Sorry it's late,but I hope this makes up for it
Photo-A little bit of Nouis because it's an epic bromance in his story
*non edited
2 Hours, that's all it took for Liam to crack under the questions thrown by Jay towards him and the death glares as if he just ran over a puppy and then peed on the corpse.Maybe it was his appearance that made Jay uneasy about the boy,or how he sometimes butted into conversations when no one was talking to him,or maybe it was just because he forgot to bring a bunch of flowers to his boyfriends mother.Either way,he didn't deserve what Jay was giving him,absolute f*ck all.
He had to admit,she was protective of Louis,he couldn't deny that,any parent would after their child went through what Louis did.Louis wasn't fazed by what happened to him,or well he never showed it around Liam that is,it was as if it didn't happen but Liam knew it did as Jay glared at Liam everytime he went to touch his arm or kiss his cheek,not that Louis noticed.
She was a lot like Louis in Liams opinion,having a darker shade of brown than Louis but the same eye colour.She looked well for her age and was only a little smaller than Louis was,he thought louis was small compared to himself but Jay made Liam even taller than he actually was.She welcomed her only son with a hug and lathered him in kisses over his face as if Liam wasn't there,actually if it wasn't for Louis introducing Liam to his mum he was pretty sure Jay would have dragged Louis into the house and left Liam outside on the doorstep.She did eventually out on a noticeable fake smile and shook Liams hand as he looked him up and down,a hint of disapprove in her eyes.
Liam had to sit at the dinning table listening to Jay ramble on and on about what was happening at her job while Louis just noded,to polite to inturpt her.It seemed as if she was Able to talk about the same thing for ever which Louis didn't inherit from her because Louis would always switch subjects halfway inbetween talking about something else then he'd get confused and start all over again.Half way through the subject of Louis starting university Liam was able to escape Jays glare and go fetch the suitcases and bags from the car so that him and Louis would get their stuff settled for the two day stay.
"Leeyum!Come see my bedroom!"Louis shouted from the top of the stairs of Jay and Yasers two story home that they now live in alone.It was a nice home in the suburbs of Bradford that was well decorated with a red and white theme down the halls and livingroom,only changing the colours when it came to the separate bedrooms.Liam wanted a house like this,it wants too small nor too big just how Liam liked it,he wanted to live in a house like this,with Louis.
"I'm going as fast as I can while carrying two suitcases and a satchel,baby,"Liam mumbled,finally reaching the top of the stairs where he was free to drop the suitcases onto the cream carpet of the upstairs hallway."What did you pack in there?An elephant?"he huffed,glaring at the light blue clouded suitcase and then back to the giggling mess of a boyfriend.
"Silly Lili,an elephant can not fit in that!"The Doncaster lad giggled,taking his satchel off of Liam and placing the strap over his chest,his purple Superdry backpack on his back.All three of his belongings was mostly just filled with books and clothes,maybe a pair of shoes aswell,not that Liam needed to know.It wasn't his fault that he had an obsession with books,he found them interesting and just so damn creative.Book characters use to be his only friends growing up (Other than Niall who was his best friend),Harry Potter,Katniss Everdeen,Hazel Grace,Will Grayson(both of them)they all related to Louis in some way or form.They never judged him because they couldn't and they were his inspiration to become a writer (even if he knew he was bad at it).
"Louis,Dear,show Liam the guest bedroom?"Jay called up from the bottom of the stairs,one hand on the railing as he looked up them seeing nothing but the back of Liam.Rolling his eyes,Liam looked at Louis who pulled a face the suggestion of him staying in a different room.
"Liam staying in my room mummy,"Louis said calming,moving his hands to beacon Liam towards the first door that came into view.He wasn't going to let his boyfriend sleep in a different room than him,he would've missed him too much.From the disapproving noises that Jay made it was obvious that she went off into the kitchen in a huff."Now that door is Mummy and Yasers bedroom,"Louis pointed to the door bedroom furthest away that was slightly ajar,"That room is Zaynies and across from him is the bathroom,and beside the bathroom is the g-g-"
"Guest?"Liam helped out the struggling boy earning a nod and a quiet 'thank you' from Louis who was blushing."This my bedroom!"He cheered,bouncing on the balls of his feet as he opened his bedroom and waited for Liam to follow inside.The only two words that Liam could use where Teenager and adorable because that was basically the theme of the room,with its poster covered walls and lilac bedsheets with massive amounts of pillows and cuddly toys.There were bookshelves pressed up against the walls filled with books,DVDs photo frames and a wooden drawer with a tv and DVD player.
"This is June,Quentin,Flur and my favourite Blaine!"The younger giggled,his satchel and back pack thrown onto the bed and now holding a medium sized teddy bear in his hands.It was light brown with pair of black beady eyes and a grey checkered bow tied around its neck and by the way Louis was holding him,it was clear that he loved the bear very much."I have 'im since I was five,"He smiled giddily,skipping over to Liam who was just smiling in amusement at him.
"Well he is a delight Lou,"He cooed,stoking its fur and feeling it's softness before leaning down and giving Louis a small peck on the lips,"But I prefer you,no offence Blaine,"He joked,patting the bear on its head as he fixed the flower crown on Louis' head."So are you going to show me the guest room?"Liam questioned,already pickingup his own suitcase as he watched Louis flop onto up the soft mattress of his bed.
"Nope,"He says while popping the P,"Liam say with Louis,"He simply shrugs,looking up at the ceiling while patting the space on the mattress beside him,wanting Liam to join him and cuddle him close.With caution,He set the suitcase down and lay beside the boy,wrapping his arms around his torso and pulling him into his side,Liam now the one looking up at the ceiling while Louis drew circles on his chest.
"Won't your mum be mad?I mean she already dislikes me without knowing any facts,but now I'm staying in the same room,same bed as you?She'll be incredibly pissed off,"Liam grumbled,running a hand through his hair before dropping his arm over his eyes.He wanted to make a good impression to Louis' mother and so far that wasn't going so well as she was so judgemental,judging Liam on his appearance with his tattoos and per icings over personality.He had a heart of gold but she didn't see that,he loved Louis with all his heart but she didn't see that either.
Jay was so different compared to Liams mother,Karen (appearance included) Jay was worked up over the simplest of things while Karen was so laid back.That was the next step,bringing Louis home to his parents and sisters.He was pretty sure that Louis would be smothered to death by his sisters for one his appearance and two for his personality not to mention he'd probably lose his boyfriend to his sisters.He had talked to Nicola and Ruth about Louis a lot,sometimes sending them photos of him which normally ended with them awing and cooing over text,it was down right annoying.
"She don't dislike you-"He was cut off by the calls of his mother saying something about Niall being here and at that moment Liams mood plummeted.Making no move to unwrap his arms around Louis,he kissed the crown of his head,"Send 'im up!"And by the sounds of the footsteps,loud footsteps,it was sign that Niall was walking up the stairs.
"Anything you'd like to tell me about Niall before I meet him?Age?Sexuality?Medical records?Blood type?"Liam asked against Louis' hair,earning a poke in the chest by Louis as he giggled.
"Twenty,Bi-"Louis started but being cut off once more by Liam."Twenty?!I thought he was your age,why are you hanging out with a twenty year old?"Liam fumed,Narrowing his eyebrows,but before he could get an answer the door was already being opened and In came a guy (who Liam new must have been Niall).He was an average height,around the same height that Zayn would be with a pale complexion that made his crystal blue eyes really stand out.It was clear that his blond hair had been dyed as his roots were brown.
"Louis!"He cheered as Louis quickly untangled himself from Liams grasp and got up,embracing his bestfriend into a huge hug.Liam was able to catch the thick Irish accent in that simple word and was it was off putting
"Hi Ni!"Louis giggled into the hug,hugging the older boy right for a couple of my seconds as he thought back to the last time he'd seen his bestfriend.It was close to three months ago when it was his birthday and before that it was September as Niall went back to Ireland for a while to see distant family.By now,Liam was now sitting up,watching the two hug awkwardly until the two pulled away and Niall peeked round Louis' shoulder,catching a glimpse of Liam.
"And who's this lou?"Niall asked,although he knew who he was he just wanted him to be introduced.He was all Louis talked about when they were Facetiming or texting and it was obvious that Louis loved him even if he never said it exactly.Letting a slight gasp escape his lips,Louis turned sharply and tugged at Liams hand for him to stand,a smile broadened on his face.
"Niall,This Leeyum my Boyfriend!"he smiled proudly as Liam wrapped his arms around Louis protectively so that the you beds back was up against his chest."Leeyum,this is Niall my Bestest Friend!"and the two other boys had to chuckle at Louis' wording making the youngest blush and duck his head.
"It's Liam,Lou just likes to call me that.Nice to meet you,"He placed a fake smile on his face as he shook Nialls hand,making sure he was still touching Louis with his other.Shaking his hand,Niall smiled up at Liam.
"Right back at ya mate,"The Irish boy said cheerily.The rest of the day was spent with Niall and Louis catching up about Daily life and how the two met (Louis and Liam) in a little more detail than texts well as their first date and kiss which Liam groaned lowly at.Questions were asked and answers were given and Liam learned that Niall had been in a relationship with the same person for three years.He was still jealous that Niall was so close to Louis but it was no longer at the point where he hated his guts,because Louis was his,and his only.
I'm Happy Niall is in this chapter because it felt empty without him
I'm gonna need a character to be Nialls partner so;
Job/Studying at Uni:
How they met:
[QOTC:Okay,if you had the chance to have a threesome with two members of One direction,you would they be?Mine would be Lilo 😏😳]
[SN:I'm gonna need you guys help on picking a story for me to work on since I've lost two stories now,It'll be posted later no Likely]
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