Very inappropriate for this chapter but I have 69k views 😏
Sorry carry on
Spelling mistakes maybe?
I wrote this all in one day like Woop
I actually forgot what year this book was in I think they are going into 2019?
Photo-Random photo of my angel because he is wearing a stripy t-shirt and is Fetus Louis af
I wasn't sleeping until this got updated so be grateful (I know that you all are)
Enjoy :)
Louis sighed to himself as he looked around at all of the people gathered in their penthouse,clutching his hot chocolate that was in his hands where he was sitting on their black leather sofa dressed all cutesy and warm in Liam's over sized University hoodie (it wasn't all that big now that it stretched over Louis' bump) and pregnancy leggings,ugg boots on his feet since he couldn't wear any other shoes.Louis wanted to be in bed right now,cuddled up in blankets,eating cereal and watching Friends,but no,it was New Years Eve and Liam insisted on throwing a party to show off their new pent house.Louis had been to so many different parties over the month of December,from his Pre-Birthday party thrown by Liam,Harry and Zayn (which was really just movies),to his actual birthday which everyone attended,then Christmas a party also,his baby shower and now This party.
Louis didn't want to go to another party for atleast 3 years
Everyone around him were drunk with alcohol in their system,well apart from Liam since he was told by Niall,Zayn and Harry that he wasn't aloud to drink alcohol at all.It was half an hour until midnight and Louis was bored,Liam had disappeared among to crowds of people that were gathered in their penthouse,leaving Louis to sit alone on the sofa looking all cute with his hot chocolate and his 7 month baby bump.The twins weren't moving a lot today,but Louis wasn't all that worried,some days they moved alot and others they didn't,it all depended.The small boy squeaked when he felt an arm snake around his waist and a head rest upon his shoulder,only relaxing when he smelt the familiar scent of Nialls cologne that always seemed to soothe Louis.He was use to the Strong scent,Niall never changed his cologne,it was the same one that Louis would inhale whenever he came home from school crying his eyes out after being best up or assaulted.
"So how's my ball of Sunshine this evening?"Niall Smiled stupidly as Louis let himself fall into the sofa a little more and rest his head on his best friends shoulder as Niall set his hands on Louis' baby bump that was being covered in the hoodie he was wearing.Louis smiled,he missed his best friend,and was glad that he stayed with him and Liam for over the holidays because then he wasn't as lonely in the house when Liam went out to work or his night classes that he was still taking until the babies were born.
"Good,but bored.Wanna sleep,"Louis pouted scanning his eyes around the crowed looking for his husband.If he walked,he know waddled extremely bad,and with his swollen feet it was sore for him to walk.For the fun of it,Liam had bought Louis a penguin onesie as part of his birthday gift and made Louis walk up and down the livingroom in it taking photos and videos of his 'Little Pregnant penguin'.Of course the video went on every social media site that Liam was on,which included Twitter,Facebook,Tumblr and Instagram (because why not?),since the only thing he posted was related to Louis."Too many people,"That's another thing,Louis was becoming a little over crowded with all of the People in his home,he didn't like it and felt threatened.
"They'll all be leaving soon babe,as soon as it becomes 2019-Or whatever year we're going I'm because I honestly don't remember- they'll be gone by 30 minutes.Then You can go to bed while whoever is remaining tidy up."Niall cooed,pressing a soft kiss to Louis' Hazel hair,a flower crown of white flowers on his head like always.He didn't have time to make one that suited his outfit,hell,nothing could suit what Louis was wearing,he just threw on whatever was comfortable not that anyone minded.If it wasn't for the mass amount of people Liam would've let Louis be nude,but there were people that Louis didn't know and he'd never be naked in front of ones he didn't know.Louis wasn't all that shy now,Niall and Zayn had seen Louis naked loads of times while growing up since Louis didn't have boundaries until the age of 14,Liam of course was his husband and saw him naked alot and Harry just happened to walk in at the wrong time."I'm gonna go find Chase before I lose him,again.See you at count down,"Niall smiled before untangling his arm from around Louis and getting up to find his boyfriend.
That's another thing that has changed since the wedding,Niall broke up with Erika after he found her cheating on him.Heartbroken,Niall was lonely for months until noticing the short blue eyed barista that took his coffee order every morning on his way to university.After weeks of small talk with the American cutie (that couldn't spell his name correctly),Niall finally built up the courage and asked him out on a date and this is where they ended up today.Niall had a tendency of losing his boyfriend,alot.While Niall was studying to be a Chef,Chase was studying to be a Marine Biologist,and both of the boys were in their final year of university.
Louis felt strange,as if pressure was being pushed down onto his lower stomach,but he didn't complain.Maybe Dominic is just being a naughty boy again,Louis thought as he set his empty mug down on the coffee table and was helped up onto his feet by Liam who had appeared out of the blue since it was now a minute to midnight and he wanted to share his New Years kiss with his beloved,beautiful husband.Liam could remember the first time that He stole Louis' first New Years kiss with,it was magical and he was going to be Able to do it again and again for years."You okay Baby?"Liam shouted over the music that was being played through the Tele and the busy chattering of people.Louis nodded his head,a small grimace on his face as he felt the pain continue,letting out a heavy breath of air.
"10,9,8..."Everyone started chanting as Liam held Louis close,his chin resting on top of Louis' soft head of hair,being careful not to mess up the flower crown.Louis closed his eyes shut at the pain before opening them again,tears in his eyes.The pain was unbearable and the twins were really hurting him right now."3,2,1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!"Shouts and whoops were being heard,being Downing their first shots of the year,celebrating and of course their first kiss of the year.Louis and Liam crashed their lips together,Louis' hands wrapped around Liam's neck as he stood on his tippy toes and Liam's hands placed on the smallers waist as they kissed slowly and sweet.
"Happy New Years Louis,"Liam smiled as they pulled away and he leaned down to brush his nose against Louis' as Louis settled by down on his feet,the pain in his stomach increasing."I love you,"He sang making the younger giggle and squeak as his bum was pinched by Liam.Harry had managed to catch a photo of the couple sharing a kiss (after he and Zayn had shared their own New Years kiss) and cooed at it,he was the biggest shipper of Lilo.
"I love you-Uh!"Louis grunted,grabbing onto his stomach at the sharp pain in his stomach,and then upon that feeling the wetness between his legs that were dampening his pregnancy leggings.Liam gasped noticing the wet patch."Leeyum...Think babies are coming..."Louis squeaked feeling the pain again and rolling his head forward.
"But you're 7 months Lou!"Zayn exclaimed,sober since he too didn't drink because he was a designated driver for the night.
"Premature labours are normal in first and multiple pregnancy,We need to get him to the hospital pronto!"Harry told the 5 who were now protecting Louis who was crying silently at the pain,the fact that his babies were going to be coming early and also since he was finally going to be able to hold Dominic James and Eliza Jane in his arms.
"But Eliza and Nic will be okay,yes?"Louis squeaked as he was being lead out by Liam and Niall as the rest started to clear out everyone in the penthouse.Liam leaned down,pressing a kiss to Louis' nose and placing his hands on his stomach and whispered.
"I promise you,all three of you will be fine."
I told you that they were gonna be coming soon
Like a little too early but I planned this
Please comment and explode my email inbox with emails
Love you all
Peace ✌🏼️
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