Chapter 5:Frustration

As soon as I figured out what was going on, I swam away. How could I be so oblivious. Of course they would eventually spot me. It wasn't a good hiding place in the first place, but I was trying to make sure that Isabelle and Jace were safe. After battling another Rusalka(Rusalka week was my least favorite week out of the year) I had to make sure there were no more around as we swam back to Idris. So I stayed father away from them. They went under the water, but I stayed and made sure there was nothing else around. That was when those fishermen spotted me. When the green-haired one yelled "Magnus! Stop zoning out on me!" I realized that I should swim away. I should've known that there were watching. All surface people just want to take everything for themselves. They always take things from us, now they want us too? Not to mention pollution. By the Angel, can they just stop? They had extremely annoyed me, but I can't do anything about it, sadly.

I swam far enough to catch up to Jace and Isabelle again. "Where were you? We're almost to Idris," Isabelle asked.

"Sorry, Isabelle. I was just trailing behind, making sure there was nothing else." Luckily there wasn't anything. We were all tired, and another fight isn't what we need at the moment. Also, the whole situation with those men left me in a bad mood.

"Mhm, anyways. Jace was saying that we need to get back to the castle to report to Ephraim soon. We were supposed to be back half an hour ago, but somebody had to piss off a whole clan of Ponaturi."

"Those water goblins were causing havoc!" Jace yelled in defence.

"The only havoc they caused was to my hair! You're lucky that the fish guts washed out. Making fun of how you look is not causing havoc."

"It caused havoc to my ego!"

"Jace, your ego rivals Ephraim's. It can handle a few blows," I replied.

Jace pressed his hand against his chest. "Betrayed by my own brother and Parabatai." While Jace proceeded to act over-dramatic, Isabelle thanked me on backing her up.

When we made it back to the castle, we were greeted by none other than Ephraim. He wore a grin, one that said we were screwed. We were disobeying orders by coming back late, but Isabelle said she could get us through. "Back so soon? It's only been an hour since your post ended. What happened? Did you get attacked?" He acted like he cared, and it made me sick to my stomach. We all knew he didn't. He tried to give us a "safe" environment to live in. When everyone, including him, knew that he could care less about the lives being thrown away protecting this kingdom. As long as he isn't the one being hurt or effected. I've wondered if he even feels anything for anyone. If he does, he doesn't show it. He intentionally hurts everyone with what he says. The words that spill from his mouth are like knives. Ripping you apart until it's too late to stop it. The worse part is that you don't even realize it's him that's ripping through your flesh.

He just wants to keep his power. As long as he's on top, he is the one who rules.

Isabelle smiled sweetly. "No, we were simply making sure there was nothing else around. You could never be too sure with it being Rusalka week." Jace and I nodded, as Isabelle had told us. She said she would cover the lie, we just nod and don't speak. Jace would eventually ruin the lie, and I can't lie. I stutter and get nervous which gives me away.

He nodded, and looked us over. "You're free to go," he curtly stated. He swam away and I let out a sigh.

Jace swam away in the direction of his chambers. He looked over his shoulder at us. "Thank you, Isabelle. Honestly, what would we do without your lies." He wore his usual sly grin.

"How do you think I got out the castle every night to meet up with the Tritons? I've had practice."

"Isabelle!" I exclaimed. How many times do I have to tell her about the Tritons?

"That was years ago. I've moved on to bluer waters. None of them were loyal anyways." She rolled her eyes. Jace laughed and swam away. He seemed a little anxious. I couldn't imagine why Jace was anxious, but he was out of sight before I could say anything to him.

I was also making my way to my chambers when I noticed Isabelle trailed behind me. Her chambers were near Jace's, no where near mine. "Isabelle why are you following me?"

"I was going to explain when we get to you chambers. Meet you there!" Isabelle swam right past me before I could even register what happened. I quickly tried to catch up, but she was already in my chambers by the time I got there.

Each Shadowhunter is given their own chambers in the castle. Each of them look the same, but you're allowed to decorate it however you want. Mine almost looks the same as it did when I was first given it. There are only slight differences that you can miss if you blink. I still have a necklace Isabelle made for me years ago. The shells on it were chipped and discolored, but I still kept it. Jace's old sword was propped against my wall. He kept forgetting it here that it just became a decoration. All little bits and pieces of my life were scattered around this room.

Isabelle was seated on a chair, her long hair fanning out around her. "So let's make this quick. We've already established that you can't lie easily, so where were you?"

"I was meeting with a secret lover. Honestly what do you think I was doing? I was looking out for you two." It wasn't a lie. That was the plan.

"Mmmhhhmmm. Is that all you did? I'm your sister you should trust me. I mean, you already have with information before." I sighed. Isabelle wouldn't leave until she got what she wanted."

"Some fishermen spotted me. It was nothing. I got away in time."

Isabelle got out of the chair immediately."Alec! And you call Jace reckless! What do you call that?"

"Isabelle I promise it's alright. They didn't do anything. Maybe they were planning to, but one with green hair was too loud and I got away. Even if they did do something, I could bite out their nets. Remember?" I pointed to my teeth. "We're made to fight, I could easily do just that."

"Yes, but it's not very good when you're on the surface." She was annoyed. "Alec just don't do that again. You could get seriosuly hurt."

"I'll be fine," I groaned. "It was one time. Nothing like that will ever happen again."

"Better not. No way am I putting up with Jace alone. I'd rather have three annoying brothers than two."

"Isabelle, I promise I never have to put that burden on you." It was a dangerous job, what we do, but I'll do whatever I can so that Isabelle doesn't have to lose anyone.

"Thank you. He's absolutely insufferable sometimes." She rolled her eyes.

"Trust me, i know. I'm his Parabatai and brother. Sadly both of those require for me to be in close proximity to him."

"Aw. We're bonding over our insufferable brother."

"Well I live a boring life. I have to make conversation over something."

I almost forgot to update oops.

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