Treasure 1

I never thought I'd find love

I'm truly indebted, now answer this question...

What sweet treat do you feed a confection loving dentist that enjoys eating fairies?

Good luck... and enjoy!

A dentist who eats fairies? That's weird... and gross. Seriously how do you even find a fairy in today's world? But I guess it doesn't have to be a real fairy.

I reread the clue a few times and put it in my pocket for future reference. Maybe it's a plush fairy but why would there be a fairy toy at a pride festival? I mean I can't judge... maybe it's someone who's dressed like a fairy but that could take forever to find.

I decide to just walk through the festivities and check out the booths. Maybe something will come to mind. I don't think they're timing me but they told me to hurry up so maybe I'm going too slow... I'm kinda stuck in a box though. I have no idea what the clue could be talking about... Pidge said this one was going to be easy!

Then again Pidge's definition of easy is "very" different from a normal person.

I take a few corners while skimming the booklet of activities, they really went all out for the festival. They have so many different things to do, booths to check out, and big events going on throughout the day. Not to mention the area is huge, I didn't think they would need this much room. I guess walking around won't help me figure it out. 

Actually come to think of it... who did I help find someone to love? I mean... who would take my advice anyways? I can't keep a relationship... god I remember my last one. He ended up getting in a fight after cheating on me and he had to go to the dentist over and over for surgeries to fix his teeth. He looked so miserable... 

it was hilarious. 

But I couldn't imagine not being able to eat candy or anything sweet for years. 

I end up passing a few carts for carnival foods. Popcorn, kettle corn, candy corn, a whole bunch of corn (idek why), and Cotton can-... dy. 


I remember someone telling me that when Cotton candy first came out it was created by a dentist.

The dentist was very interested in creating and making different kinds of candies and he ended up creating cotton candy... but it wasn't called cotton candy when it first came out. I think it was called...

Fairy Floss!

Wow, I'm an idiot. It literally says old fashioned fairy floss on the cart and I've been starring at the sign for 10 minutes. Ok maybe my friends are right when they told me I'm a little oblivious at times... just a little. 

I haul ass to the stand because people are starting to look at me like I need help or something. I mean I don't blame them considering the amount of time I've probably been standing at this sign drooling or something.

I stop at a counter and there's a person working there. They have a masculine looking face with blue lipstick and amber eyes. Their hair is navy blue with pink underneath and I can make out a scar underneath their makeup around the right eye. I search for the name tag and it reads "Zethrid."

This must be Ezor's girlfriend. 

"Can I help you?" Her voice was deep and raspy but she seemed nice enough.

"Umm, maybe... Zethrid right?" She looked like she had a moment of realization and let a laugh escape her teal lips while simultaneously leaning forward against the table on her elbows.

"Stalker much?"

"Nah, I don't have time for that, Ezor said hi though," Zethrid nodded and smiled to herself looking towards the ticket booth.

"Hmm... Well you must be Keith then right?" She questioned and I'm guessing everyone is going to be asking me that question today.

"Is it that obvious?" I rubbed the back of my neck nervously and let a small smile pull at the corners of my lips.

"I mean when someone tells you to look out for a boy with a mullet then, yeah. It was all part of the plan anyways but here," Zethrid ducks behind the counter and comes back up with a bag of yellow cotton candy in her hands. 

"It's already paid for, and your next clue and letter should be at the bottom of the bag," She slides it across the tabletop and I open up the bag. Who knew pineapple cotton candy existed? I inspected the outside of the bag and I could see the rectangular outline of a piece of paper on the bottom. 

"So Pidge's idea of wishing me a happy birthday is giving me diabetes? Noted." She let an uncontrolled rumble of laughter pour from her mouth. You could really tell it came from stomach but it was so sudden I did not expect it and jumped a little.

"Well anyways, you should read the note and clue, it will get you to your prize faster," I nodded and began to walk off, looking behind my shoulder after a little to see Zethrid waving me off.

So there's going to be a big prize at the end? That should be interesting...

I sit down at a picnic table and pull out a little cotton candy. The fluffy confection glittering in my fingers as I brought it over my mouth. I plopped it in and I really need to get more of this cotton candy because god damn this is good shit. 

I decided to just remove the rest of it to get to the note quicker. There was a napkin dispenser next to me so I 'borrowed' some and used it as a plate for the yellow treat. The note was rolled up and brought together by a ring. The ring was one of those two-in-one rings that you would usually find couples get for one another. One half was the ying and the other half the yang. I pulled off the ring and slid it on one of my fingers for safe keeping and unwrapped the note.

Reading it I realized it was written by Shay,


"Keith I don't know what to do!"  Shay paced the room trying to hold in her tears. She was wracking her hands through her hair trying to fix her messy bobbed hair.

"I didn't think he would cheat on my again... he promised me!" She was quickening her pace and beginning to talk faster.


"What kind of boyfriend does that!" She grunts, yelling at the ceiling. She continues to stomp around the room talking more to herself and getting caught up that I don't think she knows I'm trying to get her attention.

"Shay..." I wave and try to catch her eyes but she just keeps shaking her head and ranting.

"But maybe i'm jumping to conclusions... maybe I should go apologize for storming out... Help me Keith!" She jumps in my direction with her hands emphasizing her frustration, a flash of fear and stress passing through her eyes as she then continues to pace the room. 

"SHAY!" She jumps and spins back in my direction.

"What Keith?" 

"You gonna let me say something now?" She closes her mouth and sighs, taking a seat on the couch next to me.

"Sorry, I just don't know what to do anymore... I can't do this again," she rubs her eyes with her fists and slouches in the couches cushions. 

Shay hasn't gotten much sleep in the past few days since she found her boyfriend with another girl... and in her apartment no less! Seriously what the fuck was he thinking?

"Just promise you won't go back! After everything he put you through... you don't deserve this Shay and he doesn't deserve you," I try to reassure her with a small smile while keeping my voice stern to get my point across. 

She doesn't notice, however, because she's digging her palms into her eyes and probably trying to erase any memories of the things she saw that night... unfortunately we both know it won't go away that quickly.

"But he said it could be a one time thing... that maybe-" I cut her off and jumped up. She needs to stop making excuses for him!

"Maybe what? You really think he's going to change? If you go back to him now he's going to think it's ok to keep doing these kinds of things." I used my hands to talk... getting more pissed off which isn't really good when trying to help someone calm down.

"Keith... he said he loved me, that we would get married one day..." She started to sit up and look in my direction... her voice was straining... the tears were almost here.

"And what did he tell you when you talked about the children you wanted to have in your life... how you want to be a mother?" I put my hands on her shoulders using my eyes to convince her soul to let her go from this spell her so called 'boyfriend' put on her.

"He... he said he didn't want to be tied down... but that doesn't mean-" I stopped her again sitting her down on the couch and facing towards her.

"Shay, he was never going to give you that family... he wasn't looking to give you happiness. He cared about his own problems and in all seriousness he doesn't deserve to be in a committed relationship... especially with someone as incredible as you." A tear slipped down her cheek and another.

She was slowly breaking... her walls were crumbling to the ground and I don't know if I'll have enough glue as her friend to fix it. I give her a hug and whisper to her in an attempt to sooth her and calm her down... she shouldn't have to cry over that prick.

"It's ok... I'm here for you," I have her in a hug with her head buried in my chest as we sit next to each other on the couch. She sniffles and balls her fists into my shirt.

Shay has always been a really strong girl. It's very hard to make her cry and even when you do she doesn't cry loudly... I think she's finally reaching her limit. This isn't the first time this has happened to her but I think considering he helped her out when her last relationship turned out bad, this one is breaking her up way worse.

"I'm so tired of this Keith... why do people keep rejecting me? Am I doing something wrong?" She looked up into my eyes and I held her closer and pet her head (not as weird as it sounds).

"No! Of course not... people just think it's ok to use you because your so sweet and caring..." She slowly pulled away and looked at me her hands on my in a way a mother supposedly holds her sons hands during serious conversations.

"I'm never dating anyone again... I'll adopt and be a single mother..." her voice is cold and I don't know how to feel about it. Is she really giving up on what she wants because some asswipe didn't deserve her? I don't want her to compromise with herself.

"We both know that's not what you want out of life... we just need to find you someone who appreciates you for you and someone who treats you right," she slowly wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me closer, head resting on my shoulder probably squishing her cheeks.

"Thanks Keith..." she mumbled, and I chuckled a little. 

"No problem, you'll find someone... you're like a crystal; tough but beautiful and someone will see that soon enough." I could feel her smile and I pulled her back jumping in my seat to lighten the emotional atmosphere... blah.

"Now! What about we go to my friends bakery... he makes the best cinnamon rolls and I swear those will cheer you up quick," I smiled and she seemed like she was getting happier and realized something.

"Oh, the new bakery on 5th Ave?" she was bubbling with excitement and practically ready to run out the door.

"The one and only..." I beamed. I have to promote my friends business somehow. 

"Here's what's gonna happen Keithy boy... were gonna race... and whoever gets there has to pay," she got her competitive face on and jumped to her feet getting ready to book it down the sidewalk. I shrugged my shoulders and held out my hand to seal the deal.

"Dea- Hey!" Shay sprinted out the door and down the sidewalk. I laughed and grabbed my wallet before chasing behind her...

Long story short I ended up paying.


After that she met my friend and now they are happily married with a 'secret' baby on the way. Shay doesn't want anyone else to know yet but she told me when you found out... she just had to say something. She hasn't even told Hunk yet. 

I unfold the second paper with the next clue...

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