you know, cuz i get so many comments from y'all about the smut and stuff i've decided to write some.
in a separate little story book thinga majig. if you wanna help me with it or would even like to write some yourself then by all means message me and we can make it happen.
and don't be all offended if i edit it a little, ya know spell check, grammer, better suited words the usual.
but chya so y'all better be happy! and i hope you enjoy the chapter.
i think you're gonna like this one the most....
ok bye ~aj
louis p.o.v
three days since the semi-final match and here i am.
frankly, i should've done this weeks ago, but i am an utterly selfish twat.
i heave out a sigh and knock three times on the door in front of me.
i'm crazy, but i have to do this.
'one second!' a muffled voice sounds from behind the door.
i stand patiently taking a couple deep breaths to try to slow my speeding heart.
the door swings open, revealing a very shirtless harry wearing only grey sweatpants that ride low on his hips.
jesus fucking christ.
he's holing a tub of ice cream and a spoon, his eyes are red rimmed, tear tracks clear on his face and he sniffles.
'lou?' his voice is nasally and laced with confusion.
'hi,' he just stands there. 'um, could i come in?'
he wipes his face, sniffles, and nods quickly, opening the door wider and stepping a side.
with a muffled thanks i step inside.
'are you okay?' i ask when he sniffles again.
he whips his head back to me after closing the door.
'what?' he asks dumbly, his spoon hanging from his mouth.
i whip my finger around my face in circular motions.
i can see when it clicks in his head, 'oh! yeah. just watching 'love actually'. gets me every time.' he chuckles.
thats when i hear the telly from the living room. that is so harry. i laugh internally at the sight in my mind of the big bad boxer harry curled up on the couch, eating ice cream, and crying because of a chick flick. i nod. he gestures to the couch, and we both sit. he shuts of the telly and puts his ice cream and spoon on the coffee table then faces me.
'so, whats up?' he asks quietly.
i take a couple seconds to gather my thoughts before blurting, 'i'm sorry.'
he opens his mouth, and his eyebrows raise in confusion, but i cut him off.
'i've been so selfish and such a dick for ignoring you after that night. it wasn't all your fault and i'm sorry for not letting you explain anything, and jumping to conclusions, and making you angry, but those weren't mine and they were used and tucked under your bed and i flipped! and i know i shouldn't have. i should've let you explain instead of being a selfish prick and making everything about me!' everything poured out of me quickly and my voice cracked, but i couldn't stop and by the end i had a couple tears making their way down by face, but i felt so much better saying it.
harry stared at me wide eyed in shock. it was quiet for a couple minutes before harry looked down to his lap and fiddled with his fingers.
'they were my sisters.' he mumbles.
wait what? 'what?'
'the panties, they were gemma's, my sister. she came over the night before, crying because her and her boyfriend had a fight. we fell asleep on my bed after i comforted her a little. i didn't know they were there.' he insisted, lifting his head. 'she must have dropped them while she was changing or something.' he explains.
'oh my god.' i say quietly in disbelief. flipped out for nothing! 'now i feel like an even bigger twat!' i wail.
harry startles at my outburst, but rushes to my side.
'hey! no, lou. i'm the 'big twat' here. i had the audacity to lay a hand on you! i don't know what was going through my head, but i was just so angry you were saying those things about yourself like that. i honestly feel so ashamed of myself.' his face falls, and he looks at me with so much emotion i can't explain.
i can tell he wants to touch me, by the look on his face and the way his hands twitch. and i pout for a second before launching myself into his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck and burying my face there. he's still not holding me though, he's tense and his arms are still at his sides.
'hold me you idiot, i missed you so much.' i mumble into his neck.
thats all it takes before his arms are wrapping around my middle in a vice grip, his face is buried in my neck and takes a deep breath.
'jesus i've missed you so much, please let's not do this ever again. i have never and will never cheat on you so please never think like that.' he says breathily.
we hold each other for what feels like an eternity, but still not long enough before i pull away from him and rest my forehead on his.
'yeah, and you, please no ending up in the hospital anytime soon, that scared me to death.' i pause, should probably tell the truth about that too. 'please don't be upset with anne, i told her to keep quiet.' i say quietly.
'what? you met my mum? keep quiet? about what?' he questions pulling back to look at me.
i squeeze my eyes shut. 'i went to visit you, when you were in a coma. everyday at lunch time, and i told your mum to not say anything to anyone.' i mumble.
i peak one eye open and harry has a look of shock on his face, his eyes widen just a little and he looks straight at me. 'so that wasn't a dream?' he says breathlessly.
i shake my head slowly. 'no you woke up that day, and then i knew you were gonna wake up soon after so i left. i'm sorry. i wasn't ready to face you when you were fully awake.'
'did you mean it?' is all he asks.
i raise an eye brow in confusion, then realize. oh! oh. i blush profusely and nod shyly.
he lets out a breath of relief and rests his forehead back to mine.
'i love you so much louis, you have no idea.' he murmurs quietly. his eyes close and he visibly relaxes like a thousand pound weight has been taken off his shoulders.
i gasp and my eyes tear up.
'i love you too, you have no idea.' i steal his words and giggle. it feels like fireworks are exploding in my heart, the good kind.
his eyes snap open and his grin is so wide it looks painful, his eyes flit to my lips and i can't help but smile.
'just kiss me you fool!' i chuckle.
he dives for my lips.
god i've missed kissing him.
i feel like this was really badly paced.
like everything moves a bit too quickly.
i don't know how to fix it though, TT^TT someone gimme pointers
i have this problem with all of my stories.
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