Chapter 9:Lies
I tried not to make a noise as I made my way out the castle. That was quite difficult as I couldn't see my own hand in front of me, and I was always known as being clumsy. Every night I left at the same time to go to the surface to meet up with Magnus. No one had yet noticed me go missing, and I've never been caught coming back to my luck. Everyone is usually asleep at this time, or they're too busy with something else to notice me missing.
Magnus was surprisingly nice and very easy to talk to. When he said he promises to be at our spot the next night, he wasny lying. He'd always be there looking tired, but there anyways when he should be sleeping. He always says he doesn't mind meeting up with me, and I'm glad for that. He is the one person I can easily talk to without having to worry about etiquette or what he might think of me. I haven't told him I'm gay, but I have a feeling he caught on. And surprisingly, I don't mind.
My head broke the surface of the water and sure enough he was there. My heart always stopped when I saw him like this. Calm and at ease. The moonlight illuminated his face and made it glow. He looked urethral. He took my breath away when he says I take his away. He smiled when he saw me. I couldn't help but smile back. I didn't know what this meant, but I knew he was beautiful.
"Come. You'll not believe the story I have for you." I swam over and rested my arms on the rocks as I usually do. I couldn't risk getting out of the water. "Remember my friend Ragnor?"
"Your friend that works with you on the boat, correct?"
"That's him. Anyways today when we were working he told me he saw me sneak out at night. Then one day he decide to stalk me and saw us together. Being the person he is, he automatically believed that there was something romantic between us." He laughed. "That's as far from the truth as he could get. I explained that we were just friends, but he just got more upset as the conversation went on. The last thing we talked about was staying here for a while longer. He said he just wants to see some friends for a bit longer, but in reality he's just waiting for me for our imaginary relationship to not work out. He's going to be waiting a while.
Ridiculous, isn't it? That he thinks there something between us." I laughed. As far as I knew, there was nothing between us and there won't be. Did I want there to be anything to be between us? I wasn't sure. We were from two different worlds, and many people wouldn't agree with our relationship. It just wasn't in the cards for us. Was I happy with what we had? Of course.
"Your friend can believe whatever he wants, that doesn't make it the truth. We're just friends, and I'm happy with that." Magnus continued to tell me about his day and more about himself. Since we've only known each other for so long, we're still learning basic things about each other. It was just yesterday that I learned his favorite color. Magnus could talk for hours about himself, but he still listens when I have something to say. It's never just about himself, and that's what I like about him.
"He's just blowing it way out of proportions. I can't believe he said he doesn't want to leave anymore. Something he's wanted almost as bad as I have. His reasons are as fake as that jewelry merchant who goes up and down the streets nose."
"I've never seen this jewelry merchant. She clouds delightful, though," I said jokingly.
"She's anything but. Last time I tired to buy something from her she took the money and ran surprisingly fast." At the end of his sentence he sighed dramatically. "It's not like the jewelry was pretty anyways. I only bought it to see if I could get her to go away. Instead I just lost some money and ended up seeing her almost everyday anyways." I laughed. Magnus seemed so distressed over the whole thing. "With all the money she steals you'd imagine she'd get a better plastic surgeon."
"Magnus, it's not a big deal."
"To me it is." We both laughed for quite some time.
He continued to tell me stories that left us both with hurting sides. It wasn't until I realized how long I've been there that I had to leave. Reluctantly, I left. Telling him he needed to sleep anyways. He wished me a good night and I was on my way home. I took my time, though. Until you're nineteen there's a strict curfew. Not many actually obey it though. Isabelle is always at some Mermaids party or a near club. Shadowhunters can't always be protecting the King. If I get caught it wouldn't matter if I had been Out five minutes or five hours, and I'm closer to the latter. Might as well enjoy the water at night.
The moon shone through the water, giving almost everything near the surface an eerie glow. Fish and other animals moved out of my way as I swam by. Sharks swam by and acted as if I wasn't there. Nothing but demons and other Shadowhunters would mess with a Shadowhunter. Even without my weapon, I could take care of myself. Demons aren't out at this time either. I was safe.
The castle was in sight and I swam a bit slower. There were always Shadowhunters patrolling the castle. The trick was to act like you we patrolling also. Just swim around the castle a little bit then slip in. Which is what I did, and as always, it worked. No one questioned me.
Just when I began to think it would be an easy swim to my room, I swam into someone. The person turned on a witchlight and looked at me. Just to my luck, it was the King. The air left my lungs and I couldn't speak. I never planned what I would do if I was ever caught. "Alec. What are you doing? Shouldn't you be asleep? For your safety, you're supposed to stay inside at this time at night. That's how it's always been."
"I-I was out." My mind struggled to come up with a believable lie quickly.
"Yes I know that. What I want to know is where you were." The King wanted to know, and wouldn't leave me until he knew where I was.
"I wasn't feeling well. I thought a swim would help me out." He starred me down. He was a bit shorter than me, but he managed to make me feel like I was three inches tall. With one word, he could have me sent to be executed. One of the main things I worried about if I was going to be executed is how would Magnus find out? Would he just sit at the rocks every day, waiting, only to be disappointed when I didn't show up? I should really tell someone about him just in case something was to happen to me. When the odds are pretty high of something actually happening to me, I'd be nice to know that Magnus would be informed. Maybe I'll tell Isabelle.
"Is that the truth? Angel, listen to me when I'm talking yo you!"
"Yes, it is, your Majesty. I will be going to my chambers now." I stammered, and began to swim away. I was hoping to get away but the King grabbed my shoulder. He pulled me back so I was forced to speak to him. I looked at him and his green eyes burned. They was no kindness like Magnus' eyes. Magnus' eyes were unique and beautiful. They held kindness and hope. You could get lost in them, while the king's were stone cold and hard.
"You do understand the law, right? You do know what would happen if you were lying to me." It was more of a statement than a question. Of course I knew. He just wanted to frighten me.
"Of course."
"These laws are here to keep you safe. Dura lex, sed lex. Law is hard, but it is law. Understood?"
"Yes, your Majesty." I swallowed but didn't keep my eyes off of him. He let go of my shoulder and shoved me.
"Off. Leave. Just make sure I don't catch you out again." I didn't reply. I made my way to my chambers where I let out a sigh. That was close, but even after that interrogation I'm not going to stop seeing Magnus. He's too important to me for me to stop seeing him just because the King caught me once. I'll just have to be more careful from now on. Anything for Magnus.
You all hate me probably. I could say I had finals or give any other excuse for not updating for a month. I do want to update more, but sometimes I can't find the motivation or inspiration to write. It's actually quite difficult. I hope I update more often and thank you all for reading anyways!
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