Chapter 38: Hardships

Hinata's P.O.V

I stood on the sidelines inside of the xray room in silence, the area around me pretty dark.

Naruto sat in front of a machine that shoned light, directly into his eyes, his blindfold rested on the lower part of his neck.

The doctor was slowly pulling the machine around to get a good look in the inside of his eyes, she occasionally nodding her head.

"Hmm.. Well that's, interesting." She said which made me jolt up, my feet taking me forward a bit, to get a closer look.

"What? What's the matter, doctor?" I asked, the room only filled with us. Ray went off to get Naruto something to eat, our doctor occupied at the moment.

She turned to me and grimaced, turning back to Naruto. "Psst, I need to speak with you." She said quietly, so Naruto won't hear her.

I nodded slowly, kinda worried and crept forward, she slowly rising up from her seat.
She walked up to me but when she did, she grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Naruto making me gasp.

We stood off to the side now, close to the exit, away fron Naruto

I stared at her in concern as she sighed, calming herself down for my sake. She ruvvef her hands, before speaking. "Um.. What exactly, is he?" She out right and said which frightened me.

I stared at her in confusion, my eyes narrowing on her. "Wh-What are you talking about? What did you see?" I asked frantically, a little scared of what her answer may be.

Her eyes wandered off for a bit and she sighed, shaking her head, she taking a minute to calm herself down.

It didn't take long for her to calm down fully, she clearing her throat and speaking, once more. "I-I-I mean.. His eyes, looked like its trying to fix themselves.. Or something. They look so, abnormal. They look like their slowly, healing. But when I took a closer look my world went blank for a moment. That, never happened before." She whispered out, completely astonished.

I bit my lip at her as she continued to rant, my mind going back to Naruto's powers.

Is it true?

Is, his eyes more powerful than we think? I never knew they could heal like that but..

That's amazing..

He may still have his powers after all. Now, I have to somehow tell her that. Cause right now, she's totally freaking out.

I looked up at her and saw her sweating in fear, her hand waving constantly at her face.

I smiled softly and grabbed her shoulders, her eyes flashing up to me. I smiled once more, to reassure her which did the trick.

She smiled, too.. "It's okay, doctor. He just, has a very rare condition with his eyes. I'll just tell you more about it later. But, did you see what needs to be fixed?" I asked curiously on which she nodded, my hands retreating from her shoulders.

"Oh, yes. His vision of course and, his lenses. They're very torn up and that, can be very dangerous. If we don't fix those fast then.. He'll end up, blind." She whispered once more in all seriousness making me gulp, my head nodding.

"Okay.. It sounds like it's still, bad." I whispered out in concern, thinking back to Naruto. The doctor before mr let a sigh, she nodding her head, agreeing

"Yeah it is, hun. But luckily I got in touch with some more fellow doctors.  So after this, it's operation time. She announced with a huge smile which made my whole body run hot with extreme warmth, my heart skipping several beats.

They're.. starting now?

Oh.. Wow.

That's… Incredible.

I smiled brightly at her, her lips twisting up to match my expression. "Aww.. You look so happy." She giggled out happily on which I bit my lip and nodded in joy, my heart pumping wildly in my chest.

I smiled, battling with my happy tears. "Oh goodness. You don't even know.. I'm so, so..  happy. I screeched out loudly and jumped up and down, giggles coming from her.

Naruto turned to us and slowly pulled his blindfold on, the color black, this time which looked better on him. "Hey, what's so funny? What's happening?" He asked frantically, he standing up from his seat, abruptly.

We both giggled at how ridiculous he looked, his eyebrows furrowed.

He then, chuckled and waved us off. "Heh, You two are funny. When are we gonna get the show on the road?" He asked and the doctor cleared her throat, stepping up to face him.

"Well young man. In just, a few, moments.."

A Few Minutes Later

We all stood in front of Naruto's room, as doctors and doctors rushed in.

Now, they had him lying down on his hospital bed, a white sheet draped over his whole entire body, but his face.

His blindfold was nowhere to be seen and they all swarmed him, talking to him softly, to get him calm.

I bit my lip, my body jittery.

I just can't, believe this is happening. I'm so glad that they made room for him.. He can finally, get his eyes back.

He can see, again...

I smiled and Noah gulped, hiding behind me worriedly. "Wh-What are they going to do, Mommie?" He asked, Ino and Tsunade looking in over me.

Ray and Leo was here as well, Kurenai and Eddie staying behind with Stefan.

They all stared over me at Naruto who was talking back to them, his voice a bit muffled. Which means we couldn't hear him through the door very well.

I looked down at Noah and smiled, rubbing his blond head to reassure him. “It's okay Noah. Daddy's getting better. He'll be fine." I said and brought him to my body, his arms wrapping themselves around me warmly .

I stared back inside and saw the doctors now sedating him, carrying an IV into his arm, his body still.

Ray and Leo sighed and patted me, smiling softly. "Well. This is it. It's probably gonna take some time so.. I'm going to head to Stefan's room to chill." Ray said and nodded at Ino who smiled, running over to him, following him.

I smiled at the both of them leave and nodded. "Sure. I'll stay here and wait, with Noah." I spoke out and they all nodded, leaving me alone with Noah.

I smiled down at him and looked back at the door, watching as Naruto's body became numb.

The whole time Naruto went through his surgery, we stood by his side, just, watching

Before the Operation

I watched as the doctor led Naruto and me back to our room, more doctors waiting there for him, his body walking nighty slow...

But Naruto then, suddenly let out a small gasp and came to a stop, my body falling into his back.

I let out a small squeak and looked up at him, slowly pulling my hand up and rubbing my nose in comfort. "Ow. Naruto, what's wrong?" I asked but I was cut off when he spun around and attacked my lips, my eyes widening.

He kissed me deeply and pushed my body back into the wall beside us, the doctor stopping to turn to us.

She let out a surprise gasp at the sight of our close encounter, Naruto holding me tightly.

He seems like… He's pouring his feelings, into this kiss.

It almoat feels like.. he's, nervous or even scared..

But why?

Shouldn't he be happy, about this?

I groaned when he bit down on my lip, pain erupting. "N-Naruto.. Calm down, please." I whispered and lightly pushed him off, our lips parting.

He obeyed my wishes and backed away, panting softly, my eyes staring back at him worriedly.

I whimpered. "Naruto.. What's the matter?" I asked softly and went up to him again and pulled him into a close hug, squeezing him tightly to reassure him.

He sighed and wrapped his arms around me as well, lying his head down on my shoulder, very close to my ear. "It's just that, I'm.. worried, Hinata. What if.. They can't get my eyes back? What if, I don't get my powers back? I wouldn't know what to do, babe. I-I'm so scared of the outcome. A-And what if it hurts?" He whispered out panicky which made me whimper, my eyes switching back to him.

Oh no.. He's scared, of the operation… I hate to see him so distraught right now. I can't do anything about this either which makes me even more sad.

I whimpered but a sudden thought popped into my mind, my eyes widening by it.

I turned back to Naruto and smiled, reassuringly. "Switch… To him, Naruto. You wouldn't have to suffer through this. He can handle it much more than you can. You can be spared, from the eye operation." I whispered and he instantly gasped, his head lifting up some, by my idea.

A smile, was present on his tan face now, the same black cloth wrapped around his eyes from before. “You're right, Hinata. You're so, right. Thank you, so much." He whispered and I smiled, holding him close as he converted, his darker half slowly taking over.

Once he was here, he let out a throaty groan and cracked his neck, turning his head around blindly.

"Damn. I can't see shit." He whispered which made me frown, my hand rubbing his waist softly.

"Naruto.. You're up, for your operation, now." I whispered and he turned directly at me, a small smile on his face.

He raised his hand up and rubbed my violent hair, pulling it back, away fron my face. "This, shouldn't take too long, Hinata. Once this is done and I get my eyes back. We need, some alone time…. Just the two of us, okay. I want you to promise me, we'll have our peace." He spoke gently and lowered his hands down to grab ahold of my hands, my fingers intertwining with his.

I looked up at him as he looked straight ahead, not clearly turned to me.

I frowned at that, and raised my hand up and placed my hand on his cheek, pulling his head down to face me fully.

I smiled and caressed his cheek, my mind reminding myself that this, is his darker half. I know, he scares me sometimes but, this is a dire situation and I would do anything to prepare him for it.

Because after this, I won't be able to see him in a couple of hours.

I sighed at that, but nodded, to his previous statement. "I promise Naruto. We can do anything you want after this. You deserve it… We can do anything from here on out, okay. Nothing, will hold back. Nothing.." I whispered and pulled my hand up and rubbed his hair, my hand creeping lower to rub his define cheek, a smile creeping on his lips.

"Thank you, Baby. I guess, this is goodbye, for now. I just wish, you can come with me." He whispered out with a sigh on which I frowned, nodding in agreement.

"I know. But, the doctors don't want any ditractions. It's, for the best, Naruto…" I whispered out to him and lowered my hands from his body, his head nodding and a soft sight escaping his lips.

"Yeah.. You're right. I guess, I'll go then.." He whispered but a sudden loud yell stopped us, we turning around to see who it belonged to.

Noah and the others ran up to us quickly, smiles on their faces.


Noah yelled and once he came up, he threw himself onto Naruto making him chuckle, his feet taking him back some. "Hey buddy. How have you been today? You stayed out of trouble?" He spoke playfully and bend down to him, now having some sense of control.

Noah nodded and smiled, answering his questions with complete honesty. "Yes of course dad. Are you, about to go?" He asked curiously and Naruto frowned, turning up to me for help.

I smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder, rubbing it gently. I then, nodded. "You can tell him, Naruto. It's your choice." I explained as Leo and Ray stepped up, Ino and Tsunade close behind.

Ray stared at us with a smile, he then turning to the doctors who was smiling at us, silently waiting.

"Come on you guys. They're waiting for us."  He commented on which Leo nodded, Ino and Tsunade panting softly.

Naruto sighed and looked back at Noah, nodded slowly. "Yep. I'm gonna be treated. The next time you see me.. I'll have my eyes again. I'll be able to see you. You, looking forward to that?" He asked happily and Noah cheered, nodding immediately.

"Heck yeah, dad. You look so weird.. like this." He whispered which made Naruto chuckle, a warm smile creeping on my lips. "Yeah I know, I know. He groaned out but then hopped up on his feet, a tired sigh spilling from his lips.

"Well, that would mean for me, to go." He spoke, turning his attention on me. He smiled and grabbed my hand, rubbing it with his thumb gently, something awfully new.

"I love you, beautiful." He whispered and I blushed, smiling. "I love you too, Naruto." I whispered back and he nodded, turning around and walking away, the others staring after him with worried looks.

He then stopped and turned over his shoulder, a sly smirk on his face. "I'll see ya, Ray, Leo, Ino and Tsunade. Wish me luck." He shouted back and walked off, the doctors now escorting him into the room.

I looked after him and smiled, Noah creeping in towards me.

He looked up at me and hugged me tight, looking back at Naruto who already disappeared into the room...

"You think everything will be okay, mommie?" He asked and I sighed, turning my head down to him.

I shrugged, biting my lip nervously. "I don't know, Noah. I don't, know.."

-A Couple of Hours Later-

Now, I sat with Noah in front of Naruto's door, they still working on his eyes.

Bur I did, hear few side conversations on the way, like..

Does anything hurt?


Is it okay if I do this?


Is the medicine working?


Naruto gave small answers to the doctors words which worried me. Is it the medicine making him sound so groggily.. Or.. something else?

But, it has to be.

He seems fine with them tampering with his powerful eyes.

I'll just have to.. wait and see.

Noah was fast asleep in my lap, his feet resting in the chair he once sat in. Every now and again, Leo would come and check on us, checking how far long the operation has gone for Naruto.

But, it's been hours from when they started.

I'm scared, for him..

I whimpered and lowered my head, the sun outside slowly setting as the time went by.

Now, it had to been about 5 pm.

But they started at 1:30 pm..

This, is insane.

I turned and looked back into the room, eyeing the doctors swarming Naruto with all types of tools, my eyes looking him over, checking him

Bur I had to look away when I caught sight of his squirming feet, my eyes squirming shut.

Goodness.. I can't watch.

I quickly teared up, my emotions yet again running wild.

I just want him to get his eyes back.. now. It's taking way too long and clearly he's suffering.

Sedated or not.

I laid my head back into my seat and cried silently, all of my worries making me start to cry.

Minutes and minutes passed with me just sitting outside my fiancés medical room with my son fast asleep in my arms, my eyes soon closing and sleep.. also, taking me under..

-Much Later-

I was woken up by a tap to my shoulder, Noah still asleep on my lap.

I opened my eyes slowly and saw the doctor from before standing there above me, a big smile present on her face.

"Miss, he's all done. He's ready to see you now." She said happily which brought a smile to my face.

The tears in my eyes formed from joy this tine, my heart skipping several beats.

It's done.. It's really finished.

Oh wow.

I quickly tapped Noah who groaned, his blue eyes blinking open slowly. "Mm.. Mom? What, time is it?" He whispered out groggily but I shaved him and moved to hold him up bridal style, his eyes shooting wide open at that.

"Uh.. Mom?" He asked but I was so happy, my mind so ready to see Naruto.

Noah turned to the doctor and sighed, he now remembering we were in the hospital and not at home.

I looked up at her and grinned in happiness, my heart beating fast in my chest. "Hold on a minute. I have to get the others." I announced excitedly and she smiled, waving her hand at me.

"It's fine, miss. Do as you like." She suggested and I nodded, practically running down the hall with Noah.

I came up to Stefan's room in no time, my hand launching out and knocking at it quickly, and rapidly.

"Guys! Guys! Come out quick!" I shouted and the door flew open instantly, revealing Ray, his eyes widening in worry.

What? What?" He asked and the others crept up, Eddie as well.

I smiled at each and every one of them, even Stefan listening in the back.

"The operation is done. Naruto's.. Ready for us to see him…"

-In The Room-

We now, all stood around Naruto as a doctor helped him eat, another blindfold on wrapped over his eyes.

His movement was shaky, probably because of the numbing medicine that was still inside of him. But other then that, he looked fine.

Ray smiled happily at the sight of him, he soon looking up at the doctor. "So, how was it? Was he able to get his eyes back?" He asked, he taking the words right out of my mouth.

The doctor looked up at all of us and smiled, nodding at his question. "Of course. His eyes are there. They're just healing. But uh.." She trapped off which made all of us frown.

I stepped up and gulped, staring down at Naruto as he held his head low, munching slowly on the sandwich he was given.

"B-But what?" I asked nervously, her eyes staring at all of us.

She bit her lip before speaking, looking back at Naruto in concern. "Well.. His eyes, are a bit strange right now. His pupils aren't just one color, like before.. His right pupil, is a light grey. We couldn't figure out why that is. But his left eye is completely fine. His vision, is well also. We did a few tests on him after the operation was done as well." She informed on which we gulped, we all eyeing Naruto who nodded, he setting his sandiehocj down to speak.

"But, that doesn't matter… My eyes, are back." He whispered, his voice low but soft.

I smiled to hear him talking so well and walked up to him, rounding the bed to get to him.

I leaned down to him and rubbed his right arm softly, his head turning my way slowly. I smiled. "I'm proud, of you, Naruto. You did well." I whispered out proudly, the others listening in, including Noah.

He smiled as he stood by Leo, they all listening in with relief smiles.

Naruto smiled as well and bend down and kissed my forehead, the doctor clearing her throat from beside us.

"If you want to see his eyes.. I will allow it." She added on which I smiled, Naruto's eyebrows raising.

He sat back up and cleared his throat, pulling his hands up slowly. "Alright you guys. Here goes…" He whispered and pulled the tie away from the back of his head, the blindfold falling down from his eyes.

We all stared with widen eyes as his eyes, were finally revealed to all of us, our mouths dropping in awe

He lifted his head up slowly and stared back at us with his different colored eyes, a wide smile coming upon his face at being able to see, all of us, again.

He smiled brightly, nodding his head approvingly. "Hey guys…"



Yayyy! So Naruto has his eyes back!

But does he has his powers back is the question.. 🤔😏

We know that his eyes aren't completely normal but their there and everyone's happy!! 😁😁😁

Like I said before, we are getting close to the end so.. That's gonna be a little sad.. 😥😥😓

But I will have an Epilogue at the end which will be really dope so, yeah!! 🤪🤪

But I really hope you all enjoyed this one!! 😊😊

Don't forget to Comment and Vote!! 💞💞

I'll see you all later!!  👋👋


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