

*non edited

Photo-Louis' outfit 👖

Enjoy :)

"Louis!"Liam shouted over the blasting music of Panic!At the Disco.He couldn't believe that he lost Louis in his own home.One second he was standing arm and arm beside Liam and the minute that he takes his attention off of Louis he disappears,just like that.He knew he was in the house,he just didn't know where,but he needed to find him before he got hurt or Denis found him,as he was saying,before he got hurt.

Taking a gulp of his beer bottle,he rattled it noticing it was empty and placed it on the fire place,not carrying if his mum would've shouted at him if she was here,she's not here.His mum and dad went out for dinner and said they'd stay in a hotel for the night,taking Stella and Sarah with them, which let Ruth and Nicola enjoy the party aswell.As thought,Ruth and Nicola continued to dote over the boy and wouldn't let him out of their sight,and Louis instantly fell in love with Stella and Sarah letting them play with his many brackets and even playing with their dolls with them.Of course neither girl payed any attention to their baby brother because Louis is way cuter and we are able to baby him were Nicolas exact words in which Stella chimed with He plays with us, and if them ignoring him didn't feel bad,then that certainly did.

He knew he hadn't been around a lot since moving to London but he had university to attend,Boxing Matches to train for,and then Louis came into his life and when Liam was off he spent that time with Louis cuddled up and watching TV.He wasn't like Nicola and Ruth who went to university for a year,dropped out,got dead beat jobs and then got pregnant (Well Nicola,he wasn't sure if Ruth had a boyfriend or not).He knew he should've been around more and visited his nieces often,played with them,took them out.but he couldn't and it made him feel bad.

Liam cringed when he caught sight of Harry and Zayn roughly making out in the corner of the livingroom,Zayn being the dominate one and tugging at Harrys curls making his moan into his mouth.Honestly Liam saw it coming,the way the two have been so edgy around eachother,the secret glances and touches,the strange carpooling.Yeah,Liam saw something between the two but it still made him cringe to see them eating eachothers faces off.Pushing past some people who were far too drunk to still be standing,quite frankly Liam wasn't even effected by the alcohol he was so use to it.He said his Hellos but stopped when he saw Louis sitting on the kitchen counter beside Denis who seemed to be trying to offer the boy a cigarette.

"Lou!There you are!"Liam cheered,a hit of relief in his tone and also annoyance due to Denis being around.Louis looked up at Liam with a cheeky smile and a giggle and just by that Liam knew he was drunk and he'd only been gone for a mer 5 minutes.

"Hello Leeyum!"Louis giggled loudly,throwing his head back as his legs swung off the counter hitting the cuboards below."Thwis Denis,he gave mew a dwink!"Despite everything Liam still cooed at his speech and gently stroked his cheek as he gave Denis a glare that indicated 'Go away or get crushed'.

"That's nice Sweets,"Liam smiled sweetly at him,standing In front of the boy and rubbing his hand up and down the boys smooth tanned thigh that was exposed due to him only wearing shorts.

"He's a cute thing,so talkative and submissive,"Denis smirked,reaching out to stroke Louis' cheek only for him to flitch away because Louis didn't like to be touched by people who reminded him so much of them.He would talk to them with ease because Louis wasn't the type to be rude and blank them,but under no circumstances would he let them touch him."Was telling me all about how he met you,"He continued to speak which just made Liam hold onto Louis' thigh a little tighter.

"Hmm,well I think we should get you up to bed,yeah?"Liam smiled down at Louis who nodded sleepily.He wasn't going to interact with Denis,he didn't at all like him and by giving his innocent boyfriend a drink (which he had no clue that was in it) just made things worse.He saw the way that Louis was kind of edgy around him and how he flinched at his touch and he wasn't having that.Hoisting Louis off of the counter and onto his hips,he placed his hands under his thighs as Louis lay his head on Liams shoulder,his arms lazily wrapped around his neck.Turning slightly on the spot,Liam sent Denis a glare,"If I see you around my boyfriend again.i won't hesitate on throwing you into a wall,got it?"

"Now now,no need to be violent,didn't give the poor lad any harm,"He rolls his eyes as he pushes himself away from the counter and grabbing a bottle of WKD was the fridge,"When you drop the lad somewhere,come back and we'll have a drag,yeah?"Denis suggested,taking a drink from the bottle of neon blue liquid.

"F*ck you,"was all Liams reply as he walked away from the man he called his cousin who had the f*cking urge to ask him if he wanted to smoke some marjana with him when Louis was present.Making sure he didn't bump into anyone or anything,Liam carried the Doncaster lad in his arms,giving Zayn a reassuring smile when his face held confusion and then quietly saying goodnight to his sisters who were standing in the front hall talking to their own friends.With ease Liam was able to carry Louis up the stairs because he was small and light which still made Liam frown because the boy did eat little and it wasn't healthy.He was sure he would get at him about it when he was able to understand questions.

"Imagine Giraffes had two legs,funny image,"Louis giggled innocently to himself as Liam laid him down onto the mattress of his(Liams) old bedroom.The small lads hair was tousled and his cheeks were tinted a pinkish shade that didn't seem to disappear.Liam nodded at every word that Louis was telling him,none of it made sense but it normally didn't make sense when he was sober so it didn't annoy Liam.He was able to unbutton Louis' denim shirt and slip it off,leaving Louis in just his shorts and a thin Lacey top."What does Rainbows taste like?"He asked randomly,rolling over on the mattress,nearly falling off it if it wasn't for Liam catching him.

"I don't know Baby,"Liam hummed,lying down on the mattress,the duvet lying down at the end of the bed,just dressed in his boxers as it was too warm to be wearing anything else.Louis had found himself lying on Liams chest,his Hazel hair tickling Liams nose.

"Liam saved Louis..."Louis whispered just as Liam thought that the younger had fallen asleep.The older lad scrunched up his nose in confusion as he rubbed up and down Louis' back calmly as a sign for him to go to sleep."Save Louis from meanie men,"He yawned a squeaky yawn.Men?

"Men?"Liam questioned,looking down at Louis on his chest because Louis had never mentioned anyone other than His teacher Mr.Howard not that he ever mentioned it often.There was sometimes the bad days were Louis wouldn't speak,eat or even Let Anyone touch him throughout the whole day,and then at night everything came crashing down.Louis would normally end up crying under the covers of the bed,Liam coddling him close as he let him ramble on and on about how he used him and Liam had to sit there,listening to his cries that shattered his heart.Now there was more that he want aware of?Was Zayn even aware of this?Jay?

When no answer was given Liam sighed deeply,coming to terms that Louis had fallen to sleep just when things were starting to get serious.He pressed a charset kiss to the crown of Louis' head of soft hair as he whispered fondly,"I love you Lou,"knowing that Louis wasn't able to hear him or respond.He let himself relax on the mattress,the faint sounds of music heard from the downstairs party,his party.his 24th birthday and he was upstairs lying in bed with his drunk boyfriend,but he wouldn't change it for the world.

"I love you too LiLi,"

GAH,do not hurt me,I'm sorry okay?!

I needed to add some cliff into this and then some feels >.<




Peace ✌️


[QOTC:Should Louis get a tattoo in this?And what of?(Only if Liam lets him of course)]

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