses bringing Nazuna into a car as Michiru noticed the car, but was not aware who was inside of said car. the scene then changed again with Michiru in front of the basketball hoop with the basketball in her hand, but then sees that the sudden change of her body happen to her like with Nazuna. then came to the feeling of loneliness as Michiru secluded herself in her room, but then the scene with Y/n seeing her appearance and the scene of Y/n defending Michiru from Beastman hunters. then it came to the day when the two discovered the website that advertised Anima City.
Shirou then puts the ID card down and picks up Y/n's scarf and sniffs it to get some images of Y/n's past from Y/n first meeting Michiru and Nazuna to Y/n practicing parkour and martial arts, but then sees of scene with Y/n's parents discovering Michiru appearance and Y/n rebelling against them. thus making his parents disowned him as their child, but one scene caught Shirou's attention, it was a scene with a very young Y/n walking around a peaceful neighborhood then a car driving above the speed limit of the neighborhood about to hit the young boy, but then was saved and off the streets by no other than Shirou himself.
Shirou: *places the scarf down* so... he was that kid. who would have thought I see him again after these years.
Y/n's pov
I was sleeping in the same bed as Michiru, but we were both awaken from a sound of a rooster outside. we both got out of bed and open the window to reveal Jem in his Beastman form, which ironically is a rooster.
Michiru: morning mister Jem!
Y/n: yeah, good morning.
Michiru: it's a nice day, isn't it?
Jem: it is and how do you two like that room? it's nicer on the roof, isn't it?
Y/n: it's a lot better and it has a nice view of the city.
Michiru: yeah. thank you. *sees a tower* Jem, what's that big building over there?
Jem: hmm? *looks to the tower* oh, that's the medical center. that's Sylvasta Medical Center. it's a research center and hospital run by Sylvasta Pharmaceuticals.
Michiru: Sylvasta?
Y/n: wasn't that the website that advertised Anima-City?
Michiru: yeah, maybe they can help me with my disease.
Y/n: maybe.
we then the door to our room opens making the two look to see Shirou without his coat, but he then grabs the two by the collar of their shirts making Michiru confused while Y/n has a blank face.
Michiru: what?
Y/n: *blank face* oh, now what.
A/n: if your curious the reader is making the face that Akame and Kurome make in some scenes
he takes the two of us out of the room and heads to his office, only to be thrown back into the same room they slept in when they first arrived. Michiru lands on her rear while I land face first, but don't appear to be hurt by the fall, then Shirou closed the door behind us.
Y/n: *stands back up with the same face* now that's just rude.
Michiru: *stands up* hey! *starts to cartoonish like bang on the door* what do you think you're doing?!
then Michiru steps back from the door only to try and shoulder bash the door, but failed falls on her back with her legs in the air, while I watch knowing that I won't make a difference if I tried.
Michiru: why won't it open? hey! what's going on? let us out of here!
Shirou: *from the other side of the door* keep quiet.
we both then see something slide under the door and stops in between Michiru's feet, which we both see that it's Michiru's student ID card.
Shirou: I now know that you used to be human.
Michiru: so why are you doing this?
Shirou: the fat that your existence is dangerous.
Y/n: dangerous? Michiru being dangerous?
Michiru: what? what do you mean dangerous?!
Shirou: if the humans find out they might turn into Beastmen, it'll cause a panic.
Y/n: um, hello! I'm human!
Shirou: your a different story and it's the fact that you kept her secret from other humans. don't come out until we find out more information. I'll being you two some food.
Y/n: [at least he's not cold about bringing us food.]
Michiru: what? are you insane? this makes no sense!
Shirou: trust me. I will protect the peace for all Beastmen.
Y/n: really? -.-
Michiru: trying to sound cool doesn't make me trust you! it just sounds creepy!
I then see Michiru try to open the door by pulling it towards us, but it won't move a budge. I guess she forgot that the door opens outward towards Shirou's side.
Michiru: open up! we're going to that hospital!
Shirou: that's a no.
she then falls backwards knocking some stuff over which was kind of funny and cute to see Michiru try.
Shirou: if you set a single foot outside, I'll kill you.
Y/n: please. not like I heard that line before.
Michiru: *groans* you want peace for the Beastmen. but what about me?!
we then start to hear more things on the other side being moved, more likely Shirou putting up more things to block the door. but then we hear another person's voice from Shirou's side of the door.
voice: rearranging furniture so early in the morning? it must be rough.
Shirou: Mayor.
Y/n: *whisper tone* wait did he just say...
Michiru: *whisper tone* mayor?
we then both pressed out ear against the door to hear more of the conversation, while also trying to make room for the two of us. from what we can hear that there was a bombing that Sylvasta Medical Center that it's director reported that they received a bomb threat. along that one of the trucks owned by Sylvasta that was transporting medicine blown up.
Michiru: a bomb?
Y/n: that can't be good.
then suddenly me and Michiru see one of her ears changes to that of a bunny or rabbit surprising both of us.
Y/n: *whisper tone* that the hell?!
Michiru: *whisper tone* and now it's my ears? whatever.
we then went back to hearing the conversation as Mayor Rose said that "if they've built a hospital filled with cutting edge equipment for Beastmen, then that money should go to the humans instead." which is what the demands are from the bombers, Shirou might think it might be the anti- Beastman group, then Mayor rose explained that the explosion that happen in the truck might have erased the scent or got mixed up with that of other scents making it hard for the police to track. we hear Shirou agreeing to help search for the bombs since there are patients in the hospitals that could get hurt.
Michiru: hold on a minute Y/n. if the hospital's blown up my disease may never get cured! holy crap! this is real bad!
Y/m: then we got to help too.
Y/n\Michiru: *breathes in* please! help us, Mayor!
Mayor Rose: did you just heard something?
Shirou: no.
I then see Michiru then breathed in some air again about to yell, but then her mouth was replaced by a beak! I quickly covered my ears fearing that it might be loud enough to make me go deaf.
Michiru: Help us! we're being held prisoner!
y/n: *uncovers his ears* glad that I didn't go deaf, but damn that was some lung power there.
Shirou: that was Kuro. he just learned out to mimic voices.
Mayor Rose: uh?
Kuro: *kaw*
Mayor Rose: move all that. right now Ogami.
there was an odd silence, but for some reason I felt a chill run down my spine like someone was giving an "innocent" yet terrifying smile that I would hide behind someone or something.
3rd pov
after Shirou moved the desk, couch and other things he used to block the door were back in place freeing Michiru and Y/n, who are standing in front of Mayor Rose.
Michiru: *points to Shirou* Mayor, he's guilty of kidnapping me and Y/n. and locking us up!
Y/n: *mutters* I wouldn't call kidnapping.
Shirou: hey!
Michiru: he said he'd kill us if we tried to leave! he's guilty of that too!
Shirou: it was to protect you, Y/n and Beastmen.
Mayor Rose: you two must be Michiru Kagemori and Y/n L/n.
the two look at Mayor Rose surprised that she knew their names even if it's their first time meeting, but Y/n slightly clench his fist upon hearing his parents last name.
Mayor Rose: *to Michiru* just looking at you, I see you're obviously a Beastman.
Y/n: *mutters* or Beastwoman.
Mayor Rose: I find it hard to believe that you used to be a human. until recently.
Michiru: eh?
Y/n: wait how did you know?
Shirou: you knew about her?
Mayor Rose: I need to know everything about Anima-City. that's the job of a mayor.
Y/n: that's fair.
Shirou: I get it. it was Grand Grandma?
Mayor Rose: a mayor also needs to protect her sources. *to Y/n* and I already know that your human young man.
Y/n: I'm not surprised at this point.
Michiru: listen... please let me and Y/n help find the bombs.
Mayor Rose: and why is that?
Michiru: Sylvasta Pharmaceutical has cutting-edge devices, right? then maybe they can cure my disease.
Shirou: we're not sure if it is a disease yet.
Y/n: yeah, I got to agree with him.
Mayor Rose: but it's true that she was once a human. there's still a chance it could be a disease.
Y/n: but if that were the case then how come I haven't been affected yet? cause I've been with Michiru since we got here.
Shirou: any way it's dangerous to let her go outside. if the anti-Beastmen humans find out about her, who knows what will happen.
Michiru: I'm not sitting still!
Shirou: what?
then Michiru then explained how she was always cooped up in her house and room afraid to even go outside looking like a Beastman, along with how Y/n helped her and followed her to Anima-City to help her, even if it means he had to fight Beastman hunters.
Shirou: it's not a good idea.
Y/n: if she goes than I go with her and I'm not taking a no for an answer.
both Michiru and Y/n gave a look of not backing down to Shirou who stares back at the two, but it was then broken by Mayor Rose.
Mayor Rose: we're short handed. let's have them help us. she can communicate for Kuro and Y/n can defend her if he needs to.
Kuro: *kaw*
Michiru: communicate for Kuro?
Mayor Rose: just by looking at Michiru, no one can tell she used to be a human. she won't get any problems waling around Anima-City, while you Y/n, you must take extra procaustions so that none else, but us know that you are a human.
Y/n: I can work with that.
Mayor Rose: *to Michiru* however, din't mention to anyone else that you used to be a human.
Michiru: of course ma'am.
Mayor Rose: can you two forgive him for locking you two up and threatening you two?
Y/n: I have nothing against it. he only did what he thought would protect us and Beastmen.
Michiru: fine.
Mayor Rose: *pulls out two phones* here you two go.
Y/n: *grabs the phone* a smart phone? but I already have one, so why?
Michiru: a smart phone! it's been a long time.
Mayor Rose: if Kuro finds anything, contact Ogami. *to Y/n* to why I'm giving you one is becuase you might not have Ogami's number if you need it.
Y/n: best to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it, huh... I can work with that.
Mayor Rose: *gives Shirou a bag that has a metal piece inside* this is a fragment of the bomb found at the scene.
while Michiru was going through her phone given by Mayor Rose Shirou takes the bad and looks at it.
Y/n's pov
as Mayor Rose gave Shirou the piece that was at the crime scene me, Michiru and Shirou were outside on the roof over the railing. we were looking at the hospital that is part of Sylvasta in Anima-City
Shirou: that hospital is part of the Sylvasta conglomerate, which belongs to Sylvasta family. a prominent wealthy family. they supported our mayor's vision about "equal rights for Beastmen and Humans alike." they also provide massive funding for Anima-City. lots of Humans can't stand for that. but there are rumors that Sylvasta Pharmaceutical is profiting from Beastman data. as a result not all Beastman are happy to have them around.
Y/n: even I wouldn't like people profiting on my data if they work at hospitals.
Michiru: well if that's true. why did you accept this job?
Shirou: huh?
Y/n: what she means is, we thought you only did stuff for Beastmen.
Shirou: I can't refuse the mayor.
Michiru: is that so?
Y/n: I'm guessing you two have some history then?
Shirou: more or less.
he then takes the metal piece out and turns into his Beastman form and sniffs the metal piece in his hand. once he was done he goes back to his human form and open his eyes, then pulls out his phone callign someone.
Shirou: this is Ogami here. I've located the bombs. there six bombs in total. send the bomb squad. *to Michiru and Y/n* you two go to Medi-Cen.
Michiru: are there bombs at the hospital too?
Shirou: no. there's no scent of a bomb there. this is just in case. also *pulls out Y/n's scarf* here, be more carecul with it.
Y/n: *takes his scarf and puts it on* thanks. I thought I lost this.
Shirou: no problem. we suspect the bomber's real target is Sylvasta after all.
Michriu: wait! we're going too!
we then follow Kuro who is flying, but staying in our field of vision while Shirou went and help the bomb squad with the bombs around Anima-City. the direction that Kuro is leading us is to the hospital, which he were just getting close to, but we then see a van drive by as the gates open leading to a tunnel. but we then see Kuro sitting on top of the van with his eyes closed.
Michiru: Kuro?
Y/n: why is he on that van?
Michiru: not sure, but let's go.
we then run up behind the van catching up to the side passing most likely a guard who was stationed at the gate. we then go into the tunnel, we then arrived to the stopping point of the tunnel and see a group of men near some boxes. which me and Michiru hide behind a parked van and watch the men work, while I see most of them looked more like thugs with a man wearing light blue suit commanding them.
Michiru: *whisper tone* benefited? what are they talking about?
Y/n: *whisper tone* my guess their up tp no good. but I can't hear them from here.
I then notice that Michiru's ears change to that of a bunny, but another thing got my attention.
man in a suit: hey! I know your eavesdropping on us over there!
Michiru: *grabs her ears* it's the ears!
Y/n: you've got to be kidding me.
man in a suit: who are you! show yourselves!
we then slowly come out of hiding as Michiru gave a nervous chuckle, while I just had a bored look. the man in the suit then commanded two of his men to get us, but we booked it, as we were running Michiru has her phone out trying to call Shirou, but she got no answer. as we were running the men cornerd us in an ally Michiru was against the wall while I was in front of her.
man in a suit: so what were you two doing back there, you little brat?
Y/n: piss off punk or things will get messy.
I spat at the man in a suit who is in his Beastman form which is a Hyena while the grunts were a hippo, wolf and a bird like animal.
hyena: oh, hear that boys we got ourselves a tough guy. why don't you just transform already so it be fair.
Y/n: ha! please I faced more tougher guys that packed more of a punch I don't need to transform against any of you.
Michiru: look we just got a little lost.
hyena: oh really? are you sure you two didn't overhear anything important?
Y/n: *sass tone* oh, you mean like how you have a small d*ck copmared to female hyenas?
this got some of the grunts to laugh while the hyena Beastman just gave a threating growl, most likely letting my insult get to him. Michiru then throws her phone at the hyena Beastman, who just dodges with a smug smile.
hyena: what a bad mannered kids you two are. we need to teach you some manners.
Y/n: no thank you I already plowed your sister last night.
hyena: okay roughen up that one! *points to Y/n*
as two of the grunts come walking to us I see the wolf get his arm grabbed by Shirou, who is in his Beastman form catching the group of men in front of me and Michiru off guard.
Shirou: enough.
hyena: it's Ogami!
then I see the wolf and bird grunts charge at Shirou, but they were quickly dealt with and knocked back by Shirou with just a simple kick.
Shirou: scram. I won't kill you. not today, at least.
Y/n: [god damn that was badass to say.]
the group of men then turn tail and run away most likely afraid of Shirou, while I let out a sigh of relief and put my arms down.
Shirou: I'm glad I made it in time.
Y/n: same. I might be able to fight back, but a group of Beastmen is a stretch for me.
Shirou: *Kuro lands on his shoulder* Kuro told me what happen.
Michiru: what!? I tried calling you so many times!
Shirou: *turns back to his human form* sorry. why did those guys come after you two?
Michiru: maybe because we saw some suspicious guys loading stuff behind Medi-Cen?
Y/n: the hyena guy did say to the guy in a lab coat that he was benefiting off of it as well. who are those guys anyway?
Shirou: their from a gang.
Y/n\Michiru: a gang?
Shirou: they work with Medi-Cen employees to divert goods.
then an explosion was heard nearby as we look to the hospital with smoke coming out from the side of the building, we then follow Shioru to the hospital.
Shirou: you two stay at the Beast Co-op!
Michiru: I don't want too! I don't want this place to get blown to bits!
Y/n: plus I'm not going to stand by when possible innocent people could get hurt!
Shirou: it's dangerous!
Michiru: fine. I accept it. *everyone stops running* I know me and Y/n are actually humans. but right now, I'm a Beastman.
Shirou: what are you talking about?
Y/n: you did say you protect all the Beastmen, right?
Michiru: then your going to have to protect me too. because I'm also a Beastman after all.
Y/n: and I'm not leaving Michiru's side. plus I've faced Beastman hunters how more dangerous can I get myself into?
Shirou: *sighs with a small smile* you two are such a pain.
3rd pov
as the two made it inside the hospital, they were in the place where the explosion happen to see many of the equipment and research destroyed by the explosion.
Michiru: this is awful.
Y/n: no kidding.
the three came up to, two men one in a lab coat meaning that he works in the hosptial and the other wearing a light brown trench coat and hat with a mustache, who notices the three approaching.
main in a trench coat: Ogami you made it. *motions to the man in the lab coat* this is Mr. Yaba, the Dedical Center director.
Mr. Yaba: *sees Michiru, but stays calm* this is the work of those bombers too. the police will pay for not preventing this!
Y/n was about give the director a piece of his mind since the police were trying to what they can from stopping the bombs and had no idea that one will be in the hospital, but Michiru places a hand his shoulder calming him. Shirou steps up to the director.
Shirou: allow me to investigate as well.
man in a trench coat: he's an advisor who helps with out investigations. may he?
Mr. Yaba: fine. do as you like.
he then leaves the room, while Shirou turns into his Beastman form and crouches down whith his hand on the ground, while Y/n, the other man in the trench coat and Michiru stand behind Shirou.
man in a trench coat: I find it hare to believe Ogami missed this one.
Y/n: I'm gussing he has a superiors sense of smell then?
man in a trench coat: that's one way of putting it.
Shirou: I've traced all of the bombs from that fragment perfectly. but this one didn't appear. how is that possible?
then the area around him change as it was perfectly fine before the explosion with hospital employees doing their job. as this went on he sees something that catches his attention and stands back up in human form.
Shioru: that's it!
Michiru: did you discover something?
Y/n: yeah, like a piece to the puzzle we're not seeing?
Shirou: it has no scent.
Michiru: huh?
Y/n: pardon?
-in the director's office-
in the office the man from the tunnel with the hyena Beastman's group was looking out through the window, but turns to see Mr. Yaba coming in.
Mr. Yaba: Mimura, she's back! but she also has a boy with her.
Mimura: she's back? and with a boy?
Mr. Yaba: we have no choice.
Mimura: yes I understand.
then the phone on the desk rings catching both men attention, while one of them hesitansly reaches for the phone and answers it.
Mr. Yaba: Chairman?
chairman: { I heard the Medi-Cen was bombed. what a frightful world.}
Mr. Yaba: that's right. the research center's Data Management Department was bombed. but since the hospital's data was kept elsewhere, it's safe.
-on the other end of the phone call-
in an office at night with glowing lights of a city a man in a suit with blonde hair was in his office talking to the director of Anima-City's Medi-Cen building.
blonde man: I see. that's good news. repair the facility immediately. spare no expense. just make sure there's no evidence of the terrible disaster.
-back at the director's office-
blonde man: {and I mean none, Mr. Yaba.}
Mr. Yaba: yes, sir.
as the blonde man hangs up Mr. Yaba puts the phone down and lays his head on his desk comptelating on what to do.
????: Director Yaba. can we speak with you for a moment please.
the director looks up to see the man in a trench coat with Shirou, Y/n and Michiru in front of him making the director even more stressed.
Mr. Yaba: what do you want now? I demand you take responsibility for this!
man in a trench coat: we examined the site of the explosion, but couldn't pick up the culprit's scent.
Mr. Yaba: are you making excuses?
Shirou: not just the culprit. there's no scent at all at the scene for a time. it's impossible sor scents to completely disappear. not unless a special chemical is used to eliminate all odors.
man in a trench coat: Mr. Yaba, you could develop a chemical like that at this research center, couldn't you?
Mr. Yaba: don't be ludicrous! how dare you accuse me to hide your own incompetence?
Michiru: me and my friend sw one of your staff members doing a deal with gangsters!
Y/n: I bet your involved in that too, right?
Shirou: you faked the bombings and blew up the research center to cover that up.
Mr. Yaba: hold on! *points at Shirou* how can you trust what this guy says?
Shirou gives him an intimidating look making Mr. Yaba tense up, whil eShirou is crouched down in his Beastman form smelling the area everyone is in.
Shirou: when I trace the scent left at the crime scene, I always find the culprit. that's because all Beastmen carry a scent. but at this crime scene, there was a time and location where there was no scent at all. and there's been no scent on either of your hands.... ever since the explosion at the research center.
Mr. Yaba then begins to smell his hands to confirm if what Shirou said is true, until he realizes that he made a fatal mistake as his hands were indeed scentless.
man in a trench coat: in accordance with the regilations of the Beastmen Special Zone, the analysis of the whiff will be used as proof. Mr. Yaba, why don't you give me your story down at the station?
but instead of a peaceful arrest Mr. Yaba turns into his Beastman form, which is a rhino and he charges at Shirou with his horn pointed at Shirou, but the said man quickly turn into his Beastman form and grabs the horn stopping Mr. Yaba.
Michiru: Shirou!
Y/n then noticed something moving behind Michiru as he quickly reacts to try and warn Michiru.
y/n: Michiru! behind you!
but it was too late the thing behind Michiru revealed it's self to be a chameleon Beastman, as he wrapped is tail around Michiru and and quickly went behind Y/n wrapping his arms around the boy's neck.
chameleon beastman: don't move! if you do, I'll strangle the girl and the boy!
this get's Shirou distacted enough for Mr. Yaba punch him in the face with enough force to knock Shirou into the wall. Mr. Yaba then told Mimura to run, which he does taking both Y/n and Michiru with him, while Shioru told the other man to go after both Y/n and Michiru as he handles Mr. Yaba.
Y/n's pov
A/n: yeah I'm too lazy to do Shirou's fight with the rhino guy.
as the chameleon has both me and Michiru over the edge of the roof, while the chief of police of Anima-City with his officers have the chameleon beastman at gun point, while this was going on I was trying to break free so I could help Michiru.
chief: let the girl and the boy go!
Chameleon beastman: don't move! if you get any closer, I'm going to throw both of them off the edge!
Michiru: *grunts* you'll never get away by doing this!
Y/n: and that's a fact.
chameleon beastman: *to Michiru* this is all your fault! if it hadn't been for you, we never would have had all this trouble!
Y/n: *grunts* what. the. hell... are you talking about?
chameleon beastman: *to the police* if you don't want them to die, get me 100 million yen and a helicopter for my escape!
Y/n: [dude that is so cliche thing to say.]
chief: don't be ridiculous!
I then notice something fly up and tries to dive bomb at the chameleon beastman, but his eyes then move to look behind him and back hands what revealed to be Kuro who tried to dive bomb at the beastman.
Michiru: Kuro!
Y/n: birdy no!
chameleon beastman: don't try to get past a chameleon's blind spot. if you try anything else, I'll kill them! get me the money and the helicopter!
as me and Michiru try to struggle out of the Beastman's grip, but I then see Michiru's arms glow and start to stretch like before. which the Beastman noticed, but was shocked to see Michiru's arms, as Michiru then smacks the Beastman with both stretched out arms making him lose his grip on us. but Michiru was starting to fall, I acted quickly and dived towards her and wrap my arms around once I got close enough, but the only problem was now both of us were falling. then I felt someone else wrapped their arms around us as we hit hard surfaces, while the one cushioning our fall took most of the damage.
once we were on solid ground again me an Michiru get up to see that it was Shirou that grabbed us.
Y/n: shit! Shirou!
Michiru: Shirou!
Shirou: I'm alive. can you two get off me.
me and Michiru quickly get off him, as he sits up like he was completley fine and shacks the blood off his face.
Chief: Ogami! you shouldn't move around. get checked out at Medi-Cen.
Shirou: *in his human form and stands up* no. I'm fine.
Michiru: *follows Shirou with Y/n behind her* can you walk?
Shirou: yes.
Y/n: damn man. what are you made of to survive a fall like that?
Shirou: I had worse falls.
Michiru: are you really sure you're all right?
Shirou: I won't die.
he leans forward abit, but me and Michiru keep him up incase he falls to the ground due to being in some pain from the fall.
Y/n : easy there, man.
Michiru: also. thanks for saving us.
Shirou: I promised, didn't I? I will protect all Beastmen.
Y/n: but I'm-
Shirou: you risked your life to save Michiru who is a Beastman, that's enough reason for me to save you too.
as we got back to the Beastman Co-op Mayor Rose gave us the full report of Mr. Yaba and the chameleon beastman who is named Mimura and their involvment of the bombing, she also promised to help Michiru with her "Beastmanitus." me and Michiru were on the roof as I was thinking on what Mimura said about it being Michiru's fault.
Michiru: hey, Y/n? you alright?
Y/n: hm? yeah I am just thinking on something, nothing to worry about.
Michiru: okay, but I want to ask you something.
Y/n: sure. ask away my lovely Tanuki.~
Michiru: *blushes* Raccoon! but anyway why did you jump after me? you could have gotten hurt or worse.
Y/n: Michiru... you are one of my closest friends I would protect you with my life. I would protect from falls, Beastman hunters you name it.
I was then met with a hug from Michiru, which caught me off guard a bit, but I return the hug no less and softlty rub her ears, which she seemed to enjoy.
Michiru: thank you Y/n.
Y/n: anytime. Michiru.
to be continued
A/n: and done! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter to this story, do let me know what you guys think in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one.
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