Dashing Into a Challenge Part 1

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Cody: *Walks down the hall towards Class 010* Alright Cody, don't panic. Today is just gym class. It won't be anything too complicated. *Enters the class room and sits next to ???*

Junior: *Turns to Cody* Hey Cody.

Cody: What's up Junebug?

Junior: What do you think we will be doing for gym today?

Cody: Not sure, *Nervously chuckles* not exactly something I want to think about.

Junior: Gym isn't something your mom likes to think about.

Cody: *Rolls his eyes* Ha. Ha.

Mrs. Sparkle: *Enters the classroom* Looks like everyone is here today! We have a bright day and quite the learning experience ahead of us!

Cody and Lisa: *Cheers loudly*

Mrs. Sparkle: Math is quite the crucial subject to keep drilled in your heads and due to that the staff including me wants to make sure that you all have the knowledge to its greatest potential. First block is always pretty likely to get cancelled due to early morning assemblies, so to stop that we are now switching the block placement of English and math around.

Toad: Fine by me, the later the better.

Alice: *Sighs in relief* It's very confusing to do those math equations that early in the morning anyway.

Cody: *Raises his hand*

Mrs. Sparkle: Yes Cody?

Cody: We are not all here, where is Joseph?

Mrs. Sparkle: Joseph?

Cody: Yeah, Joseph Seymour Hisfriendfromschool. He was here yesterday and on the tour.

Mrs. Sparkle: *Pulls out a clipboard* I don't see a Joseph on my attendance sheet unless there is a new 21st student I am unaware of.

Cody: *Groans* We all introduced ourselves on the first day.

Junior: Cody, why are you talking about Joseph right now to the teacher?

Cody: *Raises one eyebrow* He isn't here and she's saying it's perfect attendance.

Toad: I wish you were right, but it's perfect attendance.

Cody: Wish? I am right, Joseph sits right next to me.

Jeffy: *Chortles* You're really funny Cody, Feebee sits next to you.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Cody: *Eyes widen and he turns to see Feebee, feeling a sudden pain in his chest* Feebee?

Feebee: My name is Feebee! Buzz, buzz! Don't wear it out, do you want to see my crayon?

Cody: *Jumps up from his chair and starts to breathe heavily* Something isn't right here...how do you two know Joseph exists when Mrs. Sparkle doesn't?

Toad: We were there dude.

Junior: It happened awhile ago, most of the people here have never met him...did you block it out again? Cody, it wasn't your fault.

Cody; Joseph isn't dead, Feebee is! She got hit by a truck while on a bike!

Jeffy: It's not very nice of you to say my sister is dead, you're the bad boy!

Cody: *Covers his face his his hands* He wouldn't, if anything happened to him I could've fixed it. I can make anything!

Junior: *Pulls away Cody's hands* Well if that is the case, where is he? Not even just him where is my mom?

Cody: *Looks up to see Junior's face covered in static*

Penelope: *Comes up next to Junior* Where is my older brother?

Alice: Where is my mom?

Jeffy: Where is my dad?

Class 010 except Mrs. Sparkle: *All talk at once to Cody with similar staticky faces*

Cody: *Starts to breathe more rapidly and heavily, tears streaming down his face* Please stop!

Junior: You have the power to help us all and you didn't use it! What are you doing sitting around all day? Making out with your Ken doll? Wake up!

Nutkiss Household

Cody: *Springs up in bed, breathing as heavily as he did in the nightmare* What...the hell was that? *Turns to see a figure sitting from across the room* Mom! Dad!

???: *Walks towards Cody and turns on the light*

Cody: *Hides under the covers*

???: Codykins, are you okay?

Cody: *Slowly uncovers himself* *Pushes away the hair stuck over his eyes due to sweat* Mom?

Judy: Of course it's me, what's wrong? You seem to have been having a bad dream.

Cody: I have no idea, it was such a disorienting experience...

Judy: When I was little I used to have bad dreams about school. I had a dreams about falling and breaking all of my bones. I had been practicing for cheerleading tryouts for weeks and my stomach was tied into knots. Eventually tryouts came and almost immediately I was let onto the squad.

Cody: Really?

Judy: Yeah, part of success is worry. Worrying can sometimes be a good thing, it makes you more careful. It keeps you from making mistakes that you don't want to make. I know that I didn't break any bones in that tryout...except for that one blonde broad constantly eyeing ya father.

Cody: I'm not sure if that can entirely be compared to my situation...it still helps anyway. Thank you mom. *Hugs Judy*

Judy: No problem baby, make sure to be ready for school soon. I'm sure you want time to take a shower and to get there in time for breakfast.

Cody: Wait a minute, why were you sitting in my room this early in the morning?

Judy: Tyrone wanted me to come in your room to make sure that you were not fiddling around with your inventions this early in the morning.

Cody: *Chuckles* Trust me mom, I don't have much time this week for that.

Judy: Good sweetheart, when you're ready I'll be in the kitchen doing my crossword puzzles. *Walks out of the room and closes the door*

Cody: *Heavily sighs* This has got to be the first time I am happy to be up this early. *Pulls out his phone and calls Joseph*

Hisfriendfromschool Household

Joseph: *Ironing his clothes* Its Ray Cheesy, ice cream is creamy
Catch me in my sleep still fighting off my demons
Chain on my neck gone look at the rocks
I'm with your girlfriend 'cause she say she like my socks

*A phone suddenly starts ringing loudly across the room*

Joseph: *Pauses the music on his phone and turns off his iron* I wonder who that could be? *Picks up the phone* What's up?

Cody: Hey Joseph.

Joseph: Oh hey Cody, why're you calling me this early?

Cody: I just wanted to talk to you, make sure you were okay.

Joseph: I appreciate, but you don't have to worry dude. Things are way better now than they were before.

Cody: That's good...I have to go now.

Joseph: Okay, see you at school man. *Hangs up* I wonder what that was about...

Nutkiss Household

Cody: *Pulls out notes and blueprints* What am I supposed to do with you?

Random School: Why U Dumb Elementary

Cody: *Walks up to the class door* Everything is okay, it was just...a nightmare. *Enters the classroom and sits next to Joseph*

Junior: Hey Cody.

Cody: Hey Junebug.

Junior: What do you we will be doing for gym today?

Cody: Not sure, *Nervously chuckles* not exactly something I want to think about.

Junior: Gym isn't something your mom likes to think about.

Cody: *Gasps quietly and feels that feeling in his chest from before*

Toad, Joseph, and Jeffy: Ohhhhh!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Cody: *Snaps out of it and lightly smiles* Ha. Ha.

Joseph: You just got burned!

Jeffy: You should change your name to toast!

Toad: Spell it with me kids: B U R N D! BURND!

Cody: That's not how you spell burned Toad, it's B U R N E D. Burned.

Junior: Well that's a dumb way of spelling it.

Jeffy: Then it would be pronounced bur-ned.

Toad: Exactly! I wouldn't say "My house bur-ned to the ground!"

Joseph: "Oh no Toad, your house bur-ned to the ground!"

Junior: "It bur-ned to the ground!"

Cody: We're not doing this crap again! I can cuss again and you know I like doing it!

Angelina: You shouldn't cuss Cody, it's not very proper.

Toad: Come on Angelina, don't be such a Boy Scout.

Angelina: I am not!

Alice: Is #%#% a cuss word?

Junior, Cody, Joseph, Toad, and Angelina: WOAH!

Alice: Is that the correct category for the type of word it is?

Cody: *Says through gritted teeth* Yup!

Joseph: That's the word. The big word, the queen-mother of dirty words.

Jeffy: Why are you guys acting like it's such a big deal that she said that word? We say it all the time. In fact, here's an example of it: HEY BULLY BILL!

Bully Bill: What do you want No Nipple Nimrod?

Jeffy: *Flips him off* This, #%#% you!

Bully Bill: *Growls* You are SO lucky that you're over there right now...

Jeffy: Oh I can come back over there!

Bully Bill: Oh yeah?

Jeffy: Yeah! *Rushes towards Bully Bill and drop kicks him* Five Knuckle Shuffle! *Body slams Bully Bill*

Joseph: Oh!

Toad: This time it was real!

Jeffy: *Comes back to the group* So as I was saying, it's not that big of a deal if she says it.

Junior: Um, Jeffy?

Jeffy: Yes Junior?

Junior: *Points at Jeffy's arm* What's that in your arm?

Jeffy: *Pulls at the thing in his arm and gets it out* A tooth?

Diddy Kong: I didn't know bullets had teeth...

Angelina: Alice is different Jeffy, she doesn't want to do things that are considered bad.

Junior: I've got to agree with Angelina here Jeffy. Alice acts like, y'know, an actual eight year old for the most part.

Cody: She seems to have that childlike innocence we simply lost due to all of the things that happened to us over the years.

Diddy Kong: Could you name some examples?

Junior: Well, I can tell you that half the class has died at least once. We always come back though.

Alice: *Gasps* Really?

Cody: Yeah, remember that time that you flew a spaceship into the sun?

Junior: *Chuckles* Oh yeah, that definitely made me stop thinking that the sun was a planet.

Cody: Hey Felipe?

Felipe: *Turns around* ¿Sí?

Cody: Didn't you get accidentally shot and killed by a hitman?

Felipe: Oh I remember that, I don't think I ever found out who hired him or who he was trying to kill.

Mario/Bowser Household

Rosalina: Okay honey, are you ready to make that pie?

Mario: Baby, do we really have to make an apple pie for your parents? I don't even think they like apples. Your mom seems more concerned with eating her feet.

Rosalina: Don't worry Mario, they have never tried it and you can't knock until you try it.

Mario: Okay... *Pulls out a bag of flour from the cabinet* You got the Sara Lee from the store while you were out right?

Rosalina: *Smiles* Yup!

Mario: Oh al-al-hCHOOOOOO! *Falls on the floor*

Rosalina: Mario! *Runs over to him and picks him up by his arms* Are you okay?

Mario: *Sniffs and lifts his head to reveal his face to be covered in flour* Yeah, I think someone was talking about me.

Back at Random School

Dixie Kong: Did anyone ever permanently die?

Junior: Yeah actually, sometimes people don't always come back. I kind of wish we could bring those people back, *Shrugs* I guess it's for the best.

Toad: There are already so many things that are giving me a ticket to hell, I don't think I want playing God to be on that list.

Mrs. Sparkle: *Enters the classroom* Good morning students, it looks like everyone is here today! We have a bright day and quite the learning experience ahead of us! We will actually get to do some math today!

Cody and Lisa: *Cheers*

Mrs. Sparkle: For our first lesson we are going to go back to basics, before we start teaching you division it is important to remember all the knowledge you gained from the previous year.

Cody: *Raises his hand*

Mrs. Sparkle: I know what you're about to ask Cody and yes, this typically would've been done through summer work. However, we did not have the time to worry about summer work due to what happened the previous year. We will work on addition for a day or two and then we will work from there until we get to the good stuff.

Penelope: Please don't say anything outrageously stupid Jeffy, I don't have the willpower to recover from it today.

Jeffy: Okay, I promise.

Mrs. Sparkle: First we will start with a classic: what is 1 + 1?

Class 010: 2/Baby 1

Mrs. Sparkle: Wonderfu-wait a minute...who said Baby 1?

Class 010: *Turns to Jeffy and points at him*

Jeffy: Oh! Now you are just going to assume it's me! *Scoffs and starts patting* Now I know how you feel about me.

Cody: Nobody else but you uses Jeffy's Law.

Mrs. Sparkle: *Groans and drags her hands down her face* Jeffy's Law, I forgot that was a thing. Why did you have to remind me? *Crosses her arms and mutters* Even Muffins didn't like it...unfortunately Jeffy is also correct. This also reminded me that Jeffy's law is part of the curriculum now.

Jeffy: Yay!

Cody: Aha!

Mrs. Sparkle: So the next question is pretty simple: what is 2 + 2? I will be CALLING someone to do it...Alice?

Alice: 4

Mrs. Sparkle: *Smiles* Correct! Coming up from behind it is 3 + 3. What would that be Louise?

Louise: *Chuckles* This is easy, 6.

Mrs. Sparkle: Wonderful! I am going to give you another crack at this Jeffy, what is 0 + 0?

Cody: It should be pretty easy, it's impossible to get that wrong.

Bully Bill: He'll *Harshly coughs* make that possible.

Mrs. Sparkle: Bully Bill! *Rushes towards him and hands him a signed slip* Take this and go down to Nurse Karen.

Bully Bill: *Gets up and limps (?) out of the classroom*

Mrs. Sparkle: Anyways, what is the answer Jeffy?

Jeffy: Hear me out, 2.

Mrs. Sparkle: *Inhales deeply and snaps her chalk in half with one hand*

Cody: #%#%ing how?!

Mrs. Sparkle: *Exhales* Language. How Jeffy?

Jeffy: They don't love each other in that equation.

Diddy Kong: How do you know that?

Louise: *Says sarcastically* I think they'd make a cute couple.

Jeffy: They're just two strangers! They don't love each other, so no sex for them!

Mrs. Sparkle: What exactly is it that makes them not in love and strangers?

Cody: Jeffy, Jeffy.

Jeffy: Yes Cody?

Cody: *Walks up to the chalk board and points at 1 + 1* In this #%#%ing equation, 1 + 1 was baby one.

Jeffy: Yessir.

Cody: *Slaps 2 + 2* What would this one be?

Jeffy: Well that one's obvious, it's baby two.

Cody: *Growls and points and at the two equations* So on this equation it's baby one and on this one it's baby two?! Then why isn't it that on this #%#%ing equation that the answer is baby 0?! That would actually be correct!

Jeffy: You're just regurgitating what my daddy told me when I created Jeffy's Law of Mathematics.

Mrs. Sparkle: Cody Nutkiss, sit down right now.

Cody: Fine...

Mrs. Sparkle: That right there is a warm up, each morning we will be doing that to keep the concepts fresh in your minds. If you haven't noticed, you have math text books inside of your desks. I'd like for you to take them out.

Lisa: I could be doing quantum mechanics right now, instead I'm doing basic arithmetics...

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Class 010

Mrs. Sparkle: Alright class, it is time for lunch. Don't bring anything with you, let's hope Lori made something edible today.

Random School Cafeteria

Junior: What's for lunch today?

Cody: It says the menu for today on this sign. *Points at the sign*

Junior: Oh! *Leans towards the sign and reads it* *Gags*

Toad: Oh lord, what is it Junior?

Junior: It's a quesadilla.

Angelina: What's wrong with a quesadilla? I love cheese!

Junior: Of course you do...remember that this isn't just a quesadilla, it's a cafeteria quesadilla.

Angelina. *Taps her chin in thought and hums* *Eyes widen in realization* I need an adult.

Lori: Hey, I am an adult.

Lisa: Your birthday being a few weeks away does not count as being 18. You still can't legally smoke those cigarettes of yours.

Lori: *Scoffs* I could say the same for you. You may be as smart as an adult, but that doesn't mean they'll let you on all the rides.

Junior, Joseph, Cody, Toad, Jeffy, Issac, and Iris: Oooo....

Lisa: Do you not let guys on all the rides when you're too tired to have sex?

Toad: OH #%#%!

Lori: No, but when you are ready to be picked up from school your ride will already be on her way back home.

Joseph: Today is just full of clapbacks!

Lisa: *Stammers*

Lori: Exactly, now take the quesadilla and leave.

Lisa: *Snatches it and goes to sit down*

At the Lunch Table

Lisa: ...

Alice: Are you okay Lisa?

Lisa: Yes Alice, I just have no words left to say about that.

Samantha and Louise: *Sit down next to Lisa*

Louise: What happened?

Joseph: Roasting session, Lisa didn't win.

Louise: Yikes, I guess you are intelligent in all areas but the art of the roast.

Samantha: *Shrugs* I guess you win some and you lose some.

Isaac: I guess you could say she rode her wa-

Iris: *Says while not looking away from her phone* No!

Issac: *Turns to Iris* Huh?

Iris: I said what I said. I just KNOW you were about to say some CORNY BULLCRAP!

Issac: *Gulps*

Louise: Of course you'd be goofy enough to gulp when you're scared.

Junior: Not gonna lie guys, Iris when she's angry is kind ho-

Issac: Shutthe#%#%up, that's my cousin you're talking about.

Joseph: Cousin like actual cousin or cousin as in a friend?

Isaac: Obviously actual cousin shell for brains.

Cody: This lunch today is a lactose intolerant persons worst nightmare.

Junior: Are you lactose intolerant? *Opens his milk bottle and starts drinking from it*

Cody: Nope, but someone at this table is bound to be.

Joseph: Wow, I am surprised with all the crap you have that lactose intolerance isn't on that list.

Cody: Yeah, my biological dad and my mom didn't have any of that on their sides of the family.

Alice: Hey Angelina, aren't y-

Angelina: *Covers her mouth* Nope!

Alice: *Licks the palm of her hand*

Angelina: *Pulls her away quickly* Did you...lick my hand?

Alice: You have very soft hands.

Angelina: I moisturize, I am too embarrassed to tell them.

Alice: It's fine, I'm sure they won't judge you.

Angelina: *Sighs* I guess you're right. Guys...

Class 010: *Turns to Angelina*

Angelina: I am lactose intolerant...

Junior: *Spits milk onto tray* You're...#%#%ing what?

Angelina: I know, get all of your giggles out.

Class 010 except for Alice and Angelina: *Bursts out laughing*

Maria: *Wipes a tear away*

Toad: I guess the next time you get caught in a mouse trap it'll be almond milk cheese! *Cackles*

Joseph: *Pounds the table trying to catch his breath*

Angelina: *Blushes in embarrassment* I thought you said  it would fine ALICE?!

Alice: *Gasps and clears her throat* I-I don't remember saying that. *Rubs her temple* I sure would remember something like that.

Angelina: You don't rub your temple when you're confused!

Alice: *Chuckles and gives her a sheepish expression*

Junior: *Finally stops laughing* Woo! In all seriousness, why did you get the quesadilla then?

Angelina: I do what all people who are lactose intolerant do when it isn't fatal to consume lactose: We pretend that it doesn't exist and we eat and drink stuff with lactose anyways.

Toad: Even lactose intolerant people pretend that lactose intolerant people don't exist.

Random School: Why U Dumb Elementary Playground

Mrs. Sparkle: Alright class, enjoy your recess!

Class 010: *Cheers and rushes towards the playground*

Mrs. Sparkle: *Grabs Jeffy's shoulder*  Ah ah ah! You're not going anywhere mister. You said a horrible word yesterday and you beat up a student. You're going to The Wall.

Jeffy: *Shudders then comes to a realization* Wait a minute...THE WHAT?!

Mrs. Sparkle: You will be standing and sitting at the wall near the door we just exited out of.

Jeffy: So many others students said bad words!

Mrs. Sparkle: You're not wrong, but what you said cannot be compared.

Jeffy: *Stomps over to the wall, sits down, and pouts* *Mutters* I have to sit at the wall, maybe you should sit at the wall. Everything thought of that? Probably not since your brain is so clogged up with bullcrap.

With Junior & Co

Junior: Alright guys, time for a good ol' game of football. Joseph and I will be choosing the teams and I'll go first...*Hums and scans throughout the crowd* Toad.

Toad: *Pumps fist* Yes!

Joseph Dang it...Diddy, that tail could have its perks.

Diddy Kong: Wise man.

Junior: *Sees Alice in the crowd* Are you sure that you want to play Alice? It's a pretty tough.

Alice: I'm sure, don't let me being a ballerina fool you.

Junior: You could have a good amount of flexibility...*Shrugs* Why the hell not? Alice.

Alice: Hooray!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Junior: We've got two people left, Cody and whoever that is.

Lisa: My name is Lisa.

Junior: No, that's Lisa over there. *Points to Lisa reading a book on the swings*

Lisa S.: No, I am also named Lisa. My name is Lisa Simpson.

Junior: Oh, I guess I'll pick you.

Cody: *Groans* I know that I am not into sports, but if you were going to force me to be involved Junior you should've at least not shoved me over to Joseph's team.

Junior: Alright everyone, get in your positions.  The gate is the goal for Joseph's team and the goal for our team is the start of the main playground.

Patrick: HIKE!

Joseph: Patrick no!

Patrick: Patrick yes! *Kicks the ball hard enough for it to go over the gate and into the street*

Junior: Son of a #%#%#!

Junior; Get it Patrick!

Patrick: Sorry, I just wanted to be crazy.

Cody: Every moment you're still breathing is crazy enough Patrick.

Junior: *Puts his hand in Penelope's shoulder* Penelope.

Penelope: *Slaps Junior's hand away and scoffs* What Junior?

Junior: Follow Patrick, we both know something will go wrong.

Penelope: *Rolls eyes* I hate to admit it, but you're right.... *Runs after Patrick*

Lisa S.: Why does she need to go with him when nobody is even here right now?

Cody: You'll learn this eventually Lisa. Patrick has a Murphy's Law's way of living.

Alice: What's Murphy's law?

Cody: If something can go wrong, it will go wrong.

Louise: That is Angelina when she's around dairy.

Angelina: I thought this was a safe space!

Patrick: Ahhhhh!

Goodman: *From a distance* *Slams his face onto the car horn a couple times* #%#%, it's Officer Guy's kids!

Mrs. Sparkle: *Walks up near the two teams and squints towards the police car* Is that...Applejack?

SML Question: What is the worst nightmare you have ever had?

Alright everyone that was part one, I am splitting this one up into two parts, I came to the realization didn't want it to be overly long chapter and I had a clear way of ending off part one. To make it easier to digest, this will be split into two parts. Still though, this chapter will with the two parts together will be roughly 7000 to 8000 words long. I hope you enjoyed it, let me know what you think below.

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