~Tired~ [G.MR]
"Jesus what time is it?"
"Fuck." You sighed and let your head fall back down on to the pillow. You couldn't fall asleep, you'd been laying in bed for the past five hours, unfortunately, but to no avail. "Fucking insomnia." Getting up out of bed, you decided to make your way to the kitchen. This wasn't your house, so, all you took was a glass of water, to be respectful, even though you were kind of hungry. You stayed the night at your friend, Mingrui's due to spending a little too long working on a school project. His parents were nice enough to let you use the spare room for the night, and they even offered to drive you home the next day, if need be. Having nothing better to do, you looked out the kitchen window at the stars that peppered the dark sky. The moon was out, and quite bright, it majestically lit the whole of Mingrui's yard, as well as the rest of the small neighborhood. It was extremely pretty and somewhat relaxing in your tired-but-unable-to-fall-alseep state.
"Y/N? What are you doing awake?" You heard a soft, tired voice whisper from beside you. Mingrui put an hand on your shoulder. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine." You yawned. "Can't sleep." You gave a halfhearted smile. "Why are you up?"
"I woke up and came to get water." Handing him your water cup, you smiled.
"Take the rest of mine." Mingrui nodded and took the cup from your hands. The two of you stayed there, watching the stars, not speaking to one another.
"Have you slept yet?" You shook your head.
"Unfortunately not." He nodded again.
"Come with me." He set his cup in the sink and gestured you to follow him. You did so and he lead you to his room. You stood in the doorway as he crawled back into bed. "You coming or what?"
"What?" Mingrui sighed.
"I'm helping you fall asleep, now get in the bed you dumbass."
"But why?"
"Because your my friend, I like you and I don't want you to get sick." You smiled at the boys sweetness, it was rare that he acted this way, but when he did, it really warmed your heart. You hesitantly crawled beside him and he threw the blankets a crossed both of you. You had your back turned to him when he wrapped his arms around your waist and pressed his body against your back. You tensed up.
"Oh come on don't make it weird." You relaxed into his arms as much as you could. Mingrui took his one free hand, keeping the other around your waist, and began tracing shapes on your back with his index finger sending a relaxing tingling sensation throughout your spine. "My mother used to do this to me when I was younger and couldn't sleep, it always worked for me."
"It's nice." You said, already feeling the exhaustion get to you.
"Good." He continued tracing the various things on your back, increasingly making you more relaxed and tired. You were almost about to fall asleep when you heard a humming sound coming from Mingrui, which eventually developed into him full on whisper singing to you. You smiled at eventually drifted off into a peaceful sleep
"AWWW OH MY GOD LOOK AT THEM." Your head jerked up at the sudden noise and you looked around only to see Hanyu in the doorway.
"Gege? What are you doing here?" Mingrui rubbed his eyes.
"Apparently interrupting you two, I'll let myself out." Hanyu winked and left.
"Oh no he made it weird." Mingrui covered his face and fell back into bed.
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