Chapter Eight

PoV: Kaylee

I woke up with my cheek squished uncomfortably against a seat belt, "Wha?" I mumbled as I looked around. I was in my mom's car, and she was driving as if she was late for a very important appointment. I tried to remember what had happened, but I couldn't remember anything after driving up to the house.

"Oh good," Mom said, sighing in relief, "You're awake."

"Mom?" I asked, "What happened?"

"It's... it's all quite complicated sweetie. I can't explain much. What do you remember?" she asked hesitantly.

"Pulling up to the front of the house with Megan..." I trailed off, glancing into the back seats, "Where is she, Mom?" I asked urgently.

"I... I don't know," she answered sadly, " But we have our own issues right now."

I looked outside of the window, trying to figure out where we were, "Where are we going?" I asked, " and what kind of issues do we have?"

"It's complicated," Mom said while keeping her eyes on the road, "But the short version is that we have to leave the country."

"What?" I asked, flabbergasted, "Why do we need to leave? And why on Earth would we leave without Megan? We're leaving a family member behind!"

"She'll be better off on her own, trust me."

I glared at her, "I'm finding that rather difficult at the moment. Anyways, are we doing the dumb 'We'll run away to keep target away from those we care about' thing? Why would we even have a Target on our backs? Is this because of your time in the Canadian military?" I watched my mom, waiting for her response.

Her shoulders began to shake, then she began laughing, hard.

"Oh, Kaylee, you are... ah, you have managed to get this all mixed up quite well," she said, trying to stop laughing,  "No, it's...Megan, who's target is causing trouble. Not anything I did when I was working for the military. Though admittedly, we would never had met her without my history over there," she sighed happily, yet still seemed extremely focused.

"Okaay," I was uncertain how to reply, "Why are we in the automotive section of town?" I asked, deciding to change the topic, as I was fairly certain my mom had just laughed at me.

Her smile faded rapidly, and was replaced by a look of concern and concentration, "We are going to rent a car, and head to the Portland airport."

My jaw dropped, "What? Why? Where are we going to?"

"Calgary," she answered shortly, "We are going to visit with Auntie Darcie for a bit."

"Without Megan? And why did you not tell me about this before? And why are we not using our airport, and instead driving all the way to Portland?" I asked, pointing out all the problems I was finding with her story.

Mom turned the car into the parking lot of an auto mall, and turned off the engine, turning to face me, looking very serious, "Kaylee, I know you want answers, but frankly, I can't give them to you. But I need you to trust me, or..." she trailed off, looking scared, "Or things could go very poorly. I wish I could tell you more, I wish it so badly, but there are rules I still have to follow. I'm sorry."

"Rules such as what?" I asked, trying to find any snippet of information I could.

She sighed, "Such as the chain of command. Kaylee, I'm going to go get us the rental car, and I need you to stay here. I know you have no reason to trust me at the moment, but please, I am your mother, I love you, and I'm trying to protect you."

"Protect me?" I asked, a challenge in my voice, "Why me, instead of me and your other daughter? What happened to Megan? Why have you abandoned her, yet are here insisting that you care! This doesn't make sense! Maybe she's not your biological daughter, but she cares for you like you were her mother, and based on the facts I see, you must have left her at home, or something!"

"You think I don't care? You think I don't desperately want to being her with us? I do, I want to continue to be her mother, but I can't. It's... it's like that Jack Sparrow quote," she rubbed her fingers together as she thought.

"Captain," I corrected her, a smile sneaking onto my face.

She returned the smile briefly, then snapped her fingers as she remembered the line, "'The only rules that really matter are these: what a man can do and what a man can't do'" she continued, "I can't bring Megan with us, as it would increase the danger all of us are in, but I can protect you, and trust her to take care of herself."

"She's fourteen!" I protested, "Do you even know what she's up against? She may be more skilled than I thought, but she is still a child!"

"She's two years younger than you, and more accomplished than you will likely ever be," Mom said factually, "I don't have time to debate this with you, please stay here. We can continue this when I get back."

And with that, she left the car, and locked it, leaving me inside.

Well that made no sense. I thought as I sat there. My head still felt kind of woozy, and I shook it to try and clear my thoughts. It changed the wooziness to nausea. I let my stomach and head settle, while trying to figure out what I should do.

I can wait for my mother, and abandon my sister, leaving her to an unknown fate, or I can use the pair of keys Megan and I hid in the car months ago, drive away, find Megan, while leaving my somewhat deceitful mother behind. The second option sounded a lot more appealing for some reason. I glanced at the direction my Mom had walked off in, gritted my teeth, opened the glove box, and pulled out a deck of cards. Inside was a spare key. I grabbed it, and climbed over into the driver's seat.

Well, let's do this, I thought as I started the car.

I pulled out of the parking lot, and tried to think about where Megan could have gone. I remembered her mentioning some places "Could be good places to hide," and one such place had been downtown.

Well, I thought, I may as well start there.

And so I headed downtown. When I got there, I drove slowly around the blocks, looking desperately for Megan. I had just about given up hope when I saw someone who looked slightly like her. She had shorter hair than Megan, but it was the same color, and she wore the same leather jacket, and had earphones that looked rather familiar.

I passed her, then pulled over to take a closer look.
As I was parked, we made eye contact, and the results were instantaneous.

She pivoted around and began to speed walk back the way she came as I jumped out of the car, and ran after her.

"Megan!" I called to her, hoping she would slow down.

She glanced behind, but kept walking, not changing her pace at all.

I ran up beside her, and asked, "Megan, what is going on with you?"

She stopped, looking confused, and turned to look at me.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" She answered with a slight Irish accent.

"Do you know me? I'm your sparking sister!" I exclaimed, doubting this was her for the first time, but immediately dismissing the idea. I knew my sister, and this was her.

"I don't know you," Megan said insistently.

"Yes, you do. You are my adopted sister. You officially joined my family two months ago. You..." I trailed off, trying to think of a way to make her admit that I was right.  

"Leave me alone you creep." She continued to walk down the street.

"Please, Megan! Whatever is going on, Whatever happened between you and Mom, we can fix it, as a family! Just give us a chance!" I pleaded with her departing back.

She stopped walking, and still facing away, she said regretfully, "We were never a family, Kaylee."

"Then why did you have the opportunity to change your name to Megan Boardman?" I countered.

She turned back to face me, and I was shocked to see a bit of a smile on her face. It was a small, sad one, but it still was a smile.

"I'm not your sister." Her voice had a tone of finality to it. "I'm sorry I can't say more, but the more I tell you the more danger you'll be in. Both you and Mom."

"What? How can you say that?" I asked. "Mom signed a piece of paper that officially made you my sister. So, yes, you are my sister."

"My name isn't Megan, so the paperwork is invalid."              

"What... what are you saying?"I stammered. "What do you mean you are not Megan? Are you saying you're an imposter?"

"What? No, don't be absurd! I...look, if I explain will you go back your mother, and leave the country with her?" She asked, sounding slightly desperate.

"You want me to leave with Mom?" I asked, astounded.

"Yes!" she said insistanly, "I do want you to leave. How did you get the car anyways?"

"I stole it when she left me to get a rental car."

"You... wow, Kaylee. Just, wow. You really don't understand what is going on, do you?" she looked amused.

"No! I don't, cause not one will storming tell me anything of value!" I complained.

"So, as I suggested earlier, if I give you answers, you will go and meet up with the lieu- with Cassidy?"

"Why did you almost refer to her by her old rank?" I asked, my mind racing.

"Old habits I'm trying to get back into," she said shortly, "So, if I answer your questions, you will meet up with your mother, and leave me alone?"

"Yes," I said, lying through my teeth.

She sighed, sounding resigned, and muttered "Tata is going to kill me," then addressed me, saying "My name is not Megan Jones. That was just a cover name so that I would be able to stay hidden for longer. The Megan you adopted doesn't exist."

"What? But... No!" I stuttered, my confusion and shock increasing more than I thought was possible, "Who are you hiding from?" I asked, taking a deep breath, finally managing to get myself back on track.

"Enemies of my home," She answered, then froze as she saw something over my shoulder.

"What is it?" I asked, realizing that the look on her face was fear.

"Speaking of enemies," she muttered. "I have to go now, Kaylee. I'm sorry. Please, find your mother, and stay safe."  

She then took a step forward, and shoved me backward, yelling "I don't have any spare change! Leave me alone!" she then turned on her heel and fled.

I stumbled backward. When I had regained my footing I looked up and realized that a group of people were chasing her, and it looked like they were equipped identically to the people from the gardens.

"Oh Megan," I whispered after her, "What have you gotten yourself into?"

A/N I think I did well for publishing again soon. And (Not) Megan's secrets are finally getting revealed!
If you enjoyed this chapter, please vote,  tell me what you liked in the comments, and if you have friends that you think would enjoy my story, then please share this with them!
I hope you were suitably surprised by the reveal in this chapter. I'd apologise but it would be untrue. Sorry about that. (Huh, I'm apologizing for not being able to honestly apologize, Lol.) Well, bye for now!

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