
Photo-Louis' outfit in the chapter bc I forgot to mention it

IM SORRY THIS IS LATE >.< one of the reasons why this is late bc I was incredibly pissed off,please for the love of gog,I know that I'm a crap speller but cut me some slack,I'm dyslexic and when someone comments on my mistake it makes me incredibly sad and mad because it makes me feel stupid.So please don't



Y'know the drill

Enjoy :)


"But Leeyum-"

"Louis I said no,"


"Louis for God sake,you're 5 months pregnant with twins,it's October and this neighbourhood I'm heading to is not safe for you.You're not going to this Fucking boxing match,okay?"Liam fumed slamming his hands down onto the wooden desk he sat at,making his text book move and his pens to fall off of the desk.He was beyond Pissed,he was trying his hardest not to get distracted while studying for his winter exams,but it was very hard not to get to distracted with a 5 month pregnant 20 year old that just wanted to cuddle and be touched (not even in the sexual way which was disappointing).It's not like Liam cared about his university education,he really didn't and as said was only doing this to make his parents happy,but he needed to pass these Exams so that he didn't have to re-sit them in January when he comes back from break.

Louis was no help whatsoever,he just wanted attention and he made Liam wish that he dropped Louis off at Zayn and Harrys and went to study in the university library instead because then he'd actually put pen to paper instead of staring into space and groaning.Liam had a boxing match scheduled for Saturday (it currently being Wednesday) and it was his last match before retiring at a young age,taking his winnings and becoming a personal trainer for some rich dude that wanted to be 'buff'.Somehow,Louis had found out and he wanted to go,he wanted to see Liam beat the other guy and win,he wanted to cheer on his husband and be able to kiss him when he won,but that didn't look like that was going to happen.Louis had went a match before,it was a terrible outcome which ended Louis screaming into Harrys t-shirt when Liam got punched in the nose and went tumbling down.He also ran out of the area and out onto the street which nearly ended with the younger getting hit by a car,Liam vowed never to take him to another match again.


Louis huffed from his place on the bed behind Liam,throwing his body back onto the comforter and pillows softly as he pouted up at the ceiling.It was only one time that he left and nearly got killed,but he was 18 back then,he wasn't the same person (he kind of was) he was now married and pregnant with children,he's able to handle anything now,well in his mind he was.Don't get him wrong,he loved being cared for and babied by Liam,but sometimes he babied him a litre too much and became that over protective parent that his mother was,she was the reason why he moved to London to live with Zayn.In Liams eyes,Louis was just a fragile baby bird with a damaged wing,to Zayn Louis was a delicate white feather,to Jay Louis was a bomb ready to explored therefore needed to be handled with care,to Niall Louis was still that Twink that was pushed around by everyone,to Harry Louis was a small kitten that wanted attention.Everyone saw Louis as something fragile and damaged.

Liam sighed going back to his studying,he just let his eyes do the roaming for the important words and his hand scribble whatever the word or words down into his notebook in scrawny hand writing.He'd love for Louis to come to the boxing match to cheer him on,but he couldn't risk him or the babies getting hurt,it wasn't being held in an overly safe location like it normally is.Louis and those two babies in his stomach are and will always be Liams soul purpose to be alive on this god forsaken world.The 20 year old was such a handful now that he was pregnant,hell he was a handful when he wasn't pregnant but now the boy was so disrespectful and was rebelling Liams commands.

Liam let out a soft grunt when he was hit up the head by something soft,making his head and body jerk forward a little from the unexpected.Liam looked down to where the object landed on the ground and rolled his eyes at the purple fluffy pillow lying on the ground."Louis!"He shouted turning around in the desk chair and staring at the pregnant 20 year old who just stared back with his arms crossed and a pout on his pretty pink lips.

"Liam!"Louis shot back glaring at his older husband who just sighed and picked up the pillow and set it on the corner of the bed."Pwease Libear,Louis be weally good!"Louis jotted out his bottom lip and pulled his most innocent voice and facial expression that he could,I along fully well that Liam won't be able to deny him then.Liam smiled slightly as he got up from the bed and pressed a soft kiss to Louis' lips,their lips moulding perfectly.

"Louis,you know I would if I wasn't concerned for you or our cupcakes danger,"Liam whispered against Louis' lips as he placed his larger hands on Louis' 5 month baby bump.His bump was neat and round,it was perfect and large bump that made Liam even happier because he had double the bump to put his hands on.He made it his goal to touch Louis' bump whenever he could,whether it be when they are showering or when they are cuddle up on the sofa,Liam always had his hands on Louis' bump,it was a sign that the bump was there and that the babies were okay."I can't risk any of Yous getting away from me,not again,"He whispered kissing Louis again and he rubbed circles on Louis' round tummy as he lowered the boy onto his back.Louis whimpered slightly as Liam started to kiss down the boys exposed neck and shoulders,pulling up Louis' light green jumper to expose the boys baby bump.

"W-what about Louis Goes After?"Louis asked hopefully,moaning and stuttering slightly as Liam bit and sucked on Louis' weak spot,smirking when he was satisfied with the purple Mark he left on his husbands neck.Liam knew that Louis was asking to go to the after gathering after the boxing match,there was one after every match and it was never really that extreme,just a couple of the fans and the boxers with their family went just for a drink and a catch up.It was enjoyable and Louis wanted to go because if he couldn't go to the match he deserved to go to the after gathering.

"I'll think about it,"Liam hummed as he started to nose at Louis' bump making the boy giggle.Liam payed most of his attention to Louis' bump (and his bum because Duh) not that Louis minded,he loved the attention that his two cupcakes got.Liam started to press soft kisses to Louis' bump making Louis feel the familiar butterfly feeling he got whenever one of the babies moved.They moved often,and what he looked like,Baby B (Boy)moved a lot more often that Baby A(Girl) but they were doing pretty fine and dandy so they didn't have to worry,not all babies moved often.Neither of them had kicked yet.Louis was looking forwards to it at the same time he wasn't,he knew that they were going to aim for his internal organs.

"That means no,"Louis pouted but couldn't help but to giggle when Liam left a butterfly kiss to the right side of Louis' stomach making Baby A move.Liam kept his hands on Louis' tanned thighs as he payed attention to the bump,making sure to leave as many kisses to the bump as possible as he whispered a small 'I love you two' before repositioning himself so that he was hovering over Louis' face again.He peppered the boys face with kisses.

"No,it means I'll think about it you silly goose,"Liam chuckled inbetween kisses,"Just want the best for my babies mama,"He smiled,Louis smiling sleepily back."I love you Louis,"Liam whispered.

"I love you Liam,"Louis yawned.

And Maybe Liam didn't finish of his studying,who cares?



I'm pretty sure that After Taste is gonna finish before this book 😂

I hope this is was alright



Peace ✌️


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