Commenter 50 gets a dedication 😘
*non edited
WARNING(S)-Mentions of Rape
Photo-I love this manip,there needs to be more ☺️
Enjoy :)
"Liam?"His name rang out around the nearly empty training room he was in.It was a Monday afternoon and Liam was in his usual place of action,in the same spot and doing the same moves in his gyms boxing ring.Sweat was dripping down his forehead and down the bridge of his nose as he continued punch after punch on the stiff red punching bag.He wore nothing but his signature red and white knee length shorts (the gloves to match),a white tank top and white converse,and he was still hot.
Training was on Monday afternoon,Wednesday morning and Sunday evening,and all with that he still needed to fit in time to head to the gym and to do some studying for his classes.Liam needed to focus on his training first before his education,it might have sounded daft to anyone who had no interest in the sport (Like his parents),but boxing was more important.At this time of year especially.March,April and May was the three months that Liam had to work hard on,training whenever he can and just focus on building his strength and energy up (not that he lacked it).
The last two weeks of May would be hell for the Wolverhampton lad as that's when the tournaments started.He would be paired up with someone his height and mass and whoever would win would carry on the competition until the semi-finals and finals.Liam wanted gold,he needed gold,he craved gold and that was his goal.To win for the third (maybe forth he wasn't counting) time in the row and show everyone who was boss and to get the title of holding the best record in England.
His school work,well that was a different story.He was scraping the barrel with nearly every class just barely passing with Cs and the occasional Bs in all his subjects apart from History which was his strong subject.It wasn't as if Liam was stupid,he was just occupied with his boxing hobbies to care about university life.Liam was street smart,he knew how to go by daily life without loving in rubble or being arrested,he just needed a little push that he didn't want.
"Zayn?"Liam turned his attention to his close mate,his breathing deep from the intense workout.Letting his hands drop from their places in the air,he looked Zayn up and down suspiciously in a way to ask 'Why the f*ck are you here for?'.With a small smile,Zayn walked from the double fire exit doors towards the boxing ring when Liam was standing.His hair was styled back out of his face and his face was clean of stubble(which surprised Liam).
"The one and only babes,"Zayn winked jokingly as he moved the string of the outside of the boxing ring so that he could climb into the ring to join Liam.Once in,he brushed off his dark jeans from any dry blood or dust that was collected on the stage.He made sure that he didn't step on any teeth that were previously incomes out from other boxers.
It wasn't at all hygienic
"Why are you here?Where's Louis?"Liam asked,looking behind the Bradford man In search for his boyfriend.Louis was still unaware of Liams boxing hobby and that was staying put until He knew that the younger wouldn't freak.
"Louis is the reason that I'm here,"Zayn sighed softly,punching the red punch bag lightly with his stringer fist,disliking the hardness of it.He continued to punch lightly at it for a minute until he stopped and looked up at Liams expression.His face had feel info concern and worry and if Zayn knew Liam well he would be sprinting out that door any second-"He's fine!"The older reassured Him,placing a hand on his forearm."Well sort of,"He added with a mumble making Liams glare harden.
"What do you mean sort of?Where is he?What happened?"He fussed franticly as the man in front gave him no information whatsoever,just breathed in and out.And curse Zayn for his lungs and heavy breathing,Liam needed answers and he needed them now.
"Look,calm down or you aren't going anywhere near my brother again,okay?"And that was an empty threat,Zayn couldn't do that,he wasn't Louis' third Guardian,he didn't own Louis.Zayn had used that threat so many times before that it became a running joke to Liam.But as he looked into Zayns golden eyes he knew that something was up,that something needed to be said.So he calmed down.Let him body relax slightly as his heart continued to pound in his chest.
"I'm calmed-ish,"Liam huffed,moving to take off his gloves if him and Zayn where going to talk.There would be no point in keeping the gloves on if they were just talking,in an empty boxing ring.To say that it was his dirty mind taking when he thought it sounded like the start of a porno was right.
"You might want to keep them on,"Zayn motioned to the red and white boxing gloves that covered Liams large hands.Looking at Zayn confused,he moved to keep them strapped on,fixing them so that they weren't irritating and uncomfortable."Why?Are we going to fight something out?"Liam teased in a monotone voice earning a glare from the Bradford man.
"Because the stuff I'm about to tell you is going to make you kill someone,and I'd rather not visit my best mate in jail..."He trailed off,looking deep into Liams chocolate brown eyes,filled with nothing but concern and worry that would later turn into anger.He didn't want to tell Liam this,he wanted to keep it to himself,louis and amidate family but he knew he had to tell him.He was Louis' boyfriend for Petes sake,and by the rate the two were going,he was going to be his for along time.So yes he had a right to know.
"You see,"Zayn started,scratching the back of his head as he inhaled and exhaled,"When Louis' mum married my dad,They had to move to Bradford,Y'know where we lived?"He paused,waiting for Liam to nod in understanding.Of course he knew where Zayn was from and lived,he(Liam) did of course live there from the age of 13."Well,Louis still went to school back in Doncaster,where he's originally from,staying with his dad every other Monday and Tuesday to cut the cost of petrol for my dad."Liam was now looking at him in a way to say 'Get to the point'.
"This continued until Louis was 15,Surprisingly when he hit puberty and Y'know,his butt started to come in?-Getting off subject,"Zayn groaned running his face with the palm of his hands.He wasn't going to talk about his brothers ass around his boyfriend,no matter how much Liam was enjoying it."He started to be distant,coming home with bruises on his body and without his flower crown.He was still happy and bubbly when around people,never wanting to disappoint or seem like a downer.It got very bad,Liam."Zayn croaked,looking away from Liam to stare at the green and white fire exit sign by the fire doors.
"W-what do you mean by 'very bad'?"Liam asked,his eyebrows threading together in thought and confusion.Taking a large intake of breath,Zayn continued to talk.
"He had this teacher,Mr.Howard I think,I don't know,he's dead to me anyway.He trusted him with all his heart,told him everything that was going on around him.From his little bullying problem to about his overly drunk father."His jaw clenched at the thought of Mr.Howard,that bastard thought he could use his younger sibling like that was plain wrong.He had nothing against Mark-Louis' father-He actually thought he was a decent bloke who still sent out a generous amount of money for Louis' birthday and Christmas."One time I went to pick Lou up from school and he came out crying and sobbing.His clothing a mess and wrinkled unlike a normal Louis."
"He raped him,Liam,the son of bitch raped my baby brother,ripped him from his innocence at the mer age of 15!"He was now shouting,finally looking back at Liam whose gaze was now diverted to the empty chair at the corner of the boxing ring.Zayn could see how tense his body was,the red in Liams eyes as his nostrils flared."That is why I'm so protective of Louis,Because I'm scared that something like that will happen again."He watched as Liam automatically threw a punch at the red punch bag,it moving on its chain.
"Why.The.Hell.would.Someone.Do that.For?!"Liam shouted,throwing punch after punch at the punch bag which looked like it was close to giving up life.Liams blood was bubbling at the thought of someones flithy hands over Louis' innocent and petite body.That someone so sick and twisted could ever think about taking away a boys virginity at just 15 years old,scaring them mentally for his whole life.
Liam couldn't help but think that it was partly Zayns fault,him being the older of the two and looking out for Louis.He should have known,have his suspicions,ask questions.Do something just to get little enough detail out of Louis to what was happening in school life.Move him schools to one in Bradford.
"Why did you let it happen?"Liam asked,the sweat running down his forehead rapidly,some landing on his lips giving him the salty taste he didn't need."What was I suppose to do Liam?I didn't find out until that day I picked him up!"Zayn defended himself as he paced a little.
"I need you to promise me that You'll never,ever,hurt Louis,Liam.Never force him into doing something that he doesn't want to do or pressurise him.Make sure that he's okay with the situation and make him feel like he has a say in things."Zayn begged so hard that he was close to getting on his knees.Liam calmed down to look into Zayns golden eyes for a brief second before looking back at the punching bag.He nodded his head.
Liam was in love with Louis Tomlinson
Oh f*ck the feels,I'm sorry,shoot me...
I hated writing this,mostly because I didn't want to talk about Louis' small snippet of a past
[QOTC:If you were Liam or Zayn,how would you have reacted once found out that your sibling/(Boy/Girl)Friend went through what Louis did?]
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