
It takes so much effort to scroll to write these chapters

Worth it thou

Near 4K votes *some random reader screams*

Nearly finished *weeps in a corner*

Wattpad won't let me add photos so sorry


Enjoy :)

"They are so small Louis,And so fragile.They wouldn't let me hold them just yet,both of them are in incubators and Lil Nic has breathing tubes down his throat.Very scary,but precious."Liam simply whispered,rubbing his thumb over Louis' knuckle from where he sat on the suprisingly comfy hospital plush chair beside Louis' Hospital bed.The smaller turned his head to look at his husband,a frown on his pretty pink lips and his blue eyes glassy with tears wanting to fall free down his porcelain and baby smooth cheeks.Louis whimpered and turned to face the wall away from Liam's happy,glowing face as the small frown remained on the younger boys face.He sniffled and closed his eyes as he let Liam continue to rant about how perfect and small and precious that Eliza and Dominic was.

Louis had yet to see any of his precious babies that he and Liam created,since he had lost a lot of blood during the caesarian and the minute he tried to walk,the stitches in in stomach ripped open so he was put onto bed rest until further notice.Unfortunate for him (and those damn hospital rules),He wasn't allowed to see Eliza and Nic until he was atleast able to stand up on his own and since he was very light headed from losing a lot of blood he was still unable to stand straight without support.Due to the fact that the twins were born 2 months early and that Dominic's lungs were fully developed unlike his younger sister,Louis was unable to see his children and had to listen to Liam go on and on about how adorable and small they were.Don't get Louis wrong,he loved talking about his babies,but that was when they were inside of him and were safe with him.

Now Louis just felt empty

And left out

"Louis,Babe?Aw no baby don't cry,"Liam cooed once noticing that Louis was silently crying,he knew that Louis was missing out on seeing his Babies and with Liam talking about them it wasn't helping.Only parents and grandparents were allowed in the Special Unit so even Karen,Geoff and Jay had been able to see the twins in their incubator.Liam sighed as he slowly got on top for he hospital covers and wrapped his arms around Louis so that Louis' back was to the orders chest."Okay,stop crying.It isn't the end of the world,"He chuckled a little as he kissed the back of Louis' head and rubbed the boys hip soothingly.The smaller boy pouted and turned his head to look at Liam who had a small smile on his face.

"Yes it is,I wanna see my babies.I have my rights,"He huffed trying the cross his arms over his chest was failing to do so because of the IV drip in the back of his hand.Liam couldn't help but roll his eyes at Louis' over dramatic ways."Leeyum,what if Dominic had to stay and Eliza comes home?"The smaller boy asked as Liam sighed and pressed a kiss to Louis' forehead before the big laid his head back onto the uncomfortable hospital pillow.Niall,Zayn and Harry were sent back to the pent house to get some things for Louis and the babies.No one mentioned Liam,he was just there and had to suffer with the clothes he was wearing.Louis,Dominic and Eliza were more important,not that Liam was going to interject that statement.

"Well,"he took in a deep and heavy sigh as he grabbed hold of Louis' petite and dainty hand,"We'll camp out in the hallway of the hospital until Nicky is able to breathe on his own and we can take both of our amazing babies back to our home and they can sleep in their own cots,"He hummed closing his brown eyes for a mer second before shooting them open.Fuck,he thought as he held Louis a little closer,letting the smaller cuddle up close to him,The nursery isn't painted yet.Louis is gonna kill me if he remembers.Or cries..."I'm gonna go find the doctor and see if you're able to stand without aid.I'll be back soon baby."With a slowly moving action he unhooked his arms from the younger boys waist and got off of the bed,fixing the blanket as he pressed a kiss to Louis' lips,the two exchanging small 'I love you's before Liam excited the private hospital room and out into the hall way.

"Hey Mate,we're on our way-"Harry started to speak down the phone until Liam cut him off,nervous pacing starting as he paced up and down the hall,the iPhone pressed to his ear.

"Well don't be.Turn the car around and go to B&Q or somewhere and get paint,any warm colour will do,paint the nursery.Actually,just decorate the whole entire nursery."He demanded down the line to Harry who sat in the passenger seat,his phone on speaker for everyone else in the car to hear what Liam was saying.Harry pulled a face and turned his head to look at Niall who was also pulling a face at what Liam was saying.They couldn't possibly paint a room without breaking a sweat,it would be torture.Of course Zayn painting the bedroom wouldn't be all that bad since he did design for a living and he would be able to pull off an amazing wall design for the twins.

"What design?"Zayn finally asked since no one else was going to speak,turning his indicator on so he could tell other cars that he was Turing left to take the backstreet back towards the B&Q That wasn't all that far away from where they were at the moment.The area that Louis and Liam moved into was close to everything that they needed,like Tesco for example and it was close to the hospital also.It was a further bit away from Zayn and Harrys apartment but the two were planning on moving soon anyway since Harry was going to be getting a job at the hospital and Zayn as a designer hopefully.He was hoping that 4 years of Art and Design in university was going to pay well.

"Anything will do,just don't all crazy or anything cheesy.Y'know what?Anything you'll end up doing will make Louis smile,and as long as Louis is happy I don't care."He spoke,a heavy sigh escaping his lips as he ran his hand down face and watched as his Mum and Jay walked down the hallway and sent him a small smile.It was a first time in a long while (October actually) that both mothers had chatted and they both got on well surprisingly which was strange with their differences.Jay had really warmed up to Liam.

"Okay,I'll see what I can do.Bye Liam,spend time with your babies."Zayn called through the phone followed by a chime of 'Bye Liams' from Harry and Niall before Liam hung up and stuffed his phone into the back pocket of his jeans.He turned his head and gave his mother and Jay a quick smile while gesturing them to go inside and talk with Louis as he went to fetch the doctor and a wheelchair because he was taking Louis to see Eliza and Dominic whether the doctor says he's able to or not.His husband has to see his babies,it was breaking the punks heart bit by bit.The nursery should've been one of the first things that Liam worked on,but of course he was too worked up on making sure Louis was okay and going to his night classes and working with celebrities (he has yet to tell Louis about the whole Ashton Irwin thing but has set something up for Valentine's Day for a private concert),

Once Liam has fetched the doctor,argued with him for a couple of minutes due to the fact that Liam stole a wheelchair that might've been used by another patient,Liam had finally gotten the doctor inside of the room and let him do all of the different procedures to find out how Louis' blood count was,his blood pressure and then last of all,his balance.Jay was standing behind her son as he stood up,Liam to his side and the doctor in front of Louis as they counted the number of seconds that Louis was able to stand without toppling over."You're free to visit your children in the special care ward Mister Louis Payne,But don't over excite yourself."The doctor told Louis who squeaked and latched onto Liam who was waiting with open arms.Once settled in the wheelchair with a pillow passing his bum and back,Liam pushed the younger big our who was giggling and talking nonsense to Liam about the babies.Jay and Karen agreed on staying in the room to let Louis and Liam have their alone time.

"I'm going to see my babies,"Louis whispered to himself as he fiddled with the wedding and engagement ring on his finger,but Liam heard him as he showed his ID to be let into the ward.The atmosphere in the ward was enough to make any heart stop beating,it wasn't like the usual baby ward,no,all of the babies were ill or underweight,all or most of them premature and so fragile that just one look would probably break them in two.The thing that struck Louis the most was that it was so silent,other than the heart monitors telling nurses and mourning parents that their baby,or babies were okay and still breathing.Louis didn't like it,he wanted to get out of the ward but he couldn't since it was the only way he'd be able to see his babies."My poor lil Nicky,"Louis' lip wobbled once he was wheeled up close to the first incubator that held Dominic.his full name Dominic James Payne on a page on the front of it.He couldn't hold back the small coo at how small he was,the diaper he had on way too big and bulky.

"You can touch him,touch them both."Liam told Louis gently,demonstrating as he put his hand into the hole and softly rubbing his thumb across Eliza's foot,her own full Name Eliza Jane Payne on her incubator.Louis watched and observed,placing his own smaller hand into Dominic's incubator and gently letting his finger tips dance on the babies arm.The breathing tube down his throat was scary for Louis to see,and he wanted to cry as he let his other hand hall Into the hole of Eliza's incubator and did the same with her arm.

His babies were so small,and fragile

And maybe Louis cried to himself as he touched his babies arms through glass

And maybe Liam cried too


*cries since everyone else is*

This is so late because of reasons and tonight I got caught up with something 😏


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Peace ✌🏼️


[QOTC:Who wants Zarry to start a family?]

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