Chapter Ten

PoV: Kaylee

The girl stared at me, tense and silent, for at least five seconds, but it felt like longer.

"Megan?" I said nervously.

"I am not Megan," the stiff, mechanical voice was back.

"Then what should I call you?"

"You shouldn't be calling me anything! You shouldn't be here! I told you to go back to Mo- Ca- the lieutenant! Why didn't you listen?" Megan, or whatever her name was, shouted at me.

It was my turn to stare at her in shock. She rarely raised her voice, and if she ever did, she would quickly calm down and apologize, even if her anger was completely appropriate.
But she didn't. She continued to stare me down. I could almost see the desperation and fear behind her eyes, disguised by anger.

"Why... why didn't you call her by her name?" I asked quietly.

She jerked her head in the direction of the man she'd kicked in the leg, "He's still listening."

I nodded slowly.

Suddenly Possibly-not-Megan's eyes widened. She stooped down, grabbing a discarded gun, then stepped forward, grabbing my arm, "We need to move. The other four agents will be back soon. Storms, I can't believe I forgot. Come," she said, half dragging me along as she left the alley.

"Good to know I've properly corrupted you," I noted as we hurried down the street.

"What do you mean?" Not-Megan asked distractedly.

"You said storms, which is a Sanderswear. That means you are a proper Sanderson fan," I explained, struggling slightly to keep up.

She laughed. A full on laugh, with her head thrown back and everything, "Wow, you're right. I'm sure that my colleague's respect for me will tank when they start to hear my new swears."

"Your colleagues?"

"Yes," She answered shortly.

"Why do you have colleagues?" I asked, trying to get something of value out of her.

"That's cla-" she stopped, then smirked, "That's a stupid question."

"Obscure Star Trek references? You really are moving up in geekiness."

"References are a good way to communicate with you," she explained.

I looked around us. We were still surrounded by apartments, but were walking back towards the main street.

She glanced behind us, "Kaylee, I need you to take the next right, and do not come back this way, no matter what."

"Not an option," I said firmly, "I'm sticking with you."

"I didn't realize you've been feeling suicidal, Kaylee," she said, looking straight ahead, "This isn't up for debate. Go!"

"Actually, it is. You can't make me do anything, at least not without slowing down, and causing a scene. So I can be as stubborn as I feel is necessary," I glared at her, confident that I'd won.

"You- arg! You are insufferable!" She hissed.

"Does that mean I'm correct?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"Yes, at least for the moment." She sounded very annoyed, "Give me the car keys."

We had gotten back to the main street, and Not-Megan had stepped up her pace. I had to jog to keep up.

"You can't even drive yet! Why would you want the keys?" I looked at her, confused.

"You remember in the Gardens, when you asked if we would be arrested?"


"Well the likelihood of getting arrested is at about 90% right now. Give me the keys, and we should be able to get it down to 70%," she said, glancing behind us again, "Calamity! Give me those keys now!"

I looked back, and saw that about four people were running after us, and I felt like they had been part of the initial group who had chased Not-Megan. I shoved my hand into my pocket, pulling out the keys and handing them to her.

She nodded her thanks, "Come on, we need to get to the car." She began to run, and I followed, barely managing to keep up with her sprint.

We had about two blocks to cover in order to get to mom's Civic. I'm not sure what I expected to happen when we got to the crosswalk, but as we approached it, I slowed down a bit, but Not-Megan kept running at the same speed. She ran full tilt across the road, making cars slam on the breaks.

I followed, glancing apologetically at the drivers. I got back up to speed, attempting to catch up with Not-Megan but eventually gave up. I still had another block or so to go, and I couldn't exhaust myself with a sprint right now.

I glanced behind me, and saw that the people following us had gained some ground on me. I ran faster, and it felt like I was fueled by fear, not energy. Oh, hello adrenaline, I thought, Two times in one day, that can't be healthy.

"Kaylee!" Megan's voice cut through my thoughts.

I realized that I'd ran past the car. I cursed and ran back to her. She ran around to the driver's side and hopped in, starting the car. I hesitated before getting into the passenger side.

"Letting the fourteen year old drive seems like a bad idea," I noted.  

"This fourteen year old has been driving since age ten. Now get in," she ordered.

I got in, and immediately after I'd buckled up, she hit the gas.

She pulled out onto the road, and began acting like the most entitled driver I had ever encountered. She swerved, cut in front, and generally ignored all rules of the road.

"Are you insane?" I shouted as I clung to the "oh my Jesus" bar.

"No, why do you ask?" she said as she looked out the rear view mirrors.

"Because of your driving skill! I don't know why I thought to let you drive, and you were obviously lying when you said you've been driving since age ten," I answered.

"My driving is excellent. It is good enough that I can drive in such a crazy manner, keep track of our persurants, and keep this conversation going." She turned swerved suddenly, and I hit my window with my shoulder.

I peeled myself off the window, I asked, "What do you mean pursuants? And are you meaning to drive like you are in the middle of a car chase?"

She frowned slightly, "We are in a car chase, didn't you realize that? And the pursuants are the ones making this a car chase. Look behind us. It seems that the four agents borrowed cars from nearby civilians. We have a Corolla, Sentra, Equinox, and Highlander on our tail. I'm trying to shake them." With that, she switched lanes suddenly, going up a ramp into a parking garage.

"What are you doing?" I asked, blinking my eyes quickly, trying to adjust to the dimmer lighting.

Megan slowed down to a more normal speed, and began to drive like a normal person, "I'm hoping to throw them off in here," she said, craning her neck to look around.

Well, you are here, I thought, you may as well try to be helpful. "What are you looking for?" I asked, "Can I help in any way?"

"Watch for those cars that were following us," she said, still looking around, "And let me know as soon as you see one. Even if you aren't certain, let me know."

"Yes ma'am," I said, noticing her tone of command.

She backed into a parking spot suddenly, turned off the car, and grabbed her backpack saying, "Stay here, and stay alert," then got out of the car.

"Okaay, I'll sit here, waiting to be caught. Nothing to worry about." I said, even though she had already closed the door.

I out the window, trying to find Megan. Should I even be calling her that? She said her name wasn't Megan, but what else could a call her? Not-Megan is quite a mouthful. I pondered.

I finally spotted her by another grey Honda Civic, like mom's, and speaking to the driver for some reason. A pair of headlights came around the corner, and I saw that is was the Toyota Highlander.

Oh Calamity! I swore silently, What to do, um, think of the car chases you've seen, what do you need to do? Finally, I realized the simple thing I needed to do. I needed to make the car seem empty. I leaned forward as far as I could, and waited, heart pounding, and mouth dry with fear.

Seconds passed, and then the headlights went by the car. I began to sit up, then noticed another pair of headlights. Down I went again, into that position and this time I stayed there, deciding not to take anymore chances.

The driver's door opened about a minute later, and I sat straight up, startled.

"Relax, it's me," Megan whispered, holding her hands out in front of her.

"This is terrifying." I hissed at her.

"I didn't ask for you to come along." She noted, "Anyways, you need to get out here. You will be arrested, but make sure that they know you came against your will, and you'll be fine."


"No? About what?" She asked, the look of confusion on her face quite satisfying.

"No, I'm not getting out," I answered firmly, "I'm not letting you go off on your own."

She glared at me, "I can handle myself. Far better than you know."

"I'm not disputing that. The reason I need to come is for my own sanity and safety." I retorted, forming my argument in my head.

"What- why would you coming with me be safer? And believe me, a person's sanity can take a beating in this sort of wor- life." She replied.

"But if you go off, and I stay behind, I won't know if you are alive or not." I said, "I won't know what happened to my sister, and that will hurt my mental state, and I can see it leading to some very dark places. I need to come with you. I understand that I probably won't survive, but I'd rather die helping you, than let you vanish out of my life, and never knowing what happened to you."

"Why?" Megan asked, sounding completely confused, and almost like she was trying not to cry, "Why would you care that much?"

I looked down, "I couldn't stand having another family member leaving, and then dying on me. I can't stop you from leaving, obviously. But I can come with you."

Megan sighed, "Fine. Arg, this is stupid, but I'm going to do it."

I blinked, surprised, "Did I finally get you to do something that you think is dumb?"

"Yes, don't gloat." She said, turning on the engine.

"Finally!" I said, pumping my fist.

She shifted into drive, looking around keenly.

The other Civic drove by, going the opposite way it should be.

She nodded quickly as it passed.

"What were you talking to them about?" I asked pointing after the car.

"I paid the driver to drive out the in ramp, which should distract the guys that followed us in here," she said, "Ready for some high speed driving?"

I grinned, "Sure."

"Great, let's go," She grinned back at me, "Welcome to my world."

A/N Are you excited? I am! Is anyone reading this? I don't know. Maybe that doesn't matter. Whatever the case, I'm loving writing this story, and I hope that you are enjoying reading it.
I'd love to hear your thoughts, but if you don't have time or something, that's great as well. It would mean a lot to me if you would hit that vote button though. But again, you definitely are not obligated to.
Thank you for taking the time to read these words that I've strung together, I really appreciate it.
I'll update again next week, and I can't wait to!
Goodbye until then!

*Looks up at author's note* Wow, that was energetic.

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