Photo:Not enough Lilo fanart in the world.If you have any,don't be scared to message me them via my Twitter [@LouisJuicesOMDC]
Liam groaned,turning from his side onto his back,his hands folded onto his stomach as he let his body wake up from the 2 hour nap that he had,and deserved.He really regretted going to the gym today,mainly because he hadn't been going a while back because his Of his Winter Exams,but he knew he had to or he wouldn't get back into the swing of things.His bones were in agony after he had did a good amount of weight lifting and running 10 miles on a treadmill,but it was worth it.The thing was he had training right after it and when both of them collided it was good enough to knock Liam out for two hours straight on the sofa when he returned home.
Letting on a heavy sigh,He heaved himself into a sitting position,his back pressed against the back of the sofa and his feet on the ground.He rubbed at his face with the back of his hand as he yawned yet again.He would go back to sleep but he promised Harry that he would clean up the apartment while he visited Gemma back in Cheshire where she was studying at University.Gemma,much like the boys,took a couple of years off after finishing school,but instead of coming back after a year,she lived in a little isolated area in Spain for a while.The only problem of such was that she had to learn the language from scratch as no one in the little village knew any English.
Liam,Zayn and Harry on the other hand spent their two year country hopping from different clubs and hotels around Europe.They spent a majority of their time in Greece,Corfu in the party capital of Euprope,Kavous,where they may or may not have gotten high,had sex in bathroom stalls and been so drunk that they forgot where they were.There came a time that when they woke up, they weren't in their hotel complex but had managed to hire a boat (in their drunk state of mind) and drive it away from the dock.
Lets just say that was the end of their Leap years
Liam had his head buried in his hands, trying to wake himself up when his phone buzzed signalling a message, which definitely woke up the young adult.Without hesitation he leaned forward to unlock his phone, a smile making an appearance on his pink lips as he saw the caller ID photo.
Liam,Zaynie says we can have sleepover!!xxx
Sorry if bothered you,it don't matter if you're not keen on me sleeping over.
I'll go stay at Nialls...
"No,no,no,no,F*ck!"Liam cursed typing a reply back to the younger boy as fast as his thumbs could move.Liam didn't want to miss this golden opportunity on having Louis stay over, not to do anything sexual of the sort (they were far from that sort) but to actually have some alone time with him as that was rare.When Liam went round to the brothers flat, Zayb was always there, supervising them, and to be honest it was ticking Liam off.It wasn't as if he was going to pull anything on the boy, just watching innocent movies while making conversation.
Another reason why he wanted Louis to stay over was that he didn't want him to go to Nialls.It wasn't because Liam disliked Niall,no,he was just a tad jealous of Niall.He was jealous that Niall had known Louis longer than Liam,jealous that Niall knew every little detail about him and jealous that the two were able to finish eachothers sentences.Liam wanted Louis for himself,no matter how selfish that sounded.
In no time Liam had texted Louis with an explanation on why he didn't reply along with a message saying that he had no problem with a sleepover,saying that he has cupcake mix to use up so they could bake.Along with a couple of kisses,couldn't forget the kisses.Liam was so soft when he was around Louis,he didn't know why but he thought it was because Louis was so soft and delicate that made Liam so,well not Liam.
With a quick glance around the livingroom area Liam sighed,running a hand through his head of hair,"I'm gonna need to do some tidying up."And he was right,the whole apartment was a mess since Harrys departure 2 days ago,Liam had been Living on chicken flavoured noddles,energy drinks and take away since Harry left,which didn't help the gym business.So of course there was that to tidy up,along with the little amount of Dishes that were in the sink,each lined in a thick layer of tilth.Then his bedroom,the place where they were most likely going to sleep (Liam was still deciding if the livingroom was better),and Liams bedroom was not the tidiest with all the wrappers,clothing and paperwork flung around the room.
By 3:15 Liam had a majority of the apartment cleaned,the only thing that still needed cleaned was half of Liams bedroom as he mostly just stuck everything into his wardrobe.He was pretty sure that he was going to need clothes out of it and if he opened the wardrobe an avalanche of clothes,wrapper and papers would attack him.He could tidy that up later,he knew Louis' sleeping habits well by now,even with only knowing the boy for 2 months (it being the end of January now).
"Zaynie I am no baby!"Liam could hear Louis' annoyed shouts from the livingroom,and by the sounds of things,Louis wasn't all all pleased.Liam quickly turned off the tv that he had been watching (extreme wrestling on Sky Sports) and smoothed out some of the pillows on that sofa.
"I need to stop with the perfectionism,"Liam said to himself quietly as he continued to hear Louis and Zayns conversation as they made their way down the hallway.
"Look,I don't want anything to happen to you,"Zayn said softly,and by the way he said it,Liam knew he was placing a hand on the smaller boys shoulder."This isn't the best of places for you to be wondering around by yourself,"and Liam has to scoff at that.The last time Liam checked his apartment was located in a better neighbourhood than Zayns which was right beside a strip joint.Unless he had moved since then so Louis could stay but that was highly impossible as ZYb hated change.
"But I am fine Zaynie,"Louis reassured his older sibling,"I ring you if any problems,which there will not be,"And with that the Front door of the apartment knocked.Liam made the short distance to the front door,checking his appearance in the mirror beside the door before unlocking the numerous locks and opening the door."Liam!"Louis squeaked,tackling the older lad into a hug.
"Hi Lou,"Liam smiled as Louis buried his head into his chest,letting Liam breathe in Louis' sweet scent of lavender and strawberries.Louis' outfit was on point,so on point that even the flower crown in his Hazel feathery hair was made of the same colours of his outfit.Purple and blue.Liam loved hugging Louis and he learned way back that Louis was a cuddlier.He wanted to continue to hug the shorter boy but something-someone broke the contact between them.
"Yeah,hi?I'm still standing here?"Zayn coughed awkwardly,breaking the contact between the other two.Louis pulled away from Liam,a tint of redness seeking onto his pale cheeks as Liam held him to his side.Liam on the other hand continued to glare at Zayn playfully.
"Why don't you get ready,yeah?We're making cupcakes in 10 minutes,Sweetpea,"Liam smiled warmly at the smaller boy,peeking him on the forehead.
"Yay!"Louis grinned,giving Zayn a quick hug and a 'B'bye' before running into the apartment and into the kitchen area,receiving a worried and concerning 'Carefull!" From both Zayn and Liam who looked at eachother with a strange look before shaking it off.Zayn was Jealous,jealous that his younger brother was spending time with his (Zayns) friend and was having a blast.
"Cock block,"Liam rolled his eyes,a playful and cheeky smirk on his lips as he watched Zayns expression harden at just the word.He wanted to see what Zayns reaction,just to mess with him,it was a game to Liam.Everything seemed to be a game to the Wolverhampton adult,number one reason why Zayn disliked Louis getting to chummy with him.
"See if I find out that your cock is anywhere near my br-"Zayn started,his voice already so cold and threatening that it took Liam aback.Gently He placed his hand onto the Bradfords shoulder."Dude,I was kidding.I would never EVER hurt him,Zee,"Liam gave Zayn a reassuring smile which earned a grumble of 'Yeah,you better not" from Zayn.
"Just,look after him,Kay?Don't let him eat or drink anything sugary or he'll be up all night,"Zayn said in a monotone voice as he handed Liam the purple Superdry backpack that contained all of Louis' belonging."He had his toothbrush,toothpaste and other bathroom products in his soap bag,a change of clothes for tomorrow morning,a couple of books,his song book and his IPad Mini in there.Along with his footie Pyjamas,"
"Y'know it's a sleepover right?He's bound to eat sow thing sugary,not to mention we're making cupcakes,"Liam laughed as he examined the weight of the backpack he was handed.It was very heavy.
"Yes well,just make sure he brushes his teeth well.I'll be round to pick him up at 11 tomorrow morning,"A small smile finally made its way onto Zayns face.
He really did regret introducing Louis to Liam
Chapter threeeeeeee :)
I through this was a pretty good chapter to say the least,especially the last bit between Liam and Zayn
Any who,what'd yous think?Louis is awfully cute in this ☺️
Peace ✌️
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