Be The Cowboy

Golden Age Room

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Woody: *Stirs in bed and smacks his lips*

Tony The Tiger: *Rummages through their closet* It has to be here somewhere!

Mr. Pig: *Slowly wakes up and rubs his eyes with his hooves* What are you doing Tony?

Tony The Tiger: I know that Woody has it in here somewhere!

Mr. Pig: Has what?

Tony The Tiger: Woody told me not too long ago that he was hiding poop from me!

Mr. Pig: Now how and why would he do that?

Tony The Tiger: *Stops for a second* I dunno...but I know I'll find it. *Laughs giddily*

Mr. Pig: *Says under his breath* Woody is going to be pissed when he sees what Tony did. He kind of deserves it though...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Mario: *Enters the room* What's going on in he-TONY!

Tony The Tiger: *Jumps out of the closet and salutes Mario* Hey Mario!

Mario: What in the world are you doing?!

Tony The Tiger: I am looking for POOP!

Mario: Why are you looking in the closet? You could just go to the bathroom where Shrek is.

Tony The Tiger: That's too much for this *Slaps his own chest* tiger! Woody said he was hiding poop from me and I know that it's gotta be in the closet!

Mario: *Pinches the bridge of his nose* Jesus Christ, Woody!

Woody: *Snores*

Mario: *Walks up to him and shakes his shoulder violently*

Woody: *Jumps up and points his shotgun to Mario* I got you now shrimpo!

Mario: *Raises his arms* It's me Woody!

Woody: *Lowers the gun* Oh...sorry about that Mario.

Mario: Woody...was is this that I hear about you "hiding poop" from Tony?

Woody: *Nervously sweats* Oh, that...Tony was being really annoying and hyperactive yesterday, more than usual. I wanted to go hunting, so I distracted him by saying I hid poop in the house.

Tony The Tiger: *Whimpers*  You're a liar, a fiend, a scoundrel! *Exaggeratedly cries and runs out of the room*

Mario: *Groans* This day is going to be a headache...we need to talk about this Woody.

Mr. Pig: *Chuckles* I guess you're about to go through some crap Woody.

Woody: *Elbows Mr. Pig in the stomach*

Mario: Leave the room Mr. Pig...

Mr. Pig: Awww... *Does "The Monkey" out of the room*

Woody: I'm sorry for tricking Tony, Mario.

Mario: I am not all that mad at you, but you have to realize what Tony is like. He's...hyperfixated on that type of stuff. When you lie to him about it, it just creates another mess. I already have to deal with Jeffy's messes, I don't want my other kid to do the same.

Woody: I get it Mario, I can talk to you about this more later.

Mario: Why's that?

Woody: I'm on duty today, so I've got to go down to the station.

Pensacola Police Department

Brooklyn T. Guy: Alright people, we need to pray that we have the right person so that this case can finally be put to rest.

???: *Raises her hand*

Brooklyn T. Guy: *Sighs heavily* Yes Jessie?

Jessie: I just got transferred over here not that long ago, what case are you talking about?

Brooklyn. T Guy: We have heard about someone selling crack along with a number of other drugs. We have a few leads as to who it could be. Our number one suspect however is about to be brought over. Can you turn on the projector, Jenny?

Officer Jenny: Absolutely. *Turns on the projector to reveal a slideshow about the case* This right here is our primary suspect, her name is Applejack.

Jessie: *Gasps* As in Applejack from the Apple family? Doesn't that family own the best farm in this city? I love their cider donuts.

Brooklyn T. Guy: Exactly, she seems sweet, innocent and most definitely not like a drug dealer. However, we can't let that fool us. We have reasons to believe that she may be behind this.

Ashley Bushida: *Leans in her chair* Are you sure about this man? I mean, it's not like this is Scooby Doo or the Hardy Boys. It's not going to be the first person you talked to about the case.

A/N: Here is Ashley Bushida, the stepmom of Issac. When she was introduced in "Issacs Crush" a picture of a yellow inkling with what appears to be a bob-cut was shown. So I did that design and like he said as an adult.

Brooklyn T. Guy: That's where you're wrong Ash *Pulls out a bag with a donut in it* I've got this right here.

Woody: *Enters the room* A donut? *Chuckles* I personally enjoy shrimpo's more.

Ashley, Jessie, and Jenny: *Smiles* Good morning Woody!

Woody: Mornin' ladies, that includes you Brooklyn. Are you talking about the crack case?

Brooklyn T. Guy: Yes, Goodman and Simmons are currently bringing our main suspect over, so we are doing a quick review. This is mostly to catch Jessie up.

Meanwhile in Goodman & Simmons's Cop Car


Applejack: I don't underst-

Goodman: Not another word out of you young lady!

Simmons: Do we really have to arrest her if she is the dealer mate? This may ruin the farms reputation to the point of it being closed down.

Goodman: I sure am, do you really think that we as a department are going to let that place be shut down? It's not like they are suspects.

Simmons: Good, I really need that apple cider. It gets me through the mornin'.

Goodman: If you keep drinking that much cider you're going to ruin your teeth.

Simmons: Don't worry, all my dentists tell me that my teeth are in top notch condition. I'm Australian, not British.

Goodman: M'kay, if you say so.

Goodman: *Looks back at the road and stomps onto the break* CRAP!

Simmons: What is it Captain?!

Goodman: I hit a kid!

Patrick: *Jumps up from the ground* I'm sorry mister! I was trying to get my ball!

Penelope: *Runs towards Patrick and grabs Patrick's hand* Patrick! You know that dad told you not to play in traffic!

Patrick: I know Penelope, my ball fell into the road!

Goodman: *Slams his face onto the car horn a couple times* #%#%, it's Officer Guy's kids!

Simmons: He's going to notice the bruises later.

Goodman: Can you go make sure he is okay?

Simmons: I'm not the one who made an ankle biter taste the asphalt with the car.

Goodman: *Groans* Fine, make sure to watch Applejack while I deal with Patrick.

Simmons: Alright, don't run anyone over on the way out.

Goodman: If you keep this up you will be No Nipple Simmons. *Slams the car door shut*

Applejack:'s your job?

Simmons: Slightly exciting, crazy crap happens in this city all the time. I think it's magic actually.

Applejack: If you say there any reasons as to why they are bringing me in for drug distribution?

Simmons: Well I shouldn't tell you this, but since I am taking it with a grain of salt that you're behind it...

Back at the Pensacola Police Department

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Brooklyn T. Guy: I know that this evidence seems a a tad bit arbitrary, but I visited Sweet Apple Acres not that long ago. Since it's about to be fall soon, there was a early start for the yearly autumn sales.

Ashley: Ooh, I thought it started in early October at the very least.

Brooklyn T. Guy: As you may know it's located near Random School which is where most of the dealings have occurred. I got two dozen cider donuts near the end of my trip for the family and I had three of them on the way home.

Woody: Was something wrong with the donuts?

Brooklyn T. Guy: Yes! I ate one and it was perfectly fine. However, the second and third one I bit into had a weird, distinctly different taste. It tasted extra salty and bitter. I tried to go to bed early that night and I couldn't sleep.

Jessie: So it was a bad donut, what was so wrong with it?

Woody: There was side effects, wasn't there partner?

Brooklyn T. Guy: I felt my temperature and heart rate increase, like I said I couldn't sleep, and I felt an overwhelming sense of dread. It was probably due to a mixture of what I said before, but I felt horrible.

Ashley: That sounds like rock alright.

Brooklyn T. Guy: Applejack is the baker behind these donuts, so only she would be able to accidentally slip it into them.

Back with Apple Jack and Simmons

Applejack: *Cackles* If I were the one behind it, I wouldn't do something that stupid.

Simmons: I didn't say I believe it, it's just their reason for bringing you in. So where's the rest of your family in all of this? I didn't see them when we brought you into the car.

Applejack: They're currently on a vacation, someone had to stay and hold the farm together and that person was me. The other parts of the farm are handled by employees, but I do the most important stuff.

Simmons: *Looks at her from the rear-view mirror* You're just as nice as you make yourself out to be.

Applejack: *Winks* Why thank you sugar.

Goodman: *Gets back into the car while holding his stomach* I am so glad that I don't have kids.

Simmons: You do have kids sir, Richard and Benjamin.

Goodman: I feel like I shouldn't have to repeat myself. That little monster punched me in the stomach, screamed "It's the fuzz!" in my face, and to top it all off he ran away and jumped over the school gate and went back to recess like nothing happened!

Simmons: *Looks in the rear-view mirror at Applejack again* Yeah, that's crazy.

Goodman: Must've gotten that crazy gene from Karen!

Simmons: *Holds his hand up to Goodman* This was just a slight roadblock, let's just go back to the station with Applejack before we waste more time then we need to.

Goodman: *Grumbles* I guess you're right. *Starts driving away from Random School* We have officers staking out near the school right?

Simmons: Yeah, I got some to do it like you said. Hopefully we can piece it together more if they notice any diverts in dealing patterns today.

Back at the Pensacola Police Station

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Goodman and Simmons: We're back.

Brooklyn T. Guy: Where is she?

Applejack: *Steps out from behind the two* I'm here. *Does jazz hands*

Jenny: What is she doing out of handcuffs?

Simmons: It was the strangest thing, she didn't resist and she willingly entered the car. She didn't even run as we were walking into the station.

Applejack: There's no reason to run when you know you're innocent.

Woody: Now hold on there young lady, from what I have heard the odds are pretty stacked up against you.

Ashley: There was crack on that donut, it cannot be denied.

Applejack: What makes you think nobody else was in the kitchen during that time? *Closes her eyes and heavily sighs* *Opens her eyes* Look, I get why I am your primary suspect, but you have to hear my side.

Brooklyn T. Guy: Oh we will, that is actually what we will be doing in the interrogation room. Ashley and Woody will be interviewing you. *Gives a quick glance to Simmons* We want to be as unbiased as we can with this interview. Remember to have at one of her hands cuffed to the table.

Interrogation Room

Woody: Alright AJ, sit down. I'm Officer Woody

Ashley: I'm Officer Ashley, anything you say in here can be used in favor of or against you in the case that we learn enough to decide whether or not it is right for us to imprison you.

Applejack: I understand, what's the first question?

Woody: *Pulls out two bags, one containing crack rock and another containing the cider donut* These right here are the two main pieces of evidence. On the more heavy side towards the donut.

Applejack: *Pretends to act surprised* My cider donuts? What's wrong with them?

Woody: We heard a little anecdote from Brooklyn about some donuts that he bought from your farm.

Ashley: He got two dozen and out of the three he ate on the way back home, two of them had a weird taste. These tastes led to adverse side effects.

Woody: This brings us to Exhibit B, do you recognize it? *Pushes the bag a little closer than the donut bag*

Applejack: It's crack rock.

Ashley: *Jumps in the air in joy*

Woody: *Grabs her shoulder causing her to stop* Cool your jets there, you don't need to sell or use it to know what it looks like. Now get back on that horse.

Ashley: *Sits back down and starts to pout*

Woody: Now how do you know that?

Applejack: First of all, the bag is labeled as crack.

Woody: #%#% it...

Applejack: Secondly, you do realize that my family wasn't successful in the farm right away? I grew up in the less developed parts of the city, it was only when I was like 10 that we started to be successful enough to where we could afford to permanently live on the farm. I was surrounded by that type of stuff, so I know it when I see it.

Ashley: Let's say that maybe under the surface despite how seemingly successful the farm is, there is some cracks in the foundation if you catch my drift. When I was younger my wife and I were struggling to raise our kid, her ex-husband was the one who was keeping it afloat despite how horrible he was. I turned to selling drugs, I never did them myself, but I did it for a good while.

Applejack: You're a cop though?

Ashley: *Chuckles* Sure, but Woody *Pats Woody on the chest* here helped me find another way. I can understand what you might be going through, you just need to let us in.

Other Side Of The One Way Mirror

Goodman: Ashley is oddly competent with this.

Jessie: Is that story true?

Goodman: I can't be sure about that, this is my first time hearing it personally. It was years ago and she's not currently doing it, so I don't think it's necessary for any legal action on that.

Brooklyn T. Guy: She's at her best when she's working with Woody, so this should continue to go smoothly.

Simmons: Don't jinx it mate.

Back in the Interrogation Room

Applejack: Honey, you have to understand that I am not the only person at the acres to investigate.

Woody: Excuse me for just a quick second while I speak with my associate.

Woody and Ashley: *Enters the hallway just outside of the interrogation room*

Woody: We still need to lay down the symptoms, those adverse side effects you already mentioned.

Ashley: Alright, we'll do that and then we'll hear a little more from them. *Grabs Woody's hands and smiles with sparkling eyes* Can we please do good cop/bad cop?

Woody: *Sighs* Fine, as long as I get to be good cop.

Ashley: You're my homie Woody, obviously I know you want to be good cop.

Woody: It just makes the job more enjoyable to see you flip things across the room.

Woody and Ashley: *Reenters the interrogation room*

Ashley: Alright Applejack, before we hear the deets from you, I need you to listen to Woody about the side effects of those donuts Brooklyn T. Guy.

Woody: So as you may know, crack cocaine's side effects include restlessness, an increased heart rate, an increased body temperature, irritability, anxiety, etc. Brooklyn experienced just about all of these symptoms.

Ashley: *Picks a chair and throws it near Applejack* He felt that after eating your donuts!

Applejack: *Looks at Ashley with a bewildered expression* Heavens to Betsy...

Woody: Hold your horses, Ash.

Ashley: *Blushes in embarrassment* Sorry!

Woody: You're at a 10 when I need it at a 2. You'll know when the time is right to throw chairs at our suspect.

Applejack: I swear that I wouldn't do it, where are these dealings taking place?

Woody: Near Random School, a place of which that is practically right next to Sweet Apple Acres.

Ashley: *Rolls eyes* You might as well confess already.

Applejack: Are y'all...doing good cop/bad pop? *Heartily laughs*

Woody: *Rubs his temple* Where's a beer when you need it...

Ashley: Well that didn't last long. AJ, who else at the farm could've been in the bakery long enough for that slip up to happen? You're not just here as a suspect, you can also help in this case in the scenario that you genuinely aren't behind it all.

Applejack: Well Ashley, lately due to the foot traffic I am getting due to it almost being fall I have gotten some more help in the bakery. The production with just me won't suffice with the customers.

Woody: *Leans forward* Who are these little helpers?

Applejack: Some friends of mine, they like to bake too, so they're always happy to help. I'd get help from other employees, but this isn't where their expertise lies.

Woody: It would be mighty helpful if you told us their names.

Applejack: I'm not sure if I should, if I told you they might think I'm throwing them under the bus.

Woody: Don't worry, they will go through the same exact process as you. We will ask them some questions and work from there with our investigation.

Ashley: *Holds Applejack's free hand* You can trust us, we want to do anything but hurt you or your friends.

Applejack: *Sighs* Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, Pinkie is currently in the middle of a packed day at the Sugarcube Corner from my recollection and Fluttershy is about to start her tour. I'd recommend questioning Fluttershy first, the time you have to speak with her in Pensacola is limited since her second show of the tour is outside of Florida.

Woody: Thank you, now *Pulls out a laptop* we need to record what you did that day. Do they work with you in the bakery every day?

Applejack: Almost, but the past couple of days except for today at least one of them were there to help.

Ashley: Did you happen to notice anything suspicious like some strange activity within the kitchen or any sudden exits from the farm?

Applejack: Someone did suddenly enter and leave the farm, I couldn't make out who they were. It seems like they were under some form of a disguise.

Woody: *Stops typing* Any physical features we could use to help?

Applejack: They were pretty short and the whole time they were nervously fiddling like they had something held in.

Woody: *Continues typing again* Did they ever enter the bakery section of the farm?

Applejack: They did actually, Fluttershy was taking their order and they spoke very softly. They seemed especially nervous when I was around them. At a certain point my help was needed since the tractor for the hayride to the apple orchard was broken down and only I knew how to fix it. By the time I was back both Officer Brooklyn and that person were leaving the farm.

Ashley: Hmm, your alibi seems to be pretty good. We will make sure to refer to your story with Fluttershy to see if it checks out. You're free to go for now, we will inform you with any other developments since in some capacity your farm is involved.

Woody: Just let us know if you notice anything else, don't be a stranger. *Releases Applejack's cuffed hand*

Applejack: *Stands up and lightly smiles* Well, I am glad I could help y'all.

Later at the Bowser/Mario household

Woody: *Enters the house* I'm ho-

Bowser: Blue 42, set HIKE!

Woody: *Dodges Bowser*

Bowser: *Tackles Tony*


Woody: Are you okay Tony?

Tony: I think I just pooped out my organs. *Coughs hard*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Mario: *Runs into the room* Bowser! Why did you tackle my son?!

Bowser: This little freak tried to get up close and personal when I was using the bathroom!

Mario: Tony!

Tony: I wanted to get my fix!

Bowser and Tony: *Starts arguing over each-other*

Rosalina: *Enters the room* How was work today Woody?

Woody: It was pretty good actually, I made some good developments in a case today.

Rosalina: *Closes her eyes and smiles* Well that's nice.

Tony: All I am saying is that I am the victim here!

Bowser: You?!

Tony: You are depriving me of poop!

Mario: Enough!

Bowser and Tony: *Quiets down and turns to Mario*

Mario:...Now I want you to make up and hug.

Bowser: Fine...

Bowser and Tony: *Hugs the other* Sorry Tony/Bowser

Rosalina: Now kiss...

Tony: What?!

Bowser: Ew, no!

Rosalina: *Pulls out a fire flower and turn into a fiery demon version of herself* I said KISS!

Bowser and Tony: *Panics and kisses Tony/Bowser*

Golden Age Room

Woody: *Jumps onto his bed* *Pulls out his phone and looks up Fluttershy* So this is Fluttershy...

Black Yoshi: *Enters the room* Are you looking for more beat material?

Woody: *Jolts, causing his phone to fly in the air* *Tries to catch his phone several times only to be successful the fifth time after it slips several times*

Black Yoshi: I don't blame you, shawty is lowkey fine.

Woody: *Blushes in embarrassment* It's not...that. My only "beat material" is my girlfriend.

Black Yoshi: Bo Peep? Fair enough.

Woody: She is just going to be someone I am interviewing with my partner within the next few days. I need her since she is a potential suspect and can verify a suspects alibi.

Black Yoshi: Is this about those crack dealings outside of Random?

Woody: You heard about them?

Black Yoshi: Yeah, I'm the music teacher there now, so we were issued out these emails about that.

Woody: Let me know if you see anything regarding that.

Black Yoshi: Of course my man, you're an OG, high five?

Woody: *Smiles* Always.

Woody and Black Yoshi: *Gives each other a high five*

SML Question: What is your favorite baked good?

This chapter was pretty different compared to the previous one, but this one is pretty vital to the story. As always I hope you enjoyed it. Now that I am doing SML questions here, please answer it in the comments.

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