♣Cute Couple Stuff♣

I have some requests to get though, but I thought of these and I wanted to write them out, so I apologize for the request delay.


"Do I really have to do this?" Hanyu said while sitting criss-crossed opposite from you holding your hands.

"You're the one who wanted to talk to me silly." You giggled at Hanyu's shy nature. "So I guess not." He sighed.

"Listen, you just make me so, so, so nervous."

"I'm aware." You smiled and winked at him. Hanyu's face darkened.

"You make me nervous, but," He paused and looked in to your eyes the best he could. "I love it, I love the way make me feel. I don't know how you do these things to me but you make me feel sick to my stomach in the best way possible. Even though we've been dating for awhile, I still freeze up around you, but, I like it? I don't know if that makes sense..." Hanyu got shy again and looked down. "Sorry if that sounded weird..."

"Hey don't worry about, it makes sense to me, it's not weird at all. But, what's this all about? What brought this up?"

"Sometimes I know I get shy, and I feel like because of that, I don't tell you I love you enough, so," He paused again out of nervousness. "I love you, I really do, w-with my whole heart, and I-I always will." Hanyu couldn't suppress his embarrassment anymore. He let go of your hands and covered his cheeks.

"Baby Boy don't worry about it, I understand you get choked up sometimes." You smiled at him. "And hey," You moved closer to Hanyu, positioning yourself right beside his ear. "I love you too." You whispered.


"Aw cute." You sat on your bed looking though pictures of Zihao, in which he was promoting his bands new comeback. [Just ✨imagine✨]

"Y/NNNNN." Zihao threw open your door to your room.


"Don't worry about that, guess what?!?" You shook your head.

"What?" Zihao smiled really wide and jumped up and down slightly, clearly excited.

"There's new episodes of KAMEN RIDER, come watch them with me pleaseeee." He pouted at you. You sighed. Zihao had somehow convinced you to watch 89 episodes in the past. Despite you not particularly liking the show, you always watched it with him because you knew it made him happy.

"Did you really break into my house to ask me to watch Kamen rider with you?"

"Absolutely." He nodded. 

"Ugh fine." 

"YAY, come on!" He grabbed your hand and practically dragged you out of your room and into your living room. He sat down and gestured for you to sit beside him and you did so. He soon turned on the show. Within a few minutes Zihao had wrapped his arms around your waist and his face buried into your chest. "Can I tell you a secret Y/N?" He looked up at you and batted his eyes at you.

"Of course Lovely, what's up." 

"I honestly just came here so I could cuddle you." He buried his head back into your chest. You patted his hair a few times while giggling.

"You're so cute." 

Okay this one was dumb lol


You'd always been a little insecure of your weight, that's why when Xinlong asked you to sit on his lap "Just cause", you got a little nervous and tried to reject him, but, he was annoyingly persistent.

"Ugh fine." You said as you sat down, keeping some of your weight off of his leg. 

"Ah god." 

"What?" He giggle poking your sides.

"I didn't know you were this heeeaavy." He teased grabbing your stomach. He didn't think much about what he was saying, he expected you to tell him to shut up, or insult him. Xinlong didn't expect you to take what he was saying to heart. He was unaware to your insecurities and how what he said effected you. You got off of his leg as you felt tears in your eyes. You covered your face and choked back a sob. "Y/N?" He said. "I was joking come back." He laughed and patted his lap, clearly not seeing how upset you were. When you didn't say anything, Xinlong got up from where he was sitting and placed his hand on your shoulder, walking in front of you. "Babes?" You looked up at him with tears in your eyes. He let out a soft gasp. "Shit Y/N I'm sorry." 

"N-No I'm sorry for being so sensitive. I know you were joking, at least I think s-so." Xinlong placed both of his hands on your shoulders. 

"Hey don't say that." He adjusted his glasses briefly. "Of course I was joking, I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have said that." Xinlong took his hands away from your shoulders and hovered them over the sides of your waist. "Can I touch your sides?" He looked you in the eyes as you hesitantly nodded. He ran his hands up and down your sides, hips, and stomach a few times before he spoke again. "Just know, that to me, you're perfect, I know struggling with weight insecurities can be hard, I had to go through that as well, but, I'm here, and I'll help you in anyway I can okay? I shouldn't have made that stupid comment, that's was my own dumbass fault, and it won't happen again. I don't want the person I love the most feeling bad about something I said." Xinlong when closer to your face and spoke once again, looking you in the eyes. "You're perfect, please don't go changing your weight when there's no need." You couldn't hold it in anymore, you started to cry. You hugged Xinlong and buried your head in his chest.

"Thank you." What you said came out muffled, but Xinlong understood.

"Anytime Babes, anytime." He said while rubbing circles on to your back with his hand.


"Xiao yu?" You questioned fiddling with your hands out of nervousness.

"Yeah Darling, what's up?" Zeyu said as he looked up from his phone.

"Um, can you do me a favor?" He smiled.

"Anything for you." 

"Okay so, there's this song, that I really like, and I was wondering if you could, possibly, teach me how to sing it? I-It's in Chinese, so I need some help. If it's not to much to ask."

"Oh my gosh of course! I'd love to! What's the song?" 

" 'Lover' By Cai XuKun." Zeyu gasped.

"I love that song! Mingrui, Hanyu and I even did a dance cover to it at one point." [I'll put the link to said Dance cover in the comments since Wattpad is being a bitch and won't let me link it on here and I know you can't copy and paste things from actual stories]

Dance Cover & Song here:

Okay moving on

"I know, I saw." You laughed. 

"Okay come here I'll get the lyrics up and I'll teach you them okay?" Zeyu let out a little giggle. "We can sing it together!" He put his arm around your shoulders once you sat beside him. "Okay here, how much of this can you read?" He handed you his phone with the Chinese lyrics up.

"Ummm, I hate to break it to you Zeyu, but I can't read." You looked at him dumbfounded. 

"Aw, you look so cute when you're confused." He booped your nose. "Okay, I'll try my best to write them out how they sound in English. No promises though. I'll go over them with you so you'll be fine." He said as he got up to get a piece of paper and a pen. A few hours or so later, you both had gone through all the lyrics a few times, and you felt pretty comfortable saying them aloud. You made Zeyu leave the room while you practiced singing them.

"Okay! You can come in now!" Zeyu entered the room with a smile on his face, and clapped his hands.

"Okay Darling! Sing for me." He sat down and crossed his legs, resting his hands on his face.

"Don't judge me to harshly, my pronunciation is crap." 

"I won't judge! I promise." 

"Okay welp, here goes nothing." You started the music and grabbed the lyrics. You began singing in broken Chinese, but Zeyu couldn't care less, he watched you with hearts in his eyes. Once you were done, he clapped and cheered for you.

"THAT'S MY DARLING GET IT." He got up and hugged you. "You did so well!" 


"Yeah! I mean, you got a pretty good teacher am I right or am I right?" You both laughed. 

"Thank you Xiao yu." 


*Boom* [yEaH wE gOt ThAt BoOm bOoM- Okay I'll stop]

Mingrui flinched as the thunder cracked outside of the window while the two of you were watching a movie at his place. You looked over at him but he ignored you and continued watching the movie. A few minutes later, another thunderbolt struck and Mingrui flinched a bit more this time, and you noticed he was shaking a bit. You looked over at him again.

"Are you okay Gou Gou?" 

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" He looked at you. You took into account he looked sightly paler than usual.

"Are you afraid of the storm?" 

"Pfft, no of course not." He turned his attention back to the movie, and you did the same. A few minutes passed before a rather loud thunderbolt struck. It was one of those that thunder strikes that are so loud, you feel like it shook the whole house if you know what I'm saying.

"Ah!" Mingrui let out a little scream and latched onto you arm while shaking. You looked over at him once again. Mingrui cleared his throat and let go of your arm.


"You're afraid, aren't you?" You raised your brow at him. He avoided your gaze in embarrassment.

"M-Maybe." Tears formed in Mingrui's eyes, but he quickly wiped them away, not wanting to seem weak in front of you. 

"You didn't have to lie to me Baby." You laughed. 

"But it's such a dumb thing to be scared of." He said, clearly embarrassed. 

"It's really not. Oh! I got an idea! Stay here okay?" Mingrui nodded as you got up and looked for your bag you had bought to Mingrui's house with you. Once you found it, you searched through it for your pair of headphones you had brought with you as well. [When I say headphones, I mean headphones not earbuds, you know, the ones that are good for canceling out sound?] As you were looking for them, you heard a few more bangs of thunder and hurried as quickly as you could. Once you found them, you pulled out your phone from your pocket, and looked for a playlist of songs you and Mingrui had put together since you both like them. You plugged in your headphones and raced back to Mingrui. You found him with his head under the covers the two of you were sharing, still convulsing, you could also hear some strained sobs coming from him. "Aw Baby, it's okay, I'm here." You took the covers off of his head and handed him the headphones. He put them on and you turn up the volume all the way and began to play the playlist. You wiped his tears with your sleeve and sat back down next to him. He laid on your lap and shut his eyes, as to not see the lightning. You patted his hair subconsciously. Within a few minutes, The storm had stopped. You shook Mingrui slightly and took the headphones. "Hey the storms over." You were a bit confused when he didn't answer, until you realize he had fallen asleep. You set the headphones to the other side of you silently and grabbed the remote to turn on another movie. No way were you going to move anytime soon when Mingrui was asleep on your lap.


"How can you be so cute?" Shuyang looked up from his phone.


"Like all you do is sit there and be cute, how do you do it, I'm genuinely curious and your ways of making my heart explode." Shuyang just kinda (  ゚,_ゝ゚)'ed at you for a few moments before replying.

"I dunno." He shrugged his shoulders and looked back down at his phone.

"See! That! That right there! Absolutely adorable."

"But I didn't do anything?" Shuyang looked back up at you.

"You were cute, that's something."

"H o w ?" 

"I don't know! That's what I'm asking you! How?" Shuyang sighed.

"I'm so done with you." He said shaking his head and looking back down at his phone.

"Hey Shuyang, I think you have something on your face." Shuyang looked up.

"Huh? Wh-" Before he finished his sentence, you had grabbed his face and completely smothered him with kisses. When you pulled away, Shuyang spoke. "Yeah I know what I have on my face, freaking lip gloss oh my lord." He took his sleeve and wiped his face. When he finished you pouted at him.

"You wiped off my kisses." Shuyang rolled his eyes.

"You're such a child." He kissed your nose making you smile. "Better?"

"Much better." Shuyang looked back down at his phone.


I couldn't tell if these were too short to be imagines or not so I just wrote this 👍

Hope you enjoyed!

Have a great day/night!

-Author 姐姐

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