
I do not own any of the boys *sighs* and none of this is based on true life advents.Most facts are not true and are just there for the moral of the story


Triggers;Strong Language,mentions of rape,mentions of abuse and Alcohol.

Enjoy :)

<~Monday Morning~>

"Lee get up!"Liam groaned removing his head from the Pilliow his face was stuffed in to squint at the alarm clock on his bedside table.His neck cracked as he strained it so that his body didn't leave the bedsheets and that he was safe under his blankets.Looking at the clock for a brief minute he let his head fall back onto the pillow to try and get more sleep.

"It's only 6,go away,"He mumbled Turing his body so that his back was facing away from the boy who he called his bestfriend,Harry.Harry smirked to himself before ripping the blankets off of Liams body giving Harry the view of the young adults boxer covered butt and toned back muscles.Harry moved his cold hands so that they were placed on Liams warm back and he shot up in an incident,his brown orbs glaring at Harry in pure annoyance.

"What the fuck dude,you're freezing!"Liam swore before rubbing his face with the palm of his hands.

"Well I did tell you to get up,"Harry shrugged moving away from the bed and towards the chest of drawers in the bedroom,pulling out a white top,a pair of jeans and a clean pair of Calvin Kline Boxers that Harry admired.All the while Harry was choosing what Liam was going to wear-even if 80 percent of the time he didn't wear it-Liam had dragged his body out of bed and stumbled his way into the conjoint bathroom,running a hand through his messy bed hair he tensed his tattooed lined arms in an attempt to stretch.As he ran a hand down his chest and smirked at the love bites left by random strangers around his nipples and collar bone.

Zayn will be totally jealous,Liam thought to himself as he started to brush his teeth with the minty toothpaste and his electric blue toothbrush.Zayn was his to go friend,in which when Liam was incredibly horny and drunk,He'd fuck Zayn,whether I'd be a bathroom stall or a bed.But that was on rare occasions as Zayn was either busy with family or he was studying.Once satisfied with his pearly white teeth,Liam spat out the foamy substance and ran a cold face clothe over his face in an attempt to wake him up,which it did.

Walking back into the bedroom area he mentally thanked Harry for picking out a decent outfit for him to wear unlike everything he Normally ends up with.At 23 years of age Harry treats him like a toddler even if the two boys are the same age.In progress of getting Changed the door opened making Liam jump out of his skin as he covered his non clothed crouch with his hand looking at Harry with anger.

"Dude!"He shouted as replaced his hands with the White t-shirt lying on his bed.

"What?It's not like i haven't seen your dick before,it's on the college website,remember?"Harry reminded him,leaning his lean body in the doorframe of the young adults bedroom.

"That's not the point,"Liam seethed the blood rushing to the tips of his ears,"I deserve privatise so get the fuck out!"Liam shouted pointing to the door with his free hand as Harry stuck his hands up in defeat as he left the room,slamming the door shut making Liam breathe out the breath he was holding.Quickly changing into his casual clothing he walked back into his bathroom,changing the neon green plugs in his ears to Normal black ones,along with changing his other piercings with matching black studs in his snake bites and eyebrow.

Grabbing his checkered shirt and shoving it over his shoulders he grabbed his phone from his dresser and excited his bedroom,locking the door.As soon as he entered the kitchen he was greeted with the incredibly mouthwatering scent of bacon,scrambled eggs and pancakes,along with the view of watching Harry dance around the kitchen to 'Dancing with myself' as he flipped a pancake.Harry stumbled over his feet each time he tried to dance to the music beat which made Liam chuckle at the clumsiness of his bestfriend.

"We need to get you a boyfriend Harold,"Liam chuckled hopping on top of the marble counter,a smirk on his face as he watched Harry slip the food on to separate plates.

"I don't need one,I've got you silly,"Harry muttered under his breath as he put the pans into the sink and got two glasses out of the cupboard.

"No but seriously,I'm not gonna be around forever y'know,"Liam shrugged as Harry gave him a look,"Verbally speaking,"He nodded his head as he pored orange juice into the two glasses and put the carton back into the fridge.

"I'll think about it,"Harry muttered handing Liam a glass which he took,downing it down as he ate on the counter top as Harry sat across from him.It was silent as the two boys ate,other than the sounds of their lips smacking together as they chewed their food.

"So,"Harry started clearing his throat,"Zayns lil' brother is starting Uni today,"Harry said out of the blue, making Liam choke on his final piece of pancake.He coughed for a few seconds, pounding his chest until the discarded food was coughed into the trash can by his side.He glared Harry in some sort of way of saying 'Thanks for helping me' before speaking.

"Zayn has a brother?"Liam asked confused taking the discarded plate off of Harry lap and putting it in the sink along with his own.

"Step-Brother but very close.He's younger than us and Zayn is unnecessarily protective of him,"Harry rolled his eyes, hopping off the counter and toeing on his boots that were stranded in the shared hallway of their apartment.Liam paused as he ran some water into the sink just to wince off the plates as he looked up at the clock,he could do the dishes when he got home.

"Like are we talking 20?21?"Liam asked unsure at how Harry meant by that he was younger than him because hey,he was only 23 how much younger could he be.

"Well that's the thing Y'see,"Harry trailed off,fixing his trench coat so that it was smartly hanging off his shoulders,his curls hid by a simple black head scarf."He's,well,18..."

"Well I'm out,"Liam muttered,toeing on his light boots and lifting his keys from the key bowl on the table beside the front door.Harry gave him a look as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"C'mon,he's Zayns brother and I hear he's actually adorably cute,"Harry winked,his dimples poking out of his cheeks as he smiled,Liam didn't bother looking up from his text message to see the expression on the younger boys face.

"I am not,and I repeat not,babysitting a baby face,"Liam seethed through a clenched jaw as Harry continued to push further and further.The two boys made their way to Liams SUV,buckling themselves in.Liam was still far more interested on the guy he was texting on his phone to what Harry was saying.And why would he not be interested on the guy he was texting?He was smoking hot to what Liam remembered,he remembered the kisses,the fuck and waking up in a bed he was unknown to.No one was in the house he ended up with,just a note with the guys number on it and some cash for a taxi fare.But what he could remember was that he was loaded.

As Harry started the engine,it occurred to him that he never had a comeback to what Liam said about the boy who they had yet to know his name,he smirked to himself."Yeah,well we'll see what you say when you see him,"It took a minute for Liam to understand what He meant,but when he did,he just rolled his eyes.

By the time the two boys had parked the car at the University carpark,they had argued over the fact that Liam was being incredibly anti-social,they had argued that Liam hasn't seen the guy since Friday and that the pair probably didn't know what each boy looked like,Harry had taken Liams phone off of him and that seemed to cause another argument,and that was in the space of 15 minutes.Oh,and can't forget that Liam was scolded for changing the radio station.

"You're gonna be nice,and you're gonna act like a decent gentleman,got it?"Harry commanded,slamming the drivers side door shut before locking the door,his backpack hanging off one shoulder,"and so help me god if you're a rude fuck to the boy,Zayns hands won't be the only hands around your neck,"He added as Liam mocked his tone,moving his hand as if it was Harry talking.Harry caught him in action,slapping his hand as the two boys glared at eachother.

The two boys walked to their separate classes,Harry on his way to Mathematics while Liam made his way to English Lit which was on the otherside of the building.Liam hated English Lit,he didn't understand why he let his parents pressurise him into picking a higher English Class when in reality,he's shit at English.He thought back to his senior year at high school,how he got Zayn-and his majestic hotness-to seduce the schools receptionist so Him and Harry could change their End of year grade to Bs and Not Cs and Ds.

It wasn't until Liam got his end of Grade form that he noticed that Harry had changed his English to an A,and that was probably why his parents made him pick English Lit.They thought he was a genius at English,how wrong were they?He got a C in English,and that was scrapping the Barrel.

Liam was rudely knocked out of his thoughts by a slight squeak and a thud.He looked down at where the squeak came from and his eyes went wide when he noticed he bumped into a boy,leaving the boys bookbag fly open,his books all over the hall and the small lad sitting on the floor in shock.

"Shit,I'm so sorry Mate,"Liam cursed,bending down to help the boy pick up his discarded books in a hurry."let me help you,"Liam offered,picking up a couple of the books as the small boy sat on his knees as I he picked up the rest of the books and scattered pieces of paper,shuffling them neatly before handing them out to the boy.The boy looked up for the first time,his Smile spreading to his cheeks making the edges of his unusual coloured eyes crinkle from the stretch.Liam couldn't put his finger on it but he was sure that those eyes belonged to someone who covered up his fear with Happiness,and that might have been the reason why he felt it was his duty to help him.

It was then that Liam noticed the Blue and Purple Flower crown,prompt perfectly on his feathery brown hair.That was made Liam smile,at how perfect it looked on a human as tiny as the boy in front of him.How he wasn't scared to wear it and be,Different.

The boy quickly took the books and pages off of Liam before putting them into his bag,closing it up followed by a small and nearly inaudible 'Thanks' that sounded more like a squeak to the older boys ears.Liam Got up,his hand out stretched to help the smaller boy up,which he gladly took which sent a shock up the older boys arm that traveled through out his body.

"Sorry,"The smaller boy said,brushing himself down from hallway dust and dirt from the fall,"I got lost,can't find my Brother,"He squeaked,looking at his shoes for a second,scared to make eye contact with the older and bigger boy with the tattooed sleeves.

"It's fine,"Liam reassured,patting the small boys shoulder,"What class is it that you're suppose to be in and I'll help you get there,"The boy took his time,getting the folded up timetable out of his sweater pocket and fumbling to get it open.

"English Lit?"The smaller boy looked at the paper confused,his lips parted as he cocked his head to the side,"That's not Right,Louis is suppose to be in English,just English,"Louis said,referring himself as another person which made Liam confused,yet he shook it off.

"Well I'm on my way there now,I'll escort you there and you can talk to the professor about it,"Liam smiled as Louis nodded his head,neatly folding the timetable up and placing it where it belonged,"I'm Liam by the way,"Liam introduced himself as the two lads began walking to their assigned class.Louis took a while to reply due to the fact he still didn't know where his brother had gone off too,leaving him to venture for himself.He did reply eventually,with a small smile on his face,and Liam was Happy of that.


I'm backkkkkkk with a Lilo Fic!!!!

This idea has been stuck in my head for a long time so I decided to just get on with it and out it out there,because why not?

There isn't alot of Lilo out there,nor is there a lot of Flower Child!Louis and Punk!Liam

Remember I'm always here if you ever feel low or alone

Wuv yas


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