Mistletoe Mischief - siberiathewriter
Mistletoe Mischief by siberiathewriter
Notes: There is an explicit scene to end the story. Warnings will be put around it so those who wish not to stop/are too young to read on.
Glittering beneath delicately filtered moonlight, blue eyes shone deep and unwavering. Within the palm of his hand lay the symbol of her heart's truest desire, a beautiful white stone set in a golden band.
"Nia Fowler," Caspian began.
Tears slipped from the corners of her eyes as she met his familiar gaze, chest bursting with heat despite the blanket of fresh snow covering the ground.
"This is the place we first shared, where I promised to commit to you, where I promised to try and be more than I had been." She remembered the day well, their first official date. At that time neither of them really thought there would be a second.
"I told you I wanted to remember that evening," he continued, "but now I don't just want to remember one special night with you, Nia. I don't want to remember ten or a hundred, or a thousand— I want to remember everything, for the rest of our lives."
He paused and wrapped her hands in his. "Will you be my wife?"
Emotion from that moment remained fresh as Nia twisted the ring on her finger, smile growing at the memory. It was the plot twist she couldn't have written better herself.
Caspian's intentions had been clear for a while, but she hadn't expected him to propose on the last day of Thanksgiving break, under a sky full of stars. She didn't even see it coming when he said he wanted to take her someplace special, nor when her mom had hugged her extra tight after their dinner, and she certainly missed when Caspian's mom gave him the diamond ring at Thanksgiving.
Just like the stars, and her highest hopes for the future, the ring shimmered and sparked as she turned it in the light. If only she could live in that one moment forever.
But now, instead of looking at the love of her life, she was facing a jumble of notes and far too many highlighted lines in too many textbooks. The entire day had been nothing but study, study, study— for hours on end, and still didn't feel confident enough about finals.
College was not fun.
Her calculus class in particular hung in the balance, and the more she looked at the symbols, the less sense they made. Flopping both arms across the desk, she laid her head over the array of notebooks and groaned.
"What's wrong, baby girl?" Caspian hummed, coming over to rub her shoulders from behind. "Studying worn you out?"
She gave an exasperated huff of confirmation.
He bent down and placed a teasing kiss in the crook of her neck, then added in a low whisper, "Hopefully you're not worn out too much, so I can have my fair share of you later."
"Caspian," Nia scolded, glaring over her shoulder. Curse him for knowing all her weak spots. Scratch that, he was her weak spot.
"What?" he chuckled.
She rolled her eyes. "You never change, do you?"
"Am I supposed to?"
"No, but..." A loud pop sounded as she bent her neck. "I just can't figure out how you're not stressed about finals. Every single one of my brain cells is fried."
Caspian hummed, eagerly tasting more of her skin. "What about your other cells, can I fry those as well?"
If only he wasn't doing just that already. Nia turned, torn between caving in, and maintaining her resolve. "Right now I need to focus. This is important and if I don't make the grade check then..."
"You'll do fine," Caspian pulled away," I even bet you'll do better than me."
"Easy for you to say."
He sighed. "Listen, I'll leave you alone for now, but give me the afternoon tomorrow. I promise I'll make it worth your time."
She had no doubt he'd make good on that promise, but cast a doubtful glance at her workload. Last time she got distracted the plan backfired, and instead of renewing her energy it made studying seem even more like a chore. "What day is tomorrow again?"
"Sunday, baby girl." That meant her test was the next day, Monday morning. Her last chance to prepare.
"Only a few hours," he persisted. Sea-blue eyes melted her insides.
She relented. "Alright, okay." The smile from earlier returned. "But I absolutely have to finish going over every chapter."
Shaking his head, Caspian retreated to the couch. "I'll let you get back to work, then. But don't think my patience won't run out— and when it does, you don't want to find out what happens."
Nia squirmed, almost tempted to see if he'd make good on that threat. But that could wait until tomorrow.
Time was an aggravating thing. The whole night had passed in the blink of an eye, but this morning when Caspian left to go to the store, minutes turned into hours.
Nia double-checked the solution she wrote with the correct one, and in relief at their match, shut the textbook. She was drained. Grinding numbers had given her what she wanted— ample practice and assurance, but now an evening with her fiancé was even more needed.
Still, worry wedged into her thoughts. There would be no chance to make up for mistakes, and she hated not being able to predict the outcome.
Caspian was much better at dealing with uncertainty; he'd take it in stride and wasn't afraid to try again and again. Guess he learned a thing or two from his history of copious flirting.
She tucked away the study materials and moved them out of sight, peeking out the window over the apartment's small balcony. The sight of drifting snow and icicles had her reaching for a fuzzy blanket.
Fluffy white globs floated past in a lazy course, some as big as her thumbnail and others too small to notice. Sunlight shone down through patchy clouds, alluding to warmth she knew was nowhere to be found. Frigid air clung to the glass pane and when she touched it with the tip of a finger, fog encircled the small mark.
Surely it would have been better for Caspian to stay indoors today. Whatever he had planned, her heart warmed with gratitude and willed him to return faster. She hoped he hadn't gone too far out of his way.
Drawing little hearts as her breath fogged up the glass, she stood and watched for the familiar car to pull into the parking lot. When it did, a little thrill had her rocking up onto tippy-toes. She'd never get tired of knowing Caspian came home to her, and visa-versa. Unlike the house she was raised in, this place felt like a home, and she wouldn't give it up for the world.
Losing sight of Caspian while he parked, she turned and started towards the door, then changed course for the kitchen. He'd be cold, and she knew the perfect remedy. And, now that she thought about it, could use a little winter treat herself.
Soon she had a small saucepan of milk on the stove and two mugs out on the counter. As she picked out two different flavors of hot chocolate mix, the door clicked open. A rustle of more plastic bags than should be carried at once filled the lonely space, and Nia's eyes widened as Caspian maneuvered through the entrance.
"What's all this?" she questioned, hurrying over to close the door.
Before an answer came, the bags landed on the floor with a thump and she was whisked into a tight hug. "If you aren't done with that textbook by now, I'm going to burn it."
She giggled and leaned back into the embrace, all remnants of chilly air vanishing between them. "I did finish, but even if I hadn't— no burning allowed. It's only a rental."
"I'll burn anything that gets between us." He took a deep inhale and she felt his gaze lift to the kitchen. "You making something?"
Untangling herself, she went to mix the ingredients. "It's just hot chocolate, looking outside made me cold."
Caspian walked past the bags and gratefully took a mug. "I will verify, it's cold outside."
She took a sip of the steaming liquid. "Don't think your distraction worked— why on earth did you get so much? And what is it?"
A sly grin crept onto his face, accompanied with a boyish eyebrow raise. "Curious, are we?"
Too impatient to pry out a response, she walked over and picked up a bag. Metallic gold and silver garland fluffed up, hiding beneath an array of other colorful decorations. A quick glance confirmed the rest of the bags held similar festive items.
"Christmas decorations," Caspian said.
One bag stood out, only partially able to conceal a large rectangular box. Upon closer inspection, the photo of a mid-size Christmas tree was displayed on the side.
Nia's heart expanded. In all the worry about finals, she hadn't even noticed the rest of the world beginning to celebrate the holidays. Speechless, she continued to unveil various strings of lights, painted ornaments, and even a pine wreath. Suddenly she felt like a child all over again.
"Christmas..." she whispered, "I completely forgot."
An hour and a half later, the apartment glowed with holiday fervor. Nia hummed along with nostalgic music and used the last remnants of her energy to piece together a glittering tree. It was a mere foot shorter than her, but compared to Caspian appeared more like a toy.
The tree sparkled with color, akin to the walls that were strewn with an unsymmetrical mix of garland and string lights. Two matching stockings hung beside the desk, replacing the former gloom of her all-nighter with lighthearted merriment. She stepped back and admired their handiwork.
"Last piece, it's for you to hang," Caspian said, standing by the doorway to their bedroom.
Nia turned and eyed a small bundle of faux green leaves in his hand, then giggled. She wondered exactly when he had become the cheesier one. "Really, mistletoe?"
"Whatever you want to call it, all I know is I get a free kiss every time you walk under it."
She grinned and took the plant. "Aren't we supposed to be standing underneath at the same time?"
"Trust me, I'll be there every time you pass through this door." A flutter of butterfly wings spread through her stomach and a blush touched her cheeks.
"All that effort for a kiss? Wha— oh!" She squealed as he bent and grabbed her waist, lifting so she could reach the ceiling.
"Worth it," he said, and pressed a delicate kiss to her navel.
Her eyes narrowed as she clung to his shoulders for support, was he flexing on purpose? Alas, it had the intended effect, and those same butterflies burst into embers of desire. She refocused her attention away from their heated contact and onto hanging the mistletoe, sticking the temporary hanger near her best guess of center. "There."
Without warning, Caspian's grip loosened and sent her plummeting down a few inches. She gasped, clenching her legs around his waist for dear life. He smirked.
"If you drop me..." she warned, latching onto his chest like a lifeline.
The bite in her tone did nothing to deter the mischievous glint in his eye. If anything, it gave him incentive. "Now, what comes next?"
Her pulse began to race, and she wasn't sure if it was from the fall— or what she fell onto. Despite that, she wanted to maintain composure, or at least be a little irritated. Giving him what he wanted would only encourage this behavior more. But...
He was the one person who could— and would— get away with pushing her buttons. In fact, it softened her heart when she remembered just how deeply she trusted him. He hadn't come this far without earning it.
Warm breath fanned across her moistened lips, sweetened from the hot chocolate. Indeed, it didn't feel like she was on the losing side at all when their mouths met. Her arms nestled behind his neck, hips fitting perfectly against his.
She didn't know who deepened the kiss, but clung tighter as he warmed her from the inside out. Their tongues danced, familiar and well practiced partners. This was what cold weather was for.
Holding her with matched and unbridled passion, he tilted their hips just right and the seam of her sweatpants hit an oh-so sensitive pinnacle between her legs. The friction set off a series of fizzling nerve endings, prompting her to fall further into the clutches of impulse as the world around them faded away.
He pulled back to trail hot kisses across her jaw, her skin soaking up the affection as if it were the finest lotion and channeled it to the place he alone could touch.
"Caspian," she half whispered, half sighed, too tired to fight off the overwhelming need. Her head fell to his shoulder, and inhaling his cologne, tenderly sucked a patch of warm skin between her teeth.
"Nia, fuck," he cursed under his breath and let out a low, broken moan. "This was supposed to be about you."
Her body curled into his, motivated by the positive response and chasing after further gratification. She never ceased to find as much enjoyment in pleasing him as she did in her own. The combination was a miracle in and of itself.
Caspian shifted one hand to support her back and smoothed the other up under her shirt along the sensitive skin on her side. The tip of his thumbnail pressed a light line into her ribcage, sending electric shocks straight to her center.
She squirmed, unable to contain the pleasure crackling like a ball of static energy. "I can't," she gasped, "I can't hold on."
A few steps later and her back dipped into the soft mattress. Apart from the coil of anticipation in her core, all her limbs melted in exhaustion. In fact, the fabric that slipped down her legs evaded all awareness until it was replaced by wet, hungry lips. Quivering, her thighs fell apart in compliance.
"You've been so good, working so hard," Caspian murmured. "Time to let me reward your efforts."
Even if she was in a position to protest— which she certainly wasn't— this was an offer she couldn't resist. Oxygen rushed into her lungs as a finger hooked around her panties and pulled to the side. Cold air caressed her exposed folds and she opened wider in encouragement.
Slowly, exasperatingly, he took his time collecting the arousal that had already dripped down and painfully circled closer to her clit. Just as a pleading whine was about to leave her lips, two fingers speared her weeping core. Her eyes sealed shut, moan filling the room and hips arching off the bed.
"Always ready, aren't you baby girl..." His voice was a husky whisper, coated with beautiful dark lust and glowing in admiration. "Ready to take everything I have for you."
The response she intended to offer transformed into a sigh, his silken tongue licking up her juices and nudging her hardened, aching nub. With that her body thrummed to life. As quick as it came, her sigh spiked into a feeble cry as he pinched a nipple and elongated it between slippery, hot fingers. Her current state of helplessness amplified tenfold. Quite literally, she was a trembling mess beneath him.
An ever so slight tug to the corner of his lips revealed a smug, triumphant smile. Any ability she had left to form words vanished, replaced by the singular focus of not combusting on the spot.
Her fingers somehow found their way into his soft curls, smothering the grin off his face and using it as leverage to relieve some of the pressure. Not that Caspian was about to let it end so soon, as his thrusts increased in intensity but came at a slower, unpredictable pace. Her cravings for more only grew more insatiable, more persistent.
Fingers curling, he repeatedly hit that magical spot he was all too acquainted with. Fresh waves of pleasure washed over her each time he entered, effectively making her toes curl and muscles clench at his mercy.
"Ah..." she begged, nearly tipping over the brink. She was past ready to topple into oblivion, having lost touch with reality and needed release.
More than happy to please, his other hand stretched her folds and pulled the skin back to more thoroughly feast on his personal all-you-can-eat buffet. He sucked her between his teeth and rolled his tongue over her bundle of nerves; she screamed. Thighs snapping shut, she tried unsuccessfully to get away. It was too much— and just enough at the same time. Her jaw dropped, back arched against him, and a rumble came from between her legs— Caspian groaned as she fell apart, lapping up every last drop she gave.
Utterly spent, she couldn't even lift an eyelid. And she didn't need to, suddenly feeling even fuller than before. Raising her legs to his chest, Caspian slid inside, all the way to the hilt of his glorious length, as her body gripped onto him with no intent of letting go.
"Hell," Caspian breathed, "you feel so damn good."
Those words alone made her feel ten times better. And she couldn't agree more.
At first he went at a steady pace, massaging every inch of her walls and gradually building back up to where they left off. The gentle rocking motion expelled the tiniest knots of leftover tension, her body surrendering completely to bliss.
Soon beads of sweat dampened their skin and a deeper yearning began to manifest with every stroke. Her fists gripped the sheets, chest heaving with heavy pants. Heavenly soft lips brushed over the swell of her breasts as he lifted her up and tugged off their remaining clothes.
Melding together in an earnest kiss, she basked in being skin-to-skin, heart-to-heart. He never ceased to fill her to the core, between her legs and every beat of her heart. Even more amazing was how she seemed to do the same for him.
His tongue swept over her lips, which parted as readily as her legs had and tasted the product of their love. Their breaths intermingled, moans lost in a place where time didn't exist. Satisfied and drunken, their hands wandered as Caspian lifted them further onto the bed. He nipped at her lips, moving to suckle her earlobe and breathlessly whispered, "Turn over."
In one fluid motion, he placed himself behind her hips and plunged in at once, ramming her G-spot. She cried out and pushed back, collapsing on the bed as his hand traveled between her legs to keep her upright. The other acted as a brace as their speed and pressure built to an all-time high. He strummed her again and again, scattering kisses on every surface of her body within reach. Tunnel vision took over and she crumbled, tightening as another string of elation prepared to snap.
"Baby girl," he panted. She hummed, answering the familiar words. "You never cease to amaze me." As if to punctuate the statement, he pushed in deep and held the position. Stars burst in her head, caught in a tug of war between restraint and relief.
Then, pulling out, he penetrated her to the fullest extent as he spoke each following word. "You're beautiful, smart, sexy as hell, and..." He kissed up her spine, lingering at the back of her neck.
Diving in, he stretched her to the limit, stole the very breath from her lungs. An implosion of chaos consumed every cell. Nearly blacking out, she felt him sew seeds of pleasure as he, too, pushed to climax. Riding out their peak, she found she could do nothing more but collapse afterwards in a pile of limbs.
After cleaning up, Caspian crawled into bed and tucked the blanket over them both, encasing her with delicious warmth. "Rest well," he whispered, drawing her as close as possible. "You're going to do great tomorrow."
Through the peaceful nothingness that filled her satiated being, all she could sense was his touch, his scent, his breath. Only him. Forever him.
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