
Haaaaa, Liam voted sexiest man alive.... cool

i don't see why everyone is freaking out about him having a partying/drinking stage. we obviously didn't notice at the time, or at least i didn't, and honestly who fucking cares. he's not an alcoholic now so what the hell does it matter?

but i am a bit upset on what he had to say about larry :( but even if it isn't real, we can still have fun with it and have our stories. they can't get mad at us for being angry as long as we're not bothering them.

hmmmmm, other than that heres a new chapter, hope you like it cuz i honestly have been feeling like this book has been getting shittier and shittier as chapters go on....



p.s. no they didn't ask me to shout it out, and no please do not ask me to shout things out, i'm sorry but this wont be happening often

but yeah, please if you haven't already go an check out my other stories. my first book, my baby, is almost to 100k :D 

HAH shameless self promotion :}



harry p.o.v.

'you'll be here right?' i questioned louis over the phone.

'yes, love, i'll be there don't worry. your match starts an hour after i get off work so i'll be there fifteen minutes later.' he replied.

i let out a breath. 'okay, okay good.'

louis chuckles, 'stop worrying and go get ready. i'll see you in a couple hours yeah?'

'okay, yeah. bye, i love you.' i quietly agreed. 

i am internally freaking out because today is the final match of the tournament and it starts in four hours.

'i love you too.' louis says, i can hear the small smile in his voice. 

we both hang up.

I have one hour of training right now then a shower and small rest, then warm up and fight.

i'm freaking out.

but louis will be here after he finishes work, and hopefully him being here will calm me down.

'harry! lets go!' liam yells, walking into the locker room and clapping his hands loudly. 'mate, you okay?' he asks.

i nod and let out a long sigh. 'just really nervous, and it doesn't help that louis isn't here.'

we are currently at the gym where the tournament is being held. it's a fifteen minute drive from my gym, and that means a fifteen minute drive distance from louis as opposed to a three minute walk across the street.

'you'll be fine, no need to be nervous, trust me i got a look at the other guy and he stands no chance against you. plus louis will be here for the match.' he reassures me.

'yeah, okay, let's go then.' i let out another sigh and pick up my gloves then follow liam out of the locker room.


it's five minutes before the match starts and louis is still not here! he texted me earlier saying he'd be fifteen minutes late because someone didn't arrive for there shift, but now its half an hour after that and i'm flipping out.

what if he got into an accident?

what if he was mugged?

what if...

what if he really didn't want to come after all?

before i know it i'm being announced on the loud speaker along with my opponent. i look over to the other corner and my eyes almost pop out of my head.

'liam! i thought you said the guy had no chance against me! look at him!' i whisper shout at liam over the ring ropes.

the guy is huge! as tall as me, wide and broad shouldered, lots of muscle, and he looks angry...

jesus christ i'm going to die.

'liam!' i whisper shout again. he gives my an apologetic look, and then the bell to start the match is ringing. 

no! it can't start yet! louis isn't here!


louis p.o.v.

'bye el!' i yell as i rush out of work and to my car. i'm already running late because of some stupid new kid who didn't show up on time.

throwing my stuff in the back seat i jump into the front seat and start my car almost peeling out of the parking lot. 

okay fifteen minutes and i'll be there. stopping at a light i subconsciously reach for my phone in the passengers seat only to grab nothing. i glance over and then remember my phone is still in my bag. ugh.

i drive for another ten minutes before reaching traffic. 

'you have got to be fucking kidding me.' i mutter to myself.

i sit there for another five minutes before getting antsy. no, no, no, no, no! come on this can't be happening! i'm so close.

i lean up in my seat to try and get a better look at what's up ahead. it seems so far it's only traffic trying to get the same place i'm trying to go, but another ten minutes and so much inching forward my toes hurt, i see theres an accident as well.

'just fucking fantastic.' i groan.

at this point i'm half an hour late and the match is close to starting. another ten minutes of traffic and i'm finally passed the accident. 


smooth sailing now. i practically speed to the venue thats two minutes away and go around the back where harry said i could park so it would be easier. i flash a pass to the security guard at the gate and go right in, parking, and launching myself out and into the venue once my purse is in my hand.

i make my way through the crowd of people cheering and shouting. ugh it's ten minutes into the match already. 

my life is a function of tens, honestly.

i finally break through the crowd to the outside of the ring and quickly adjust my skirt, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to wear it. 

i look up and spot liam and zayn, then dart my eyes to the ring only to see harry get a powerful right hook to the jaw. he goes straight down like a rag doll and my heart is caught in my throat.

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