Chapter 2: the wolf, tanuki and human

A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter to this story. now on with the chapter!

Y/n's pov

we were still in the ally way with the teal blue wolf beastman as he was looking at Michiru curiously.

Michiru: I am a human or at least I used to be.

wolf beasrman: so your a tanuki then?

Michiru: your wrong. it's a raccoon!

Y/n: um Michiru raccoon tails have black stripes and thin tails.

wolf beastman: the human is right raccoons do have stripes on their tails. your a tanuki.

Michiru: I'm not a tanuki!

I then notice that the wolf beastman's ears perk up a bit as he then looks into a direction which confused me and Michiru.

wolf beastman: follow me.

we were about to follow him as he takes to the roof I was about to put my parkour skills to the test, but Michiru picks me up bridal style which is embarrassing on my end.

Y/n: *chibi face* really Michiru.

Michiru: I know you do parkour, but I'm not going to let you get hurt like last time.

she then followed the wolf beastman thanks to Michiru being a beastman she has more super human strength and agility which is how she can keep up with the wolf beastman. we then followed him into another ally way once on the ground I was able to stand on my own two feet.

Michiru: hold on a second! where are we going any way?

she was then surprised to see that the wolf beastman turned into a human which was a man with pale skin and white hair with white eyes.

Michiru was having trouble in trying to get out on what she is trying to say while the wolf beastman now in a human form was looking back at us.

man: how long are you going to keep your tail out? hurry up and switch back to human form.

Michiru: about that...

man: don't tell me...

Y/n: she can't do that yet.

he then stayed silent and proceeded to walk along the ally way as we followed him while Michiru whispered a comment to me that she thought he be older. which made me chuckled a bit and rubbed her head while lightly rubbing her tanuki ears. once out of the ally way we see other citizens of the city in human form and not in their beastman looks.

MIchiru: what?

man: what is it?

Michiru: nobody here is in their animal form.

man: well of course not.

Y/n: but a little while ago they were in them.

man: that was only for the festival. this is how we are normally.

Michiru: huh?! your kidding me!

A/n: this is what Michiru is doing and I'll probably also show other cute moments that Michiru does.

man: don't whine

Michiru: but I thought everyone was always in their animal form here.

Y/n: *lightly pats Michiru's head* there, there.

man: that is really such a human thing to say. *looks at Y/n* did you thought the same?

Y/n: not really, I've only heard of the place on the sponsor's website about this city. so I don't really have an opinion about it.

he walks ahead as Michiru then give's a pout to the man which was pretty cute of her doing.

Michiru: yeah, because I am a human.

I then look behind us to see that two girls talking were looking at us, but for some reason I get the feeling they are sizing me up.

-small time skip-

we then arrived at a building called the Beastman Cooperative once inside a Beastman social worker puts some sorta band-aid or tape arcoss the bridge of Michiru's nose then takes it off.

social worker: hmm... she's a Beastman, all right.

Y/n: are you sure? how can you tell from that tape and/or band-aid?

MIchiru: yeah.

social worker: *brings up the tape* the Beastman marker test is a simple yet reliable test. I can confirm without a doubt you are a Beastman. *brings out another one for Y/n* now for you young man.

Y/n: um...

man: don't bother he's human I can tell just from the smell no need for it.

social worker: what?

Michiru: *stands up* your wrong! I am a human! can't you tell?

social worker: hmm, even I don't need to use the marker test to see that you're clearly a Beastman.

Michiru: I swear I'm a human!

Y/n: I can agree. she was human before.

MIchiru: I was a normal human a year ago. then suddenly I turned into this.

man: impossible. humans are humans. Beastmen are Beastmen. you can't just change suddenly.

Michiru: I'm sure it's some kind of disease or something!

Y/n: I highly doubt that's the case.

man: such as what?

Michiru: yeah, a disease! a Beastman disease! *to the doctor* there are other people like me in this city, right?

man: there's no one like that.

social worker: *fixes his glasses* yes it's true, I haven't heard of anyone like that.

I then see Michiru let out a sigh with a look that made her feel  down, but I put my hand to cheer her up.

social worker: recently, others have an odd disease where they imagine they're humans. why don't you see a doctor-

Michiru: *get's held back by Y/n* it's not that kind of disease!

woman: *approaches the three* Gem, don't say things like that. show some sensitivity, would you? *to Michiru and Y/n* I'm so sorry. your names are Kagemori and L/n is it?

Michiru: oh, that's right I'm Michiru Kagemori.

Y/n: and I'm Y/n...L/n nice to meet you.

woman: I'm Melissa. you met Gem here. he may not look like it, but Jem here is the Chairmen of the Beastman-Cooperative. part of our job is to look after any and all newcomers. anyway you'll need to register at the city hall tomorrow, so be sure to fill it out.

she then passed a paper to Michiru and one for me which I gave a confused look to why she gave me one.

Y/n: um why give me one? and you two seem to be taking this well to see that I'm human.

Melissa: well-

MIchiru: I told you! I'm really not a Beastman! I can't register as a Beastman!

Melissa: there's not much I can do about that.

Michiru: oh! I know! My student ID!

man: "student ID"?

MIchiru: my student ID has my blood type and species on it. since humans and Beastmen have different blood types and it's printed on it.

Y/n: um Michiru do you keep your ID in your wallet?

Michiru: well of course where else....oh crap.

Y/n: yeah you forgot that your wallet was pick pocketed or in your case tail pocketed. ha anyone?

MIchiru: that was a terrible joke Y/n.

Y/n: *slumps forward abit* I know...

Melissa: oh, dear. well then your just going to have to accept it.

Michiru: I don't wanna.

Gem: unfortunately anything stolen in Anima-City can never be retrieved.

Melissa: why don't you two get some sleep? you two looked terribly exhausted.

3rd pov

as Melissa lead the two into a room full with boxes, books and a single desk with a door that leads to another room.

Melissa: for now you two will have to make due with this room. *brings up the portable bed* at least the bed is clean. 

Michiru: it's fine we're used to sleeping outside.

Melissa: *opens the second door* if you two ever need anything, ask Shirou in here.

MIchiru: huh?

the door opens to reveal the same Beastman who is revealed to be Shirou, but also a black bird flies into the room and lands on Michiru's head surprising her a bit while making Y/n lightly chuckle at how the bird was sitting on her head.

Shirou: Kuro.the bird now named Kuro flies off Michiru's head and lands on Shirou's shoulder as his coat was off only wearing a black shirt and blue jeans.

Shirou: we'll start our route tomorrow early in the morning. get to sleep. *to Y/n* and don't try anything stupid human.

once the door was fully closed Melissa then turns to the two teens in front of her.

Melissa: Shirou may seem cold, but he's a nice person.

Y/n: [sure he is...]

Michiru: his name is Shirou? I didn't have any idea.

Y/n: well we didn't ask plus a lot has happen today.

Melissa: oh really? he didn't tell you two? he's Shirou Ogami. he's our social worker. tomorrow Shirou will be taking you to city hall.

Michiru: Ogami huh...

Melissa: we don't have a bathtub, but you want to take a shower, right?

Michiru: oh yeah.

Y/n: then ladies first I'll take one later.

Michiru: oh that reminds me where are you going to be sleeping Y/n?

Y/n: on the ground. I'll be fine with that.

Michiru: oh no you don't I'm not letting someone whose been with me through and through to sleep on the floor.

Y/n: bu-

Michiru: no buts I made up my mind.

Y/n: [oh Michiru. when you make up your mind it's hard to change it]

-small timeskip-

after MIchiru took her shower Y/n took his a couple minutes after her so that she has space to change into some sleep wear. now after that the two were in the same bed together thinking everything that has happened.

Michiru: this isn't exactly what I expected.

Y/n: yeah sometimes you get curve balls, but we'll get through it together.

MIchiru: *smiles* yeah....

the two then fall asleep while Y/n didn't know that Michiru was snuggled up against him feeling more comfortable to be next to him.

-next day at city hall-

Y/n, Shirou and Michiru now arrived at city hall to see a lot of people waiting in line to get the front desk.

Michiru: wow, it's packed.

Y/n: no kidding.

Shirou: *turns and starts to leave* see you later.

Michiru: what? your leaving?

Shirou: I've only brought you two here, is because I've got a business here too. take care of it yourselves.

Y/n: really man...

then the three start to hear a commotion where they see a man cutting in front of the line intimidating the others behind him. then another man around the last guy's size tries to take the front spot which the others in line move back as the two men transformed into their animal form. the first guy being a dog like animal while the second guy turns into a bull while Michiru and Y/n just look curiously at what's going on.

Y/n: what the hell?

Michiru: what's going on?

Shirou: the young ones like to show off their strength and assert their dominance on the others.

Michiru: that's not what we mean. aren't there any rules here?

Shirou: there are.

the two men then tried to knock the other over with their strength until the dong Beastman slams his head into the bull Beastman making him stagger back a bit. but he then recovered and charged using his horns to hit the mans chest knocking the wind out of him while this happens Michiru got scared a little and holds onto Y/n.

Shirou: the strong ones survive. it's the only rule.

in the end the bull Beastman won the fight while the dog Beastman was on the ground knocked out while the other people around just shrugged it off as a contest.

Michiru: just so ridicules.

Shirou: if you two just stand there your turns will never come.

Shirou says as he walks off to do his own business in city hall while Michiru who sighs reluctanly and Y/n who stands behind her in line patting her head.

MIchiru: I never thought this city would be like this.

Y/n: neither did I MIchiru, but at least we're in it together.

MIchiru: *smiles* ya.

then Michiru takes a glance to her right to see a suspicious looking man wearing a grey hoodie and green pants walking along while Y/n follows her gaze to see the same man.

Y/n: huh, he looks oddly familiar somehow.

Michiru: yeah *brings her hand to her chin* where have I seen him before...

the two then see the man sntached a random persons wallet from their bag while they were asleep making Michiru remember the monkey thief while Y/n gains a smirk knowing who it is.

Y/n: well if it isn't the thieving monkey.

Michiru: do you really think it's him?

the two then got out of the line to follow the thief while the said thief was looking through the wallet he just snatched not knowing that Y/n and Michiru were following him. until the man took a glance at them then quickly transformed into his monkey form and runs off while Y/n and Michiru give chase.

Michiru: you were right!

Y/n: I fricken called it!

the monkey then runs into an ally way not knowing that Y/n and Michiru got a plan to trap him. as the monkey thief was reaching the other end of the ally Michiru intercepts him making him to turn around only to be trap in a Y/n's arms restricting his arms.

Y/n: hey~

Michiru: we got you!

monkey thief: what are you two doing! let me go!

Michiru: I want you to give me back my wallet!

Y/n: you heard the lady and if you don't well...*starts to tigthen his arms squeezing the thief*

monkey thief: ow, ow, ow! I don't know what your talking about! I never seen it!

MIchiru: you darn well have! you stole it from me yesterday!

Y/n: by digging in her tail cuddling Michiru's tail is my job *mutters* and her booty.

MIchiru: *looks at Y/n with a slight blush* cuddle my tail?! and what was the last part?!

Y/n: not important.

monkey thief: *groans in pain from the squeeze* that's ancient history!

Y/n: dude it's only been a day.

Michiru: it's not ancient! it was literally only yesterday!

????: it's no use talking about what happen yesterday.

the two then turn at the way Michiru blocked the monkey thief to see Marie in her human form looking at them with her usual smile.

Y/n\MIchiru: oh your the weasel!/hey it's Maire the Mink!

Marie: Mink! I'm not a weasel. I'm Marie the mink.

monkey thief: haha! tanukis are such dopes! goodbye! and thanks for the cash! *takes off with Y/n's "wallet"*

Michiru: *looks at Maire* so you really were in cahoots with that guy!

Marie: *turns back into her human form* what?

Michiru: *walks up to Marie* you were his look out right.

Y/n: whoa there Michiru no reason to assume, but her appearing just now is sketchy.

Marie: oh, come now. it was a mere coincidence. it's a small town after all.

Michiru and Y/n just give a face that says "sure" not buying it was just mere coincidence that Marie showed up.

Marie: seems like you two don't trust me. who do you two have to thank for getting the both of you into this city anyways?

Michiru: ya sure after Y/n paied for it.

Marie: yeah, yeah. in this business, trust is everything so here's some advice. anything missing will turn up in Rabbit Town. they'll end up there.

MIchiru\Y/n: Rabbit Town?

Marie: that's right. pay Grand Grandma a visit there.

-timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/n snuggling up chibi Michiru's tail- 

Y/n's pov

we managed to find the place called Rabbit Town upon staring in front of the place we see that there is nothing that would give a rabbit or bunny feel.

Michiru: nothing about this place says rabbit.

Y/n: yeah looks more of a den for thieves.

woman: huh who the hell are you?

we were then surrounded by a bunch of women giving us some stares mostly due to the fact me and Michiru are new faces.

Michiru: uhh, you wouldn't happen to know where we could find Grand Grandma, do you?

then the women turned into their beast forms trying to intimidate us Michiru then hid behind me as I give a face that I wouldn't back down to mere intimidation.

-small timeskip-

me and Michiru were then brought to a building where we stand in front of a female Rabbit Beastman with a lioness Beastman in front of her.

A/n: honestly I liked the lioness Beastwoman she looked cool to me.

Lioness Beastman: you two got guts coming here especially with the girl all morphed.

Michiru: well, um.

Lioness Beastman: don't play dumb with us. when it somes to gangs, morphing means your ready to rumble.

Y/n: wait you think we're with a gang?

Lioness Beastman: that's right coming here already morphed means you're here for a fight!

Y/n: *get's in front of Michiru* if your going to harm her you'll have to get through me!

at this point me and the Lioness Beastman were close to each other staring at one another in the eyes trying to intimidate the other.

A/n: kinda like this.

Michiru: wait you've got us all wrong! I can't control this myself! I meant it! I can't switch back from this form

Lioness Beastman: *looks at Michiru* wait, you can't switch back? what are you some kind of amature?!

Y/n: hey! she's telling the truth! little kitty.

Lioness Beastman: *looks at Y/n* what did you call me?!

Michiru: I'm not kidding I swear! I really can't! until last year, I was a human.

Rabbit Beastman: oh really? you were human, you say? *glances at Y/n who is still having a stare down with the Lioness Beastman* and what he's supposed to be? a human?

the other ladies let out a laugh same with the Lioness Beastman after separating from Y/n to stand next to her fellow Beastmen.

Lioness Beastman: do you really think we'd fall for a bullshit excuse like that is going to work in here?

Michiru: I can prove it! there's my student ID that's in my wallet that got stolen yesterday.

Y/n we came here to look for it.

Rabbit Beastman: why did you two think it would be here?

Michiru: the weasel... I mean Ms. Itami told us you might know about it.

Rabbit Beastman: oh Marie said that huh?

 she then brought up Michiru's wallet I could tell it's her's from the design of it and color.

Michiru: that's it! that's my wallet! if you just look at the student ID in there! you'll see that I'm a-

Rabbit Beastman: so your a student then?

Michiru: huh?

Lioness Beastman: she's asking if you're a student!

Michiru: yes I am.

Rabbit Beastman: *looks at Y/n* what about you? you're a student too?

Y/n: well yeah me and Michiru are like around the same age.

A/n: if you must know the reader is 18.

Rabbit Beastman: if you two are, then you know how to read and write, right?

Michiru\Y/n: yes.

Rabbit Beastman: here's the deal, I'll give this back, but on one condition.

Y/n: *sighs* there's always a catch.

Rabbit Beastman: will you two do something for me?

Y/n: before we agree you this Gram Grandma right.

Rabbit Beastman: yes that's me *motions to the Lioness Beastman* the one you were having the stare down is Elsa.

Y/n: *tries not to laugh* let me guess does she sing-

Elsa: don't even make that joke.

-timeskip to the kids room-

Gram Grandma: I just want you two to teach these kids on how to read and write.

we stand in a room made for kids with a bunch of child Beastmen roaming the room some in their beast forms or human forms.

Michiru: I had no idea there were kids here.

Y/n: what are kids doing here anyways?

Gram Grandma: we who've been betrayed by men end up here in Rebbit Town. for female Beastmen without anywhere to go, we've got no choice but to live relatively dangerous lives. these kids also know the pain of being Beastmen well.

Elsa: if they can at least read and write, they might have a brighter future.

Gram Grandma: if you two do this, you can have the wallet back.

Michiru: I understand I'll do it.

Y/n: huh, teaching kids. nothing too hard count me in.

the two ladies then leaves the room while Michiru and I get started with teaching the kids on how to read and write. once we got them seated at the black board Michiru writes her named on the board.

Michiru: now, who can read this?

the kids didn't say anything letting only silence in the room which was kinda awkward now I know how my teachers must've felt when teaching.

Michiru: maybe one of you can?

then one kid lifts up his hand which I respond to the kid's arm lifting.

Y/n: yes, you.

kid: it's poop!

I couldn't help, but try to supress my laugh cause I was honestly not expecting that kind of anwser.

Michiru: hm. well, that's not quite right. this is "Michiru." it says "Michiru." that's my name.

Y/n: okay, now can anyone here write their name?

I then kneeled down to meet the eye level of a boy whose in the front row of the room.

Y/n: what's your name?

boy: it's Youta.

Y/n: Youta, is it?

I then stand back up and grab an extra chalk and begin to write the name "Youta" then face back to the class after I'm done.

Y/n: this says "Youta." "Youta." try writing it.

I then hand Youta the chalk as he stands at the board and writes his own name one it which I can't help but feel proud.

Michiru: that's the way! that says "Youta." that's your name. *faces the class* is there anyone else who wants to learn writing their name?

3rd pov

-outside of Rabbit Town-

as Shirou makes it to Rabbit Town he silently turns into his beast form and scales the buildings to reach the roof. he then walks to one of the ledges and get's on one knee and begins smelling the area being able to catch two sense from inside the building. then catches a new one making it's way to the building that the first two were in to see a car coming. the car makes a stop in front of two ladies as a man in a suit comes out of the car.

man: this place stinks of lowly women as always.

while Shirou was using his smell senses to see the two people as one walks up to the first two talking to them. then makes his way up to see the sensing the smell of both Michiru and Y/n who are in the same room with the smell of kids.

Michiru: first, we'll memorize all the hiragana characters. *sees one kid drawing* hey are you listing to me?

both Y/n and Michiru walked up to a kid whose drawing what appears to be a white wolf with a yellow and blue background.

Y/n: huh, not bad kid.

Michiru: yeah, your good. is that a wolf?

kid: no. it's not this is Silver Wolf.

Michiru: Silver Wolf?

Y/n: what's the Silver Wolf?

Youta: no way Michiru! Y/n! you don't even know who Silver Wolf is?

Michiru: no, I don't.

Y/n: not a clue to be honest.

Youto: he's like the the god of Beastmen.

Y/n: [god of Beastmen?]

Youto: when Beastmen are truly in trouble, a silver wolf comes and saves them.

kid2: everyone knows that story. it has been passed down for ages.

Y/n: that long? wow.

Michiru: I wonder if that was him.

Youto: Michiru, have you seen him?

girl: no way! are you serious?

Michiru: no. I didn't see him up close.

Y/n then takes a glance at the window to see Shirou looking at the window at him from the roof, but then disappears after blinking.

Y/n: what the?

-with Gram Grandma and Elsa-

in the room Elsa and Gram Grandma are in their human forms with Elsa looking like a young woman with blonde hair while Gram Grandma is looking like a older looking woman.

Elsa: alright Kusakabe, what are you here for?

Kusakabe: I'm here for business, obviously. why else would anyone want to come to this hell hole.

Elsa: business huh? I'm sure your here to for more money.

Gram Grandma: I've already told you, we don't have the money yet.

Kusakabe: "we don't have any!" you think that's an excuse? if you don't have any, then make some! you girls should remember who it is that's letting you women make a living as gangsters!

Elsa: *turns into her beast form* what was that punk!

Kusakabe: *turns into his beast form which is a Hyena* your asking for it!

the two then growl at each other bearing their fangs at one another almost going into a fight. but Kusakabe is stopped by someone.

????: cool your head off Kusakabe.

Kusakabe: *turns to the man behind him* b, boss?

the man is revealed to be a large bodied man that is bigger than Kusakabe and Elsa making the two stop their potential fight and turn back into their human forms.

man: I have no intention in fighting with women. this will all be resolved once you pay what you owed.

Gram Grandma: it's not very often that you come around yourself Flip. why now?

Flip: well naturally I thought I should pay you a visit sometimes, Gram Grandma.

Gram Grandma: what a load of bullshit. I can't pay what I can't pay, your presence doesn't change that.

Flip: is that really true? haven't you got some new goods in recently?

Gram Grandma: *gasp*

Flip: sell them off, and they'll get you some money, right?

Gram Grandma: how did you know about them?

Flip: did you think you could hide them from me? the mayor has started to take notice as well.

Gram Grandma: what did you say?

Flip: it's all women are good for anyway. it's totally obvious. unless they're sold berfore they're snatched away, they won't be worth a dime.

Kusakabe: do you get the picture? the only reason you've got anything is thanks to us!

unknown to them Shirou was standing near the window outside of the room hearing the chat between Flip and Gram Grandma and leaves.

Y/n's pov

-at the dock at night-

at the docks me and Michiru along with the kids are locked up in a crate with bars in front os us. Michiru has her hands on the bars while I have the most furious look clenhing my fists.

Y/n: what the hell are you doing?!

Michiru: what is going on here? what are you doing with us?

Gram Grandma: we're sending you all on a little trip.

Michiru: don't tell me your selling us!

Y/n: what the hell is wrong with you?!

Gram grandma: I could have gotten more if they could read and write a bit better. but unfortunately I had to sell them off sooner than I wanted.

Michiru: so that's why you wanted us to teach them? they're your children, aren't they? you can't be serious.

Gram Grandma: I never said they were our kids.

Y/n: what?

Michiru: *looks at the kids* then who are these children?

Elsa: they're children that either got separated from their parents or they died when they tried to get to Anima-City.

Y/n: you two make  me sick. *looks at Elsa* and to thought I almost respected you as a strong hearted woman.

Michiru: what? you can't be serious. that's so cruel!

Gram Grandma: in order to live, the weak trample the weaker. it's a matter of survival. that's the kind of place this is.

we then felt the crate start to shake meaning it's being lifted up from the ground by a crane as it ascends upwards I try to keep the kids come while Michiru tries to figure a way out.

Youto: save us, Silver Wolf.

Mihiru: asking a god to save you won't help. you have to rely on yourself.

me and Michiru look from up to see the controls for the crane with someone controlling it.

Y/n: wonder how we get out this.

MIchiru: everyone! hold on to something!

Y/n: Michiru what are yo-

she then jumps on the bars with her tail pokeing out of the bars and it starts to glow making me realize what she's doing. once her tail grew bigger in size the crate starts swinging back and forward making it difficult for me to stay standing if I wasn't holding on to the bars. after awhile of swinging the crate comes to a stop as Michiru's tail shrunk back to it's normal size.

kid: this isn't going to work.

Michiru yes it is! look there! we're closer to the cab!

Y/n: but how are we going to reach it? it's not like any of us can stretch our arms out.

MIchiru then tries to reach out even though it's impossible since the bars are stopping her from reaching it. then I see some thing that weirded me out and almost making me barf was that Michiru's arms were literally stretching reaching the cab.

Y/n: um Michiru? [who the hell did that happen I wasn't even serious about the stretching arms?!]

Michiru: huh? it feels like I've reached it! *looks at her arms* but my arms stretched! freaky!

Y/n your telling me! I wasn't even serious about the stretching arms?!

kid: that's incredible!

kid2: your arms are freaky.

Michiru: don't call them freaky!

Y/n: but dind't yo-

Michiru: wait! I think I've grabbed onto  lever.

she then tries to pull what she might think is a lever making the crane move from back and forward making me stumble a bit.

Y/n: if this is what flying in a plane near a war field then I hate flying in planes!

then the crane stops and the sound of something breaking was heard and the crate itself falls on the ground breaking the bars open. but luckily for us we were saved by Michiru's tail once landed on the ground it shunk back to it's normal size.

Michiru: okay. everyone, run!

Elsa: hold it!

we see Elsa jumps in front of us as I got in front ready to fight her as she was in her beast form.

Elsa: that was a pretty clever trick. as I thought your no ordinary Beastman.

Y/n: shut up!

I charged punching Elsa in the face as she recovers and kicks me to the side, but I blocked her kick but skitted back from the force.

Elsa: that actually hurt there. why don't us transform into your beast form so it's fair.

Y/n: yeah, no don't feel like it I can take you as I am.

good thing I'm good at lying can't give away that I'm actually human, but then Michiru tries to charge at her only to get caught in a choke hold.

Y/n: Michiru!

I tried to help but more ladies in their beast form block my path which I tried to fight all of them at once getting some of them with punches and kicks until one got a lucky hit knocking me to the ground and making my f/c scarf fly off from my neck.

Y/n: my scarf!

I got back up to charge at Elsa again, but Shirou in his beast form kicks her in the face making her let go of Michiru as I run up to her and caught her before falling to the ground.

Elsa: who the fuck are you?!

Michiru: *mutters* Silver Wolf.

Y/n: better late then never. thanks for the save there Shirou.

Shirou: just doing my job. *to Elsa* I won't show mercy to those who sell Beastmen to Humans. even if your a woman.

Elsa: *charges at Shirou* is that right?!

I then see Elsa and some other women in their beast forms to fight Shirou while he is easily kicking their asses like it's nothing. he then give a nasty punch to Elsa nocking her to the ground in front of Gram Grandma as she lifts her hands up.

Gram Grandma: fine I surrender. be kind to the elderly.

Shirou was then in his human form and looks at me as I tend to the unconscious Michiru. once the police arived they take the women into into  a large vehicle that is big enough to hold more than one person. I then see the Chief of police talking to Shirou while I'm with Michiru as she regained consciousness.

Michiru: what about the children?

Chief: who are they?

Shirou: newcomers. the Beast Co-op is looking after them.

Chief: that was a pretty harsh welcome you two got, wasn't it?

Y/n: eh better than anything that involves Twilight.

Chief: *chuckles to Y/n's joke* don't worry. we'll take care of the children. we've got a facility that takes in orphans like them.

we both breathed out a sigh of relief knowing the kids will be safe, but then Michiru runs up to Gram Grandma just before she was taken into the vehicle. I followed her just to be sure she doesn't do anything stupid.

Michiru: how dare you? how could you sell children?

Gram Grandma: wha?

as Michiru was letting out what she has to say to Gram Grandma while I look at the window to see Elsa looking at me with a slide glance. I gave her a disappointed shake with me head knowing that she basically lost any respect I had for her. once Michiru was done Gram Grandma gave Michiru her wallet while saying something about "Michiru is not a Beastman after all." once she was in the vehicle it drives off to take them to prison while Shirou walks up to us.

Shirou: what were you two doing there?

Y/n: you saw us from that roof top, didn't you?

Shirou: yup.

Michiru: *turns to Shirou* why didn't you help us then? you knew we were going to be sold, right?

Y/n: Michiru calm down.

Shirou: I didn't have proof then. to arrest them, I had to catch them in the act.

Michiru: what if you hadn't made it in time huh? what if the ship had left? we could have been sold off!

Y/n: Michiru calm down!

Michiru: *starts to tear up* didn't you give any thought to those kids?

Shirou: I never make mistakes. I will protect women and child Beastmen.

Michiru: women and Children? what makes males so special? are men really that great? *throw her ID card at Shirou who catches it* look at my ID and see that I'm a human!

we see him turn the card to look at it as his eyes widen a bit seeing that Michiru was in fact human not a Beastman.

Michiru: how can you say you don't make mistakes? can't you see you've made a mistake? I hate this city and all the Beastmen in it! I'm going to cure this disease and leave this city!

this leaves silence between us from Shirou realizing that he made a mistake to see that Michiru was human and Michiru herself having an emotional break down. the only thing I could think of is...

Y/n: [this has been one helluva night.]

to be continued

A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter please let me know what you guys think of it in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one.

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