I really don't want this book to end,but I had to or this would've dragged on and on and on without an end and I know how much y'all are getting bored with how the story is dragging on
I want to thank everyone for reading,voting,commenting and suggesting this book,without any of the 4 I wouldn't have updated after the prologue
Please read the massive A/N at the end of this chapter :)
Enjoy :)
*Four years later*
"Dominic stop teasing your sister!"Liam shouted coming into the bedroom holding a crying Eliza in his arms,her brown eyes full of tears as she rested her head on her Daddies shoulder.From where he was sitting on the floor with his matted tiger in his arms,the fiver year old looked up at his Daddy's shouting with big blue eyes.Dominic had taken all of the looks from Louis,with the ocean beautiful blue eyes and the feathery Hazel hair that Liam always styled into a small quiff or a side fringe.On the other hand,Eliza had taken after Liam in the looks department with the Big chocolate brown eyes and the chocolate Brown silky hair that Louis would put into pig tails with bows and butterfly clips.When it came to their personalities it was a mixture of the both parents,Eliza was a massive softy just like Liam but she also had his stubborn streak,and Dominic was quiet and barely spoke sometimes but he was moody just like Louis.And it was the same backwards,it all depended really.
"I didn't do nothing Daddy!"Dominic protest holding tigger that bit closer as he stared up at Liam,Eliza in his arms who was now glaring at her twin brother.Eliza had came in crying into her parents bedroom saying that 'Nic pulled my hair and pushed me over!' When really the boy had been sitting in the same spot playing with is tigger toy and chatting away with him.While Louis was busy in the bathroom,she ran to her Daddy and cried in his trouser leg telling him what had apparently happened,so he picked her up and walked across the hall to where their shared room was to sort it out."I swear!"He was pleading as Eliza started to fake cry again and frantic blue eyes started to dart around the room as he hugged Tigger to his chest.Liam frowned as he placed Eliza to the ground who whined in protest.
"Did you lie about your brother pulling your hair and pushing you over?Eliza,look at me,"Liams voice was stern as he crouched down and held one of her hands.Hesitantly,She looked into her Daddy's brown eyes that she had herself,her tears wiped away as she pouted and shrugged her shoulders."Eliza,"He warned just as Louis walked into the room,a small smile on his face as he looked around the shared bedroom.It was the twins first day of nursery,and really Louis wanted to cry a river and hide them in a cupboard so that his two babies didn't leave the penthouse,but he couldn't and he knew that he needed to let them go and be social with others their age.It wasn't as if they were anti-social,they had their uncle Zayn and Uncle Harrys little Girl Wendy to interact with (she was 3) and also Uncle Niall and Uncle Chases baby boy Jason (but he was a baby and he couldn't play dinosaur with Nic or tea party with Eli).
"What is wrong?Why Eliza crying and Dominic close to?"Louis frowned as Dominic shot up from where he was sitting and ran towards His Papa,Louis Immediately gathering him in his arms and hoisting him on his hip,Nic snuggling into the warmth and affection that his papa was giving him.Dominic was a Paps boy and Eliza was a Daddy's girl,it was very obvious especially when it came them going out and about and who wanted to sit on whose lap."What happened Cub?"Louis shushed as he kissed the side of Dominic's head and then looked to Liam who was still trying to get an answer out of Eliza.
"Eliza lied about Dominic pushing her and tugging at her hair,didn't you?"Liam urged in which Eliza nodded her head and looked down tears forming in her brown eyes.Louis frowned and sighed as Liam went on,"Okay,time out-"
"Leeyum,leave it.She is probably nervous about starting nursery,right Baby girl?"Liam hummed in which Eliza nodded her head and made a reach for her papa which Louis obliged to and hoisted her up onto his other hip,Liam watching disapprovingly.Louis pressed a kiss to her forehead and she giggled."Now,say yourself sorry to Nic and then we have to get you both to nursery,it's going to be a very big adventure."Louis smiled warmly as his youngest pressed a kiss to her twin brothers cheek.
"Sowwy Nic,"She apologised in which Louis smiled as he placed both toddlers onto the ground again with a Kiss to each forehead."Okay,go fetch your shoes from Daddy and Papas room and wait at the top stair.Do not move,"the 24 year old told them bith,eager nods as they ran out of the room.Louis sighed as he bent down to pick up the two toys that would be needed for their first day of nursery,Dominic's Tigger toy and Eliza's Winnie the Pooh plush toy.Neither of them could go anywhere without their toys without a hissy fit forming or a lot of tears shed.It was hard to believe that 4 years had passed by so quickly,with all of the nappy changes and midnight feedings,the tears and the sickness,it just felt so weird to be standing at age 24 with 2 toddlers running circles around the place.At the age of 30,Liam still had his muscular body frame and his handsome face,although if you looked close enough you could spot some of those grey hairs inbetween his chocolate brown hair.He still used the home gym everyday and still had his job as a personal trainer which was paying better than ever since he was the top one to hire.
"Stop being a Mister Grumpy pants Leeyum,"Louis giggled as he held the two toys inbetween one elbow as he smiled up at his husband of 4 years,"You'll get stress lines,"Louis poked at the corner of Liams mouth with his index finger,Liam growling playfully and pretending to snap at his finger making the 24 year old giggle.He trailed his finger up the side of the older mans face until it reached his forehead where his stress lines had already formed,although they only appeared when Liam had his eyebrows threaded together or if he was angry."Oops,you got 'em already!"The smaller boy laughed in which Liam rolled his brown eyes fondly and ducked his head,pressing a soft kiss to Louis' awaiting lips.Louis hummed and let his arms wrap around his husbands neck to deepen the kiss,letting the two toys drop to the floor.
Unfortunate for both of them,they had to break their kiss when the sound of two voices let out disgusted 'ew's making both parents pull away and blush madly,Louis' blush going all of the way to the tips of his ears and making his flustered in his red sweater and light dark jeans.While one parent did last minute potty checks and clean ups,the other gathered selected plush toy and placed them in a school bag each along with things that they would need for nursery (Which was mostly cookies on Louis' half).It wasn't long before both parents and set of twins was in the family car,Eliza and Dominic strapped into their car seats,Liam driving and Louis in the passenger seat sending the photo of the twins in their navy and white nursery uniform to everyone (Which included Zarry,Ciall,grandparents and aunties).It was a cute picture,both were standing side by side,Eliza's hands clasped behind her back and Dominic doing the plenty pose,huge smiles on their faces.
"Now,it's okay to cry,"Liam told Dominic and Eliza who weren't even paying attention to what their daddy was saying but around their surroundings.It was all new to them,the nursery playground was so large and colourful with the AstroTurf flooring and the playground equipment that children were already playing on.Children their age or older were playing with each other,joking about and talking and it was all so scary to see so many different children in the same clothing but different faces and body frames.Eliza walked closer to her Papa as they walked,grabbing onto his hand tighter as Louis gave her hand a reassuring squeeze now and again.Dominic on the other hand was all in for socialising and playing on the slides with other boy and different toys,sure they went to the park all of the time but this was different.He kept tugging at his Daddy's hand to hurry him up but failed,his daddy was heavy and strong.
"I am no baby,Daddy."Dominic huffed as they walked in through the front doors and followed the instructions to the nursery classrooms where located.He rolled his baby blue eyes as they walked,giving his little sister by 5 minutes a side glance as they walked,seeing that she was admiring the photographs and drawings on the walls just like the ones that she and her twin made and were placed on the fridge or in the master bedroom."I am a big boy,"He added after a while once all four of them where standing outside of the classroom door,hands being dropped and both parents kneeling in front of the two.
"Well,if you're a big,and brave boy you'll need to look after Eli for me and Daddy.Make sure she is okay,yeah?Has her juice and cookie,and Winnie when she's sad or missing us."Louis smiled as he poked both of their noses,Eliza's chocolate brown puppy dog eyes staring at him and Dominic's baby blue eyes sparkling.
"And the same applies for you Baby girl,you gotta look out for one another,be kind and do not argue.Got it?"Both of their heads nodded quickly as they lunged forward and hugged both Louis and Liam tightly,the fathers hugging them back just as tightly as they breathed in their sents.Both of them wanted to cry,especially Louis who was on the brink of crying.
"Love Daddy and Papa,"Eliza smiled as she played sloppy kisses on both of their mouths,before pulling at the straps of her Hello Kitty backpack.Dominic repeated the same works,also pulling at the straps of his dinosaur backpack (he was a massive dinosaur fan and could name all of them off the top of his head).With a kick fix of Eliza's pig tails and a wipe of Dominic's nose,both toddlers were off through the doors of the classroom,Turing around and giving their Daddy and Papa a grin and a wave before they were out of sight and Liam and Louis were standing alone in the hallway,Louis wrapped up in Liams arms as he sniffled.
From the moment Liam knocked Louis down in the hallway
To their first date and cheesy movie kiss
Surviving Meeting the Parents and over protective siblings
Finding our deepest,and darkest secrets
A cliché proposal in Paris
Losing his virginity (in the right form) in Italy
Being blessed with two amazing and beautiful Babies
And beating up bad guys
This was the crazy story of Louis Tomlinson and Liam Payne
The flower child and the punk boxer
This was the story of Boy Meets Boy
I am actually in tears and it's half one in the morning and I kinda just added the ending to this because I thought it would be sweet and cute and give y'all feels like it gave me
This story has been Close to my heart since the moment I started writing if back in December or before,and I honestly have my readers to thank because I never thought that people would read this and here I am with 4K votes
I started writing for a hobby and a thing to get me away from reality,it had became a great part of me and sometimes I get really Into my fanfictions that I write and think 'I bet Louis would like this' but then of course my writing in fictional and it gets me down
Thank you all for reading,and for those that have stuck by me through my rants and terrible author notes at the end of every chapter,from start to finish you deserve an award.
And since I have finished a Lilo Fanfiction,I have replaced it with a new idea to right which is a Lilo BDSM Fanfiction cal,ed 'Gentleman' if you'd like to check it out.It's on my profile right now
So,since this is the last thing,I want everyone to give me a small review of his book in the comments please
And I'd also like to know if this was a nice ending to the fanfic?
And who knows,maybe Dominic and Eliza will make an appearance in my other fanfictions
~Marie :))
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