Photo/GIF-Cuties ☺️
<~~~ Wednesday Afternoon~~~>
Wednesday.Liam dreaded the word and the day itself.Most people dreaded the day Monday,but no,Wednesday was Liams most hated day of the week,because what W word meant studying,and Liam hated studying.He had made a deal with Harry when they first started University that there would be one day during the week that they would drop all their plans to study,and Liam thought Wednesday was the perfect day to study as it was the middle of the week,he had no training to go to and also one of his off days(which was Wednesday,Saturday and the occasional Tuesday if nothing was planned),and looking back now he found that incredibly stupid.
He hated University,stately because it was no use to his dream career in no shape or form,a professional Boxer.He had started his boxing Journey when he was in his early teens when one of his older sisters Boyfriend was a Boxing Trainer,and the idea intrigued Liam.His first week was nothing but the casual rules and weight groups which Liam was sure he'd die of boredom from.He had thought about quitting just after the first month,but had quickly scraped the idea once his trainer had told him he was a natural boxer as he had the strength,build and mental capability to understand the delicacy for Boxing and to understand that it wasn't just an opportunity to punch or injure someone,but a sport that took a lot of effort and hardwork to master.
By the time Liam had became 17,he was a Junior Holder of a ME3 and had won his fair share of boxing tournaments with his signature Red and white gloves and matching shorts that hung low on his waist.It was when he became a Senior-the same year he finished High School-that things between his education and his hobby became a challenge to him and his family.His parents disapproved of the idea of their son being a boxer,a professional one if he continued,and wanted the best out their only son,which was the main reason why Liam was placed in a University in the middle of London studying Business Studies for no reason whatsoever.He told himself when he started university that he'd study for the 3 year course for his parents,he'd pass it for his parents but in the end,he'd do as he pleases and will continue his boxing journey.
"This is complete bullsh*t!"Liam cursed at the top of his lungs as he threw his uper body limp against the desk of coursework and binders.He didn't understand half the stuff he was assigned,which normally consisted of maths,he didn't want to know how to find the area of a circle,and truthfully,it was no use to his common day life in anyway.Harry was always good with Maths,has been since he was in Primary school,and Liam had considered asking Harry how to do his current equation but he knew Harry was in the opposing bedroom doing his own coursework,and by the sounds that were emerging from his bedroom door was a sign that him too was having some struggle.
Without warning, Liams phone had started to buzz from the top of the wooden desk his head had been lying on, making the young adult jump from the sudden vibration and noise of the annoying 'Mexican hat' playing as his ringtone.It wasn't him that had placed it as his ringtone, it was Zayn, and Liam wasn't at all good with technology other than texting, ringing and photography which didn't count as photography as it was mostly selfies he could post on his instagram page.
Searching through his pile of Papers and binders, Liam was starting to get frustrated as he found it somewhat like a game everytime his phone went off and it wasn't in eye view.When found, Liam pressed the right button, not bothering to see who the caller ID is, or who the person wants, he just wants to escape the rathe of studying.
"'Ello?"Liam spoke down the phone, his iphone pressed up to his face.
"Hey, Liam!"Zayn.Brillaint, it's Zayn.Liam thought, smiling to himself at the thought of getting the raven Haired boy over for a quicky or something of the such.Maybe even just a chat and a cuppa, something that wasn't shared alot between the two.
"Oh hi Zayn,"Liam let out a breath he didn't know he was holding as he shifted some papers to make them neater, not bothering to sort them into their correct groups as he knew already they were jumbled up."What's up Mate?"
"Nothing really, Just was wondering if you and Haz are free at the moment?"It was a question, and Liam was still racking his brain around why Zayn was asking if Harry was in.The two had this hate love friendship going on which leaned more towards the hate than the love.
"Nothing we can't scrap,"Liam mumbled, holding the phone between his cheek/ear and his shoulder as he placed some papers into folders, somewhere in the back of Liams mind told him that Zayn was paying a visit, the other just telling him that he had done enough studying for one day."Why?Looking to go out somewhere? Strip club?"
"Um-No,not a strip club,no,"Zayn awkwardly coughed down the phone,and Liam could imagine the redness creeping up onto his tan skin,and one hand scratching the back of his neck as he tries to explain.
"Oh sh*t,are you on speaker?Is your family there?Sorry Mr Malik!"Liam apologised down the phone,although he knew Zayns Father didn't mind Liam,and fully supported the idea of his son going to an all males strip club at the fact he was gay.It was Zayns mother who despised the idea of her son being gay and was the reason she left Zayns father,taking Zayns sisters with her.Zayns father quickly remarried when Zayn was 15,being 14 when he officially came out,and Zayn was no longer an only child,having a younger step-brother in the household who belonged to his new step-mum,Jay.
"No,it isn't my dad,I'm at my apartment,with my brother,and I thought I'd be nice if he meet you two,as he's talked nonstop about meeting yous,"Zayn let out a breathy chuckle down the phone.Liam paused in his pencil shift tracks to retract the phone back into his hand.
"Like your little brother?"Stupid,stupid,stupid,Liam thought.
"Duh,got no other brother you dip!"
"Stupid Liam, right?"Liam fake laughed, he honestly didn't want to meet the lad, him being nearly 5 years Liams Junior and related to Zayn, it wasn't the top of Liams list, but he knew he would have to meet him one time or another."B-but yeah, you two can come over for a while or so, watch a movie or Something,"Liam mumbled scratching the side of his stubbled covered jaw.'Reminds me, I need to shave'Liam thought randomly.
"Great, Me and Louis will be round in 10,"And with that, Zayn hung up, without a goodbye.
Louis.Where had Liam heard that name before? He was sure he had heard the name sometime last week in University but then again, he could have been in a club, drunk out of his mind, and it just so happened to be the name of the guy he f*cked.It wouldn't have been the first time, let's just leave it at that.
Pushing his swivel desk chair back, Liam grumbled under his breath at how he needed to clean his room from discarded protian bar wrappers that he forced himself to eat, even if they did taste like foot.He flicked off his desk lamp as he left his bedroom, not bothering to lock the door this time as he was going to return to it in a matter of minutes.He remembered this one time that he forgot to lock his bedroom door and all hell broke loose when Harry and Zayn had gotten in and was snooping around Liams memory box of childhood photos of the chubby child Liam was, up until his teen years where he lost his puppy fat and became a close to average god-not as godlike as Zayn but close enough.
"Harry, Get dressed, Zayn and his Lil Bro is coming over!"Liam shouted through the bedroom door of Harrys, banging the door with the palm of his hand.Liam knew Harry was naked, it wouldn't have been a surprise if he was, nor would it have been a surprise that Harry sat in the livingroom naked while Zayn and his brother appeared, again, it had happened before.
"Hmm?Oh yeah,'Kay!Tidy up a little,eh?"Harry replied as Liam grunted,going back into his room to change from his University Jumper and sweats into a white beater and a pair of jeans,nothing fancy.To top off his outfit was a Yankees SnapBack.Liam knew he had to do some sort of tiding up before Zayn and his brother payed a visit to the shared Apartment of His and Harrys.Their apartment was a decent size,2 large bedrooms,2 bathrooms,a kitchen and a livingroom big enough for the two young adults.
But tiding up was something Liam hated.It was the effort,y'know?The apartment was fairly clean with having Harry the human Vacuum around,he was literally like a vacuum to Liam.So that only left the dishes for Liam to tidy up,and with that,he only did clean around 3 dishes before he gave up and the front door was knocked in the rhythm of Shave and a haircut,two bits which brought a smile to Liams face as he noticed it was Zayns knock.Liam was quick to drying his hands onto his Jean covered thighs,shouting a quick 'They're here' to Harry before making his way to the door to unlock it.
Liam is met with the stunning golden brown eyes of Zayn Maliks,with the luscious tan skin and Raven hair to complete.His facial details so chiseled and fine,a think layer of stubble running across his jaw line.Liam remembered back to when they were all in high school,Zayn and Liam never really getting along with eachother for no apparent reason whatsoever,but Liam always admired Zayn from afar,with his shy attitude and baby face,Liam knew there was something strong behind the face,mentally.
"Y'Gonna let us in you dozy beggar?"Zayn chuckled,slapping Liam slightly on the jaw which sent Liam out of his Day dream as he blinked his eyes a couple of time as if that was going to redo his staring.
"Um?Yeah!Sorry,was lost for a second."Liam covered up with a laugh as he looked behind Zayn with a questioning gaze,in search for the younger lad he was suppose to be introduced to."So where's your brother?"He didn't want to sound impatient,but he did.
"Behind me,"Zayn motioned his head backwards,holding up the hand that was not holding a plastic bag full of popcorn,to show Liam it was holding another hand,a lot smaller and more feminine like than his.He gave it a small squeeze which triggered a Jump and squeak from behind Zayn,just enough for Liam to spot a white and red flower crown perched onto of some feathery head of Hazel hair."C'mon,he won't bite Lou,"
"Promise?"The smaller boy asked,peeking his head shyly around Zayns shoulder so he could look at who had opened the door.
"Promise,"Zayn smiled as he looked at the cowering boy behind him and then to Liam who was standing in the doorway in awe at how gentle Zayn was towards the boy.He had never seen Zayn so-Gentle and kind.He honestly didn't think that side of Zayn existed until now.Zayn moves forward a step,followed by a side step to the side which reveals a lot smaller and younger boy with his head hung low.
"Hey,"Liam smiled warmly with a wave of his hand,although he was aware that the younger boy couldn't see him.The smaller boys head perked up at this with a small smile at the corner of his thin pink lips.
He knew that voice
And Liam knew that face.
How was it?The last part was kind of rushed.
I seem like I'm apologising a lot
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