

LickmeAsh Dedication goes to you,not only for being the 50th comment,but also making me smile with your comments ☺️👋

Video-Just saying by 5 seconds of summer ✌️

Photo-Flowercrown Lou ❤️


*non edited

Enjoy :)

March 18th 2015

The day after St.Patricks day where everyone,everywhere (that celebrates it) is green and gets drunk on Alcohol.Much Like Liam James Payne did.And let me tell you,he really regrets it.

It wasn't because of the alcohol intake,it was the mixture of both the alcohol,marijuana and the fact that he couldn't put two and two together at the current moment which was the problem.He remembers Harry and him leaving the house at around 10 am,arriving at one of the nearby St.Patricks day Parades,going to a pub and then the rest was a blur.He was pretty sure that him and Harry went and got kicked out of a lot of different pubs and clubs but he was use to that.

The main reason he normally got himself and Harry kicked out of places was mostly because when he was drunk,he did stupid stuff which was normally starting fights with random guys who was just coming up to the bar for a drink or accidentally spilled their drink over Liams brand new trainers.Another reason could have been because both him and Harry liked to grope Men and woman's behinds wether they wanted it or not,never would they force anything apron them,no,they just wanted some fun.These were the reasons why both the men were kicked out by bouncers and had their faces at the entrance to notify other bouncers that they weren't allowed back in.

He didn't know how he got ahold of the weed,but he used a little amount of it as the rest was sitting on his dresser in a clear plastic bag.He knew a lot of people who dealt with the harmless drug so of course he could have bumped into them on one of his many trips to the bathroom where the drug was normally sold along with the common white powder of Cocaine.He couldn't have been that blocked or he would have purchased Cocaine,or maybe he didn't have the time to as he was already getting chucked out of the club for sow thing he didn't do.

Either way,he needed to get rib of the cannabis.Which he did at around 4am when he woke up to go for a pee.He threw it out his bedroom window and it landed on some guys balcony a apartment across from his building.He didn't care,he disliked the guy with his massive collection of adult films (which he played as loud as possible for everyone is London to hear) and his expensive hot tub.

"Leeyum!Wake up!"Liam groaned at the loud voice that was sure enough shouting in his ear.It was familiar,of course it was,only one person called him 'Leeyum' and that one person was Liams world.He could feel that said person straddling his hips,jumping up and down while he did so,and it took all Liams might not to moan or get hard at the friction.Yet he made no movement to get up.After about ten seconds of someone jumping up and down he opened his eyes,his vision blurry from just waking up but he caught hold of the beloved sight of his boyfriends unusual Blue and Yellow flower crown.

"I'm up!I'm up!"He shouted which earned a giggle from the blue eyed boy ontop of him.Placing one hand on Louis' hip to stop the jumping,he used the other to rub the sleep out of his eyes,giving him the chance to see properly again.He yet a yawn escape his lips as he looked at his alarm clock and then back to Louis who had an amused look on his face."So why am I up at this time of the morning again?"He asked,his hangover headache making an appearance just when he thought he wasn't going to have one.

"You said you come to see my mummy for the weekend?"He looked down at Liam with a confused but also saddened look which made Liam feel awfully guilty because yes,he agreed on driving Louis to Bradford so the older lad could meet his boyfriends mother for the first time.Liam looked at his bedroom door and noticed his already packed small suitcase he must have packed two days ago before being intoxicated and then it clicked.

"Oh!Yes!Sorry baby,my mind is somewhere else today,"he hummed,propping himself onto his elbows to place a kiss to the younger boys lips,only to hit his cheek and to be rejected.Oulling back,he pouted at Louis as he(louis) shook his head,getting off of Liam only to be pulled back and pushed to the space beside Louis on the bed.Liam moved so that he was hovering over the giggling mess under him."Why no good Morning kiss,hmm?"He asked,kissing the Doncaster lads forehead.He was already dressed in a pair of Mustard Yellow chinos and a dark blue unzipped jacket,showing his dark blue short-sleeved t-shirt with a book quote styled on it.

"Stinky breath,"He commented,placing his hand over Liams mouth so he wouldn't get the smell of alcohol,stale cigarettes and morning breath in his face.Nodding,Liam moved to scratch his stubbled chin on Louis' jaw making his squeak and squeal and at they itchy feeling on his soft skin."Lili Stwop!"He begged,his hand no longer over Liams mouth but now holding onto either side of His face in an attempt for him to stop.

After 5 minutes of tickling,kisses and giggles,Liam finally got up from Louis and headed into the bathroom to shave,shower and look presentable enough.He made sure to brush his teeth,twice and to rinse his mouth out with mouthwash so that his breath was minty fresh and he was able to kiss Louis without him complaining.Shaving off his stubble,He also took out his eyebrow and nose piecing,leaving him with a black lip ring and his black plugs.He was debating on whether or not to keep his plugs in,mainly because what he had heard about Louis' mother was that she disliked earplugs and nose piercings,actually just piercings in general.He was also told that she disliked tattoos which sucked if you were Liam because let's be honest,he was covered in tattoos.

Once dressed a pair of jeans,a white tank top,black and red flannel and a pair of Timberland boots,He packed up the last of his belongings he would need for the two day away trip which was,His phone charger and soap bag,he stuffed them all into his suitcase.Locking his bedroom door,Liam dragged his suitcase along the hardboard flooding and left it at the door of apartment where he noticed Louis' small baby blue clouded one sat.Harry had already left for his morning classes at the university,apparently Zayn was taking him which confused Liam because the two hated eachothers guts.

After being tackled (because he took the last coco pops cereal bar) by a small pixie like human,packing some snacks for the 3 hour and 45 minute journey and making sure that they had everything,the two were ready for the long journey that Liam had the unfortunate of driving.It wasn't that Liam was a bad driver,the opposite at that.Liam was an amazing driver,passing his drivers test on the first try unlike Harry.It took Harry 4 times to pass his drivers exam,crashing the car twice and nearly hitting an elderly woman on his 3rd try.By the forth,everyone was pretty sure he just got his drivers licence because the drivers ed company couldn't afford anymore cars to be destroyed or to see the curly haired lad again.

One third of the journey through,Louis was starting to get fidgety in his place in the passenger seat to Liams Left and Liam knew what was wrong but he didn't let himself on.Louis needed to wee and Liam knew that he had a small bladder."Leeyum!"He started to complain,looking out the side view window at the passing cars they were over taking on the highway.

"Yes?"Liam hummed,keeping a firm look into the road in front of him as he continued to drive.He wanted to get to Bradford as soon as possible,but at the same time he didn't as he wasn't all up for meeting Louis' mother for the first time.Zayns Dad,well he was a different story,he knew of Liam,very fond of him and his hobbies,he was just hoping that he didn't tell Louis' mum about him being a boxer.

"I need a wee!"He whined,doing a sort of jumping dance on his seat,crossing and uncrossing his legs,anything to stop the urge to pee,but none of it was helping.

"Lou,we're on the Middle of the highway.There's no where to stop and pee,"Liam sighed,earning a whine from the younger whose flower crown was starting to falling with his fringe over his eye due to the movement.

"A bush!I wee there!"And he really shouldn't have drunk that extra bottle of water when they stopped for Diesel a couple of miles back."Louis,you aren't going to pee in a bush,in the middle of the motorway.You're just going to have to hold it until we reach a motel or garage."Liam grumbled,running a hand down his smoothed cheek,already feeling new stubble to form.He finally gave in after ten minutes of listening to Louis whine and whimper,pulling to the side of the road to let his boyfriend jump out and pee earning honks from other cars.


"She looks so perfect standing there,in my American-"Liam was close to banging his head off of the steering wheel,he was even debating driving the car off a cliff it made the music that was blaring through the car STOP.It was like the only CD that Louis owned was to do with either 5 seconds of summer or Ed Sheeran,and unfortunately for Liam,the Ed Sheeran CDs were trapped in the bottom of Louis' suitcase.

He had all the albums,Louis even had the cover and Old songs burned onto a CD by Zayn which reminded Liam to punch home next time.He actually thought they were a pretty good group,their songs were very well thought up and he admired their musical inspirations it was just that after listening to the CDs over and over and over again,it got annoying.He was sure that 'Amnesia' was going to be stuck in his head for atleast a week after both trips.

"Okay!That's enough Australians for the day!"Liam Interrupted half way through 'Just saying',pressing the button that turned off the CD player on the radio.Ans by the look on Louis' face,it looked like Liam shouldn't have done that.

"Hey!Why you do 'at?!"Louis shouted,taking Liam back at the loudness of the usual quite boy that never shouted unless he was being tickled."Liam can not do that at Ashton Irwins Solo!"to say Louis was mad was an understatement,he was furious.It was only on rare occasions that Ashton got a solo in the band,mainly beaches he was just 'The drummer' to most People,but not to Louis.He was his idol,he adored Ashton and how easily he could go around life without a care,even with his bad past with his father.

"You're lucky I didn't throw the disc out the window,"He muttered under his breathe,finally pulling into the street that belonged to the Malik-Tomlinson household.Liam was just lucky that Louis didn't hold a grudge and as soon as the car was parked in the driveway he was already pulling the older lad to the front door.

And Liam really wanted to go home


So what'd yous think?

I promise Niall will be in the next chapter guys

I feel terrible at the moment

OH YEAH,HAPPY 2015!!!🎉🎉🎉



[QOTC:Favourite song?Mine would be Little Bird by Ed Sheeran at the moment]

[sn:If you like LASHTON Fanfics,I'd advice you to check out Theo_Hemwin and NowKissLarry Fanfics.These two mean a lot to me and their stories are amazing ☺️]

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