~Quiet~ [H.XL PT.4]
That night, that night stuck in my head for weeks. The night I had the displeasure of witnessing someone at their peak of despair. I never wanted to see him like that again, he was in so much emotional pain I could feel it radiating off of him. I yet again had the overwhelming urge to protect this poor boy from the world. We stayed under that oak tree for a while, I could tell Xinlong wasn't doing well so I stayed with him. I didn't have the right words to say to him at the time, and maybe I still don't. What could I possibly have said that would make any kind of difference to him? He hates himself, he hates his heart arrhythmia, the cause of his stroke, and what he hates the most is his inability to convey emotions with words. I can't say I understand his pain because I don't, I can't say things will get better because once your brain is damaged, there's no 'Getting better'. I told him I loved him that was the only true thing I could say. I said it over and over again in hopes to help the boy heal emotionally for the moment. I sat there, watching the stars while holding his hand. He rested his head on my shoulder, every once and awhile he let out more pain-filled sobs, then they'd die down to sniffles, and back up to sobs again. I would have stayed there all night if I had to, but eventually Xinlong took his head off my shoulder, and looked at his phone he showed me the time.
Of course we went to our separate houses after realizing how late it was. I walked Xinlong to his house and before he went inside, he hugged me. It was a long hug but I couldn't have cared less at the time, it felt good being so close to him. When I went to my own home, naturally, my mother was pissed. I told her the truth about what happened and she calmed down a little.
"You still could have called me, or even texted me." She had said.
"Y/N, are you paying attention?" Mr. Suh pulled me out of my thoughts. " I didn't go through six years of teachers college to be ignored."
"Sorry Sir." I felt my cheeks heating up. Getting called out in front of the whole class has always humiliating.
"Don't call me 'Sir' it makes me feel old." Mr. Suh went back to teaching again, but, I yet again spaced out.
"Okay you children, get out of my class its time for my lunch." Finally. I had something to give Xinlong, but I wanted to wait until the free twenty five minute period we both share. I walked out of class and looked for the beauty. We had some classes together, but not all. Most of my classes were with Mr. Suh where as Xinlong was with another teacher for most periods. I believe his name is Mr. Lee or something like that, I don't have any classes with him so I wouldn't know. I looked around the hallways but, no Xinlong. Where is he? I know he came to school, I talked to him at the start of the day. Well, I didn't talk to him, poor choice of words on my part. I checked every plausible place that he could be, but he wasn't in any of them. I decided to walk inside and look for him there.
"Worthless piece of shit!" I heard a thud followed by a groan of pain. What the fuck is going on? I didn't dare walk in fear of getting caught up in this fight, call me a coward, but, I decided to just stay still and listen.
"You're such a fucking attention seeker you know that?" A few more thudding sounds and groans followed. Damn someone's getting he shit kicked out of them. I was about to walk away since whatever those people are fighting about is none of my business, but, the person spoke again this time saying something that caught my attention.
"I bet you're not even a fucking mute, you just want pity, how pathetic, get your ass up." Shit. As far as I know, no one else in this school is mute. Instantly I crossed the wall I was halfheartedly hiding behind before, only to be met with a horrible scene. Some asshole, not sure who, had Xinlong by the collar, pinned up against the wall. Xinlong had a bloody nose and bruises in numerous places on his body were visible. He turned his head to look at me with pleading eyes. One hand was holding on to the slightly taller male, as to keep himself up, and the other clutching his chest. What if some things going on with his heart? I don't know a whole lot about heart arrhythmias all I know is it gave him a stroke in the past, it makes sense that stress could make it worse right?
"Can I help you?" The unknown male said.
"What the fuck is wrong with you, Jesus Christ leave him alone." The boy scoffed.
"You're buying this attention seekers bullshit?" I had never been more angry at a single human being in my entire life.
"Imagine being so insecure and fucked in the head that you beat up a mute kid with heart issues. Just fuck off." The boy scoffed again. What a little bitch.
"Whatever, you deal with him." Honestly what could Xinlong possibly have done to piss this guy off? He so sweet, people are really mad at him for not being able to talk? What the hell. The boy walked off and let go of Xinlong, dropping him to the ground. I went up to him and cupped his face with my hands, I noticed that his glasses where missing, when I looked briefly for them, I saw them a few feet away, broken. I hope they weren't to expensive.
"Shit are you okay?" Xinlong nodded despite looking like shit. "Come on let's get you to the nurse." I helped him up, supporting him by wrapping one of his arms around my neck. We walked slowly to the nurses office. I knocked on the door with my free hand but no answer. I eventually got fed up and just opened the door myself. There was no one. Where the fuck could the nurse possibly be? She deadass has one job. I lead Xinlong into the office, sitting him down on the only bed off in far right corner. I couldn't just leave him bloody and bruised, so I decided to take matters into my own hands and look through the office for supplies. What was the worst thing that was going to happen? I was going to get in trouble? For helping a friend who just got the shit kicked out of him? Not likely.
"Okay umm." I looked in all the cupboards and drawers to find what I needed. I got bandages, alcohol disinfectant, cotton balls, and some tissues. I brought the items back over to Xinlong and placed them beside him.
"Since the nurse isn't here at the moment, I shall be your nurse today." I gestured to myself, maybe a bit dramatically, earning a giggle from Xinlong. Ah that laugh, beautiful. "Ah yes nice to meet you Mr. He." Xinlong laughed again as I stuck out my hand. He played along and shook it. "You appear to have some bruising and bleeding, let me take care of that for you." Xinlong smiled despite his condition. I was quite proud of myself for cheering him up, it was nice to see him smile. I grabbed a few of the tissues and wiped his nose as to get rid of the blood. I pushed on it a few time and asking if it hurt, just to make sure it wasn't broken. Xinlong shook his head. I wiped the blood from his lips and cheek before disinfecting them with the alcohol. He hissed in pain when the alcohol soaked cotton ball touched his lower lip.
"I know, I'm sorry." I blew on it, hoping to relieve him of some of the pain. I did the same with his cheek.
"I can really put a bandage on your lip so just be careful with that okay?" He nodded. I touched his other cheek, running my fingers across the nasty bruise he had. I felt the heat rise to his face and internally squealed. He's so cute when he's blushing oh my lord. I kissed the bruise on he cheek and giggled when he raised his hand to the place I kissed, then placed a hand over his heart.
"Do you have anymore bad bruises that you might need ice for?" Xinlong nodded and stood up lifting his shirt just above his chest revealing a dark coloured bruise on his rib cage. Jesus that guy really did a number on him. I reached out to feel the spot. "Christ did he kick you or something?" He frowned slightly and nodded. How could someone do this to this poor angel, he's already suffering enough. As I was examining the bruise on his rib cage I noticed something else. A purple-ish mark directly in the middle of his chest.
"What this?" He gestured for me to get him a pen and I did so, stealing one from the nurse's desk. He let his shirt fall back down to his sides and wrote on his hand, showing it to me.
Heart surgery.
"Oh okay, can I see again?" He nodded and hiked his shirt back up. The scar was large and dipped and curved in odd ways. A part of me wanted to feel the way it sunk into his beautifully pale chest. "Um, I don't know if this is appropriate to ask, but, would you mind if I, you know..." Xinlong took the pen and wrote on his hand again.
Touch it? Sure, I don't mind.
He smiled, the cut on his lip cracking slightly. I gently ran my finger down the length of the scar and back up again. Xinlong hissed in pain and I jerked my hand back.
"I'm so sorry did I hurt you?" Xinlong laughed and dropped his shirt, writing again.
No, I'm just kidding, wanted to see what you would do.
"You asshole." Xinlong laughed harder. "I thought I hurt you, I was scared, you're so mean."
I rolled my eyes and grabbed him his ice for his side.
"Here." Xinlong bowed and held the ice against his rib cage. "We've already missed quite a bit of class. How about we just skip this period? I'm sure you getting the shit beaten out of you is a pretty good excuse." Xinlong nodded. "Oh wait! I almost forgot! I got something for you." I briefly left the nurse's office to grab my bag from my locker, I came back and sat beside him on the bed. I opened my bag and pulled out a small dry erase board, about the size of a small tablet, and marker. I handed them to him.
"I thought this would be easier to use than your notepad. Plus its small so you can keep it in your pocket." He smiled really wide and took the cap off the marker.
Thank you, you're so sweet.
"Just trying to help." You shrugged you shoulders.
No, really, this means a lot, thank you.
"No problem." Xinlong wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my shoulder. He let out a sigh of content and I felt him relax in my arms. Feeling him feel so relaxed with me made me happy, I'm glad I can do that for him. It was a sweet moment we shared, and I wished it lasted forever.
This bad boy looooooooooong asf, I apologize. I honestly should have just turned this into a separate book but I'm in to deep now so I don't think I'll bother. I'll end this soon so you don't have to keep reading it lol.
Have a great day/night!
- Author 姐姐
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