HOLY CRAP I'm at chapter thirty,I'm pretty sure I posted chapter one like last week
Photo-Louis looks so fetus like wtf brah
Comment loads please for maybe quicker updates?
Cutesy couple goals
Enjoy :)
"Conrad is a cute name,"Liam hummed as Louis drifted in and out of sleep in his arms,back to chest,on the sofa in their very bland and plain livingroom.They were scheduled to move houses in no more than a week,maybe even less, so they had started to pack up most of their furniture and other things around the house.Their Livingroom was completely bare other from their Television and their 3 seater sofa,they had currently been living off of take aways and whatever Louis' weird sweet craving was,and all of the bedrooms were bare other than Liam's and Louis'.They had to make sure keep a bedroom in their new home just for Harry incase him and Zayn broke up (for like the 100th time in a year) and Harry had to move out and live with Louis and Liam.
"Eh,"Louis shrugged trying to get as much heat off of Liam as possible.Another thing that has also happened is that their heating was cut off,at the start of December meaning that they were both freezing their butts off.Liam was fine,he wore the same clothes throughout the year anyway since he barely felt the cold,but Louis on the other hand was a lot more vulnerable to coldness and with the pregnancy so he was bundled up in as many layers of clothes possible with massive amounts of blankets covering him.There was a massive downside to Louis' 6 and a half month baby bump,being pregnant with Twins has its disadvantages,it meant that he couldn't cuddle as close to Liam that he wanted to.He couldn't sleep on Liams chest,Cuddle up close to his side or for Them both to sleep chest to chest with tangled limbs,the only sleeping position that the two could sleep in was chest to back with Liams hands on Louis' baby bump.Louis didn't mind it,it still meant that they were spooning but Louis wasn't fond of it at times.
"Baby,don't fall sleep on me now,"Liam pouted with a sigh as he blew air onto the back of Louis' neck who in return shivered and kicked his foot back lightly to make Liam stop,missing and hitting his foot off the back of the sofa when Liam parted his legs and then moved them to lock Louis' legs into place."We still need to discus baby names,"he whined as he placed his hands on Louis' tummy and started to run around to try and get one of the twins to move or kick,nothing came which Liam frowned at.You'd think it would be the other way round,Louis being the one to torture Liam about baby names,but no,it was Liam since Liam wanted to get it over and done with.Louis would be so into thinking of baby names but he was sleepy,the twins were taking all of his energy and nutrients.
"Libear,LouLou Sleepy,"Louis mumbled lazily bringing up one of Liams hands up so he could place a feather soft kiss on Liams larger hand befriend placing his hand back onto his stomach again.It was something that Louis did often now that he couldn't turn around and kiss Liams jaw,so instead he kissed the palm of Liams hand before going to sleep.It was like a sort of warning for anyone around him that he was going to go to sleep,that and he'd try to get as small as possible which was pretty hard now considering the baby bump.
"But Loubear,It's either now or I'm naming them Budweiser and Guinness,"Liam smirked sensing Louis cringe in his arms and then huff,Turing his head to look over at Liam over his shoulder,a smug look on the older lads face which made the innocent pregnant lad huff in annoyance.All he wanted to do was sleep,he knew that when these babies made an appearance to the outer world that Louis would lose his 12 hours of sleep he normally got (and anything extra during the day that he could add to it).He loved his sleep.Sincere had to drop out of his English Literature corse he was taking at the university he attended,He had a lot of free time on his hands which he knew spent watching Friends,reading Fanfiction and now reading pregnancy books.Liam had started to rub the lotion over Louis' body to take away and stretch marks but since he was having twins they would still appear but hopefully but rip.
Louis enjoyed the attention that his bump got from Liam
At times Liam was the only person allowed to to in his bump,he cousin allow anyone else to for that short week because they were his and Liams creation.
Little Louis hated to see how sad Zaynie,Hazza and Nialler looked when he wouldn't let them feel the babies kick.
"Ova' my dead body,"Louis tried to growl but really it sounded like he was trying to cough wow thing up or something was caught in the back of his throat.Louis' hormones weren't bad,the only bad thing was that he cried often if a television show wasn't on or if he dropped a piece of food before he was able to eat it.He wasn't angry,well not that often unless Liam really did piss him off,but angry Louis was still adorable and sexy at the same time that it made Liam get a stiffy.The 20 year old wasn't mad about Liam drinking.he just wasn't overly fond of it and if Liam was thinking of even naming his children after alcohol related brands then Louis was going to file for Divorce.
"Cute,sexy and pregnant all at the same time.God I must've died and gone to heaven,"The tattooed man breathed in Louis' scent and smiled when he inhaled and exhaled,nosing The back of Louis' head,his feathery Hazel hair tickling his nose."Our son needs to have James in his name somewhere,it's a family name that I'd like to pass on,"He informs his husband who pulls a face.
"Too bland,"Louis pulls a face once again as he pulls one of the twenty blankets higher up his body,Of they went any further up they'd over his face.Louis wasn't one for normal,bland names such as Jack or Holly,he liked fun,weird names that he knew that no other child would have.In his P3 class there was a total of 3 Hollys and 2 Ryan's in his class,keeping up with which Holly was who was terrible and hurt his little 8 year old head.
"So you're saying that my name in bland?"Liam raised an eyebrow,even if Louis had his back to him he could still sense what Liam was dong and nodded his head innocently with a small smile on his face as Liam nipped at the back of his neck playfully."You have the middle name William,so formal and English,"Liam chuckled.
"Blame Mummy,I want to be called Louis Bunny but she say no,"Liam had to hold back the coo that he desperately wanted to let out knowing that his husband wanted his middle name to be Bunny when he was younger.How adorable,Liam thought,the money I'd give to be friends with child Louis."Dominic is cute,"Louis suggested with a shrug as Liam hummed.
"Dominic James,it has a ring to it,yeah?"Liam tested out as he placed a hand on Louis' bump again,repeating the name over and over again softly as he tried it out.He liked the name,it was cute and original,just like Louis.Yet again,Liam cold always call him Nic for short because the name did sound like some posh school boy name and since Liam grew up in an area for drug addicts that wouldn't have went smoothly if he bumped into them in later years.Louis nodded happily as Liam kissed behind his ear softly."What about the name Eliza?It's historical,old fashioned and it has a twist to it,don't you think?"Liam suggested,rubbing his thumb over the white band that was Louis' engagement ring and Then the gold band that was his wedding ring.Both very important rings.
"I agree,"The Doncaster boy nods his head with a smile on his face as he yawns a little,still very much drained from doing nothing all day."Middle names?"
"Something with one syllable since Eliza is already three...So maybe Beth?"
The look at Louis gave over his shoulder towards Liam was deadly
Those divorce papers were making a reappearance
"Eliza Jane an' Dominic James.It rhymes,"Louis giggled to himself."I like it,"He nods his head to himself as Liam agrees with Louis,pressing soft kisses to as much as his face as he can see and reach.He will agree with whatever name Louis picks as long as it's not rainbow or unicorn.
He'll always agree with Louis
LONG TIME NO SEE I know I'm sorry it's been a while,I've been focused on every other fanfic at the moment and I was trying to pick names and shit but here it is!!
Louis and Liam picked the baby names!
What do you guys think of the baby names?I used the name James which was recommended,and I think someone said Eliza back in the chapter where they find out the genders but idk
What did you think of this chapter?!Was it cute enough?!
Peace ✌🏼️
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