Jeno hasn't came back to his dorm in days, he has stayed at Donghyuck and Chenle's dorm and borrowed some of their clothes as he refused to go come back to his respective dorm.
Renjun and Jisung had heard about it and scolded Jaemin for what he did, they also know why he did it but still was disappointed at the most dumbest idea they've heard for the past twenty-four hours after Jisung's idea of putting a marble in his nose.
Mark also found out about it and visited Chenle and Donghyuck's dorm to comfort his friend, also sometimes bringing his boyfriend Yukhei along.
Jaemin didn't bring anyone over since the incident, he hasn't came back to the bar at all and instead went home early than he usually does.
The blond had sometimes stared at the door whenever he came home as if Jeno would burst through the door with his iconic pretty eyesmile in any moment.
And when that didn't happen, he'd go back to sleep staring at the empty bed as he felt regret and guilt in his guts trying to fall asleep.
"I fucked up," Jaemin groans as he buries his face on his hands as his friend rolled their eyes. "Like, I really fucked up big time," he sighed.
"No shit dumbass, even a no brainer would know you made the dumbest idea ever," Renjun said sassily as he sipped his drink.
Jaemin made a sound of annoyance, "I know," he emphasized, "I just thought it would take my mind off of him or he'll get jealous and confess or something," he protested.
Renjun tsked, "hallelujah, you realize you like him, do you want a treat for that?" He said sarcasm in his voice. Jaemin grunts as he looked up to meet his eyes.
"A Lee Jeno would be great," he mumbles, The elder huffed and smacked his head, "ow!" He yelped and rubbed the spot with a glare.
Renjun stirred his smoothie, "get your shit together and fix it Jaemin, then you'll get your treat," he remarks as the younger sighed.
Jaemin rubbed his temples, "what do I do?" He whines earning a frustrated sigh from his friend. He hits his head a few times thinking it'll make his braincells wake up but instead looked like an idiot.
The elder rolled his eyes, "you wanna know what I think you should do?" He said as Jaemin looked at him with hopeful eyes while nodding, "I think you should stop being a dumbass and do something." He smiled.
Jaemin rolled his eyes and leans back crossing his arms, "I'm trying!" He protests.
"Try harder," Renjun retorted gulping his smoothie down earning a brain freeze, "fuck," he winced.
Jeno takes a deep breath and takes out his keys, he was sadly persuaded by his friends that he should talk to Jaemin and had to get out of Donghyuck's dorm.
He unlocks the door and slowly opens it, he sees no one inside and furrowed his eyebrows before taking his shoes off. The door of the bathroom opens and Jaemin comes out with wide eyes when he sees him.
The elder gulped, "hey," he said as Jeno nodded before making a beeline to the kitchen and grab a drink. Jaemin pursed his lips before sitting down on the bed and continued his movie.
Jeno comes back and automatically gets in his bed pulling the covers over his small body and goes to sleep while Jaemin clicked his tongue before focusing on his movie as it starts to rain outside.
After awhile, Jaemin finished his movie and brushed his teeth, he lays down on his bed and tries to fall asleep as the rain started getting heavier followed by a thunder.
It was raining heavily outside for hours, Jaemin had fallen asleep after hearing the sound of the thunder and rain drops hitting their windows like it was about to break.
He then hears someone weeping silently and a few shuffles, he sits up and turns to see Jeno's body getting entirely covered with the blanket as his figure shakes.
Jaemin pursed his lips, "Jeno?" He calls softly as another thunder erupted making the figure jolt in surprise as it shakes even more. The elder then realized, Jeno was afraid of thunderstorms.
He slowly stands up and walks over to Jeno's side without even asking for permission, braking the rules as he does. He lays his palm on the blanket and felt the body jolt up again, "hey, it's okay," he said.
Jaemin sits down on the bed as he slowly pulled the covers down to see Jeno's face streaming with tears as his eyes were shut tightly. The elder's heart shattered seeing him like this.
Jaemin places a hand on the boy's cheek, "princess, it's okay," the pet name slipping out of his mouth before he could stop it. Another thunder erupted as Jeno cried even more gripping onto the blanket.
Jaemin pulls the younger to sit up and hugs him, again breaking another rule. He caresses Jeno's back as the boy cried onto his chest while shaking.
"Shh," Jaemin whispers, "it's okay, I'm here, I'm not leaving you okay?" He softly reassures as Jeno nodded absently. He cradles Jeno in his arms calming him down and whispers sweet nothings in his ear.
Another thunder erupted, Jeno clings onto him, "s-sleep wit-th m-me please," the blond mumbles as Jaemin kissed his head in instinct.
"Okay," the elder nodded and lays them both down on the bed pulling the covers over their bodies. He pulls Jeno to his chest as the boy gripped onto his shirt and shakily breathes.
Jaemin kept leaving feather like kisses on his head and forehead as he caresses his side, "I'm right here princess, I'm not leaving," he said with tears forming in his eyes feeling sorry for what he had caused, "I'll hold you tight and never let you go."
Jeno whimpers as another thunder erupted, much louder than the ones before, "p-please stay," he cries.
Jaemin kissed his crown, "I will, I'll always will just for you," he mumbles onto Jeno's blond hair leaving pecks on it, "go to sleep Jen, I'll keep you safe," he said.
Jeno calms down his breathing and falls back to sleep not so long after in Jaemin's arms as his face was buried onto the elder's chest and his hands gripping on the boy's shirt.
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