


Photo-Photocopying butts 😏😏


Enjoy :)

"I swear,Louis I'm fine babe,"Liam chuckled grabbing Louis' dainty hand from touching Liams cut Eyebrow and bruised cheek.Louis had a small white clothe in his hand,his brow threaded together and his tongue poking out between his pretty pink lips as he tried to aid Liams cut that was pouring blood which was starting to trickle down The side of Liams Face.The match was over,Liam had of course won yet again and was given his reward of cash and some trophy that he didn't really care about,Even if he did knock out his opponent (and may or may not be on his way to hospital now) he still got himself some injuries around the face area.Thye weren't bad,nor were they a bother to Liam but Louis being the over dramatic and caring little self,he had to aid his husband.

He was actually making things worse,not that Liam was going to tell him that.

Even after a lot of being and pouting,Louis still wasn't allowed to go to the Actual match itself which earned Liam a good snubbing from Louis who refused to talk or interact with Liam.Of course the snubbing had ended once Louis realised that not talking to Liam meant that he didn't have anyone to cuddle with nor anyone to cook him food (he was getting better at cooking but as long as Lima was around,he did the cooking),so the snubbing ended quickly although Liam was made to make Brownies for the pregnant boy,and him only.He had gotten Harry to drive him from the apartment to where the After Gathering was being held so that he could see Liam and congratulate him on winning by kissing him (everything was celebrated by kissing in Louis' mind).It was originally Zayn who was going to drop Louis off (Harry and a Zayn were going later) but Zayn had gotten out of it which meant that Harry had the pleasure of listening to the Smaller boy sing to 'Good Girls' at the top of his lungs.

"But My Lili got boo boos,"Louis frowned as he used his other hand to touch Liams bruising cheek which made the older hiss and flinch away a little making Louis gasp and go to place the clothe on his cheek which made Liam chuckle again.Louis always got worked up about other peoples injuries,he guessed it was because he was injured alot and he didn't like it so he made it his own personal mission to aid anymore that was injuries or hurt.He done it plenty of times to Zayn,Growing up Louis always wasted to be a nurse and Zayn was always forced to be his patient.

"Yes I've got some Boo boos,but I'll survive,stop over reacting,I was checked over before I left the arena,"Liam smiled patting his lap for Louis to perch himself on.Liam was pushed onto the nearest seat when Louis walked in so that Louis could try and clean his cuts without him having to stand on his tippy toes.Liam just went along with it like the usual caring and patient husband that he was.Louis set the clothe down and perched himself onto Liams lap side wards so that his legs were dangling over the side of Liams left thigh as he swung them.He was so innocent and Lima hoped that he never lost that about him,that'll be the he'd of Liam if he did."So tell me,what did you end the babies do all day since I left?"Liam hummed pressing a kiss to Louis' nose as his arm was wrapped around Louis' waist to keep him in place and his other on the youngers Jean covered thigh.

"Nothing,boring without You around,forced to watch DayTime TV,"Louis pouted at Liam who smiled fondly at the boy who was trying to look all serious and angry when he really just looked like a kitten who's ball of wool was taken away from his possession.He was so cute with his Hazel feathered up hair,his Light pink overly large sweater that went over his 5 month bump smoothly and his light pink and white flower crown on top of his head.Liam hoped that Louis would never stop wearing sweaters and flower crowns,it was Louis' thing and Louis losing his thing meant that a part of Louis was gone.

"I'm sorry Love,but hey,now you're with me and I can introduce you to my manager and some of my friends and their families,"Lima smiled pecking Louis' pretty pink lips,licking over them a little during the kiss and pulling away and a small smirk,"Coca cola?"He asked referring to the lip bam on Louis' lips.The younger nodded and blushed trying to hide away in Liams shoulder.He was a little shy about public affection,he guessed it was because Liam was his first ever relationship,and only,and it was still all new to him about dating and kissing even after 2 years.It was scary to think that he was in a relationship with someone as handsome and strong as Liam,he never imagined to be a relationship with someone like Liam,hell he didn't even think anyone would be willing to stay with him once they found out about his past,but Liam did.Liam showed a louis that it was okay to be himself,that not everyone had a clean background,and that he didn't need to hide who he was.

And the best part was,was that Liam treated Louis the way he deserved to be treated

Like a princess


"Princess,come over here,"Liam calls from where he is standing talking to his manger Ross and his wife who are there with their daughter.He had known Ross for the long time,since Liam started boxing when he was 14 and he was always a pleasure to be around.He was very understanding when Liam had told him that he couldn't make it to training due to Louis,and he was always interested on listening to Lima talk nonstop about the 20 year old that stole Liam's heart.Ross was only 10 years Liams senior,being 35 now and 24 when Liam first encountered him.Liam always forgot about the age difference between him and Louis,it was small with it only being 5 years but it was still an age difference.It was one of the reasons why Jay still disliked Liam,and Niall also but Liam didn't know what Nialls problem was considering that he was 2 years older than Louis.Everyone around Louis was older than him,Liam and Harry were both 25,Zayn was 26 and Niall was 22 and then there was Louis at 20.

Louis turned his head from the conversation he was currently having with One of Liams friends Tate,he was around Louis' age and hight with dark brown hair and eyes that were a close shade to Red.He was very interesting and had a lot of stories to talk about which Louis politely listened too with a smile on his face.It was slight change from all of the people who were gathered touching and poking at the younger boys Tummy,and asking him when his due date was.For amusement one girl asked when he was due and Louis just replied with a rather stigma and serious face 'What are you talking about?' And the reaction on the ladies was priceless and Louis really wished he had his camera to take a photo of it.Louis excused himself politely and told Tate he'd catch up with him a while before happily waddling towards Liam who had his hand outstretched for Louis to take.

"Louis,this is Ross,his wife Olivia and their daughter Isabella,"Liam smiled motioning towards each person as he said their names,"This is Louis,my husband,"He smiled wrapping an around around Louis' shoulders as he blushed,still not use to the word husband.He shook everyone's hands and smiled warmly at them,them doing the same back.

"So you're the Louis that has been stealing my star from his training,"Ross joked with a chuckle looking at Louis with his light green eyes as Louis blushed.

"Guilty,"He giggled with a shrug,leaning into Liams touch as he talked to the trio,putting in his input into the conversation when needed.It wasn't long until Ross and his family had moved on to socialise with other people leaving Liam and Louis to have their one little conversation,his larger hands on Louis' 5 month baby bump as Louis had his arms wrapped around Liams neck."The cupcakes keep moving around,"Louis giggled as he felt the familiar butterfly feeling in his stomach,they were moving rapidly as if they were trying to warn Louis and Liam.Liam was about to open his month to reply but another voice came out instead;


Louis frozen,his breathing stooping for a mer couple of seconds as he slowly Unhooked his arms from around Liams check and shoulders and took a step back.That voice,Louis knew that voice and it wasn't one of those voices that was familiar because it belonged to someosne in his uni classes,no,it belonged to someone from his past.Liam noticed Louis' actions and started to ask him questions,calling his name and waving his hand infront of Louis' face,but Louis didn't hear him,he was too buys looking around the room In search of the face that belonged to the voice.It couldn't be him,that was impossible,he lived in Doncaster and Louis was in London,had been for the past 2 years.It wasn't as if he found out where Louis lived,no,that was impossible,Louis wasn't allowed social media.

"Matthew,hey,"Liam finally returned the greeting and pressed a kiss to Louis' forehead as he turned to the slightly younger boy now in front of him,the boys bleach blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes,his body thick and buff just like the rest of him.'Matthew' smiled at Liam,his wide mouth stretching into a grin when he noticed Louis now cowering behind Liam,holding onto his hand tightly.The same Eyes,the same hair,the same stupid mother fucking smirk on those pale pink lips,he still looked the same as he did 3 years ago,before he finally finished school and went off to university,not before giving the boy a goodbye gift of course."Louis,this is Matthew my boxing pal,Matthew this is Louis,my husband and mother too my unborn children,"Liam smiles squeezing Louis' hand.

"We've met,"Matthew lowly whispers with a small smirk on his lips as he looks down at the younger boy who is trying to hide away,disappear into thin air and never to be seen again.Louis was hoping that Liam would find the relation,notice why he's acting like this and notice that Matt is short for Matthew.Or Zayn would magically Arrive and notice Matt and beat the shit out of him,risk getting out into jail for his baby brother.

"I-I'm going to t-the Loo,"Louis whispered,feeling incredibly dizzy as he let go of Liams larger hand,gave one glance to the look on Matts face before getting away from the pair as fast as possible,trying his best not to bump into anybody.

But someone was watching him

And it wasn't Liam


I'm sorry for the late late update,I've been busy with my other two fics and Evan Peters has taken over my life,okay?

How was this?

Tell me what your thoughts were?

Will continue in next chapter

So...Who YA think Matthew is?And what he did?


Peace ✌️


[Sn: for anyone who reads Petite,idk when I'm updating sorry]

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