Infiltrating the Base
Tho for a while now, you were walking with the three of the drones, still on edge about being disassembled, and the silence wasn't least N was being a bit positive.
N: So..what's your favorite food?
This caught you off guard as you looked at him.
Y/N: Uh, what?
N: Food! What's your favorite food?
Y/N: Uh..well it's Triple A Batteries..
N: Oooh..that's a great choice! Me personally I prefer some double A!-
J: Please. Shut up..
You and the three stayed quiet for a bit longer..
N: So..hey, Y/N?..
He whispered to you.
Y/N: Sup N..?
N: Erm..could I tell you something, now that we're friends of course.
He said with some hope.
Y/N: Uh, sure man..
N: see her?..walking next to J?..
Y/N: Uh, yeah, I definitely see the one walking with J..what about her?..
N flushes his visor as he stumbles across his words.
N: Yeah..y-yeah..V..I..sorta..kinda..have a crush on her..but please don't tell her I said that..
You couldn't help but laugh a little at his flustered state, and give him your word.
Y/N: Hey..I promise, I won't tell her a thing..
N sighed immediately out of relaxation..
N: Thanks're truly the best..
Y/N: Anytime.
J:..What are you two yapping about?.
N: Nothing!
Y/N: Just uh...Trash cans..
N: Uh, yeah! Littering and all..sometimes you wanna just..throw it all in the trash..
J:..I kinda wanna throw you in the trash right now..
N:..Please don't..
J: Then do me a favor and stop talking..
N looks down and at the snowy weather..
And not even a second later..
N makes a popping sound, the three of you flinched, not expecting it, but relaxed as you all saw it was just N. He pops again, J was visibly getting a bit annoyed, and that's when N make a third pop sound.
J: Ugh! For five minutes..could you not be yourself.. FOR FIVE MINUTES?!?
She snapped at N, making him flinch, J turns back and continues leading the way, N sighs and stays silent, still a bit bored, but at least the tension died down! Yea? I'll take that personally.
But back to the story, you slowly walk up at tap on J's shoulder.
J: Ugh, what?!
She groans out of irritation whilst looking at you.
Y/N: So..what's gonna happen? Are you going to rip my arms off and turn them into pens?
N looks back at you whilst J and V share a small laugh.
J: Uh, no?..
N sighed in relief, V agreed with J right after that. So that had to be another question to answer for them..
Y/N: But you're disassembly drones..aren't-
V: Would you rather us do that-
J: Hey, hey. Relax V..uh, no..we won't do that to you..
Y/N:..I see..
N: Yeah, I had a small chat with them..and they agreed you're too valuable to destroy! Being a rogue drone and all.
J: Yes..sadly, this buffoon talked us out of killing you, such a shame..but we found greater purpose for you..
Y/N: Oh? And that is?
V: You'll see~
She snickers quietly as the trio had stopped in-front of a large metal door.
Y/N: Hm..this is a big door..
You felt the cold steel against the palm of your hand, scanning its material.
Y/N: Hm. Stainless steel..classic..
J: Yeah, now open it.
You blanked out for a moment and turned to her.
Y/N: I beg your pardon?
J: Did I stutter? I said open it, dummy.
Y/N: How? I don't even live here...
The three of them didn't seem to believe you.
N: What? C'mon that's a joke..surely you're from somewhere! Yeah?..
Y/N: Uh, no?
V: And why is it that I don't believe you?..
Y/N: can't believe me on my word, but I legit don't have the card or a code or-
J: Just open the door before I disassemble you here now and turn you into a thousand pens!
Y/N: DUDE! I don't know the code! It's not like the doors gonna magically open if I just look at it-
Then as you said that, the door opened up.
?: Uh- Wow, okay, just gonna leave then..cause this worked so weirdly well..uh..go doors! I- huh?..
She stopped inches away from you, staring at you in awe.
?: Uhhh...
?2: They grow up so fa- Whaaa?...
Y/N: Uh..well!..that explains a lot..
You chuckle nervously and sigh..
J: Heh, well, N! Am I dreaming or did you do something NOT useless for once?..
She giggled and sharpened her claws as they jumped inside, the drone with the mustache freaked out and ran off to sound the alarm.
V: Man, I've been trying to get past those doors for months now! Good job N..
N: Y-You um..remember?...
He said, flustered.
Y/N: Well..I loved the little adventure and all, but Buddy and I had a small prank war to get back I'll see myself out-
?: Whoa hang on a aren't going anywhere!
She said holding some type of glowing rifle..
Y/N: Whoa..hey! Take it easy ma'am! I don't mean any harm, I don't know about the other two but I'm harmless! Just drop the gun..
?: How about this, bite me and eat this!
She was about to shoot, only for V to attack and knock her down, N grabs the gun as the other worker drones flee in terror.
Soon enough you were about to leave but the door closed up on you, trapping you inside.
Y/N: Aw come on!
V throws the purple drone to the side and flew up into the vents.
V: These ventilation shafts should get us passed this last door! Lowest body count eats a missile!
She said as she grew large wings from her back and flew up into the shafts and onto the other side.
J: Way to go studs..
She grabs you and drags you over to N, patting you both on your backs.
J: The company is gonna love this..with this colony wiped, we'll make top team this quarter for sure! And you know what that means~
She pulls out a pen and began clicking it.
J: Branded Pens!~
N: Ooooh!!
He said mesmerized.
Y/N:..I don't get it..
J: Ah, no matter..
She tosses the pen to N and flew up into the vents, N hesitated, but followed behind.
Y/N: I am, talking to myself once again, now that is uh..another thing that would make me what? I can't leave and there's no key card..
?: Stop. Right. There..
The purple drone gets up and finds her gun, aiming it directly at you.
?: Turn around..slowly..
You put your hands in the air and turn around.
?: Great..
Y/N:, please don't shoot me with that..
She doesn't change her demeanor and frowns.
?: You know why I'm pointing this thing at you, don't you?
Y/N: Yeah, I can get why you're upset and pointing that thing at me, but I swear I'm not even affiliated with disassembly drones!
?: You're gonna have to prove it then, because everything you've done so far points in the direction of you being on their side...
Y/N: But I swear I'm not! You can check my database, I don't even exist here or there! They were just interrogating me about me having some code! I don't even have wings like they do, or massive claws..tho that would be cool..huh..
?: I'll admit having wings could be fun, but that's off topic, now answer me..why were you affiliated!?
Y/N: I was kidnapped from my home! They thought I used to be here!
?: Is that so?.
Y/N: Yea! Look, I didn't want anything to do with this..but I was dragged along.
She sighs and frowns, pointing her gun downwards.
?: Fine, you convinced me not to blow your face into a circuit board help me deal with dad is over there and I don't plan on losing him too..
Y/N: Thanks..uh..
Uzi: Just call me Uzi, and save your thanking for later..
You nod.
Y/N: Uzi..yeah..uh..let's go..
She looks at the door, seeing its sealed shut, she pushes a crate and tries reaching up, groaning as she was a bit too short.
Uzi: that you say that, yeah, wings would've been useful by now..
Y/N: Uh, yeah..
Uzi: Well, come on uh..
Y/N: Oh! Right!'s Y/N..
Uzi: Y/N..kinda cool name..I guess..just, give me a boost.
Y/N: A boost?..
Uzi: Yeah! Up there genius.
She points upward at the shaft, you nod as you saw what she was talking about and gave her a boost up onto the ceiling vent. She then stops and and reaches her hand out to you to grab onto, you grab onto her hand and for a moment she struggled, but as soon as you were a bit more higher, you grab ahold of the ceiling lip and pull up, getting up with her.
Uzi: Okay..let's go kick some Robo-ass..
Y/N: Uh..yeah..about do I fight?..I don't exactly have a weapon..
Uzi:..Right..uh..oh! Right..
She hands you an old wrench?
Y/N: Hm..
Uzi: Just try not to get yourself killed..
Y/N: I'll try not to..I can say that.
Uzi sighs and opens the vent lid, jumping down and waiting for you, you jump down with her and rushed to see the two murder drones killing off the other poor worker drones, N stood there, hesitating.
J: N?..cmon!
N looks at her and V pinning down two more drones.
Y/N: N!
You shouted at him, gaining his attention.
N: Yea? Oh! Hi Y/N! Who's your friend?
Uzi: We are not friends! This isn't a bonding relationship between put that conventionally attractive male down..
She aimed her gun at the three murder drones, You held out your wrench.
Y/N: Yeah! Uh, what she said..I think..N?..
J: N!
She growled, but her tensions grew more as she watches N try and pick a side here..
Y/N: N..come on..if you be on our side, I'll be your best friend..
N smiled kindly at that.
N: Well..yeah! Okay!
He joins your side, the three of you stare down at J and V..
J: Hm..
N: Now, don't take this personally J..or V..but um..
Y/N: Don't be afraid've got this..
N:'re kinda mean to me..and I wish you weren't..just some constructive criticism!
Y/N: Nice one brother..
You fist bump him, to which he happily returns.
V angrily throws the random drone away.
J: Noted traitor..we'll circle back after I rightsize your existence.
The three of you turn to each other after she gets done talking.
Uzi: Okay..who wants to take who?
N: J, please..
Y/N: I'll take on V I guess-
Uzi: Good luck!
She rushes in unannounced, You follow suit and so did N. You go and attack V, ducking under her claws and fighting her intensely.
V: Pathetic're no match for my superior power!!
Y/N: Maybe you do have the advantage! But I've got this!
You grabbed your wrench and bonk her on the head.
V: Owww!
After she was stunned for a second, you look to see J was slowly overpowering Uzi, you acted fast and throw the wrench into her headband light bulb, making the yellow fluid inside spill onto her.
She screamed and wiped off the yellow substance, giving Uzi the opportunity to get up and jump up on a wall and go to kick her.
J: I hate everything!
She pulls the wrench out of her headband and throws it off to the side, J was then kicked to the ground and at Uzi's feet.
V on the other hand had gained control and grabbed you, stabbing you with her stinger and throwing you off to the side.
You held your melting wound, it stung bad..hitting you on the shoulder..
N: Y/N! Nooo!
V then turns to N, to which N nervously waved and puts a thumbs up. V giggles and flies up after N. J growls and swept Uzi off her feet and gets back up, her smile grew wider as her hand shifted to an EMP shockwave, disabling Uzi and you in the process.
Meanwhile N and V were having a very intense sparring session, all in the air. Until he noticed J dragging Y/N over to Uzi and finishing them off for good..
N: Y/N!!! Y/N's other friend!!
He panicked and thought of something..
N: I am sorry, have fun repressing this!..
He then licks V's blade, grossing her out.
V: Ew..what the hell?!
N then flew up and kung fu kicked V into the concrete floor, creating a crater upon impact.
You and Uzi had woken up side by side as J you try and pass the gun over to Uzi, only for J to snatch it out of your hands and throw it to the side.
J: Heh, you got a lot of guts for a barely sentient toaster..I've had prey fight before, but your edgy spirit and your down to earth attitude two make it so much more-
Uzi then grabbed her tail and stabbed her in the foot with it.
J: Painful?!..
She yelps and held her leg in pain, hopping backwards.
J: Ah!- Fourth quarter profits! Mother of company leadership retreats!
She hops on a pebble and trips down on her back, scared. Uzi then charges up her gun, grinning.
Uzi: One more buzzword and I'll do it!
Once it was done charging, J let out her last words.
J: Equity partnersh-
The blast was big, you shield your eyes from the blast and look back, J was dead.
Uzi: Hm..
She spat where her remains lay, looking back at you and N.
Uzi: Not half bad Y/N..
Y/N: I can definitely say the same for you..
You and Uzi share a nod and look to see many other drones cheering you and Uzi on for that. Uzi had malfunctioned and fell, but you had caught her and kept her up.
Y/N: Whoa, don't wanna take the fall already..
Uzi:..Shut up..
She pouted and stands back up, rubbing her shoulder.
N: Hey buddy! Hi Uh..
Y/N: Oh right, N, this is Uzi, Uzi, this is N!
Uzi: Uh, hey N.
N: Hi Uzi! So glad to meet Y/N's new friend!
Uzi: We are, okay..
She smiled a bit at that, you let out a small chuckle and look at the crowd cheering you three on.
?: Holy hell Uzi that was insane!
He then looks at you and N, never meeting you two before.
?: You too uhh...
N: Hm? Oh, I'm N! And this is my pal Y/N!
He said as he gently nudged your shoulder.
Y/N: Heh.
Then someone cleared his throat, upon closer inspection, it was the same drone from earlier who had sounded the alarms.
?: Uzi?..are you hurt?..
Y/N: No sir, she's fine!
Uzi: Yeah..I'm..fine..thanks to these two..
You two smiled a little at her choice of attitude.
?: Oh..thank god..
Uzi: Ugh, Dad, please, you're embarrassing me...
Y/N: Aw come on, it's just a father and daughter bonding-
Uzi: Y/N!
Y/N: Shutting up..
N: S-So! Uh..could this be our new home then?..
Y/N: Perhaps..
He shrugged, as did you. Then Uzi's dad lets her go and greets you both.
Khan: Ahem, hello you two. I'm Khan, just..thank you for saving her..when I found out she wasn't with the group..I panicked..and I'm-
Y/N: Hey, we won't let you sweat it Mr Khan. We were happy to help.
N: Yeah! do we do now?..
Y/N: Well..our work here is done..
You turn to the door that led to the outside, N looked over as well..
N:..What are you thinking?
Uzi: Wait..
She took your shoulder with a worried look.
Uzi: Come on, why not stay?
Khan: We could use someone like you and your friend!
?: Yeah man, you two were kickass! How you handled those disassembly drones? Besides, it's dangerous out there!
You nod, and think, looking at the group of drones and back at the door...
Your choices:
(Well, what's it gonna be buster?)
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