Chapter Four
PoV: Kaylee
"I wish they would hurry up," Megan complained.
"I know," I sighed, "I can't wait to wander the flowers."
It was a Saturday in mid-October and we were at Manito Park sitting by the cafe, waiting for my friends Melissa and Cathy arrive. I had been waiting to show Megan Manito park because I knew that coming with my friends would make the trip much more fun. Partly because my friends are awesome, and partly because Cathy has a lot of knowledge about flowers.
As I watched the road, I thought back to how the school had turned out. Megan had experienced a little difficulty fitting in, so she ended up fitting out, and flaunting it. She had become quite a popular girl after she vanquished the school bully, and climbed to the top of the student hierarchy. It was kind of surprising how much the school had changed because of her.
As I was thinking, I mindlessly saw a blue Prius, a red Forester, and, finally, a grey Corolla that belonged to Cathy's family came down the road and pulled into a parking spot in front of us. The engine turned off, and Cathy and Melissa got out.
"About time!" I exclaimed, standing up, "What took you so long?"
"I was finishing up an essay," Melissa said, "My mom wouldn't let me leave till I had finished it."
"And she made me wait! It was horrible!" Cathy moaned dramatically.
"I'm just glad you guys made it," Megan stood up and grabbed her backpack.
"I'm glad too!" Melissa exclaimed, "Cathy driving was terrifying!"
"Hey!" Cathy glared at Melissa.
Mellisa sent a cocky smirk at Cathy.
"Oh, you little imp!" Cathy said, rolling her eyes.
Megan cleared her throat, and said in an excellent British accent, "Ladies, shall we begin to observe these beautiful flowers?" She asked.
They turned, surprised by the accent.
"Um yes," Melissa said, then fell into her own attempt at a British accent, which was pretty pathetic, "Yes, we shall."
"Um...but before we get started, do happen to have any of that fantastic gum on you?" Cathy asked sheepishly.
Megan smiled reassuringly, "Yes, I do. And I'm sure I can spare some."
Megan dolled out the gum, and then we stood there for a couple minutes, enjoying the unique herbal flavour.
"You know, the first time you offered this stuff to me, I thought you were trying to poison me," Cathy noted.
Megan smiled, "Well, there might be some iocane powder in there, but I think you are all immune to it by now."
Melissa laughed, "You know, when we first met you, you had no clue what iocane powder was."
"Yes, I have learned much during the past few months. Such as the wonders of the MCU," Megan said.
The conversation continued in this fashion for a couple minutes, but after a while, I got impatient, "Okay, come on guys, which garden first? I'm getting tired of just standing here chewing."
"Oh, sorry!" Cathy apologized, "Um... Let's go to the formal garden first. The fountain is beautiful!"
"Well let's go then," Megan said, waving us on and starting to walk towards the garden.
We walked up the hill through the perennial garden, stopping here and there to look at some of the flowers we were passing, while Cathy told us facts about the various flowers. Megan appeared to be having fun, yet she seemed very nervous.
"Megan," I said quietly as we reached the top of the hill, "Are you all right? You seem a little off."
"Huh?" She said, sounding confused, "Oh, no. I'm fine."
"Are you sure? You look really tense." I asked, suspicious.
"I'm fine. I... I am feeling a little rushed. I want to see everything here and still get back home with time to watch the next Alias episode." She explained.
"Oh, okay," I said. I wasn't totally convinced, but her explanation was good enough for the moment.
We got to the formal garden and I was immediately distracted from Megan's weirdness. The flowers were so pretty. There were yellow ones, pink ones, red ones, and there were really cool hedges off to the sides. We explored that garden, then moved onto the roses. And for once, Megan seemed impressed, at least at first.
"Wow!" She exclaimed as she first saw the hill, " That is beautiful!"
"You like?" Melissa asked.
"Yeah, I do!" She said, grinning, "That is a lot of roses,"
Cathy spoke up, "You should be impressed. There are over a hundred and fifty varieties of roses on this hill."
"Wow," Megan said again.
"Come on," I said, "Let's get closer."
We wandered the roses for a while, and gradually separated to look at various flowers. After wandering around the hill on my own for a little bit, I noticed a thirty-something-year-old man approaching Megan. I frowned and began to walk over.
As I watched, the man stopped behind Megan and said something to her. She froze - looking very shocked - and muttered something back.
I began to walk faster, yet I didn't run because I didn't want to look too strange. It's probably nothing, stop being so jumpy, you silly overprotective sister. I scolded myself but kept walking.
Suddenly Megan elbowed the man in the stomach, whipping the back of her hand at his face, then spun, grabbing something out of his hand. The man buckled, falling to the ground.
I froze, staring in shock. The object was a small handgun. It had a silencer on it, but it still was a handgun. How on earth did I miss the guy holding that? I wondered, stunned.
Then I noticed how silent the garden had become. A small crowd had gathered, silently watching, though a couple idiots had their phones out.
Megan spun around slowly in a circle, pointing the gun in front of her. She seemed completely comfortable with holding it like she was completely used to using guns. Which was strange, because mom only owned one, and she never brought it out, probably because she was technically from Canada. Technically I was as well, not that it matters. When Megan saw me, she paused for a second, which gave the man she had downed the perfect chance to kick her in the back of her knee.
She went down on one knee, her back to the man. He hit her in the back of the head and she fell face first.
"Megan!" I yelled, panicking.
The man glanced up at me, looking confused, and Megan took the chance to roll over. Then she shot him.
I flinched at the shot, then blinked, dumbfounded. Megan had just shot a man!
Suddenly the crowd was noisy, as shrieks of fear filled the air. People began running, though a couple of people were on their phones, probably calling the police. Cathy and Melissa were standing off to the side, looking as shocked as I felt. As more people began to flee, I lost sight of Megan for a couple seconds as I was shoved around by panicking people. When I got sight of her again, she was running off the hill, but not towards where we parked. She was running in the exact opposite direction. I started to follow her, but before I could pick up any speed I heard someone call my name.
"Kaylee, wait!" Melissa called again.
I turned, surprised, "What are you doing? You didn't run?"
Melissa rolled her eyes, "Since when do I run from danger?"
"Maybe since guns became involved?" I shot back, annoyed that they hadn't gotten out of harm's way.
"Guys, focus." Cathy interjected, "Biting each other's heads off is not going to help. Kaylee, what is going on?"
I shook my head, "I have no idea, and I don't have time to discuss it. I need to follow her."
"What? Are you insane?" Melissa protested.
"Yes, I thought we established that years ago," I retorted.
"Not like this level!"
"Guys, I have to go after her, get some answers. Can you contact my mom? Let her know what happened?" I asked, looking at where I had last seen Megan.
"What are we going to tell her? Hello Mrs Boardman, your eldest daughter ran off to chase your younger daughter after she shot a man. I have no idea if she is safe or not but Kaylee wanted me to tell you what happened." Cathy suggested sarcastically.
"Yeah, sounds good," I said distractedly.
"What?! Kaylee, did you even hear what I said?"
I looked back at her, then over to where Megan had gone, "No, I didn't. I'm sorry, but I have to go. Please don't follow me. I don't want you to get hurt."
"Fine," Mellisa said, "By the way, I will be back to check on you. You'd better deal with it."
"Okay, as long as you don't follow now," I said shortly, "Bye."
Cathy sighed, "Stay safe."
"I will do my best," I replied, then ran off, following where Megan had gone.
A/N I'm finally back! Sorry for the long wait. After really looking at where the story needs to go, I realized that the stuff that happened at school doesn't advance the story. It really is it's own spin-off story, which I will try to get to. Would you be interested in reading that? Anyways, I will try to get back on a consistent publishing schedule. I hope this chapter was enjoyable, and I will publish again soon!
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