Okay,wow,that was a hell of a lot of different girls (and Harry) that were suggested.My chosen girl will be featured later on in the story when Niall becomes part of it a little more (during the pregnancy stage) And I'd like to say THANK YOU AND SORRY OF YOUR GIRL WASN'T PICKED.(And sorry for the Narry shippers...*spoilers*)
THAT WAS ALOT OF COMMENTS FOR MY STORY CHOICES,so far it's going to be Side Effect (Lilo MPREG) with a second with Cigarette Smoke (Zouis),Thanks for the votes ☺️
Okay enough of me....
I wrote this in one day,be proud 🎨
Photo-Punk Liam 😍💦
Video-Air Guitar~McBusted🎸🎸
Surprisingly,Liam was able to survive the two day trip away to visit Louis' mother,it was hard but he accomplished it with the urge of throwing a punch.He had to admit,if it wasn't for Niall keeping his distracted Liam probably would've died.He fond the fake blonde amusing but also annoying because something's he didn't know when to shut up as the stuff he was saying was becoming more and more inappropriate with each word,not that Louis minded,he was use to Niall ranting but it annoyed Liam the slightest.
Liam use to be the type of guy that didn't care if someone was saying things in an inappropriate manner,actually,he use to be the guy that use to talk inappropriately.It all seemed to change after Liam and Louis got together,and now every person that said something inappropriate around Louis or to Louis was a threat to the older boy.Every person that looked at Louis in a strange way were Liams new found enemies,and every person that Looked at Louis' bum was on Liams kill list in his mind.He just sort of changed when the two started going out,he didn't know if it was because he knew how innocent Louis was or because of what he had went through in his younger years,either way,he was a changed man.
It was obvious that Louis missed his mum while staying in London,but It was noticeable that he wasn't incredibly close to her as he was to Zayn.When leaving the house his mum was clinging onto his for dear life,as if her actions would prevent him from leaving.Liam was able to hear her onesided Conversation with her only son while walking out the door which had something to do with Liam,and insult and the mention of 'Louis you have to break up with him' which made Louis furious and leave without saying goodbye.
It was now the end of June and Liam was on his way home from his night classes at the university,he kept the CD in the CD player to an average volume and the air conditioning to a maximin because it felt like the whole of England was going through a heat wave.Even with just dressed in a pair of quarter lengths and a black tank top(which shoved off his muscles and tattoos very well)and it being 9 at night,it was still enough to make Liam feel like a snowman.He wasn't one to feel the cold so his dress attire was the same throughout the seasons unless it was snowing of course.
He use to love his night classes because it meant he was able to sleep until late and do whatever his heart desired during the day up until 6,then he had the pull himself through 3 hours of listening to a professor tell him the radius of a circle or the atomic number of sliver.Now he disliked it,he now preferred his morning and afternoon classes (and training sessions) over his Night ones as that was Louis and Liam time.Zayn had been a lot more open than he was previously,letting Louis stay most nights and coming back to Zayns for two days then back to Liams.The more he was trying the more of his own clothes and books were making a joke in Liam and Harrys apartment,not that any of the boys minded.Evening and night time was Louis and Liam time were they normally watched a couple of Disney movies while cuddling and with Liam on night classes he wasn't able to do that,or if he was it was for a short period of time.
Getting out of SUV,Liam closed and locked the door of the car all while swinging his backpack over his shoulder as he made his journey up to the floor his apartment was located on.He said hi to Pete the security guard and made his way up the stairs be use to Liams unfortunate,the elevator was broken,yet again.Whistling the tune of 'Air Guitar' by McBusted,Liam turned his key in the lock and opened the door,the sounds of shouting being the first thing that came to his ears.
Shutting the door,he dumped his backpack at the door and slipped off his shoes,Liam walked deeper into the apartment,spotting Louis covering his ears on the sofa staring blankly at the TV with a frown on his lips.Liam walked over and crouched down in front of the boy,Louis' face lighting up at the sight of his boyfriend."Leeyum!"He squealed quietly,throwing his arms around Liam and hurrying his face into his shoulder.
"Hi Lou,miss me?"Liam chuckled,pressing a kiss to his temple as Louis' nodded into his shoulder.He jumped as another swear was shouted across the house,making his whimper,trying the block out the foul word that his brother just had the pleasure of using."What's Harry and Zayn fighting about,and how long for?"Liam asked,a sigh escaping his lips as he pushed Louis back onto the sofa a little so he could make sure he wasn't crying.
"Do not know,been cussing for long time,"The Hazel headed boy murmured,tugging at his panda onesie sleeves.He had his hood pulled up and by the looks of it he just previous had a shower as his fringe was still damp and a little messy.Nodding slowly,Liam got up,pressing a kiss to his boyfriends foreheads before heading down the hall to where the swears were getting louder and more aggressive towards the other.He didn't hesitate to open the door without knocking before he roared;
"What the f*ck is you guys problem?!"One hand firmly on the door knob and the other pressed against the door frame as he stared at the two boys stand facing eachother.fury in both their eyes and sweat dripping down their foreheads and noses.In shock,the two of them turned their heads to see Liams Angry expression and they immediately calmed down a little,Harry moving back a little.
"It was Zayns fault,"Harry started,giving Zayn a pointed look,"It was actually Harrys Fault,"Zayn snapped making Liam growl.
"Look I don't care whose fault it is,just stop acting like bloody toddlers!Incase you haven't noticed,Zayn,your little brother is close to tears because of both of yous,and I'm pretty sure whatever you two are arguing about is pretty idiotic,"Liam rolled his eyes,looking between Zayn and Harry who had there heads hung low in shame."Say goodbye to Lou and go home,"Liam sighed angrily,pointing at Zayn.
The two had been so edgy towards eachother,the simplest of things would set the other off.It was becoming a challenge for Zayn to hang out with Liam without an argument accruing.The Wolverhampton lad was fed up with it,he wanted to know what was up with them and get to the bottom of it,he just wanted the two to hurry up and kiss already.
Liam didn't like to be woken up,it was just something that he disliked because he liked his sleep,sleep was good.So Liam waking up at 3 in the morning to whimpering and shuffling in the space behind him wasn't his ideal wake up call.He knew something was wrong when he heard the whimpers from beside him and it of course it was Louis.
Liam fluttered his eyes open,his eyes only seeing the pitch darkness of the room and his nose being tickled by Louis' feathery hair as he squirmed in his arms making him frown because Louis never moved in his sleep.If Louis fell asleep on Liams chest,he slept there,if he fell asleep on the toilet,he spelt there,the advantages of being a heavy sleeper Liam guessed.Another whimper escaped Louis' lips and that's when he noticed he was having a nightmare.Keeping one harm still around Louis' waist,Liam used his other hand to turn Louis so he was facing Liam and no longer with his back against his chest.
This was the moment he saw the tears tracks down his cheeks and his reddened nose,meaning he had been crying for a long time and The older lad was angry at himself for not waking up sooner."Lou,baby..."Liam whispered,pushing back Louis' fringe earning another whine from the younger and for him to scrunch up his face.
"I will not tell..."Louis seemed to cry out in his sleep and Liam knew he was having a nightmare of his rape.He was worried that the dream was vivid and maybe a Louis had Post-Traumatic stress disorder because of the rape and bullying that apparently went on his old school.Before a Liam could say anything more he froze when he felt that the mattress he lay on was becoming damp from Louis' side and the smell of urine came to Liams nose.
Louis just peed himself
"Oh-God-Lou..."Liam sighed with sympathy at the thought of Louis peeing his elf in his sleep.The dream must have been really frightening for the boy and Liam just wanted to cuddle him close,but he couldn't,not at the moment anyway.He was able to turn on the bedside lamp and pull the covers off of the two to examine the mess.He needed to wake Him up,strip the bed and get a new pair of Pyjamas onto Louis.Nudging his shoulder,Liam cooed,"Louis,love you have to wake up,you've had an accident..."Louis' tears had now dried up and his squirming was to a minimum,although Liam was sure he'd start crying once he knows that I he just peed himself.The Doncaster boy let his eyes flutter open,and once they did,the realisation of a mixture of his nightmare and wetting himself kicked in.
"L-LouLou sowy!"He started to sob,fresh tears running down his cheeks and Liam was sure his heart cracked a little more at the sight.He shushed him rather quickly by hugging him close and whispering soothing things in his hair.
"It's okay,you need to calm down or you'll wake up Haz,"Liam soothed,pulling away form the hug and getting out of the bed to walk over to his crying mess of a boyfriend.He lifted him up bridal style,kissing up and down his face as he tried to calm him down before setting him down onto the previous covers beside the bed."Let me get rid of the mattress cover and get a couple of towels, then we'll get you changed,alright babe?"Louis nodded his head,more tears leaking down his cheeks as he sniffled.
Liam was able to do all three of the things he said in a matter of ten minutes,picking out a new pair of undies for Louis and one of his (Liams) sweaters for him to wear to bed,throwing the panda onesie into the washing basket (along with the mattress cover and the old duvet even if it wasn't involved).He had moved Louis so he was lying ontop of the towels (that Liam was using as an alternate for the mattress cover) and by this time,Louis was half asleep,his tears stopping long ago but the odd hiccup was heard.Liam was able to strip Louis from his previous solid undies (without looking) and slipped on the new pair,lifting up his hips when needed and then slipping on the over sized sweater,it swallowing up his petite figure.
With the lights off,Liam lying on his back with Louis on his chest and the new duvet dripped over the pair,Liam continued to run his fingers through his boyfriends feathery head of Hazel hair and was just thinking;How did I get this lucky?
Um...Hi...don't hurt me,'Kay?
So what's yous think?I actually really liked this chapter...
[QOTC:Okay,so there is a possibility that there'll be smut later on in the story (Duh the creation of baby Lilo) but I need to know if you all are okay with it and if you'd like me to write it.So smut,yay or nay?]
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